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A Prayer for Uvalde [after the Massacre at Robb Elementary School], by Rabbi Stephen Belsky (25 May 2022)

A prayer for Uvalde and for all of us, from a little over three hours away, up the road in Austin…


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May Gd who grants dominion to rulers
and responsibility to citizens –
whose kingdom is all eternities –
and strengthen
those who were injured yesterday
in the attack on Robb Elementary school in Uvalde,
along with the bereaved families and friends
of those who were murdered.
Heal the grieving community of Uvalde;
protect our distraught state of Texas;
bless the entire United States of America,
and inspire all its inhabitants
with love
and brotherhood.
In Gd’s great mercies,
uproot and destroy all cruelty,
and violence
from upon us,
among us,
and within us,
and place in the hearts of all our leaders
to love peace,
and to preserve the peace and freedom of the land,
until the coming of the day of our prophets’ vision –
when Gd consoles exiles like a mother,
and the world is full of the knowledge of God
as water covers the seas.
Let this be Gd’s will,
and let us say amein.
(And when we pray,
think carefully about what we mean to ask from God –
and what we need to demand of each other.)

This prayer was first shared by Rabbi Stephen Belsky on his Facebook page, 25 May 2022.


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