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Prayer for Sailors and Soldiers on Active Service, by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1914)


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Prayer for Sailors and Soldiers on Active Service.
O Lord God of Hosts!
Thou art our refuge and strength at all times.
Unto thee we pour forth our hearts in prayer,
that thou mayest be with us both in time of peace and of war,
and shield us from all sorrow and hurt.
Fill our hearts with courage and steadfastness
that we may perform our duty to our King and Country
for the honour of Israel and of the Empire.
Do thou gird us with victory
so that peace may speedily reign over all the earth.
Into thy hands we commend our lives,
for thou art our guardian and our deliverer.

“Prayer for Sailors and Soldiers on Active Service,” was likely written by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz and published at the outset of the Prayer Book for Jewish Sailors and Soldiers [of H.M. Forces] (Office of the Chief Rabbi 1914), p. 5.




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