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Courage to Withstand the Ridicule of the Worldly Suggested by Psalms 4 | |
O God, when I strive to live in accord with your will, to deal honestly, to act kindly, to pursue justice and peace, I find but few to hearten me. | |
Many are they who deride me and mock my ways. | |
Grant me, O YHVH, the strength to resist the swirling eddy of worldly ambition that would suck me into the vortex of envy, struggle, and hate. | |
Give me the courage to withstand the derision of those who sneer at virtue, lest my spirit be cowed. | |
To those who, in their unbridled greed, take joy in hoarding riches and wielding dominion I would retort: O, ye fools, in vain ye seek to slake your thirst for wealth and power. | |
Your discontent must grow with each new draft. | |
All your scheming and all your lying will bring you naught but failure. | |
You will yearn in vain for a moment of inner peace and for a sign of God’s approval. | |
Not such is my lot; though my means be slender, and they who befriend me few, yet my cup overflows with happiness. | |
The zest I have in life all your wealth can never yield. | |
Peacefully I lay me down at night to sleep, in calm reliance on God’s blessed love. |
“Courage to Withstand the Ridicule of the Worldly,” by Rabbi Mordecai Menaḥem Kaplan can be found on p. 433-4 of his The Sabbath Prayer Book (New York: The Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, 1945). I have adapted the original text of this prayer, replacing “thy” with ‘your’ and “Lord” with ‘YHVH’. –Aharon N. Varady

“Courage to Withstand the Ridicule of the Worldly, a prayer by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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