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Lord of Hosts! Thou art the King of glory. Thou art praised by the Host of Heaven, worshiped from the rising of the sun even onto the sitting thereof; nations and princes bow their knee to thee. | |
O Lord! Thou art the King of Glory. To thee we consecrate this central house; guard and shelter it from all perils and from all dangers. | |
Grant that all who come here, either weeping or rejoicing, bowed down by the load of sin, or elated by the sense of gratitude, either struggling with sin or fighting against passion, may find here the gate of heaven. Let them feel they are in Thy House, which is called by Thy name. | |
To Thee we consecrate the reading desk, the perpetual light, the Ark in which is enshrined the scroll of our faith. As often as it is read, may its spirit descend upon all its hearers, so that they may feel awe, to that they may feel it rivals, in brightness and fixedness, the stars of heaven. | |
Let Thy mercy come upon the minister of this congregation, and grant that every word spoken from this place, may strengthen his community in the adherence of Thy Holy Word. Let his words be blessed by Thy mercy, so that they may deepen and render clear the perception of Thy Law. | |
Grant Thy blessing upon all who have come forward with willing hearts and open hands, and poured forth offerings for the building of this synagogue. | |
Let Thy blessings come to all; especially to those who have not given sleep to their eyes or slumber to their eyelids, until they have found a habitation for Thee, O Lord! Grant that this may be to them and to their offspring a blessing, that they may come hither to thank Thee, O Lord! | |
Take under Thy providence all the congregations of this land. Grant that the band of brotherhood may become stronger from day to day. | |
Vouchsafe the spirit of brotherly love unto this favored land. Bestow Thy blessings upon all, upon her who rules with mercy and truth, upon all the members of the Royal House, upon all her counselors who are assembled in the nation’s Senate. | |
Hasten the time, O Lord, when Thou wilt place a sanctuary in Zion, when a real Central Sanctuary will be erected in Zion, whither all mankind shall flow, and where all mankind shall worship Thee with one language, and with one heart; where all mankind will worship Thee, Thou King of Glory. Amen. |
This prayer at the consecration of the Central Synagogue (in London) pffered by the chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Empire, Nathan Marcus Adler, on 7 April 1870. The prayer was reprinted in “A Sermon By the Chief Rabbi,” The Israelite, vol. 117 part 14 (29 April 1870), page 9.

“Prayer at the Consecration of the Central Synagogue by chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler (7 April 1870)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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