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Creator in Heaven! Thou who art the father of all men, look down from Thy holy dwelling on High upon me, Thy faithful child, I am now ready publicly to acknowledge Thy unity and Thy Providence, to make a voluntary and a solemn vow, continually to observe and to practice Thy law revealed through Moses, and to swear everlasting fidelity to the faith of my ancestors. I Pray Thee, be Thou also my father, and receive me as Thy child. Have indulgence with my foibles, and preserve me from every failing. Should I stumble through the allurement to sin, help me with Thy affectionate hand, and forgive my levity. Lend me Thy spirit, to strengthen me in the dangers of youth and comfort me in sorrow. Let me guided by noble principles, consider above all how to live according to Thy will, and to become still more perfect. Let me never be in want of noble-minded friends and supporters. Crown my undertakings with Thy paternal blessing, support me in the discharge of my duties as a daughter, sister and friend; and assist me like a father in the exercise of all that is good. When the hour arrives, in which I shall have to depart from this life of preparation, and enter the true fatherland; O fortify me by faith in Thee and Thy prophets, and let me richly feel the comfort which I may have prepared for myself through a pious course, so that I may tranquilly repose in sleep, like our pious mothers, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, and arrive yonder, where the palm of reward is waving for the virtuous. Amen. |

“Prayers Previous to Initiation on Attaining the Age of Twelve, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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