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Prayer for a Synagogue Consecration, by Lilian Helen Montagu


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Almighty Father,
we pray to Thee with faith in Thy directing power
and in Thy eternal love.
We humbly ask Thee to accept this Synagogue
as an offering unto Thee.
Let Thy blessing be upon it.
Grant that those who come to worship here
may come in a spirit of humility
and filled with love for a living Judaism.
May they find here consolation in times of trouble,
courage and hope when in doubt or difficulty,
and when in joy, the consecration of their happiness.
Do Thou, our God,
reveal to those who pray in this place
the way to righteousness,
and peace.
Let the men and women,
young people and children
who gather here
in sincerity
in ever greater numbers,
receive Thine instruction
through study and service,
and strive to share Thy divine light
with all seekers.
Place Thy blessing, we pray Thee,
on the leader of this Synagogue,
and on all who come to work with him
for the welfare of its members and for all men.
Quicken the faith of all who worship in this House of Prayer,
that they may know full well
that Thy presence is in their midst
now and for evermore.

This “Synagogue Consecration Prayer ” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) was included by Rabbi Morrison David Bial in his anthology, An Offering of Prayer (1962), p. 50. Although the context is not provided by Rabbi Bial, we would like to imagine that the consecration was for the establishment of the West Central Liberal Jewish Synagogue in 1928 (destroyed by Nazi German bombardment of London in 1941). If you know for certain the context of this prayer, please leave a comment or contact us.




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