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When I Am Old | |
When I am old and bent with years, And marked by life’s great joys and fears, When these soft tresses—ebon now,— Shall lie like snow upon my brow, Will I have heard life’s story told In smiles or tears, when I am old? | |
Shall I then look indifferently On all that Time yet hides from me? Or will to-morrow and to-day Still roll like mystic screens away, Revealing shade and sunshine’s gold, And joys and fears, when I am old? | |
Will every flower that gems the sod Still seem to smile its praise to God? Will starry nights and woodland streams Glide o’er life’s page like elfin dreams? Or will I care no more to hold These treasures dear, when I am old? | |
How will the praise and blame of men Fall on my heart and conscience then? Will I have learned to bear the sneers, That fill my eyes with angry tears? Will words of love such joy unfold, Such music wake, when I am old? | |
Who, at that far-off time, will be The friends I’ll love, and who to me Will make life sweet? Will I still trace Some beauty in each wrinkled face? Ah, will my hands the same hands fold In friendship’s clasp, when I am old? | |
When I am old? It seems to me That such a time can never be: That my strong eyes shall fail in sight. My quick ear hear no sound aright; So far away—’tis almost bold For me to say “when I am old.” | |
Yet should God bless my life with age, May I have written on life’s page A noble thought, a word to bless! May I then view with happiness The past, and may my songs unfold A praise to God that I am old. |
The poem “When I Am Old” by Miriam del Banco (1858-1931) was included in her posthumously published anthology, Poetry and Prose (1932), p. 111-112. The poem was likely published during her lifetime, but we do not know where or when. If you know, please leave a comment, or contact us. –Aharon Varady

“When I Am Old, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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