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Source (French) | Translation (English) |
Prière du père et de la mère le jour de l’initiation de leur enfant. |
Prayer of the father and mother on the day of their child’s initiation. |
Pendant qu’on récite la prière ci-dessus: |
While the above prayer is being recited: |
«Je l’ai consacré à l’Éternel poor toute sa vie» (Samuel 1, 28). |
“I have consecrated him to the Lord all his days” (Samuel 1:28). |
Seigneur, tu m’âs accordé la grâce d’élever mon enfant jusqu’à ce jour. A travers la fragilité des premières années, à travers les dangers sans nombre qui ont menacé sa frêle existence, ta main tutélaire l’a conduit jusqu’ici; et je viens, ô mon Seigneur, d’un cœur reconnaissant, comme jadis les parents de Samuel, le consacrer à ton service! |
Lord, you have granted me the grace to raise my child to this day. Through the fragility of the first years, through the countless dangers that threatened his frail existence, your tutelary hand has led him here; and I come, O my Lord, with a grateful heart, as Samuel’s parents did in the past, to consecrate him to your service. |
Tu viens de le recevoir dans l’alliance d’Israël; désormais, ô mon Dieu, c’est sur sa propre tête que reposera la responsabilité de sa conduite envers toi et envers les hommes. |
You have just received him in the covenant of Israel; from now on, O my God, the responsibility of his conduct towards you and towards men will rest on his own head. |
Je m’èffraie quand je songe aux dangers qui l’attendent sur son chemin, aux séduetions qui viendront au devant de lui, aux erreurs et aux fautes qu’il pourra commettre! |
I am frightened when I think of the dangers that await him on his path, the seductions that will come before him, the errors and faults that he may commit! |
Dans cette appréhension, c’est encore auprès de toi, ô mon Dieu, que je viens calmer mes angoisses et réfugier mes espérances. O daigne étendre ta main protectrice sur mon enfant; veille sur sou adolescence comme tu as veillé sur son berceau; s’il vient à chanceler sur sa route, envoie à son secours l’ange gardien qui conduisit le jeune Tobie; aplanis devant lui les difficultés de l’existence, ne le soumets pas à des épreuves trop rudes; fais-lui trouver grâce aux yeux des hommes par des qualités estimables. Ne permets pas surtout, ô Seigneur, qu’il oublie les vœux qu’il vient de prononcer, mais qu’il reste fidèle à la foi de son Dieu, et attire sur lui les bénédictions du ciel et l’amour des hommes! Amen. |
In this apprehension, it is again to you, O my God, that I come to calm my anxieties and to give refuge to my hopes. O deign to extend your protective hand over my child; watch over his adolescence as you watched over his cradle; if he should stumble on his path, send to his aid the guardian angel who led the young Tobias; smooth out before him the difficulties of life, do not subject him to too harsh trials; make him find grace in the eyes of men through qualities that are worthy of esteem. Above all, O Lord, do not allow him to forget the vows he has just taken, but let him remain faithful to the faith of his God, and draw upon him the blessings of heaven and the love of men! Amen. |
“Prière du père et de la mère le jour de l’initiation de leur enfant” appears as the third prayer in a Bnei Mitsvah service for boys and girls as published in Imrei Lev: Prières D’un Cœur Israélite (second edition, 1852) by Jonas Ennery and Rabbi Arnaud Aron.

“Prière du père et de la mère le jour de l’initiation de leur enfant | Prayer of the father and mother on the day of their child’s initiation (as a Bar/Bat Mitsvah), by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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