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Return, Oh Lord! and Let Me Be (Job 29), a hymn on “Charity” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)


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Job 29.
Return, oh Lord! and let me be,
As I have been in seasons past;
When, graciously preserved by thee,
No shadow on my soul was cast.
When firm and fearless in my youth,
Through darkness oft I walked abroad;
Wanting no star but perfect truth,
No sun to light me, but my God.
Where are the troops of flatterers now,
Who once my tabernacle sought?
No word of comfort they bestow,
Upon a heart with anguish fraught.
The poor, in me a father hailed,
And freely of my stores partook;
But since my earthly treasures failed,
E’en these my presence cannot brook.
Proud men and princes held their peace,
When I for justice raised my voice,
And caused the orphan’s tear to cease,
The widow’s spirit to rejoice.
Yea, righteousness hath been my robe,
And equity my diadem;
Yet, scorners seek my wounds to probe,
And my integrity condemn.
Oh! blest be he who, when bereaved
Of worldly substance, children, friends,
Finds balm in former good achieved,
And with his prayer no murmur blends.

“Return, oh Lord! and let me be (Job chap. XXIX),” by Penina Moïse, published in 1842, appears under the subject “Charity” as Hymn 38 in Hymns Written for the Service of the Hebrew Congregation Beth Elohim, South Carolina (Penina Moïse et al., Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, 1842), pp. 41-42. –Aharon Varady




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