This is a generated list of all the prayers, piyyutim, pizmonim, etc., shared through the Open Siddur Project, sorted alphabetically.
If you have an original prayer you would like to share, or a transcription or translation of a historic work you would like to contribute, please do — and thank you.
- “A veritable universal pledge of allegiance to this planet and to its peoples,” by Adlai E. Stevenson Ⅱ (9 July 1965)
- “All adrift on the stream of life” a prayer for help and self-control by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “An important message, November 2023,” a prayer-poem in the form of a shipping notice by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- “As I approach” a prayer for opening oneself to praying by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “Avinu Malkeinu,” dvar tefillah by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- “Coal Miners’ Prayer” (CCAR 1924)
- “Ein Mensch ist ein räumlich und zeitlich beschränktes” (A human being is…limited in time and space) — a letter of consolation by Albert Einstein (1950)
- “Give me peace of soul” a prayer for self-control by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “Guard me from yielding to this temptation to err” a prayer by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “Heal me” a prayer for healing by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “Help our loved one who lingers in pain” a prayer for healing by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “Just Walk Beside Me” (לֵךְ פָּשׁוּט לְצִדִּי | امشي بجانبي | נאָר גיין לעבן מיר), lines from an unknown author circulating in 1970; Jewish adaptation with translations in Aramaic, Hebrew, Yiddish, and Arabic
- “Know Before Whom Thou Standest,” a poem on the inscription above the Aron haḲodesh by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, Charleston, ca. 1840)
- “Prayer Song,” a hymn by Stephen Hanan Kaplan from the play, David Dances (1975)
- “Teach me to be real!” a prayer for integrity by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “That America’s Heroes Shall Not Have Died in Vain” with a special El Malé Raḥamim prayer for Memorial Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- “The Lord’s Prayer with Variations,” a civic prayer for opening a legislative session by Rabbi Dr. Edward B.M. Browne (14 February 1871)
- “Thy will be done” a prayer for self-resignation by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “To whom life is everlasting” a prayer in the face of mortality by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “Why should I torture myself” a prayer for reassurance by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- “Mene, Mene, Tekel Upharsin,” a prayer-poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- [Children’s] Prayer for a Youth Service during World War Ⅱ, by Lilian Helen Montagu (11 April 1942)
- [Children’s] Prayer for Ḥanukkah, by Lilian Helen Montagu (5 December 1942)
- [Children’s] Prayer for Shabbat Teshuvah, by Lilian Helen Montagu (27 September 1941)
- [Gebet] Am Dienstag, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Donnerstag, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Freitag, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Geburtstage | Prayer on a Birthday, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- [Gebet] Am Laubhüttenfest beim Kreisgang mit dem Lulaw und Esrog | [Prayer] on Sukkot at the Haḳafot with the Lulav & Etrog, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Mittwoch, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Montag, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Neumonde | Prayer for the Day of New Moon, by Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Sabbath, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Sonntag, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Am Thora-Freudenfest | [A prayer] on Simḥat Torah, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] An den ersten Tagen des Laubhüttenfestes | [A prayer] on the first days of Sukkot by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] An den letzten Tagen des Laubhüttenfestes | [A prayer] on the last days of Sukkot, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] für den Regenten | Prayer for the Regent (Kaiser Franz Ⅰ, emperor of Austria), a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- [Gebet] in den letzten Monaten der Schwangerschaft | Prayer in the last months of pregnancy, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- [Gebet] nach der Entbindung | Prayer after the childbirth, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- [Gebet] Vor der Entbindung | [Prayer] Before the Childbirth, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- [Gebet] Zur Zeit der Niederkunft | Prayer at the time of childbirth, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- [Ḥanukkah] the Feast of Light and Dedication — a prayer by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- [I’m Spending] Ḥanukkah in Santa Monica, by Tom Lehrer (1990)
- [Prayer before] the Chamber of Commerce and Civics [of the Oranges & Maplewood, New Jersey], a Cold War prayer by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1950)
- [Prayer During] the Epidemic of 1918, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach
- [Prayer for a] Nurses’ Commencement, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1951)
- [Prayer for a] Teachers’ Commencement, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1951)
- [Prayer for a] Tree Planting, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1952)
- [Prayer for the] Dedication of a Medical Research Clinic, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (ca. 1950s)
- [Prayer for Wisdom on] Saturday Night, by Grace Aguilar (25 February 1837)
- [Prayer for] Brotherhood Week, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1951)
- [Prayer for] Little League [Baseball], by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (ca. 1950s)
- [Prayer for] Memorial Day, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1954)
- [Prayer for] Our Contemners, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- [Prayer for] Rebirth, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (ca. 1950s)
- [Prayer for] Saturday night [on New Year’s Eve], by Grace Aguilar (31 December 1836)
- [Prayer for] Saturday night, by Grace Aguilar (14 January 1837)
- [Prayer for] Saturday night, by Grace Aguilar (24 December 1836)
- [Prayer for] the Ninth of Aḇ, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- [Prayer for] the Sabbath, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- [Prayer on the] Retirement of a Civic Servant (Mayor Charles Henry Martens), by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1952)
- [Prayer on] the Birthday of the United Nations, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1947)
- [Prayer on] the Decline of Religious Observance, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- [Prayer on] the German Crisis, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (3 April 1933)
- [Prayer] After the Epidemic, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (ca. 1920)
- [Prayer] at a Mother’s Grave, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] at the Grave of a Brother or Sister, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] at the Grave of a Child, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] Before Sleeping (for Very Young Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- [Prayer] for enlightenment, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for Forgiveness, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for home, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for hope, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for Knowledge and Understanding, by Rabbi Louis M. Epstein
- [Prayer] for Peace Among the Nations, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- [Prayer] for purity, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for Reconciliation, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for sincerity, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for the Day of Atonement, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] for the Eve of the New Year, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] for the Last Days of Passover, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] for the Persecuted, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- [Prayer] for the Sabbath Day, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] for the Sick, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for Those in Sorrow, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for understanding, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for unselfishness, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] for usefulness, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] in Illness, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (ca. 1950s)
- [Prayer] in Sickness, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- [Prayer] in Spring, by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (ca. 1950s)
- [Prayer] in Time of Stress, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayer] on a Birthday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- [Prayer] on Abandoning the Gold Standard, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (21 April 1933)
- [Prayer] on Becoming Engaged, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- [Prayer] on Education Week, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (24 April 1933)
- [Prayer] on Ending Apprenticeship and Beginning Paid Work, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- [Prayer] on Leaving School and Beginning Apprenticeship, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- [Prayer] on Recovering from Sickness, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- [Prayer] on the Anniversary of a Parent’s Death (יאָרצײַט), by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- [Prayer] on the Disaster of the USS Akron, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (5 April 1933)
- [Prayer] on the Eve of Inauguration, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (3 March 1933)
- [Prayer] on the Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as President of the United States, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (4 March 1933)
- [Prayer] on the Legalization of Beer, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (22 February 1933)
- [Prayer] on the Los Angeles Earthquake, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (12 March 1933)
- [Prayers] for courage, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayers] for faith and strength, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayers] for peacefulness, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayers] for the sanctification of life (on Shabbat), by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayers] in Memoriam, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayers] in thankfulness, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [Prayers] on a Bed of Sickness, by Basil Lucas Quixano Henriques (1916)
- [בחודש אייר בראשון] | [On the 1st of Iyyar] — the first psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- 💬 “A Parable Against Persecution,” a pseudepigraphal text written by Benjamin Franklin (1755)
- 💬 A New Declaration of Independence, by Emma Goldman (1909)
- 💬 Amendment ⅩⅣ to the Constitution of the United States of America (1866/1868, with translations in Hebrew and Yiddish by Judah David Eisenstein 1891)
- 💬 De Rechten van den Menschen van den Burger | דברי הברית החקים והמשפטים אשר בין אדם לאדם | The Rights of Man and of the Citizen, after the Declaration of the Batavian Republic and the Emancipation of Dutch Jewry (1795/1798)
- 💬 Declaration of Interdependence, by Meyer David, Christian Richard, and Will Durant (1944)
- 💬 Iwo Jima Memorial Address at Fifth Marine Division Cemetery, by Rabbi Chaplain Roland B. Gittelsohn (21 March 1945)
- 💬 Preamble and Introduction to the United Nations Charter (1945) | מבוא לאמנת האומות המאוחדות (Hebrew trans., 1949)
- 💬 Preamble to the United States Constitution (1787, with translations in Hebrew and Yiddish by Judah David Eisenstein 1891)
- 💬 The Bill of Rights: Amendments Ⅰ through Ⅹ of the Constitution of the United States (1791, with translations in Hebrew and Yiddish by Judah David Eisenstein 1891)
- 💬 The Declaration of Independence of the United States of America (1776) | די דעקלאראציע פון אומאָפּהענגיקײט (Yiddish translation 1954) | הצהרת העצמאות של ארצות־הברית (Hebrew translation 1945)
- 💬 Universal Declaration of Human Rights | אַלװעלטלעכע דעקלאַראַציע פֿון מענטשנרעכט | הַכְרָזָה לְכׇל בָּאֵי עוֹלָם בִּדְבַר זְכֻיוֹת הָאָדָם | Deklarasion Universal de Derechos Umanos (1948)
- 💬 זָכוֹר אֶת־יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ | Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy, a reading for the first se’udah of Shabbat from the Zohar (parashat Yitro)
- 💬 זָכוֹר אֶת־יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ | Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy, a reading for the second se’udah of Shabbat from the Zohar (parashat Yitro)
- 💬 זָכוֹר אֶת־יוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת לְקַדְּשׁוֹ | Remember the Shabbat day to keep it holy, a reading for the third se’udah of Shabbat from the Zohar (parashat Yitro)
- 💬 כְּגַוְנָא | K’gavna, on the Secret of Oneness and the Mystery of Shabbat, a reading from the Zohar (parashat Terumah §163-166 & §169-170)
- 💬 מזמור לבן סירא על זכות אבותינו (פרקים מד-נ) | Paean of Ben Sira on the Merit of the Ancestors (ch. 44-50), vocalized and cantillated with the Poetic Masoretic System by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פֶּרֶק שִׁירָה | Pereq Shirah, a litany of verses spoken by the creatures & works of Creation (after the arrangement of Natan Slifkin)
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק א׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter One, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ב׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Two, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ג׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Three, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ד׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Four, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ה׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Five, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 💬 פרקי אבות פרק ו׳ | Pirqei Avot: Chapter Six, cantillated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 📄 Scaling the Walls of the Labyrinth: Psalms 67 and Ana b’Khoaḥ
- 📄 Sourcetexts on Jewish Prayer and Spirituality, compiled by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
- 📄 אָמְרוּ רַבּוֹתֵֽינוּ זִכְרוֹנָם לִבְרָכָה | “Said our Sages of Blessed Memory” — a Midrashic Addition to the Extrapolation of the First Fruits
- 📄 הגדה לסדר אלף באלול, ראש השנה לבעלי־החיים (זנגביל) | Haggadah for the Alef b’Elul Seder, the New Year’s Day for Animals (Ginger House 2013)
- 📄 הַגָּדָה שֶׁלַּפֶּסַח הַשֵּׁנִי | Haggadah for Pesaḥ Sheni on the Evening of the 14th of Iyar, compiled by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 📄 וּמִנַּֽיִן שֶׁנָּתַן־לָֽנוּ | uMinayin sheNatan Lanu — a Midrashic Addition to Daiyenu
- 📄 מעריב ליל שבת לפי נוסח פרס העתיק | Maariv for the Sabbath Evening according to the Ancient Persian Rite
- 📄 סֵדֶר ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | On Sweet Fruit and Deep Mysteries: Kabbalistic and Midrashic Texts to Sweeten your Tu Bishvat Seder, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- 📄 סדר מימונה | Seder Mimounah
- 📄 סדר עתיק לקריאות מהתנ״ך לפי מסכת סופרים | A Service for Scriptural Readings from Antiquity, reconstructed from Masekhet Soferim by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 📄 שֶׁבַע מִצְוֺת בְּנֵי נֹחַ | the 7 Noaḥide Commands, or those prohibitions mandated upon all of humanity according to early Rabbinic sources
- 📖 A Second Passover Seder Plate with Seven Additions, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- 📖 ברכת המזון (אשכנז) | Der Tischdank, a translation of the Birkat haMazon in German by Franz Rosenzweig (1920)
- 📖 נאַכטװערטער | מדרשי צלמוות | Nightwords: A Midrash on the Holocaust, by Dr. David G. Roskies (1970, 4th ed. CLAL: 2000)
- 📖 סדר אכילת הסמנים | Seder Akhilat haSimanim for Rosh Hashanah 5781, by Ḥayyim Obadyah (2020)
- 📖 שִׁמּוּשׁ תְּהִלִּים | Shimush Tehillim (the Theurgical Use of Psalms), attributed to Hai ben Sherira Gaon
- 📜 שירת הים | Shirat haYam :: the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:1-19)
- 🗐 מִדְרָשִׁים עַל אָדָם הָרִאשׁוֹן וּתְקוּפַת הֶחֹרֶף | Midrashim on the Origin of the Winter Solstice and Kalends Festivals by Primaeval Adam
- A Bedtime Prayer at Night, by Dinah Julia Levi (1900)
- A Bedtime Prayer for the Young, by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)
- A Blessing for all our Children [at the Onset of the School Year], by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A Blessing for Students Going to Israel to Study, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2016)
- A Blessing for the Bees, a New Year’s prayer for 5785 by Devorah Brous (FromSoil2Soul)
- A Blessing for the Bugs on the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals, Rosh Hashana La-Behemah, by Trisha Arlin
- A Blessing for the Sudden Relief from Chronic Pain, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A blessing for you if you need one, from Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
- A Blessing over Water for Peace, Health, Joy, Prosperity, and Kindness — by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (ca. 2004)
- A Blessing upon Observing a Solar Eclipse, by Rabbi Colman Reaboi (8 April 2024)
- A Child’s Prayer on its Birthday, by Frederick de Sola Mendes (1887)
- A Child’s Prayer on its Parent’s Birthday, by Frederick de Sola Mendes (1887)
- A Closing Prayer by the Ḥazzan, by Gershom Seixas (Ḳ.Ḳ. Shearith Israel, 1789)
- A Confession of Communal Complicity, an Al Ḥet supplement for Yom Kippur by Rabbi Brant Rosen
- A Delightful Tkhine for a Pregnant Woman to Say (ca. early 17th c.)
- A Description of my Dreams, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1848)
- A General Prayer for Adult Transitions, by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
- A Guided Meditation for Pesaḥ, by Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein
- A HaLakhma Anya Passover Seder Supplement for the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic (Our Common Destiny 2020)
- A Jerusalem Prayer, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A Jewish Prayer for Graduation and an Interfaith Meditation on Wisdom and Learning, by Jonah Rank (2010)
- A Jewish Prayer for Nakba Day (يوم النكبة), by Rabbi Brant Rosen
- A Jewish Prayer for Peace between England and her Colonies on a public day of fasting and prayer, 17 May 1776
- A Kavvanah for Paying Taxes, by Zach Teutsch
- A Kavvanah for Waking Up, by Andrew Shaw
- A Kavvanah for Welcoming the Shabbat with the Spring Equinox, by Rabbi Yaakov Reef
- A Kavvanah on Praying, Singing, and Listening to Torah Readings, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1942)
- A Lamentation for Gaza on Tishah b’Av, by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2014)
- A Love Song to Arabs from a Jew, by Pesach Dahvid Stadlin (2011)
- A Man of Value, by Debra Cash
- A Memory’s fire burns within me still, by Andrew Meit adapted from the Qinah, “Aish Tuqad b’Qirbi”
- A Mini-Seliḥot, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A New Birkat haMazon/Blessing After the Meal, by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2021)
- A nő imája férjéért | A woman’s prayer for her husband, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)
- A Passover Prayer [for Jews in the United States], by Rabbi Norman Salit (ca. 1920s)
- A Penitential Prayer, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (October 1867)
- A Personal Vow to Accept upon Oneself the Way of Non-violence on Yom Kippur, by Rabbi Brant Rosen
- A Prayer at the Ceremony of Breaking Ground for the Ocean Parkway Jewish Center, by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (1924)
- A Prayer at the Ceremony of the Corner Stone Laying for the Ocean Parkway Jewish Center, by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (1925)
- A Prayer at the Dedication Ceremony for the Ocean Parkway Jewish Center, by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (1926)
- A Prayer at the Dedication of a Monument for War Veterans, by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (1924)
- A Prayer at the Installation of Congregation Officers for the Ocean Parkway Jewish Center, by Rabbi Jacob Bosniak (ca. 1924)
- A Prayer before Candle-lighting, by Chaya Kaplan-Lester
- A Prayer before Torah Study, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- A prayer for a country poised between demise and rebirth, by Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein (Applied Jewish Spirituality 2023)
- A Prayer for a New World Order, by Rabbi Dr. Mordecai Kaplan (ca. 1945-1951)
- A Prayer for a Pregnant Woman to Say when She Wishes for an Easy Labor (ca. early 17th c.)
- A Prayer for a Woman before giving birth, from a Seder Tkhines (ca. 1640-1720)
- A Prayer for All Eight Nights of Ḥanukkah, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org, 2024)
- A Prayer for America’s Veterans and Servicemembers on Veterans Day, by David Abernethy
- A Prayer for Central Oklahoma After the Tornado, by Rabbi Abby Jacobson (2013)
- A Prayer for Clergy, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A Prayer for Compassion During Violent Conflict, by Trisha Arlin (2014)
- A Prayer for Daily Guidance, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1851)
- A Prayer for Democracies Everywhere with the Welfare of Ukraine Foremost in Mind, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org, 2022)
- A Prayer for Dew, by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
- A Prayer for Divine Mercy, by Glikl bat Yehudah Leib from her memoirs (ca. early 18th c.)
- A Prayer for Eating on Yom Kippur, by A Mitzvah to Eat (2022)
- A Prayer for Girls entering Domestic Service, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- A Prayer for Healing and Unity since October 7 (Ein Gebet für Heilung und Einigkeit seit dem 7. Oktober), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- A Prayer for Healing, by Rabbi Brant Rosen (Tzedek Chicago)
- A Prayer for Health in Work, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A Prayer for Israel [after the war begun on Shemini Atseret 5784], by Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein (10 October 2023)
- A Prayer for Justice, Blessing, and Praise on Shabbat Shoftim, by Virginia Spatz (2015)
- A Prayer for Kavvanah, by Amanda Rush
- A Prayer for Knowledge of the Messiah, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1851)
- A Prayer for Librarians, by Trisha Arlin
- A Prayer for Our Country Before Election Day, by David Abernethy (2024)
- A Prayer for Our Country, its Leaders, and its Citizens — by David Abernethy (2020)
- A Prayer for Our Teachers, by Rabbi Albert G. Baum (ca. 1930s)
- A Prayer for Peace After War, by Norman Corwin (1945)
- A Prayer for Peace and Goodwill Among the Nations of the Earth, by Rabbi Jonas Kaminkowski (1927)
- A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine and Beyond, by Rabbi Dr. Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi (2022)
- A Prayer for Pittsburgh [after the Tree of Life synagogue massacre], by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2018)
- A Prayer for Protection from Oppression and Persecution (CCAR 1924)
- A Prayer for Remembrance and Peace on Memorial Day, by David Abernethy
- A Prayer for Renewal, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi (2004)
- A Prayer for Repro Shabbat (National Council of Jewish Women 2022)
- A Prayer for the Despondent, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- A Prayer for the Flood Stricken in eastern Kentucky, by Rabbi David Dine Wirtschafter (2022)
- A Prayer for the Greater Iowa City Church of the Nazarene, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A Prayer for the Ill, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- A Prayer for the Love of God, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1851)
- A Prayer for the New Year (5781), by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A prayer for the recovery of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (2018)
- A Prayer for the Sabbath Eve, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- A Prayer for the Steadfast on the Global Shabbat Against Home Demolitions, by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2016)
- A Prayer for the United Nations, by Lilian Helen Montagu
- A Prayer for the United States of America in the Aftermath of an Act of Violence (14 July 2024)
- A Prayer for the United States of America Right Now, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2021)
- A Prayer for this Moment, Standing at the Mountain, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2021)
- A Prayer for Those Denied Abortion Care, by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg (National Council of Jewish Women 2021)
- A Prayer for Today (US Election Day 2020), by Rabbi Shai Held
- A Prayer for Travel, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- A Prayer for Ukraine, by Chaya Kaplan Lester (2022)
- A Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2022)
- A Prayer for Ukraine, by the Sinai Temple Clergy (24 February 2022)
- A Prayer for Uvalde [after the Massacre at Robb Elementary School], by Rabbi Stephen Belsky (25 May 2022)
- A Prayer for Yom Kippur, by Andy Izenson
- A Prayer from a Traumatized Jewish Heart, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (10 October 2023)
- A Prayer in the Aftermath of a Devastating Storm, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2012)
- A Prayer of Gratitude Upon Receiving a COVID Vaccination, by Chaya Kaplan-Lester (2021)
- A Prayer of Healing for Mental Illness, by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
- A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Friday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Monday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Sunday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Thursday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Tuesday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Wednesday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- A Prayer upon the Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, by Rabbi Alexandra Wright (Liberal Jewish Synagogue, 2022)
- A Psalm of Gratitude, a poem by Ben Aronin (ca. 1950)
- A Rosh haShanah Amidah, by Trisha Arlin
- A Scholar’s Prayer for Intellectual Honesty, adapted from a prayer quoted by Dr. Leslie Weatherhead (1951)
- A Story of the World (for the Avodah Service on Yom Kippur) by R’ Yonah Lavery-Yisraeli
- A Sukkot Prayer [for Jews in the United States], by Rabbi Norman Salit (ca. 1920s)
- A Supplication Before the Divine Throne During an Outbreak of Asiatic Cholera in Montreal by Rabbi Abraham de Sola (1849)
- A Ten-Step, Four-Worlds, One-Earth Tashlikh, by Avi Dolgin
- A Tree Comes of Age, an essay on the awakening of the trees during the month of Sh’vat by Rabbi Dr. Daniel Sperber
- A Vaccine Prayer, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2021)
- A Vision, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1850)
- A Waking Prayer in the Morning, by Dinah Julia Levi (1900)
- A Widow’s Prayer, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- A Wife’s Prayer for Matrimonial Happiness, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- A Wife’s Prayer whose Husband is on a Journey, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- A Wish, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1853)
- Abendlied | Evening prayer [for the Bedtime Shema], by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Abend⸗Gebet [№1] | Evening prayer [№1], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Abend⸗Gebet [№2] | Evening prayer [№2], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Abend⸗Gebet [№3] | Evening prayer [№3], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Abide in Me, and I in You: the Soul’s Answer, a prayer-poem by Harriet Beecher Stowe (1855/1865)
- Acte d’humilité | Act of humility, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Actions de graces après un événement heu-reux | Thanksgiving after a joyful reprieve, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Actions de graces pour la récolte et Prière pour demander un bon hiver | Thanksgiving for the Harvest and a Prayer for a Favorable Winter, a paraliturgical prayer for rain by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1848)
- Actions de graces pour notre émancipation en France | Thanksgiving for our Emancipation in France, by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1848)
- Activist Prayer for a Trauma Center on Chicago’s South Side, by Aryeh Bernstein (2015)
- Additions to Piyyutim on the High Holidays for the Shemitah Year, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Additions to the Rosh Hashanah Seder Akhilat haSimanim for the Shmitah Year, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Additions to the Rosh haShanah Seder Akhilat haSimanim, from Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Adventures in Ancient Jewish Liturgy: the Birkat Kohanim
- After Shaḥarit: Abiding Advice for Daily Living, by Eliyahu Carmi (1767)
- After the weekday Amidah, a prescription for taḥanun from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- Against Impurity, a prayer by Rev. Walter Rauschenbusch adapted by Rabbi Morris Lazaron (1918)
- Al HaNisim: For the Banners, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Al Ḥeyt, a paraliturgical translation by Shelby Handler & Maia Brown
- Al Ḥeyt, by Stew Albert & Judy Gumbo (2006)
- All Four (Are One), a prayer-poem for Passover by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat (Bayit, 2024)
- Allgemeines Gebet | General prayer, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Almighty God Whose Will Alone (Genesis 16:13), a hymn on Omniscience by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Almighty God! Thy Special Grace – a hymn for Purim by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Almighty God! We Pray to Thee – a “School Hymn” by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- Alternative Supplicatory Blessings for the Weekday Amidah by Rav Yehuda Lev Ashlag
- Although the Vine Its Fruit Deny, a hymn by Abraham Moïse (Reformed Society of Israel ca. 1826)
- Am dritten Tag der Woche | On the third day of the week, a teḥinah by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Am eigenen Geburtstage | On one’s own Birthday, by Rabbi Benjamin Szold (1867)
- Am Fasttage des neunten Monats | [Prayer] on the Fast day of Asarah b’Tevet (עשׂרה בטבת), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Fasttage des vierten Monats (שבעה עשר בתמוז) | For the Fast of the 17th of Tamuz, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Fasttage vor dem Purimfeste (תענית אסתר) | On the fast day before the Festival of Purim (Ta’anit Esther), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am fünften Tag der Woche | On the fifth day of the week, a teḥinah by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Am Geburtsfeste des Vaters | On one’s Father’s Birthday, by Rabbi Benjamin Szold (1867)
- Am Geburtstage der Mutter | On one’s Mother’s Birthday, by Rabbi Benjamin Szold (1867)
- Am Geburtstage des Lehrers | On one’s Teacher’s Birthday, by Rabbi Benjamin Szold (1867)
- Am Grabe der Eltern | At the grave of one’s parents, a teḥinah by Anna Lachmann (1907)
- Am Grabe der Eltern oder sonstiger Verwandten | [Prayer] at the grave of parents or other relatives, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe der Großmutter | At the grave of one’s grandmother, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe der Mutter | At the grave of one’s mother, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Am Grabe der Mutter | At the grave of one’s mother, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe des Gatten | At the grave of one’s husband, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Am Grabe des Gatten | At the grave of one’s husband, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe des Großvaters | At the grave of one’s grandfather, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe des Vaters | At the grave of one’s father, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe einer jungen Schwester | At the grave of one’s younger sister, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Am Grabe einer Person, die keinen guten Lebenswandel geführt hat | [Prayer] at the grave of a person who did not lead a good life, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe einer Tante | At the grave of one’s aunt, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe eines Bruders | At the grave of one’s brother, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe eines erwachsenen Kindes | At the grave of an adult child, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe eines jungen Bruders | At the grave of one’s younger brother, a teḥinah by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Am Grabe eines jungen Kindes | At the grave of a young child, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Grabe eines Onkels | At the grave of one’s uncle, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Neujahrstag und am Versöhnungstag, wenn der Vorbeter knieend spricht: וַאַנַחֲנוּ כּוֹרְעִים | On Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur, when the prayer leader kneels saying “va-anaḥnu kor’im”, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Am Neujahrstag und Versöhnungstag wenn der Vorbether Alenu sagt | On Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur at Aleinu, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Neujahrstage vor dem Schofer blasen | On Rosh haShanah, before the Shofar is blown, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Neujahrstage, Zweites Gebet vor dem Schofer blasen | On Rosh haShanah, a second prayer before the Shofar is blown, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Neujahrs⸗, am Versöhnungstage und am siebenten Tage des Laubhüttenfestes, wenn man Behufs der üblichen Vorlesungen die Gesetzrolle aus der heiligen Lade nimmt | On Rosh haShanah, Yom Kippur, and Hoshana Rabbah when one removes the Torah from the holy Ark, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Osterfeste, Paßah (פסח) [v.1] | Prayer on the Spring Festival, Pesaḥ (v.1) — a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Osterfeste, Paßah (פסח) [v.2] | Prayer on the Spring Festival, Pesaḥ (v.2) — a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Schlußfeste (Schemini aẓeress) | At the final festival (Shemini Atseret), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am sechsten Tage der Woche | On the sixth day of the week, a teḥinah by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Am siebenten Tage des Laubhüttenfestes (Hoschana Raba) | On the seventh day of Sukkot (Hoshana Rabbah), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Tage der Beschneidung | On the day of circumcision, a teḥinah by Anna Lachmann (1907)
- Am Tage der Zerstörung Jerusalems (תשעה באב) | On the Fast of the 9th of Av, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Tage vor dem neuen Jahre oder dem Versöhnungsfeste, wenn man die Gräber besucht | [Prayer] for when you visit the graves on Erev Rosh haShanah or Yom Kippur before the Seudah Mafseket, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Am Tage vor Neujahr auf dem Begräbnißplatz [№1] | On the day before the New Year in the burial ground [№1], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Tage vor Neujahr auf dem Begräbnißplatz [№2] | On the day before the New Year in the burial ground [№2], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Todestage der Eltern (Jahrẓeit) | On the day of the death of the parents (Yahrẓeit), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Todestage des Gedaljahu. Ẓom Gedalja | [Prayer] on the Day of the Assassination of Gedalyahu (צוֹם גְּדַלְיָה), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Überschreitungsfest | At the Passover Festival, a teḥinah for Pesaḥ by Peter Beer (1815)
- Am Versöhnungstag zu מנחה (über die Geschichte von Jona) | On reading the story of Yonah on Yom Kippur at Minḥah, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Versöhnungstage, wenn aus der heiligen Schrift vorgelesen wird | During the Torah Reading Service on Yom Kippur, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am vierten Tag der Woche | On the fourth day of the week, a teḥinah by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Am Vorabend des Versöhnungstages (כל נדרי) | On the Eve of Yom Kippur (Kol Nidrei), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Am Zerstörungstage Jerusalems, den 9. des Monats Aw (תשעת באב) | [Prayer] on the day of Jerusalem’s destruction: the 9th of Av, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Am zweiten Tage der Woche | On the second day of the week, a teḥinah by by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- An additional stanza for Ma’oz Tsur after 7 October, by Aryeh Baruch
- An Alternate Yom Kippur Vidui, by Ron Lee Meyers (2022)
- An American Covenant of Brotherhood, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan and Eugene Kohn (1945)
- An den Hauptfesten, wenn man Behufs der üblichen Vorlesungen die Gesetzrolle aus der heiligen Lade nimmt | On the Shalosh Regalim when one removes the Torah from the holy Ark, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- An der Jahrẓeit einer Mutter, wenn man fastet | On the Yahrẓeit of a mother when one is fasting, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- An die Freude | שִׁיר לְשִׂמְחָה | ode to Joy (Shir l’Simḥah), a Hebrew adaptation of the hymn by Friedrich Schiller (ca. late 18th c.)
- An einem allgemeinen Fasttage | [Prayer] on a general fast day, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- An einem Fasttage (תענית) | Prayer on a fast day, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- An Emendation to the Ḳiddush Levanah after the Moon Landing, by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (1969)
- An Evening Meditation, by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)
- An Evening Modeh Ani, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- An Infinity of Amens, by Rabbi Hanna Yerushalmi (15 October 2023)
- An Intention for Eating on Yom Kippur, by Rabba Melissa Scholten-Gutierrez (2022)
- An Intention for the New Year (5779), by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- An Untitled Prayer for Shaḥarit on days without Taḥanun after Psalms 15, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- An Urgent Prayer for the Protection of Human Life, by Rabbi Andy Vogel and Rabbi Seth Goldstein
- Andachtsübung einer betagten Frau! | Devotional exercise of an aged woman! — a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Andachtsübung einer Braut an ihrem Hochzeitstage | Devotional exercise of a bride on her wedding day, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Andachtsübung einer Mutter | Devotional exercise of a mother, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Andachtsübung über das Verhältniß der Kinder zu ihren Eltern | Devotional exercise on the relationship of children to their parents, a teḥinah for those with living parents during the Yizkor service by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Angels’ Heads, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1853)
- Announcement of the Count of Years since the Destruction of the (First) Temple, from the Yemenite Baladi-Rite (Tikhlal Ets Ḥayyim of Yiḥya Tsalaḥ)
- Another Prayer for Self-knowledge, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Apologia on the Sabbath, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Arise! Let the Souls of the Hebrews Rejoice, a hymn for Ḥanukkah by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- Armistice Day Prayer, by Rabbi Hyman Solomon (after World War Ⅰ, circa 1920s)
- Armistice Day Prayer, by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1923)
- Asher Yatsar (The One Who Forms), by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
- Atonement Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu
- Au Renouvellement Du Mois: Sur la Brièveté de la Vie | At the New Moon: On the Brevity of Life, by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1848)
- Auf den Gräbern frommer und gelehrter Männer | [Prayer] at the graves of pious and learned men, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Awareness, a prayer-poem by Miriam Teichner (1921)
- Az uralkodóház és a hazáért | Prayer for the King [Franz Joseph Ⅰ] and the [Hungarian] Homeland, by Rabbi Gyula Fischer (1908)
- Bajban | Prayer in a personal crisis, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)
- Be it ours to shed sunshine — a selection from “A Free Man’s Religious Worship” by Bertrand Russell (1910)
- Before YHVH’s Awful Throne, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- Bei muthmaßlicher Gefahr zur Verführung | In suspected danger of seduction, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- Beim Einsegnen des Neumondes (ver. 1) | At the Blessing of the New Moon (ver. 1), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Beim Einsegnen des Neumondes (ver. 2) | At the Blessing of the New Moon (ver. 2), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Beim Eintritt in das Bethaus [ver. 1] | On entering the house of prayer (ver. 1), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Beim Eintritt in das Bethaus [ver. 2] | On entering the house of prayer (ver. 2), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Beim Lichtzünden | When kindling the lights (for Shabbat and Yontef), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Beim Schluß des Gottesdienstes in der Synagoge | At the end of the service in the synagogue, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Bendigamos al Altísimo, a Spanish song for the Birkat haMazon
- Benediction at the Commissioning Ceremony of the USS Carl M. Levin, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff (24 June 2023)
- Benediction at the Dinner Celebrating the Commissioning of the USS Carl M. Levin, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff (23 June 2023)
- Benediction by Rabbi David Wolpe at the Democratic National Convention (2012)
- Benediction by Rabbi Julie Schonfeld at the Democratic National Convention (2016)
- Benediction by Rabbi Lauren Berkun at the Democratic National Convention (2020)
- Benediction by Rabbi Morris Shmidman at the Democratic National Convention (1988)
- Benediction by Rabbi Moshe Faskowitz at the Democratic National Convention (1996)
- Bénédiction des parents sur leurs enfants — Imposition des mains | Parents’ blessing on their children. — Laying of hands (on a Bar/Bat Mitsvah), by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Benediction for Charity Meeting, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Bénédiction pour Napoléon | Blessing on the Festival of Napoleon Ⅰ, by Rabbi David Sinẓheim (15 August 1806)
- Bénissons, a French table song for the Birkat haMazon (ca. 18th c.)
- Beruria, an ode to the sage by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Betrachtung am Neujahrsund Versöhnungstage | Meditation on Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Betrachtung, wenn der Neumond eingesegnet wird | Prayer on the Sabbath Prior to the New Moon, by Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda (1855)
- Betrachtungen für die zehn Bußtage | Reflections for the Ten Days of Penance, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Between the Fires: A Kavvanah for Lighting Candles of Commitment, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (the Shalom Center)
- Bible Thoughts for Every and Any Day, by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- Birthday Meditation, by Grace Aguilar (1838)
- Birthday Prayer, by Julia M. Cohen (1907)
- Birthday Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Blessing for Adar (1, 2, and if necessary, 3) — by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Caregivers, by Rabbi Me’irah Iliinsky
- Blessing for Living with Chronic Illness, by Rabbi Sandra Razieli & Moshe Razieli
- Blessing for Myself and for You, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Adar 5781 and the world that’s on its way, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Adar Alef — by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Adar, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Av, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Elul, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Ḥeshvan, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Kislev, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Shevat, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for Rosh Ḥodesh Tishrei, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Blessing for the Reading of BaMeh Madliqin on Erev Shabbat (Cairo Geniza)
- Blessing Group Torah Study with Brakhot, Ḳaddish, and Kavvanah, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow
- Blessing over Separation, by Shelby Handler
- Blessings and prayer for healing after the return of the first hostages in the Three-Phase Ceasefire Agreement — by Rabbi Nathalie Lastreger (Masorti Family Minyan, Kfar Vradim)
- Blessings for Gender Transitioning, by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
- Blest is the Bond of Wedded Love, a hymn on “Matrimonial Love” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Brich aus in lauten Klagen | Break out in loud lamenting, a qinah by Heinrich Heine (1824)
- Bricks Without Straw, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
- Brotherly Love, an adaptation of Psalms 133 by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- Call of the Shema, a prayer-poem by Todd Greenberg
- Ceremony of Gender Affirmation and Name Change, by Lilah Rosenfield
- Charity, a hymn by Felix Adler (1888)
- Children’s Prayer for the Recovery of our President [Dwight D. Eisenhower], by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1955)
- Closing Ceremony for Flag Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Closing Prayer for Arbor Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Closing Prayer for Labor Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Closing Prayer for New Year’s Day, adapted by Mordecai Kaplan & Eugene Kohn from a prayer by Members of the Faculty of the Colgate Divinity School (1947)
- Closing Prayer for Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Closing Prayer for United Nations Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Closing Prayer for Washington’s Birthday, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Comfort in Ruin: Tishah b’Av, a prayer-poem by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Complete List of Prayers, &c. shared through the project so far
- Concluding supplication for every morning, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Confirmation (Father, see Thy suppliant children), a hymn for a Confirmation ritual by Felix Adler (1868)
- Confirmation, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- Courage to Withstand the Ridicule of the Worldly, a prayer by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- Daily Prayer Against Temptation, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Dans un temps de calamité publique | [Prayer] in a time of public calamity, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Day of God, Leopold Stein’s “O Tag des Herrn!” (1840) adapted from Frederick Lucian Hosmer’s translation (1904) as a hymn for Yom Kippur by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)
- Days of the Omer 5784/2024, by Karen Levine
- Dedication-Hymn, by Felix Adler (1868)
- Deliver me, a contemporary adaptation of Psalms 140 by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2019)
- Der Arme | [Prayer of] the Pauper, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Der Schmerz, a meditation on grief by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Descend Into Thyself, My Soul! – a hymn on “Self-Examination” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Die dreizehn Glaubensartikel | The Thirteen Articles of Faith, in German translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Die vier Erinnerungen (ארבע זכירות) | The Four Remembrances, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Die zehn Gebote | The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-14), in German translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Discours Prononcé dans le Temple de la rue Sainte-Avoye | Speech on the Anniversary of the coronation of Napoleon Ⅰ, by Rabbi Abraham de Cologna (3 December 1809)
- Distinctions (Havdalah) for the end of Shabbat, by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
- Divine Love, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1848)
- Domestic Prayer of Thanksgiving After Confinement, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Draw Nigh, Lord! Unto My Soul, a hymn on “Submission to the Will of God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Dukhening in a Musaf Amidah after a Heykhe Qedushah: a version of the concluding three blessings for Kohanim, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Each Loss Breaks a Pattern, a prayer for a shiva by Trisha Arlin
- Early and Late My God I Seek, a hymn on “Hope in God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Earth Pledge, by an Unknown Author (ca. 1980)
- Ein Kind am Grabe seiner Eltern | An orphan child at the grave of his parents, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Elijah, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1849)
- Emma Goldman on “Everybody’s Right to Beautiful, Radiant Things” (1931)
- Engelsgruß (Scholaum alechem) | Angels Greeting (Shalom Aleikhem), a paraliturgical adaptation by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Enoch, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1846)
- Erhöre, Herr, mein Wort | Accept, O Lord my word — from the Hamburg Temple Hymnal (1833)
- Eternal Love is Thine, a hymn for Yom Kippur by Caroline de Litchfield Harby (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Eternal, Almighty, Invisible God! – a hymn on “Praise and Thanksgiving” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Étkezés utáni ima | Gebet nach dem Speisen | Prayer after the meal, a paraliturgical Birkat haMazon by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)
- Evening Hymn (Blessed art Thou), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Evening Prayer (Another day hath passed) [version 1], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Evening Prayer (Another day hath passed) [version 2], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Evening Prayer (at Bed Time), a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- Evening Prayer (I thank Thee), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Evening prayer [in illness], by Grace Aguilar (1837)
- Evening Prayer for Children, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Exercise for a wife who is married to an irreligious husband, by Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall (1852)
- Exercise for the Anniversary of a Parent’s Decease (יאָרצײַט), translated by Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall (1852)
- Exhortacion | Exhortation of Ḥakham Ishak Nieto (1740)
- Explanation and ritual for the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals, Rosh haShanah la-Behemah on Rosh Ḥodesh Elul
- Family Evening Prayer, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Family Morning Prayer, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Father of Nations! Judge Divine! – a hymn on “Our Country” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- Fear Not Fear Not Jeshurun (Isaiah 44), a hymn on Divine Providence in Relation to Israel by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Feldmesten or Measuring the Graves, a poem by Alter Abelson (1913)
- Find the Lily, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
- For All Mothers, a prayer by Rev. Walter Rauschenbusch adapted by Rabbi Morris Lazaron (1918)
- For the Day’s Round in Camp, a prayer for soldiers by Rev. Howard A. Bridgman adapted by Rabbi Morris Lazaron (1918)
- For Those At Home, a prayer for the home front during war by Rev. Howard A. Bridgman adapted by Rabbi Morris Lazaron (1918)
- For Tishah b’Av : Our Cherished Litany of Loss, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- For What I Bless Thee, a prayer-poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- Friday Eve, a poem by Rabbi Alter Abelson (1931)
- Friday Night, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1917)
- Friday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- From the Depths: A Prayer For Christchurch, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2019)
- Für Chanuka | For Ḥanukkah, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Für das Wochenfest (שבועות) [ver. 1] | For Shavuot (ver. 1), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Für das Wochenfest (שבועות) [ver. 2] | For Shavuot (ver. 2), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Für den ersten Tag der Woche | For the first day of the week, a teḥinah by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Für den ersten Tag des Laubhüttenfestes [no.1] | For the first day of Sukkot (no.1), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Für den ersten Tag des Laubhüttenfestes [no.2] | For the first day of Sukkot (no.2), a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Für Gesetzes-Freude | For Simḥat Torah, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Für Sabath [№1] | For Shabbat (№1), a teḥinah by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Für Sabath [№2] | For Shabbat (№2), a teḥinah by by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Für Scheni chamischi scheni | For (customary fasts on) the Monday, Thursday, and the following Monday (after Pesaḥ & Sukkot), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Fürbitte | Intercession, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Fürbitte für die Verstorbenen (הזכרת נשׁמות) [no.1] | Intercession for the Deceased (Hazkarat Neshamot) [no.1], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1833)
- Fürbitte für die Verstorbenen (הזכרת נשׁמות) [no.3] | Intercession for the Deceased (Hazkarat Neshamot) [no.3], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Fürbitte für die Verstorbenen (הזכרת נשׁמות) [№2] | Intercession for the Deceased (Hazkarat Neshamot) [№2], a teḥinah by Isaak Pleßner (1829)
- Fürbitte für die Verstorbenen (הזכרת נשׁמות) Unsterblichkeit | Intercession for the Deceased (Hazkarat Neshamot) On Immortality, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Future Happiness, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1853)
- Gaudeamus Igitur | אָז עוֹדֶֽנּוּ צְעִירִים | Az Odenu Tse’irim (So, let us rejoice), a Hebrew translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer of De Brevitate Vitæ (1287)
- Gebet am Erinnerungsfeste der Befreiung aus Egypten (Pessach) | Prayer on the Festival of the Liberation from Egypt (Pesaḥ), a teḥinah by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)
- Gebet am Lichtfeste (חנוכה) | Prayer on the Festival of Light (Ḥanukkah), by Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda (1855)
- Gebet am Lichtfeste | Prayer at the Festival of Light (Ḥanukkah), a teḥinah by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)
- Gebet am Tage der Gedächtnißfeier verstorbener Eltern, an deren Grabe zu sprechen | Prayer to be said on the day of the memorial service of deceased parents at their graves, a teḥinah by Rabbi Salomon Pleßner (1835)
- Gebet am Tage vor Neujahr und am Tage vor dem Versöhnungsfeste | Prayer on the day before Rosh haShanah and on the day before Yom Kippur, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Gebet am Uiberschreitungsfeste (חג הפסח) | Prayer on the Passover Festival, a teḥinah by Meïr haLevi Letteris (1846)
- Gebet an der Jahrzeit des Vaters, während man fastet | Prayer on one’s Father’s Yahrẓeit (יאָרצײַט) while fasting, by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Gebet an einem Fasttage | Prayer on a Public Fast Day (תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר), a teḥinah by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)
- Gebet an einem Fasttage der Gesammtheit | Prayer on a Public Fast Day (תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר), by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)
- Gebet beim Abscheiden des Teiges (חלה) | Domestic Prayer on Dividing the Dough, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)
- Gebet beim Eingange des Sabbath, vor dem Anzünden der Lichter Freitag Nachts | Prayer Before Lighting the Sabbath Lamp, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)
- Gebet beim Eintritt in das Gotteshaus | Prayer on Entering the House of God, by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846), translated by Miriam Wertheimer (1852)
- Gebet beim Eintritt in das Gotteshaus | Prayer upon entering the house of God, by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)
- Gebet einer Braut vor der Trauung | Prayer of a bride before the wedding ceremony, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1833)
- Gebet einer Frau, deren Mann auf Reisen ist | Prayer of a woman whose husband is travelling, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet einer Handelsfrau | Prayer for a merchant woman, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter | Prayer of a mother on her daughter’s wedding day, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihrer Tochter | Prayer of a mother on the wedding day of her daughter, by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeitstage ihres Sohnes | Prayer of a mother on her son’s wedding day, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet einer Mutter am Hochzeittage ihrer Tochter | Prayer of a mother on the wedding day of her daughter, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Gebet einer Mutter deren Sohn in Militär⸗Diensten steht | Prayer of a mother whose son is in military service, a teḥinah by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)
- Gebet einer Mutter, deren Kind in der Fremde ist | Prayer of a mother whose child is in a foreign land, a teḥinah by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet einer Mutter, deren Sohn In Militärdiensten stehet | Prayer of a mother whose son is in military service, a teḥinah by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet einer Mutter, wenn ihr Sohn durch die Beschneidung in den Bund der Israeliten aufgenommen wird | Prayer of a mother when her son is taken into the covenant of the Israelites through circumcision, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Gebet einer schwangern Frau, an הושענא רבה, nachdem sie den Segen über die Etrog-Frucht gesprochen | Prayer of a pregnant woman on Hoshana Rabbah after saying the blessing over the etrog fruit, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1852)
- Gebet einer Shwangern | Prayer of a pregnant woman, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- Gebet einer Stiefmutter | Prayer of a stepmother, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Gebet einer unglücklichen Ehegattin | Prayer of an unhappy wife, a teḥinah by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet einer unglücklichen Ehegattin | Prayer of an unhappy wife, a teḥinah by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)
- Gebet einer Wittwe | Prayer of a Widow, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Gebet eines jungen Mädchens am Neujahrsfeste | Prayer of a young girl on Rosh haShanah, by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Gebet eines Menschen der sich durch den Handel nährt | Prayer of a person who feeds themself through trade, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Gebet eines Waisenkindes | Prayer of an Orphan, by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Gebet für alle Buß- und Fasttage | Prayer on Every Penitential and Fast Day, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)
- Gebet für das Vaterland | A Prayer for the Fatherland (Siddur Sephat Emeth, Rödelheim, 1938)
- Gebet für den Landesfürsten | Prayer for the sovereign (Emperor Franz Joseph Ⅰ), a teḥinah by Abraham Neuda (1855)
- Gebet für den Landesfürsten | Prayer for the Sovereign (Kaiser Ferdinand Ⅰ), a teḥinah by Max Emanuel Stern (1841)
- Gebet für den Landesfürsten | Prayer for the Sovereign (Kaiser Ferdinand Ⅰ), a teḥinah by Meïr haLevi Letteris (1846)
- Gebet für den Verstorbenen, nachdem man Ẓiduḳ hadin gesagt hat | Prayer for the deceased after saying “Tsiduq hadin,” a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Gebet für die Geflüchteten, die an der EU-Außengrenze ums Leben kamen | Prayer for the refugees who lost their lives at the EU’s external border, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Gebet für die Tage der Tempelweihe (חֲנוּכָּה) | Prayer for the Days of the Dedication of the Temple (Ḥanukkah), by Meïr Letteris (1846)
- Gebet für eine Person, die aus entfernten Gegenden zu den Gräbern ihrer Verwandten kommt | Prayer for a person who comes from distant places to the graves of their relatives, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Gebet für eine schwangere Frau | Prayer for a pregnant woman, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Gebet für einen Kranken [auf den Begräbnißplatz] | Prayer [at a gravesite] for a sick person, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Gebet für Eltern | Prayer for Parents, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet im Monate Elul | Prayer for the Month of Elul, by Fanny Schmiedl Neuda (1855)
- Gebet in den Stunden der Wehmuth und Niedergeschlagenheit | Prayer in times of melancholy and dejection, a teḥinah by Meïr haLevi Letteris (1846)
- Gebet um einen guten Nahrungsstand | Prayer for an ample supply of food, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Gebet um glückliche Erziehung der Kinder | Prayer for the joyful education of children, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Gebet während des Priestersegens (Ribbaunau schel aulom) | Prayer during the priestly blessing, by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Gebet während eines Sturmes auf der See | Prayer during a storm on the sea, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Gebet wenn der Vorbeter unssane Tokef vorträgt (וּנְתַנֶּה תֹּקֶף) | Prayer when the prayer leader recites u-N’taneh Toqef, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1833)
- Gebet wenn man auf den Begräbnißplatz kommt | Prayer when you come to the burial ground, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Gebet wenn Seuchen oder epidemische Krankheiten herrsche | Prayer When Epidemic Diseases Prevail, a teḥinah by Meïr Letteris (1846)
- Gebete bei dem Anzünden der Lichter Freitag nachts | Prayer at the kindling of the Friday night lights, a teḥinah by Wolf Mayer (1828)
- Gebete einer Frau wenn ihr Kind zur Beschneidung getragen wird | Prayer of a woman when her child is carried for circumcision, a teḥinah by Wolf Mayer (1828)
- Gebete einer Geschäftsfrau | Prayer of a Business Woman, a teḥinah by Wolf Mayer (1828)
- Gebete, die man an verschiedenen Stellen sagt, wenn man um den Begräbnißplatz herumgeht | Prayers said at various points as you circumambulate the burial ground, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Geschem, a prayer for rain in the onset of winter by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Glory to God! Whose Outstretched Hand – a hymn for Pesaḥ by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- God Dwells in Light! – a hymn for Ḥanukkah by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- God of My Fathers! Merciful and Just, a hymn on the Immortality of the Soul by Caroline de Litchfield Harby (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- God of the Earth, the Air, the Sea – a hymn for Pesaḥ by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- God Our Light, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1845)
- God our Shepherd and Guardian, an adaptation of Psalms 23 by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- God Supreme! To Thee I Pray, a hymn on “Submission to the Will of God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- God’s Goodness — the Testament of [Am] Yisrael, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)
- God’s Goodness — the Testament of America, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)
- God’s Goodness — the Testament of Man, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)
- God’s Goodness — the Testament of Nature, a prayer for Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Milton Steinberg (1945)
- Graduation Blessing, by Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan (2017)
- Gratitude Prayer, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor on the first anniversary of the Pittsburgh Tree of Life massacre (2019)
- Great Arbiter of human fate! – a hymn for Ḥanukkah by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Gyermekek üdvéért | Gebet für das Heil des Kindes | Prayer for the well-being of children, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)
- Habdalah, a paraliturgical prayer by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- Hálaima a bajból való menekülésért | Thanksgiving for deliverance from trouble, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)
- Ḥanukkah Visualization on Infinite Light, by Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein
- Ḥanukkah, a hymn by Isaac Mayer Wise (1868)
- Ḥanukkah, a hymn by Minna Kleeberg (1868)
- Ḥaroset, the Seder’s Innermost Secret: Earth & Eros in the Celebration of Pesaḥ, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow
- Haschkiwenu, a paraliturgical adaptation of Hashkivenu by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Hashem is Everywhere! — a song by Rabbi Yosef Goldstein (1972)
- Hashiveinu, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit (2013)
- Havdalah: Three Meditations on Holy Separations, by Trisha Arlin
- Havdallah: Thinking of those suffering from long-COVID, by Gabriel Kanter-Webber (2021)
- He of Prayer, a poem concerning the angel Sandalphon by an Unknown Author (ca. 1870s)
- He spoke and Thro’ the Gloom Profound, a hymn for Shabbat by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Heal Me, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
- Heaven, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1853)
- Heil’ge Sabbath-Ruhe | Holy Sabbath Rest — from the Hamburg Temple Hymnal (1833)
- Here At This Temple’s Holy Shrine, a hymn on Devotion by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Holy Tears: A Not-Ḳaddish, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Hosha-na for Our Planet, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Hoshanot Liturgy for the Climate Crisis, adapted by R’ Ezra Weinberg from the words of Greta Thunberg
- How Beautiful It Is To See, a hymn on “Brotherly Love” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- How Cold That Man! To Faith How Dead! – a hymn on Divine Providence by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- How Desolate Lie Our Borders, a prayer adaptated from Eikhah for a Tishah b’Av vigil at an immigrant detention center by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2019)
- How Desolate Thy Fields and Vales, a hymn for Sukkot by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- How Long Will Man In Pleasure Merged, a hymn on “Piety” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- How Much Light? A Ḥanukkah Meditation by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- How to Annotate Your Siddur (sourcesheet), by Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner
- How to leave mitzrayim, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Hymn for Shaḇuoth (Father, See Thy Children) — from a Confirmation hymn by Felix Adler (1868) adapted by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)
- Hymn of Praise, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- I can’t breathe, We can’t breathe, Earth can’t breathe, a prayer-poem by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (the Shalom Center 2020)
- I Lift Mine Eyes Unto the Hills (Psalms 121), a hymn to Hope in God by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- I Saw a Palace Proud and High (Proverbs 14:11), a hymn on “Charity” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- I Seek, a prayer by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- I Wept When From My Eager Grasp, a hymn on “Submission to the Will of God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- I Will Extol Thee My King! (Psalms 145), a hymn on Divine Mercy by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- If I Let It: A Kavvanah for Kabbalat Shabbat, by Trisha Arlin
- Im Besitz von Reichthum | [Prayer while] in possession of wealth, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Im Monat Ellul wenn der Schofer geblasen wird | In the month of Elul when the shofar is blown, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Ima a királyért és a hazáért | Prayer for the King and the Homeland [of Hungary], by Rabbi Simon Hevesi (1911)
- In Celebration of the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ (1953)
- In der Sephira | Prayer during the Sefirat ha-Omer, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- In God, the Holy, Wise, and Just – a hymn on Omniscience by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- In Kinderloser Ehe | [Prayer for a Woman] In a Childless Marriage, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- In Search of Seraḥ: A Prayer to Seraḥ by Chaya Kaplan-Lester
- In Sickness, a prayer by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)
- In the Sukkah At Least, It’s a Wonderful World — a song for Sukkot by Len Fellman
- In Time of Trouble, a prayer by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)
- Inauguration Day Benediction for President John F. Kennedy by Rabbi Dr. Nelson Glueck (1961)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for Donald Trump, by Rabbi Ari Berman (2025)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for Donald Trump, by Rabbi Marvin Hier (2017)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for President Dwight D. Eisenhower by Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver (1953)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for President Dwight D. Eisenhower by Rabbi Dr. Louis Finkelstein (1957)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for President Harry S. Truman, by Rabbi Samuel Thurman (1949)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for President Lyndon B. Johnson, by Rabbi Hyman Judah Schachtel (1965)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for President Richard M. Nixon by Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin (1969)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for President Richard M. Nixon, by Rabbi Seymour Siegel (1973)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for President Ronald Reagan, by Rabbi Alfred Gottschalk (1985)
- Inauguration Day Prayer for the Government of the United States, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org 2021)
- Intention for community garlic planting at the end of a harvest season, by Jess Berlin
- Interdependence, a prayer by Dorothy Canfield Fisher (19 November 1944)
- Into the Tomb of Ages Past, a hymn for Rosh haShanah by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Invocation at the Commissioning Ceremony of the USS Carl M. Levin, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff (24 June 2023)
- Invocation at the Dinner Celebrating the Commissioning of the USS Carl M. Levin, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff (23 June 2023)
- Invocation by Rabbi David Saperstein at the Democratic National Convention (2008)
- Invocation by Rabbi Harry H. Mayer at the Democratic National Convention (6 July 1900)
- Invocation by Rabbi Irving Greenberg at the Democratic National Convention (2000)
- Invocation by Rabbi Jacob Goldstein at the Democratic National Convention (1992)
- Invocation by Rabbi Martin Weiner at the Democratic National Convention (1984)
- Invocation by Rabbi Ronne Friedman at the Democratic National Convention (2004)
- Invocation by Rabbi Samuel Sale at the Republican National Convention (16 June 1896)
- Invocation by Rabbi Sharon Brous at the Democratic National Convention (2024)
- Invocation for Meeting, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Invocation for Temple Meeting, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Invocation for United Jewish Appeal, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Isles Of The Forsaken, an illustration of the plight of Agunot by Ilene Winn-Lederer (2002)
- Israel! To Holy Numbers Tune Thy Harp, a hymn by Columbus Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, Charleston, South Carolina, 1842)
- Israelite Samaritan Ḳiddush for the Shabbat Evening Meal, translated by Benyamim Sedaka
- Israelite Samaritan Prayers for the Shabbat Torah Reading, translated by Benyamim Sedaka
- It is the Solemn Sabbath Day, a hymn for Shabbat by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Jadą Chassidim do Góry (יאַדוֹם חֲסִידִים דוֹ גוּרִי) | The Ḥassidim are going to Ger (translated by Yaakov Wasilewicz)
- Jewish Science and Health — chapter 3: Prayer, by Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein (Society of Jewish Science 1925)
- Just for a Moment, a prayer-poem by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2020)
- Ḳaddish d’Rabbanan – A Prayer for Teachers and Students by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2022)
- Kavvana: Directing the Heart in Jewish Prayer, by Rabbi Dr. Seth Kadish (1997)
- Kavvanah and prayer for Zōt Ḥanukkah, the last night and day of Ḥanukkah 5784, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Kavvanah before eating or drinking on Yom Kippur for military personnel on active service (IDF 2017)
- Kavvanah before eating or drinking on Yom Kippur for those who must eat for the safety of their life, as found in Torat ha-Yoledet (Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein 1983)
- Kavvanah before Shofar Blowing on Rosh Ḥodesh Elul for Rosh haShanah la-Behemah (the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals)
- Kavvanah before the reading of parashat Aḥarei Mōt and the pain caused by Leviticus 18:22, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2015)
- Kavvanah between Lag ba-Omer and Yom haQeshet (27 Iyyar, the 42nd day of the Omer), by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Kavvanah for the Blessing for the Sun, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org, 2009)
- Kavvanah on Standing Before God-Who-Sees-Me, by Virginia Spatz (1999)
- Kavvanot and Blessings over Kindling the Ḥanukkah lights (HUC-JIR Klau Library MSS 281, Italy 1793)
- Kavvanot for a Shaḥarit Service, by Rabbi Emanuel S. Goldsmith (ca. 2003)
- Kavvanot for before and after Tashlikh, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Kavvanot when Washing One’s Body Before Shabbes, by Eyal Raviv
- Ḳinah (lamentation) for Yitsḥaq Rabin, by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen (2004)
- Kiss of death, a prayer upon the death of a parent by Andrew Meit
- Knowing But Not Revealing: A Purim Tax Deduction Loophole, by Lieba B. Ruth
- Kossuth imája | Prayer for the Fallen Heroes of the Battle of Kápolna, by István Roboz (1849)
- Kuando el rey Nimrod (When Nimrod was King), a song relating the story of Avraham & the Furnace (ca. 1890)
- Kurzes Gebet am Grabe eines Verwandten oder Fremden | Short prayer at the grave of a relative or stranger, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Land of Hope and Promise, a prayer for Israel (CCAR 1975)
- Leányka reggeli imája | Morning prayer for young girls, by Rabbi Ferenc Hevesi (1930)
- Learning, a prayer for thirst in Torah study by Rabbi Ely E. Pilchik (1962)
- Lecho daudi | Lekha Dodi, a paraliturgical adaptation by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Let Choral Songs of Gladness Flow, a hymn on Revelation by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Let the Lord Be Ever Praised! – a hymn on “Praise and Thanksgiving” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Let Us to Prayer! It is the Holy Time – a hymn for Shavuot by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Licht und Wahrheit | Light and Truth, translated by Felix Adler (1868) from a poem by Eduard Kley (1826)
- Life Is What We Make It, a prayer-poem based on the writings of Rabbi Leo Baeck by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- Life Sentence by Eprhyme
- Lift Up Your Hands, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- Lift, Lift the Voice of Praise on High – a hymn on “Devotion” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Light of Truth (a/k/a Glad Tidings), a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- Lights in the Temple, a poem by John Keble (1834)
- Listen up, y’all — an interpretive rendering of v’haya im shamoa by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
- Lord of the World! When I Behold – a hymn for Yom Kippur by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Lord! What is Man That Thou Should’st Take (Psalms 144), a hymn on “Religious Education of Israel’s Youth” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Lord! When I Hear Thy Holy Law, a hymn on Divine Law by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Loss of what could be; but is – a prayer-poem in eulogy after a suicide, by Andrew Meit
- Maaravot for the first night of Shavuot, by Joseph ben Samuel Bonfils
- Mah Nishtanah: what needs to change, a seder supplement to the Four Questions by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Making Peace with Al HaNisim, Ḥanukkah 5784 — by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Man Is Here for the Sake of Others, by Albert Einstein (1930) as excerpted by Rabbi Morrison David Bial
- Man of the World! Wilt Thou Not Pause, a hymn on “Piety” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Masking the Liturgy: a pedagogy for learning the Siddur, by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (2003)
- May Wars Cease, a hymn by Rabbi Max Klein (1926)
- Meaning What We Pray, Praying What We Mean: The Otherness of the Liturgy, by Rabbi Dr. Joshua Gutoff (1989)
- Meat and Feathers: We Confess, a vidui for Rosh haShanah la-Behemah (the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals), by Trisha Arlin
- Meditation before Yom Kippur for One who Cannot Fast, by Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub (2005)
- Meditation for the Penitential Days, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Meditation on Death, by Grace Aguilar (1835)
- Meditation on Immortality, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Meditation on the Aqedah, by Shim’on Menachem
- Meditation on the Holy Sabbath, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Meditation on the Sabbath, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Meditation on the Works of God, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Meditation on the World of Yetsirah for the Tu biShvat Seder, by Ben Murane
- Meditation on Work, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Méditation Pour le Dimanche | Meditation for Sunday, by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1852)
- Méditation Pour Le Jeudi | Meditation for Thursday (the Fifth Day), by Rabbi Arnaud Aron and Jonas Ennery (1852)
- Méditation Pour le Lundi | Meditation for Monday (the Second Day), by Rabbi Arnaud Aron and Jonas Ennery (1852)
- Méditation Pour le Mardi | Meditation for Tuesday (the Third Day), by Rabbi Arnaud Aron and Jonas Ennery (1852)
- Méditation Pour le Mercedi | Meditation for Wednesday (the Fourth Day), by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1852)
- Méditation Pour Le Veille Du Sabbat | Meditation for the Eve of the Sabbath (Friday), by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1852)
- Meditations on the Life of Moses, Our Great Legislator, Appointed for the 7th Adar, the Anniversary of his Death, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Memorial Day Prayer at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 25 May 2020
- Memorial Day Prayer at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 28 May 2018
- Memorial Day Prayer at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 31 May 2021
- Memorial Prayer for Those Lost Through Human Strife, by Rabbi Chaplain (Lieutenant) Alexander David Goode (ca. 1943)
- Mi sheBerakh for a Departing Rabbinic Intern, by Hayyim Obadyah
- Mi sheBerakh Upon Completing the Writing of a Sefer Torah, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Mikveh Kavvanah for Affirming Jewish identity, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- Mikveh Meditation for Erev Shabbat by Rabbi Haviva Ner-David and Shira Gura
- Mogen owaus | Magen Avot, a paraliturgical adaptation by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Monday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Morgen-Lieder (Auf, auf, den Herrn zu loben) | Morning Song (Arise to praise the Lord), a hymn by Johann Franck (1674), adapted for use in synagogue (1850)
- Morgengebet [№1] | Morning prayer [№1], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Morgengebet [№2] | Morning prayer [№2], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Morgengebet [№3] | Morning prayer [№3], a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Morgens und Abends nach allen Gebeten | Prayer after all prayers in the morning and evening, a paraliturgical Aleinu in German by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Morgen⸗ und Abendgebet | Morning and evening prayer, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Morn breaks upon Moriah’s height! – a hymn for Rosh haShanah by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Morning Hymn (Bless thou the Lord), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Morning Hymn (Blessed art Thou) [version 1], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Morning Hymn (Blessed art Thou) [version 2], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Morning Hymn [in Illness] (Father of all), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Morning Meditation, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Morning Prayer (Another day has dawned), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Morning Prayer (for Older Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- Morning Prayer (for Very Young Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- Morning Prayer [before Work], by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Morning prayer [in Illness] (Almighty and merciful Father), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Morning Prayer for Children, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Morning Prayer, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Morning Prayer, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Morning Song, a hymn by Felix Adler (1897)
- Motzi, a kavvanah before eating ḥallah by Trisha Arlin
- Mournfully Chant! For Our Choir Accords – a hymn for Tishah b’Av by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Musings, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- My Heart is Bared to Thee, Oh Lord – a hymn for Yom Kippur by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Nach zurückgelegter Seereise | [Prayer] after the sea voyage, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- Nachtgebet eines Kindes | Night prayer of a child [for the Bedtime Shema], by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Naḥamu (Comfort Ye!), a hymn by J.C.L. (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- National Brotherhood Week, by Tom Lehrer (1965)
- Needed Prophets for Our Day, a prayer-poem by Mordecai Kaplan (1942) adapted from “The Divinity School Address” by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1838)
- New Year, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- Newly Huddled Tender Masses: A Prayer for Children, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2018)
- Night Prayer (for Older Children) by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- Night Prayer [after Work], by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Night Prayer, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Night, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1846)
- Night, a prayer-poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- O Day of God, an English translation of Leopold Stein’s paraliturgical Kol Nidrei “O Tag des Herrn!” by Frederick Lucian Hosmer (1904)
- O Day of God, Leopold Stein’s paraliturgical Kol Nidrei “O Tag des Herrn” (1840) adapted in English by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (1866)
- O God! Today Our Joyful Song of Praise – a hymn for Purim by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- O Mother of Medicine, a kavvanah before a healing journey by Baruch Jean Thaler
- O Tag des Herrn! (O Day of YHVH), a paraliturgical Kol Nidrei by Leopold Stein (1840)
- O Uncreated Holy One! – a hymn on Praise and Thanksgiving by Caroline de Litchfield Harby (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- O! Thou Possest of Health and Bloom, a hymn on “Immortality of the Soul” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- O’er All This Wide and Beauteous Earth, a hymn on Divine Mercy by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Occupy the Lulav: the ritual for shaking the four species on the festival of Sukkot, by Virginia Avniel Spatz
- Offerings, by Alice Lucas (1898)
- Oh King of Glory When We Contemplate, a hymn on Divine Mercy by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Oh! Fill our Hearts, Almighty King! – a “School Hymn” (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- Oh! How Shall Man With God Contend (Job 9), a hymn on “Obedience to the Will of God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Oh! That on Morning’s Dewy Wings, a hymn on “Submission to the Will of God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Oh! Thou in Whom the Power Dwells, a hymn on “Submission to the Will of God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Oh! Thou Whose Shrine the Sweetest Incense Bears, a hymn on “Charity” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Oh! Turn At Meek Devotion’s Call, a hymn on “Piety” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Ohne dich | Without you, a prayer for Natalie Baeck by Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck (7 March 1937)
- Olenu, a paraliturgical adaptation of Aleinu by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- On Beholding the New Synagogue, a poem by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim, Charleston 1840)
- On Belief Held in the Act of Prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (2013)
- On the Decalogue, life wisdom for a Bnei Mitsvah by Rabbi Dr. Mordecai Kaplan (ca. 1920s)
- On the Good of Prayer, an essay by Lilian Helen Montagu (March 1939)
- On the Loss of a Beloved One, a prayer in the evening by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)
- On the Loss of a Beloved One, a prayer in the morning by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)
- On the Reconciliation of Yitsḥaq: a meditation on the Offering of the Two Goats on Yom Kippur, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (the Shalom Center)
- Open, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Opening prayer at the 250th Anniversary of Jewish Settlement in the United States — by Rabbi Joseph Silverman (1905)
- Opening prayer before the Tennessee State Senate by Rabbi Isidor Kalisch on 15 January 1873
- Opening Prayer for Boston City Council Meeting (13 April 2011)
- Opening prayer for the 12th U.A.W.–C.I.O. Labor Convention in Milwaukee, by Rabbi Joseph Baron (1949)
- Opening prayer for the Ceremonies at the Site of the Statue of Religious Liberty by the Independent Order of B’nai Brith, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (5 July 1875)
- Opening Prayer for the Inaugural Boston City Council Meeting, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (5 January 2009)
- Opening Prayer for the Jewish Women’s Congress, by Rachel Frank-Litman (World Parliament of Religion at the World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893)
- Opening Prayer for United Nations Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Opening Prayer on the Significance of Arbor Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Opening Prayer on the Significance of Flag Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Opening Prayer on the Significance of Labor Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Opening Prayer on the Significance of Lincoln’s Birthday, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Opening Prayer on the Significance of New Year’s Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Opening Prayer on the Significance of Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Opening Prayer on the Significance of Washington’s Birthday, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- Oración por nuestra tierra | תְּפִילָת הָאָרֶץ | A Prayer for Our Earth, an ecumenical prayer by Pope Francis, translated and adapted by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Óró sé do bheatha abhaile | הוֹי בָּרוּך הַבָּא הַבַּֽיתָה (Hoy! Barukh ha-Ba ha-Baitah) — adapted by Pádraig Pearse (1916; Hebrew translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- Országos bánat, közös baj idején | Prayer in a time of national crisis, by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)
- Our Affirmation — a litany of affirmative statements for adherents of the Centre of Jewish Science by Rabbi Clifton Harby Levy (1927)
- Our Liberation Will Not Be Live-streamed, by Rabbi Raysh Weiss (2020)
- Peas on Earth, a song by the Jewish environmental educators of the Teva Learning Center (Fall 2010)
- Perhaps: A Prayer with God for the World, a prayer-poem by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Petition for Prayer, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Piyyutim to Introduce the First Aliyot of Each Book in the Torah, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Family of Earth, by Bella Abzug & Mim Kelber (Women’s Foreign Policy Council, 1989)
- Poetic Birkat haMazon for a Zeved haBat Seudah, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Praise Ye the Lord! For it is Good (Psalms 150), a hymn on “Praise and Thanksgiving” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Prayer — On Seeking for God, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Prayer (Oh, Father, merciful Father) [version 1], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer (Oh, Father, merciful Father) [version 2] / Dedication and Surrender, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer [after the massacres on Shemini Atseret 5784], by Dr. Melila Hellner-Eshed
- Prayer [at the commencement of a writing project] (Father of mercies), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer [for friends] (Father in Heaven), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer [for Friends] (Oh, Gracious and Almighty God), by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer [for Military Personnel] in Temptation (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)
- Prayer [in the call for war against HAMA”S] by Rabbi David Wolpe (8 October 2023)
- Prayer [of Military Personnel] for Home (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)
- Prayer after a Mass Shooting at a Public School, by Rabbi David Dine Wirtschafter (2018)
- Prayer After Safe Delivery [in Childbirth], by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by Rabbi Sabato Morais (18 April 1865)
- Prayer After the Bombing in Boston, by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat (2013)
- Prayer after the death of President Ulysses S. Grant, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (8 August 1885)
- Prayer after the Earthquake in Guadeloupe, by Rabbi Isaac Lopez (Jamaica, 1843)
- Prayer Amid the Pandemic, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth 2020)
- Prayer and Thanksgiving on Going to the Synagogue for the First Time After Confinement, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer at the Consecration of the Central Synagogue by chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler (7 April 1870)
- Prayer at the Dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 13 November 1982
- Prayer at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, by Rabbi Uri Miller (28 August 1963)
- Prayer at the National Civic Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 28 April 1987
- Prayer at the National Commemoration of the 34th Anniversary of the Beirut Barracks Bombing, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff 23 October 2017
- Prayer at the Opening of a Masonic Lodge by Jewish Freemasons (before 1756)
- Prayer at the Presidential Signing Ceremony for the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Repeal Act, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 22 December 2010
- Prayer Before a Battle (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1940)
- Prayer Before Mingling with the World, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer before reading the Bible, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer before retiring to rest, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer before the Sabbath service, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer before the Tomb of George Washington at Mount Vernon by Rabbi Dr. Max Lilienthal (13 July 1876)
- Prayer During a Storm at Sea, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for a Blessing on Daily Pursuits, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for a Day of Prayer and Humiliation on Account of the Crimean War, by the the Synagogues of the United Congregations of the British Empire (26 April 1854)
- Prayer for a Day of Prayer and Humiliation on Account of the Revolt in India, by the S&P Bevis Marks Congregation (6 November 1857)
- Prayer for a Day of Prayer and Humiliation on Account of the Revolt in India, by the the Synagogues of the United Congregations of the British Empire (6 November 1857)
- Prayer for a Dear Relation or Friend Who is Ill, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Prayer for a Government of a Republic [after the election of President Franklin Pierce] — by Abraham Prince of Ohabei Shalom, Boston (11 November 1852)
- Prayer for a Nation in Crisis, by Rabbi Barry Block (2021)
- Prayer for a Service of Intercession [for European Jewry during the Holocaust], by Lilian Helen Montagu (ca. 1940)
- Prayer for a Sick Child, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for a Synagogue Consecration, by Lilian Helen Montagu
- Prayer for a Thanksgiving Day Shabbat Service in Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of Jewish Settlement in the United States (1905)
- Prayer for a Widow at the Grave of Her Husband, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for a young maiden, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for all Jewish Communities in Germany for the Eve of the Day of Atonement, by Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck (10 October 1935)
- Prayer for America, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2008)
- Prayer for American Enterprise [at the opening of a Kresge’s department store], by Rabbi Avraham Samuel Soltes (1956)
- Prayer for an Orphan, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for Armed Forces in Combat, by Rabbi Dr. David de Sola Pool (1951)
- Prayer for Armed Forces in Combat, by Rabbi Dr. Edgar Magnin (1951)
- Prayer for Armed Forces in Combat, by Rabbi Dr. Philip S. Bernstein (1951)
- Prayer for Berlin Pride (Gebet für Berlin Pride), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Brotherhood, by Stephen Vincent Benét on United Nations Flag Day (14 June 1942)
- Prayer for Canada, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (1993)
- Prayer for Coming-Out (Gebet für das Coming-Out), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Communal Prayer, by the Jewish Religious Union of London (1902)
- Prayer for Confirmation, by Rabbi Dr. Max Lilienthal (20 April 1881)
- Prayer for Dedication of Hospital Chapel, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Prayer for Deliverance from the Corona Plague (Gebet für die Befreiung von der Corona-Plage), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Dwelling in the Sukkah of the Leviyatan, as taught in the name of Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg (ca. 13th c.)
- Prayer for Election Day, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Europe Day, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Every Night, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for Every Voice to be Heard and All Votes to be Counted, by Rabbi Lauren Grabelle Herrmann (2020)
- Prayer for Friday Night, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for Grace, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for Guidance in Times of Indecision, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for High School Graduation, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Prayer for Human Solidarity, by Rabbi Ḥanan Schlesinger
- Prayer for Immigrant Justice at an Interfaith Vigil at the Broadview Detention Center, by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2008)
- Prayer for International Non-Binary People’s Day (Gebet zum Internationalen Tag der nicht-binären Menschen), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for International Women’s Day, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Intersex Day of Remembrance, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Israel at Temple Micah’s Lunch & Learn, by Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff (11 October 2023)
- Prayer for Israel, by Rabbi Nahum Waldman (2004)
- Prayer for Israel, Tishrei 5784 by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, 12 October 2023)
- Prayer for Israeli-Palestinian Solidarity, by Rabbi Ḥanan Schlesinger
- Prayer for Israelites Lost in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, by Sholomo ben Levy
- Prayer for Kristallnacht, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Lajos Kossuth, by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (5 June 1852)
- Prayer for Military Personnel on Active Service (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1940)
- Prayer for Music Service, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Prayer for National Holiday, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Prayer for One who Transitions, by Eitan Meshullam Chai
- Prayer for Our Country [upon the Inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama], by Ilana Joy Streit (2009)
- Prayer for Our Country, a lament on the necessity of war by Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick (1917)
- Prayer for Our Nation [upon the Inauguration of Donald Trump], by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz (2017)
- Prayer for Parents, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for Patience and Strength in Adversity, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for Peace Celebration, by Lilian Helen Montagu
- Prayer for Peace in a Time of War, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2003)
- Prayer for Peace in Israel, by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, 2003)
- Prayer for Pride (Gebet für Pride, haMaariv Aravim), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Pride Month (Gebet für den Pride Month), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Release of the Hostages, Surcease from the Bombs — by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2024)
- Prayer for Reparation and Restoration, an alternative to the Prayer for Welfare of the Government by Rabbi Brant Rosen (Tzedek Chicago 2020)
- Prayer for Resignation Under Injuries, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for Rosh haShanah, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Prayer for Sailors and Soldiers on Active Service, by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1914)
- Prayer for Salvation in the Future State (Olam haBa), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for Self-knowledge, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for Shmini Atseret (שמיני עצרת), by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for Someone Who Undergoes Chemotherapy (Gebet für eine Person, die sich einer Chemotherapie unterzieht), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Starting Testosterone Therapy (תפילה לתחילת טיפול בטסטוסטרון), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Strength Under Bodily Affliction, by Grace Aguilar (1837)
- Prayer for Submission to the Divine Will, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for Sukkot 5785, by Rabbi David Seidenberg
- Prayer for Sustenance (Parnasah), by Rabbi Simon Glazer (1930)
- Prayer for Thanksgiving Day, by Rev. Isaac Touro (28 November 1765)
- Prayer for the 7th Day of Sukkot (הושענא רבה), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for the Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls, by Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraëli (2014)
- Prayer for the Anniversary of the Destruction of the Temple (תשעה באב), by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for the Centennial of Ḳ.Ḳ. Miḳveh Israel (Philadelphia), by Rabbi Sabato Morais (30 March 1883)
- Prayer for the cessation of a cattle plague and for protection from cholera, by Chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler (1865)
- Prayer for the Close of the Sabbath, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for the Congregation and the Government, by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (1895)
- Prayer for the Day of Solemn Assembly (שמיני עצרת), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for the Departed (הזכרת נשמות), by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for the Earth, Air, Water, Fire of our Planet — by Rabbi Arthur Waskow in memory of Barry Commoner
- Prayer for the European Court of Human Rights, by Rabbi Gabriel Kanter-Webber (2022)
- Prayer for the Evening of the Day of Atonement (נעילה), by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for the Feast of Dedication (חנוכה), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for the Feast of Purim (פורים), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for the Feast of Purim, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for the Festival of Rejoicing in the Torah (שמחת תורה), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for the First Day of Sukkot, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer for the First Days of Passover (פסח), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for the Government [of the United States of America], by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1825)
- Prayer for the Government in honor of George Washington, First President of the United States of America by Ḳ.Ḳ. Beit Shalome (1789)
- Prayer for the Government of the Thoughts, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, by Rabbi Leo Jung (1927)
- Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, by Rabbi Norman Salit (1927)
- Prayer for the Government, by Rabbi H.A. Henry (Ḳ.Ḳ. B’nai Jeshurun, Cincinnati, Ohio 1850)
- Prayer for the Interment of Sacred Writing in a Genizah, by Morah Yehudis Fishman
- Prayer for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) | Gebet für den Internationaler Tag gegen Homo-, Bi-, Inter- und Transphobie, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for the International Day of Democracy, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Gebet für den Internationalen Holocaustgedenktag), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for the International Transgender Day of Visibility (Gebet für den Internationalen Transgendertag der Sichtbarkeit), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for the Jewish Militiamen of Suriname, by David Hizkiahu Baruch Louzada (ca. 1806)
- Prayer for the New Year, by Lilian Helen Montagu
- Prayer for the Peace of the Union, by Rabbi M.J. Michelbacher on a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer (4 January 1861)
- Prayer for the Penitential Days, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for the People of Ukraine, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, 2022)
- Prayer for the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth 2022)
- Prayer for the Poor People’s Campaign, by Rabbi Brant Rosen (2018)
- Prayer for the Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania after the Battle of Gettysburg by Rabbi Sabato Morais (4 July 1863)
- Prayer for the Recovery of Emperor Frederick Ⅲ, King of Prussia — by Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler (1888)
- Prayer for the Recovery of President James A. Garfield in the merit of the Founding Fathers, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (before 19 September 1881)
- Prayer for the Recovery of President James A. Garfield, by Rabbi Leopold Rosenstraus (9 July 1881)
- Prayer for the Recovery of President James A. Garfield, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (26 August 1881)
- Prayer for the Recovery of President James A. Garfield, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (4 September 1881)
- Prayer for the Recovery of President James A. Garfield, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (after 2 July 1881)
- Prayer for the Sabbath Eve, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for the Sabbath Morn, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for the Sabbath, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer for the Success of the Conference on Palestine Convened by His Majesty’s Government (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 19 February 1939)
- Prayer for the Success of the Four-Power Conference at Geneva, by Rabbi Israel Brodie (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, 16 July 1955)
- Prayer for the Transgender Day of Remembrance (Gebet zum Gedenktag für die Opfer von Transphobie), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for the United States after the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (8 December 1865)
- Prayer for the United States after World War Ⅱ, by Rabbi Dudley Weinberg (AMVETS, ca. 1947)
- Prayer for the United States and President Abraham Lincoln, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (15 April 1862)
- Prayer for the United States during the Cold War, by Julius Klein (Jewish War Veterans of the USA, 1951)
- Prayer for the United States Government, by Dr. Ester R. Fuchs (2001)
- Prayer for the United States of America on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi David Einhorn (26 November 1863)
- Prayer for the United States on a Civic Fast Day during the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (30 April 1863)
- Prayer for the United States on a Civic Fast Day to avert Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (26 September 1861)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day after the Assassination of President James A. Garfield, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (24 November 1881)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day during the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (24 November 1864)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day on the First Day of Ḥanukkah during the Civil War, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (28 November 1861)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (20 November 1856)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (24 November 1853)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (24 November 1870)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (25 November 1852)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (27 November 1851)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (27 November 1868)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (27 November 1873)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (28 November 1867)
- Prayer for the United States on Thanksgiving Day, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (29 November 1866)
- Prayer for the World AIDS Day (Gebet für den Welt-AIDS-Tag), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for the World Union of Progressive Judaism Conference, by Lilian Helen Montagu
- Prayer for those who are unavoidably prevented from keeping the Sabbath, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Prayer for Ukraine (Gebet für Ukraine), by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Dr. Reuven Kimelman (2022)
- Prayer for United Nations Day, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Universal Peace, by Rabbi Hillel Lavery-Yisraëli (2019)
- Prayer for Victory in Europe (V-E) Day, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer for Voting, by Rachie Lewis (Keshet 2024)
- Prayer for When My Children are Vaccinated Against COVID-19, by Cantor Hinda Labovitz (2021)
- Prayer for Wisdom, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer for Workers in a Time of Pandemic, by Rabbi Michael Rothbaum (New England Jewish Labor Committee 2020)
- Prayer for Yisrael and the Congregation, by Rabbi Joseph Miller (1927)
- Prayer for Yom haShoah (תְּפִלָּה לַיּוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה) | Gebet für Jom haSchoa, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- Prayer in a Time of Serious Illness, by Rabbi Gilah Langner
- Prayer in Eulogy for Rabbi George Jacobs, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (18 July 1884)
- Prayer in Eulogy for Vice President Henry Wilson, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (1 December 1875)
- Prayer in Heavy Sickness, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer in Memory of Departed Souls (הזכרת נשמות), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer in sickness, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer in the event of a sluggish Internet response, by Aharon Varady
- Prayer in Times of Bodily Suffering, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Prayer №1 of the Guest Chaplain of the New York State Legislature: Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (in the week commencing 12 January 1852)
- Prayer №2 of the Guest Chaplain of the New York State Legislature: Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (in the week commencing 12 January 1852)
- Prayer of a Congregational Rabbi upon their Installation, by Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut (1961)
- Prayer of a mother for her sick infant child, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of a Mother on the Grave of Her Child, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of a Wife for a Sick Husband, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of a Wife for her Husband, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of an Orphan, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of Intercession [for Britain in the War against Nazi Germany], by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1940)
- Prayer of Parents for a Son or Daughter in the Armed Forces, by Rabbi Max Klein (1951)
- Prayer of praise for Tsar Alexander II, emancipator of the serfs of the Russian Empire (HaMelitz, 1861)
- Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Feast of Tabernacles (סוכות), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Last Days of Passover, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of Thanksgiving on Recovering from Sickness, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer of Thanksgiving, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Prayer of the Confederate States Soldiers, by Rabbi Max Michelbacher (ca. 1861)
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain before the Virginia House of Delegates: Rabbi A.S. Bettelheim on 26 May 1870
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the Georgia State House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Miriam Udel on 2 February 2023
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the Massachusetts State Senate: Rabbi Joseph Rudavsky on 24 March 1959
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the New York State Legislature: Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise (in the week commencing 11 April 1853)
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the New York State Senate: Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise on 24 June 1851
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Aaron Krupnick on 6 June 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Aaron Melman on 31 May 2012
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Abraham J. Feldman on 29 January 1958
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Abram Simon on 16 February 1905
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Abram Simon on 22 February 1925
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Abram Simon on 29 May 1929
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Akiva Males on 23 April 2008
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Alan M. Sokobin on 25 February 1957
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Albert A. Goldman on 8 February 1972
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Albert Plotkin on 17 May 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Alex J. Goldman on 20 April 1961
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Alex Pollack on 17 March 1977
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Alfred Cohen on 24 June 1969
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Amos M. Bunim on 1 June 1954
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Amy Rader on 14 September 2006
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 1 September 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 18 August 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 18 July 2016
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 20 November 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 22 October 2024
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 23 August 2024
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 6 February 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 8 August 2023
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 9 August 2022
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold Mark Belzer on 20 April 1988
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 10 September 2021
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 23 October 2020
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 26 December 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 29 November 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff on 30 December 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arthur Schneier on 10 May 1956
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arthur Schneier on 16 June 1958
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arthur Schneier on 3 June 1959
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arthur Schneier on 8 May 1990
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arthur T. Buch on 1 April 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Arthur T. Buch on 25 April 1951
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Avraham Soltes on 21 March 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Barnett Hasden on 5 June 1975
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Barry Block on 10 January 2020
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Barry Rosen on 11 September 1975
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Barry Tabachnikoff on 24 April 1990
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Barton G. Lee on 13 March 1980
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Bentzion Schaffran on 19 February 1974
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Bernard Bergman on 26 May 1942
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Bernard Weinberger on 25 February 1964
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Bernhard H. Rosenberg on 14 June 1979
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Bruce Lustig on 16 May 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Carole Meyers on 8 November 2001
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 28 April 1977
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 9 June 1960
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaim Z. Rozwaski on 8 June 1976
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaplain (Capt.) Alan M. Greenspan on 8 June 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Chaplain Jonathan A. Panitz on 16 October 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Claudio J. Kogan on 12 March 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Claudio Kogan on 10 June 2015
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Commander Maurice S. Kaprow on 25 September 2008
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Commander Maurice S. Kaprow on 5 May 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi David A. Nelson on 27 March 1979
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi David Algaze on 11 July 2012
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi David Greene on 12 July 2005
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi David Saltzman on 6 September 1990
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi David Shapiro on 24 January 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner on 24 October 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dov Bidnick on 6 April 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dov Edelstein on 8 March 1979
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dov Hillel Klein on 5 May 2010
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dovid Cohen on 10 July 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Abraham de Sola on 9 January 1872
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Abraham Shusterman on 3 February 1953
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Ari Korenblit on 19 November 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Daniel P. Parker on 23 July 1962
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. David Halpern on 17 June 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Gary P. Zola on 21 September 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Henry E. Kraus on 4 April 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Isidore Lewinthal on 1 July 1912
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck on 12 February 1948
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Sidney S. Tedesche on 26 March 1935
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Solomon Freilich on 18 March 1980
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Dr. Stanley M. Wagner on 2 April 1984
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Edward Benjamin Morris Browne on 13 December 1917
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn on 13 September 1989
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Edward T. Sandrow on 20 April 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Efrem Goldberg on 5 April 2011
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Eli B. Greenwald on 19 February 1962
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Elie Spitz on 18 March 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Ellen Wolintz-Fields on 12 July 2007
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Ely E. Pilchik on 12 May 1981
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Eugene H. Levy on 24 June 1982
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Evan Hoffman on 29 October 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Eytan Hammerman on 11 June 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Felipe Goodman on 3 June 2008
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Frederick L. Klein on 18 September 2007
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gary Klein on 27 June 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gerald M. Kane on 2 October 2002
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gershon Avtzon on 25 July 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gershon B. Chertoff on 19 April 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gil Steinlauf on 27 January 2010
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gordon Papert on 20 March 1975
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Gustav Hausmann on 28 February 1899
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Haim Asa on 13 November 1985
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Haim Kemelman on 25 February 1971
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hannah Spiro on 11 March 2022
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hannah Spiro on 24 September 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hannah Spiro on 29 May 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hannah Spiro on 5 September 2023
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Harold P. Smith on 4 December 1963
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Harry H. Epstein on 16 March 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Harry J. Kaufman on 13 February 1951
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Harry Nelson on 23 May 1963
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Harvey Waxman on 21 June 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Herbert A. Opalek on 2 March 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Herbert J. Mandl on 27 July 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hersh M. Ginsberg on 21 May 1964
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hershel Lutch on 21 June 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Howard A. Simon on 26 May 1969
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Hyman B. Faskowitz on 19 April 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi I. Usher Kirshblum on 8 February 1977
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Irving J. Block on 2 June 1983
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Irving Spielman on 12 September 1990
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Irwin N. Goldenberg on 7 November 2007
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Isaac Neuman on 11 April 1983
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Isidore Lewinthal on 17 January 1917
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel Goldstein on 14 July 1977
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel Goldstein on 21 April 1942
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel Goldstein on 23 April 1958
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel Mowshowitz on 15 March 1973
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel O. Goldberg on 4 June 1971
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel Schorr on 11 May 1976
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Israel Zoberman on 25 June 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi J. Harold Romirowsky on 13 March 1969
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff on 18 February 1969
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jacob A. Max on 20 June 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jacob Handler on 26 June 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jacob Luski on 28 October 2009
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jacob M. Sable on 25 February 1960
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jay Marcus on 13 September 1990
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jay Weinstein on 17 May 2016
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jeffrey Astrachan on 7 February 2012
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn on 24 May 2011
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Jerome Weistrop on 18 July 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Joel Levenson on 10 July 2012
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi John Linder on 22 March 2016
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Joshua Davidson on 16 June 2010
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Joshua Gruenberg on 13 November 2013
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Joshua O. Haberman on 4 June 1985
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Joui Hessel on 3 June 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Karl Applbaum on 26 February 1970
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Karl Applbaum on 29 April 1963
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Kenneth Segel on 19 April 1972
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Kurt L. Metzger on 5 June 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Laszlo Berkowits on 14 June 1988
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Laurence A. Kotok on 2 May 1979
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Lawrence Sernovitz on 4 June 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Leib Pinter on 18 February 1975
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Leo Heim on 1 June 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Leo Landman on 17 October 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Leon Fram on 25 March 1935
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Levi Slonim on 25 July 2024
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Linda Motzkin on 11 July 2000
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Louis I. Newman on 7 January 1930
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Louis Kaplan on 3 June 1969
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Louis M. Tuchman on 30 March 1982
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Manny Behar on 30 April 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Mara Nathan on 19 January 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Mark Getman on 24 July 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Mark Schiftan on 20 June 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Martin S. Halpern on 6 June 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Max Raisin on 30 January 1947
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Maynard C. Hyman on 28 March 1985
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Meir Felman on 28 May 1962
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Meyer Heschl Leifer on 11 February 1965
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Michael Lotker on 18 June 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Michael Siegel on 30 April 2015
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Milton Balkany on 26 June 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Mordecai L. Brill on 28 May 1957
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Morris H. Margolies on 25 February 1986
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Morris J. Raphall on 1 February 1860
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Morris M. Hershman on 1 February 1983
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Morris M. Shapiro on 8 April 1975
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Morton M. Berman on 1 July 1957
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Morton M. Kanter on 8 June 1961
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Moshe E. Bomzer on 18 April 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Nachum David Herman on 7 March 1950
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Naḥum M. Ben-Natan on 25 March 1976
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Nathan Kapner on 20 June 1973
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Nathan Zolondek on 28 January 1975
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Norman Zdanowitz on 21 February 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Paul Silton on 28 March 2007
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Peter E. Hyman on 30 July 2008
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Rachel S. Mikva on 8 March 1995
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Rachmiel Liberman on 13 May 1992
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Richard Boruch Rabinowitz on 3 May 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Richard M.E. Marcovitz on 14 June 1984
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Robert S. Widom on 17 February 1970
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Robert Silvers on 17 April 2013
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Romi Cohn on 29 January 2020
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Samuel Scolnic on 18 June 1962
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Sanford Akselrad on 28 March 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Saul Israel Wisemon on 2 May 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Selig S. Auerbach on 20 July 1955
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Seth Frisch on 5 February 2020
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Seymour L. Essrog on 20 April 1982
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Seymour Rosenbloom on 4 May 1988
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Shea Harlig on 15 March 2007
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Shea Hecht on 30 November 2016
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Shlomo Goren on 24 June 1974
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Shlomo Segal on 25 April 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld on 23 May 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Sidney Harcsztark on 18 March 1965
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Sidney S. Guthman on 19 March 1981
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Sidney S. Guthman on 2 July 1974
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Simcha Freedman on 18 October 1977
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Simcha Freedman on 22 October 1985
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Solomon B. Shapiro on 8 July 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Solomon Schiff on 18 June 2009
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz on 23 April 1969
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stephen Leon on 22 July 2009
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stephen Roth on 29 May 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Steven Abraham on 20 November 2019
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Steven I. Rein on 12 June 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Steven Weil on 20 September 2012
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stuart L. Berman on 17 July 2008
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stuart L. Berman on 18 June 1986
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt on 25 May 1988
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Theodore S. Levy on 8 March 1984
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Thomas A. Louchheim on 17 May 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Toby H. Manewith on 5 March 1998
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi Walter Jacob on 15 June 1978
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives: Rabbi William Spigelman on 23 May 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Abraham Chill on 23 June 1965
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Abraham Hecht on 21 April 1983
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Abraham Hecht on 25 April 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Abram Simon on 16 January 1905
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Albert A. Pattashnick on 17 June 1965
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Alfred Cohen on 27 January 1972
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Alvin K. Berkun on 8 May 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 13 June 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 16 June 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 19 May 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 21 May 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 22 January 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 28 April 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 29 April 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff on 5 May 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Barry Block on 31 January 2017
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl on 29 November 2012
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 16 June 1958
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Chaim U. Lipschitz on 28 March 1962
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Chaplain Simeon Kobrinetz on 26 February 1975
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Charles M. Rubel on 21 April 1958
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Charles M. Rubel on 4 August 1971
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Cheryl Jacobs on 7 February 2008
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Daniel Fellman on 29 January 2009
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi David de Sola Pool on 28 June 1955
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi David H. Panitz on 27 April 1960
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi David Philipson on 2 February 1904
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Dena Feingold on 20 April 1994
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Doniel Ginsberg on 12 June 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Dr. Bernhard H. Rosenberg on 11 June 2003
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Dr. Gary P. Zola on 26 May 2005
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Dr. Israel Goldstein on 21 February 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz on 6 May 1965
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Dr. Julius Mark on 29 March 1960
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Dr. Meir Felman on 28 April 1964
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Efry Spectre on 12 May 1983
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Ellen Bernhardt on 20 May 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Emmet Allen Frank on 26 June 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Gerald M. Kane on 1 October 2002
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Gershon B. Chertoff on 25 March 1963
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Harold Kravitz on 9 June 2015
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Harold P. Smith on 27 June 1963
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Henry Pereira Mendes on 24 April 1888
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Herbert W. Bomzer on 23 May 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Herman Eliot Snyder on 28 April 1948
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise on 20 May 1870
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Israel Poleyeff on 5 April 1995
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Israel Porath on 5 June 1964
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Israel Zoberman on 11 December 2014
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Israel Zoberman on 7 July 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Jacob Agus on 20 July 1953
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Jacob Handler on 17 January 1962
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Jay Kaufman on 17 April 1967
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Jeffrey A. Wohlberg on 29 September 1988
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Jehiel Orenstein on 12 April 2005
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Joseph P. Weinberg on 21 February 1974
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Kenneth I. Segel on 18 July 1973
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Leo M. Franklin on 19 January 1917
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Leon M. Adler on 10 July 1963
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Leslie Gutterman on 15 September 2011
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Lester M. Miller on 27 March 1979
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on 2 November 2011
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Martin Jay Applebaum on 20 February 1992
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Max A. Shapiro on 15 April 1985
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Max B. Wall on 21 June 1984
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Max M. Landman on 26 January 1961
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Max M. Landman on 27 April 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Maynard C. Hyman on 8 February 1966
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Mendy Deitsch on 25 January 2024
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Mendy Greenberg on 31 March 2022
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Michael Beals on 23 May 2013
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Milton Balkany on 22 March 2007
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Milton Balkany on 7 November 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Milton Richman on 20 April 1964
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Mordecai Levy on 25 May 1972
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Morris A. Landes on 2 May 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Morris Silverman on 19 February 1959
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Morton M. Kanter on 9 June 1971
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Moshe Feller on 1 February 1990
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Moshe Feller on 11 January 2022
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Moshe Feller on 11 June 2013
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Moshe Feller on 14 July 1989
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Moshe Feller on 16 October 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Moshe Feller on 22 June 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Norman Geller on 11 April 1989
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld on 18 April 1955
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld on 2 June 1959
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld on 29 April 1946
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Peter S. Berg on 12 December 2023
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein on 23 April 1958
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Rafael G. Grossman on 16 March 1982
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Richard Marcovitz on 17 May 1988
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Robert B. Slosberg on 2 April 1992
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Samuel Thurman on 26 February 1945
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Saul Israel Wisemon on 28 May 1970
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Seth Frisch on 19 March 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Seth H. Frisch on 27 February 2018
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Seymour Stauber on 25 July 1968
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Shea Harlig on 25 June 2009
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Shmuel Butman on 6 April 2006
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman on 12 June 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Sidney S. Guthman on 22 April 1982
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Solomon H. Metz on 5 June 1944
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Solomon H. Metz on 6 June 1945
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Solomon Schiff on 9 September 2004
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Stephen Baars on 22 May 2008
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Stephen Pinsky on 13 June 1989
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Theodore Lewis on 18 February 1963
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Tzvi H. Porath on 14 May 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein on 20 March 1991
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the U.S. Senate: Rabbi Yosef Greenberg on 3 February 2016
- Prayer of the Guest Chaplain of the Virginia House of Delegates: Rabbi Julius Eckman (January 1850)
- Prayer offered in response to the Great Boston Fire of 1872, by Rabbi Sabato Morais
- Prayer offered in response to the Great Chicago Fire, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (1 December 1871)
- Prayer on Becoming Responsible as to Religious Duties, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on Beginning a New Journal, by Aharon N. Varady
- Prayer on behalf of a sibling starting off on a journey, by Rabbi Abraham Burstein (1927)
- Prayer on Behalf of the Religious Diversity of Humanity, by the Jewish Religious Union of London (1902)
- Prayer on Behalf of the Whole House of Israel, by the Jewish Religious Union of London (1902)
- Prayer on Entering a New Habitation, by Rabbi Isaac Henry Myers of Ramsgate (1855)
- Prayer on Inauguration, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (the Shalom Center, 2021)
- Prayer on Kneading and Baking Ḥallot for Shabbat, by Perle Derbaremdiger Peretz (fl. 18th c.)
- Prayer on Losing Some One Near and Dear, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Prayer on the 100th Anniversary of the Death of George Washington, by Rabbi Edward N. Calisch (1899)
- Prayer on the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the State of Israel for North American Jews, by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen (T’ruah 2023)
- Prayer on the Anniversary of Brighton & Hove Liberal Synagogue, by Lilian Helen Montagu (27 May 1956)
- Prayer on the Anniversary of Temple Israel, by Rabbi Roland Gittlesohn (ca. 1960)
- Prayer on the Anniversary of the Death of a Parent (יאָרצײַט), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Approach of Childbirth, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Prayer on the Centennial of the Inauguration of George Washington, by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef (1889)
- Prayer on the Confederate Day of Fasting and Prayer, by Rabbi Max Michelbacher (27 March 1863)
- Prayer on the consecration of the new synagogue building for Ḳahal Ḳadosh Mikveh Israel in Philadelphia, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (1 June 1860)
- Prayer on the Day of Betrothal, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Day of Circumcision, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Day of Marriage (previous to the Nuptial Ceremony), by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Declaration of War [against Imperial Germany], by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1914)
- Prayer on the Declaration of War [against Nazi Germany], by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1940)
- Prayer on the Grave of a Brother, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Grave of a Sister, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Jubilee of Her Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, by Rabbi Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler (21 June 1887)
- Prayer on the New Moon, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Ninth Day of Aḇ תשעה באב the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Occasion of a Premature Birth, by Rabbi Elliot Kukla
- Prayer on the Occasion of the Dedication of Ḳahl Montgomery Synagogue, by Rabbi James Koppel Gutheim (16 May 1862)
- Prayer on the Sabbath of Naming a New Born Daughter, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the Sabbath Previous to the New Moon, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer on the second anniversary of the Jewish Foster Home and Orphan Asylum in Philadelphia, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (20 February 1857)
- Prayer on the Signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty on June 28th 1919 ending World War Ⅰ (Liberal Jewish Synagogue of London, 5 July 1919)
- Prayer Previous to Confinement, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Prayer that the Lands of Our Freedom Never Resemble Mitsrayim, by Rabbi Jill Jacobs
- Prayer to Mark the Passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth 2022)
- Prayer upon the death of President James A. Garfield, by Rabbi Sabato Morais (after 19 September 1881)
- Prayer when in Trouble, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Prayer while awaiting election returns, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2022)
- Prayers for the Morning of Sigd: ሃሌ ፡ ሃሌ ፡ ይባርክዎ | Hale hale yəbarəkəwo (Hail, Hail, Bless the One), in Ge’ez with vocalized Hebrew and English translation
- Prayers for the Morning of Sigd: መናብረተ ፡ ቤተ ፡ ዳዊት | Mänabərätä betä Dawitə (Thrones of David’s House), in Ge’ez/Agaw with vocalized Hebrew and English translation
- Prayers for the Morning of Sigd: ንዑ ፡ ንስግድ | Nəʽu nəsəgədə (Come, Let Us Bow), in Ge’ez with vocalized Hebrew and English translation
- Prayers for the Morning of Sigd: ወዐርጉ ፡ ደብር | Wäʿärəgu Däbərə (And They Climbed the Mount), in Ge’ez with vocalized Hebrew and English translation
- Prayers for the Morning of Sigd: ወጾሩ ፡ ታቦቶሙ | Wäṣoru Tabotomu (They Carried Out Their Ark), in Ge’ez with vocalized Hebrew and English translation
- Prayers for the Morning of Sigd: ይትባረክ ፡ እግዚአብሔር | YətəbaräkəʾƎgəziʾäbəḥerə (Blessed be YHVH), in Ge’ez with vocalized Hebrew and English translation
- Prayers Previous to Initiation on Attaining the Age of Twelve, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)
- Preis der Gotteslehre, a hymn translated by Felix Adler (1868) adapted from a songbook of the Cooperative for Reform Judaism in Berlin (1846)
- Preparing for the Shema, a responsive reading by Rabbi Cantor Eva Robbins (2015)
- Prière après l’initiation | Prayer after initiation (of a Bar/Bat Mitsvah), by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière après l’instruction | A Child’s Prayer After School, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière avant l’initiation | Prayer before initiation (of a Bar/Bat Mitsvah), by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière avant l’instruction | A Child’s Prayer Before School, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière d’ouverture du le chef du Sanhédrin | Opening prayer of the head of the Grand Sanhedrin, by Rabbi David Sinẓheim (9 February 1807)
- Prière d’un enfant pour son père et sa mère | A child’s prayer for their parents, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière d’un enfant pour un malade | A child’s prayer for a sick person, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière de table d’un enfant | A Child’s Table Prayer, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière des assistants a l’initiation | Prayer of the (Bar/Bat Mitsvah) tutors at the initiation, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière du Matin d’Un Enfant | A Child’s Morning Prayer, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière du père et de la mère le jour de l’initiation de leur enfant | Prayer of the father and mother on the day of their child’s initiation (as a Bar/Bat Mitsvah), by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière du soir pour un enfant | A Child’s Evening Prayer, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière pour Demander la Lumière Divine | A Prayer for Divine Light [upon candlelighting], by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière pour demander la subsistance | Prayer for sustenance, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière Pour la Fête de Hanouka | Prayer for the Festival of Ḥanukkah, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1848)
- Prière pour une personne qui se met en voyage | Prayer on behalf of a person who goes on a journey, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Prière quand on se met en voyage | Prayer when you go on a journey, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Principles of Faith of Rabbi Ellen Bernstein (2012)
- Prinzessin Sabbat | Princess Shabbat, by Heinrich Heine (1851)
- Purim, Festival of Mirth — a prayer by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- Qedushta Additions for the Public Repetition of the Amidah on Sigd, adapted from the original liturgical texts by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Raising the Olive Branch in Solidarity with Palestinian Olive Farmers: A Tu biShvat Seder supplement by Rabbi Arik Ascherman (2010)
- Rebuke Me Not Nor Chasten Me (Psalms 38), a hymn on “Confidence in God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Reconstruction of a Greek text of the Shabbat Amidah preserved in the Constitutiones Apostolorum (circa 380 CE), by Dr. David Fiensy
- Refreshed By Sleep, That Sovereign Balm – a hymn on “Morning” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Reggeli ima | Gebet am Morgen | Morning Prayer, a paraliturgical Elohai Neshamah by Rabbi Arnold Kiss (1897)
- Rejoice in God, Our Mighty Rock – a hymn for Shavuot by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- Remember Man While Thou Art Young, a hymn on “Religion in Early Life” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Return, Oh Lord! and Let Me Be (Job 29), a hymn on “Charity” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Ritual for Judging Bad Dreams for Good
- Rosh Ḥodesh Shevat, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin
- Rude are the Tabernacles Now, a hymn for Hoshana Rabbah by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Rugăcĭune Pentru Regele | Prayer for the King [Carol Ⅰ, of Romania], by Rabbi Dr. Moses Gaster (1883)
- Sabbath Blessing, a prayer by Caroline de Litchfield Harby (Reformed Society of Israel ca. 1826)
- Sabbath Eve (In the Home), a prayer welcoming the Shabbat Queen by Rabbi Ely E. Pilchik (1962)
- Sabbath prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Salvation through Labor, a prayer for the Sabbath before Labor Day, adapted from the writings of A.D. Gordon by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- Sambatyon, a poem for Shabbat by Rabbi Alter Abelson (1931)
- Sandalphon, a poem concerning the angel by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1858)
- Saturday Afternoon Request, by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
- Schema Jisrael | Shema Yisrael, a hymn by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1867)
- Schlußgebet | Final prayer [before bedtime], by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- School-hymn, by Felix Adler (1868)
- Self-examination [version 2], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Self-examination for every night [version 1], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Seliḥah to the Inner Child Within Us, by Miriam Rubin
- Service for the Blessing of a Baby, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1962)
- Seven Hoshanot for Creation, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- Shabbat Affirmations for Erev Shabbat, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- Shalom Aleikhem, a paraliturgical adaptation by Rabbi David Einhorn (1858)
- Shebuoth, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- Shiviti (scalable vector graphic) art, by Yaakov Love
- Song After the Revolution, an adaptation of Psalms 92 for Friday Evening by Rabbi Brant Rosen (Tzedek Chicago)
- Song of the Spirit, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1848)
- Song, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1853)
- Source of Mercy, Truth and Grace! – a hymn for Shabbat by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Special Prayer for Our Soldiers and Sailors, edited by Rabbi Aaron Dym (1943)
- Spring, a hymn on “Immortality of the Soul” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Strike the Cymbal, a hymn by Columbus Moïse (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- Sunday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Sündenbekenntnis (Widduj) | A prayer upon completing the Vidui on Yom Kippur, by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Supplemental stanza to Maoz Tsur for Ḥanukkah 2024, by Eitan Meshullam Chai
- Supplique dans un malheur ou dans un chagrin | Supplication in misfortune or in grief, by Jonas Ennery & Rabbi Arnaud Aron (1852)
- Tal, a prayer for dew in the onset of spring by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- Task of the Ages, a hymn by Felix Adler (1888)
- Teach Us to Be Thankful, by Rabbi Louis M. Epstein (1962)
- Tefillat Geshem, a paraliturgical prayer for rain on Shemini Atseret by Rabbi Louis Polisson
- Teḥinah upon tearing off the pitom of the etrog on Hoshana Rabba, from the Tsenah Ur’enah (1622)
- Thanksgiving and Prayer, by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)
- Thanksgiving Day prayer in honor of King Umberto Ⅰ of Italy upon the passing of a cholera epidemic, by Rabbi Sobato Morais (28 November 1884)
- Thanksgiving Day Prayer, by Rabbi Max Klein (1954)
- Thanksgiving for Deliverance, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)
- Thanksgiving for Divine Mercy, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- Thanksgiving, a hymn by Felix Adler (1868)
- That America Fulfil the Promise of Its Founding, a prayer for Independence Day by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- That Religion Be Not a Cloak for Hypocrisy, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- The “Dona Nobis Pacem” blues from Leonard Bernstein’s MASS (1971), original Hebrew translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- The Angels’ Vigil, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1848)
- The Body Speaking to the Soul Which Just Left It, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1842)
- The Breath of All Life, a paraliturgical Nishmat Kol Ḥai for Shabbat morning by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
- The Child’s Al Ḥet, by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)
- The Children’s Song, a hymn by Felix Adler (1888)
- The City of Light, a poem by Felix Adler (1882)
- The Council of All Beings, an activity for all ages on the Jewish New Year’s Day for Animals, Rosh haShanah la-Behemah, on Rosh Ḥodesh Elul
- The Dignity of Labor, a prayer for Labor Day by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- The Earth is Our Temple, a d’var tefilah on making blessings over foods by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- The Feast of Lights, a poem by Emma Lazarus (1882)
- The Fifth Child: a Refugee Child, a supplemental Passover seder reading to the Four Children of the Haggadah by Rabbi Julie Schonfeld (JDWA 2022)
- The Global Pledge of Allegiance, by Edna A. Maisner-Reitz (1988)
- The Glory of God, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- The Lord a Watchful Guardian Reigns, a hymn on “Evening” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- The Lord of Heaven Reigns, a hymn on Omnipotence by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- The Many and the Few | רַבִּים בְּיַד מְעַטִּים (Rabim b’Yad M’atim) — a Hebrew adaptation of Woody Guthrie’s Ḥanukkah ballad by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- The Mapmaker, a poem by Eli Steier
- The Menorah, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1886)
- The Offering: A Tashlikh Prayer, by Rabbi Jill Hammer
- The Open Door of the Heart, a prayer by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- The path of the righteous man (הַדֶרֶךְ שֶׁל הַצָדִיק Ha-derekh shel ha-tsadiq) — from the film The Bodyguard (1976), adapted by Jules Winnfield in the film Pulp Fiction (1994)
- The Peace of Pity — three stanzas adapted from “Worship,” a poem by John Greenleaf Whittier (1848)
- The Phylacteries, a poem by Rabbi Alter Abelson (1931)
- The Pilgrim March, a hymn for Sukkot by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)
- The Pious Man, a prayer-poem by Mordecai Kaplan adapted from the essay “An Analysis of Piety” by Abraham Joshua Heschel (1942)
- the song at the sea of ending one story and beginning another, by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit (February 2023)
- The Star-Spangled Banner (די שטערן־שטרײפיקע פאָן), the national anthem of the United States by Francis Scott Key (1814)
- The Story of Elul, by Todd Greenberg
- The Sun Shines On With Glorious Light, a hymn on Divine Providence in Relation to Israel by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- The Sweeping Story of Rosh haShanah Musaf — in Color! by Rabbi Barry Kornblau
- The Tabernacle, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1891)
- The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-14) in Ladino translation from the Constantinople Codex (1547)
- The twelve hued rainbow above the Sea of Reeds during the miracle of its division into twelve channels of liberation
- The Voice of the Lord, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (before 1883)
- Things That Are Not To Be, a prayer-poem in the event of a pregnancy loss by Rabbi Hanna Yerushalmi (LGPC)
- Thirteen Intentions of Faith Taught at the Beit HaMidrash of Elat Chayyim, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- This Shall Not Continue: A Prayer to End Gun Violence, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2023)
- Thou Who Art Spirit, by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- Though Sorrows May be Multiplied, a hymn on “Obedience to the Will of God” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Thought: A Vision, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1853)
- Through Darkness to Light, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- Thursday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Tilt: A Prayer for the Winter Solstice, by Trisha Arlin
- Tishah b’Av from Within, a prayer-poem by Todd Greenberg
- TODAY: A Rosh haShanah Prayer to End Gun Violence, by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2019)
- Transition Ritual Poems, by Joy Ladin
- Tuesday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Twilight, a poem by Rosa Emma Salaman (1849)
- Two Cups: Elijah and Miriam, a kavvanah and a prayer by Trisha Arlin
- Unglückliche Ehe | Unhappy marriage, a teḥinah by Pereẓ Beer (1815)
- Universal Intercessory Prayer, a prayer for Queen Victoria and the United Kingdom by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1837)
- Universal Praise, a hymn by David Nunes Carvalho (Reformed Society of Israelites, Charleston, South Carolina, 1826)
- Unless the Land Where Ye Abide (Psalms 127), a hymn on Divine Providence in Relation to Israel by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Unsung Heroism, a poem by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)
- Upon My Heart, a prayer-poem by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
- Us and Them, by Barbara Gish Scult
- Veterans Day Prayer at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, by Rabbi Arnold E. Resnicoff, Chaplain, USN (Ret.)
- Veterans Day Prayer for Jewish War Veterans, by Rabbi Simeon Kobrinetz, Chaplain, USAF (Ret.)
- Viddui for Coronavirus, by Rabbi Ora Nitkin-Kaner (2020)
- Vor dem Etrog-Segen | Before the Etrog Blessing, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Vor Neïla (Schlußgebet) | For Neïlah, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Während einer Seefahrt | [Prayer] during an ocean voyage, by Fanny Neuda (1855)
- War Can Be Abolished, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, J. Paul Williams, and Eugene Kohn (1951)
- We Bless Thee, Oh Lord! As the Bountiful Source – a hymn on “Praise and Thanksgiving” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- We Bring Not to Our Holy Shrine, a hymn for Shavuot by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Wednesday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)
- Wenn eine Frau aus dem Wochenbette aufsteht | When a woman rises from her postpartum bed, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Wenn eine Frau den stiel vom Esrog ausbeißt | When a woman bites the pitom from the etrog, by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Wenn man auf den Begräbnißplatz kommt | When one comes to the burial place, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Wenn man Chala nimmt | When One Takes Ḥallah, by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1829)
- Wenn man einen Leichenstein setzt, oder auch am Jahrẓeittage | When one sets a funeral stone, or also on the Yahrẓeit — a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- Wenn man vom Begräbnißplatz geht | When you leave the burial place, a teḥinah by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- what i love about the prayers of others, by Aharon Varady
- When Faith Too Young for a Sublimer Creed, a hymn by Penina Moïse for the consecration of her synagogue (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- When I Am Old, a poem by Miriam del Banco (1932)
- When I Remember, My God! (Exodus 20:13), a hymn on “Filial Love” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- When Light Broke Forth at God’s Command (Genesis 9:13), a hymn on Divine Mercy by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- When Morning Paints the Eastern Sky, a hymn on the Immortality of the Soul by Cordelia Moïse Cohen (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- While Man Explores With Curious Eye, a hymn on “Self-Knowledge” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- White Day of Peace, a poem by Miriam del Banco for the Jewish Women’s Congress (World Parliament of Religion at the World’s Columbian Exposition, 1893)
- Who Can’t Breathe? Three Outcries and a Prayer, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (the Shalom Center 2021)
- Whoa, Mary, don’t you weep no more! (Hebrew adaptation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- Why I love the book of Esther (or, Blessing for Adar, 5784) — by Kohenet Ilana Joy Streit
- Why Mourneth Zion’s Daughter Now, a hymn for Tishah b’Av by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Winter, a hymn on “Immortality of the Soul” by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- With Grateful Hearts of Song and Praise, a “School Hymn” by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1856)
- With Rapture I Behold the Light, a hymn for Shabbat by Gershon Lazarus (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Wo Unto Zion! She is Spoiled – a hymn for Tishah b’Av by Penina Moïse (Ḳ.Ḳ. Beth Elohim 1842)
- Wormicide, a poem by Rabbi Alter Abelson (1931)
- Yā Ḥanukka[t] | יָא חַנוּכָּה | يَا حَنُكَّة — a Judeo-Arabic adaptation of Mordkhe Rivesman’s “Oy Khanike” by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Ya Komimos (We have eaten), a piyyut for the Birkat haMazon in Ladino
- Yet Again: A Prayer for Israel and Gaza, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2014)
- Yizkor: Instructions for Remembering, by Rabbi Nina Mizrahi
- Yom Kippur prayer during the Yellow Fever epidemic in New York, by Abraham Mears Isaacks (1803)
- Yotsrot for Yom Simḥat Kohen/Yom Shem ha-El (11 Tishrei) in a Cairo Geniza weekday yotsrot style by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- Zekher Milah, a different tack on Brit milah & Brit banot by Rabbi Arthur Waskow
- Zum Offenbarungsfeste | Prayer for the Festival of Revelation (Shavuot), by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- ἕνας ὁ κύριος | Hénas ho Kýrios, a piyyut in Judeo-Greek for Shavuot (ca. 16th-17th c.)
- Молитва про захист наших сердець від ненависті | תפילה לשמירה על ליבנו משנאה (בזמן המלחמה) | Prayer to Protect Our Hearts from Hatred in Wartime, by Miriam Klimova (2022)
- אַ בְּרָכָה פֿאַרן קײסער | A Blessing for the Kaiser, from Fiddler on the Roof by Joseph Stein – Yiddish translation by Shraga Friedman (1965)
- אַ געבעט פאַר דער אימונירונג | תְּפִלָּה לִפְנֵי חִסּוּן | Prayer before a Vaccination, by Hannah Katsman
- א דוּדעלע (אַיֵּה אֶמְצָאֶךָּ) | A Dudele (Where shall I seek you?), by Rabbi Levi Yitsḥaq of Berditchev (ca. 18th c.)
- אַ דִין־תּוֹרָה מיט גאָט | A Lawsuit with God, the ḳaddish prayer of Rebbi Levi Yitsḥaq of Berditchev in Yiddish, Hebrew, and English (ca. 18th c.)
- אַ סאָציאַליסטישער הַלֵּל | A Yiddish Socialist adaptation of Hallel (1900/1919)
- א תחנה פאר א אשה מעוברת אז זיא גײט צו קינד | Tkhine for a Pregnant Woman when She is about to Give Birth (1910)
- א תחנה פאר א כלה קודם החופה | A Tkhine for a Bride [to say] before the Khupe [wedding canopy ceremony]
- א תחנה פאר א מוטער װאס פירט איהר קינד דעם ערשׁטען מאל אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Who Leads their Child for the First Time to Religious School (1910)
- א תְּחִנָה פאר א שׂטיףּ מוטער | A Tkhine for a Stepmother (from Shas Tkhine Ḥadashah, 1922)
- אַ תּפֿילה צום לייענען די נײַעס | תפילה לקריאת החדשות | A Prayer for Reading the News — by Zackary Sholem Berger
- אָ, קאפּיטאן! מײַן קאפּיטאן! | O Captain! My Captain!, an elegy for President Abraham Lincoln by Walt Whitman (1865), Yiddish translation by Avrom Valt-Lyessin (1913)
- אָ, קאפּיטאן! מײַן קאפּיטאן! | O Captain! My Captain!, an elegy for President Abraham Lincoln by Walt Whitman (1865), Yiddish translation by Eliezer Meler (1940)
- אָב הָרַחֲמִים שׁוֹכֵן מְרוֹמִים | Av haRaḥamim Shokhein Meromim, a prayer for the martyred during the First Crusade & Rhineland massacres
- אֲבוּנָן דְּבִשְׁמַיָּא וּבָרְיַן | Abunan D’biShmaya (Our Parent in Heaven) — a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ by Meir ben Isaac Nehorai of Orléans (ca. 11th c.)
- אֲבוֹתַי כִּי בָטְחוּ | Avotai ki vatkhu (“When our forefathers trusted”), a pizmon for the Fast of Tevet ascribed to Ephraim ben Avraham ben Yitsḥaq of Regensburg (12th c.)
- אָבִינוּ שֶׁבַּשָּׁמַיִם | Avinu Shebashamayim, an acrostic supplication recited during Seliḥot
- אבלה נפשי | Avlah Nafshi (My soul mourns), a seliḥah for Tsom Gedalyah attributed to Rav Saadia Gaon (10th c.)
- אֶבֶן הָרֹאשָׁה | Even haRoshah (“The corner stone”), a seliḥah for the Fast of Tevet attributed to Avraham bar Menaḥem (13th c.)
- אַבְנֵי יְקָר | Avnei Y’qar — a Ḥanukkah piyyut attributed to Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra
- אֲגַדֶלְךָ | Agadelkha, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (ca. 12th c.) translation by Anonymous
- אֲגַדֶלְךָ | Agadelkha, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (ca. 12th c.) translation by Sara Lapidot
- אֲדוֹן הַכֹּל | Adon haKol, a piyyut by Rabbi Shalom Shabazi (ca. 17th c.)
- אֲדוֹן הַסְּלִיחוֹת | Adon haSeliḥot (Lord of Forgiveness), a pizmon for Seliḥot and Yom Kippur
- אֲדוֹן הַסְּלִיחוֹת | Adon haSeliḥot, a pizmon for Seliḥot and Yom Kippur with an alphabetic acrostic translation by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1937)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam (Polish translation by Rabbi Dr. Mojżesz Schorr, 1936)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam (Rabbinical Assembly & United Synagogue of America, 1946)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam (rhyming translation by George Borrow, 1842)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam (rhyming translation by Israel Zangwill, 1901)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam (rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter, 1917)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam (Romanian translation by Rabbi Dr. Moses Gaster, 1883)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam, translated by Alice Lucas (1894)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam, translated by Ben Zion Bokser (1957)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam, translated by Tsvi Hirsch Filipowski (1862)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | Adōn Olam, translated from Rabbi David Einhorn’s Olat Tamid (1858)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (אשכנז) | 世界的主 | Adon Olam (Shìjiè de zhǔ) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים במזרח) | Adōn Olam (Ladino translation from the Sidur Tefilat Kol Pe, 1891)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים במזרח) | Adōn Olam, translation by Annie Kantar
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (Italian translation by Rabbi Dr. David Prato, 1949)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (Portuguese translation by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto, 1939)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (rhyming translation by David de Aaron de Sola, 1836)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam (rhyming translation by Jacob Waley, before 1873)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam, rhyming translation by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1937)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam, rhyming translation by Rosa Emma Salaman (1855)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam, translation by Ḥakham Ishak Nieto (1740)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Adōn Olam, translation by Isaac Pinto (1766)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם (מנהג הספרדים) | Αδὸν Ὀλὰμ | Adōn Olam (Greek translation by Yosef Naḥmuli, 1885)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם | Adaun Aulom, a paraliturgical adaptation of Adon Olam by Lise Tarlau (1907)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם | Adōn Olam, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם | Adōn Olam, translated by Rabbi Marcus Jastrow after the abridged arrangement of Rabbi Benjamin Szold (1873)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם | Adon Olam: A Mystical Interpretation, by Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan Kaplan (2018)
- אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם | Before the Glorious Orbs of Light, a paraliturgical adaptation of Adon Olam by David Nunes Carvalho (ca. 1826)
- אַדִּיר בִּמְלוּכָה | Adir Bimlukhah, the piyyut in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- אַדִּיר הוּא | Adir Hu, the acrostic piyyut in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- אדיר הוא | Awesome One: an Alphabetical English Interpretation of the piyyut Adir Hu, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אַדִּיר לֹא יָנוּם | Adir Lo Yanum — a Sefaradi piyyut for weddings and Torah-reading days
- אַדִירְיַרוֹן בַהִירְיַרוֹן | Adiryaron Ḅahiryaron, a litany of angelic names associated with the 42 letter name, recorded in Sefer haPeliah
- אַדִירְיַרוֹן בַהִירְיַרוֹן | Adiryaron Ḅahiryaron, a litany of angelic names associated with the 42 letter name, recorded in Sefer haQanah
- אָדָם בְּקוּם עָלֵֽינוּ | Adam B’qum ‘Alenu, a seliḥah for Taanit Esther by Menaḥem ben Makhir (ca. 11th c.)
- אדמה ושמים | Adamah v’Shamayim (Earth & Heaven), a prayer-poem by Rabbi Louis Polisson after the song by Shimon Lev-Tahor (Suissa)
- אֲֽדֹנָי נֶגְדְּךָ כׇל־תַּאֲוָתִי | Adonai Negdekha kol Ta’avati, a piyyut by Yehudah haLevi (early 12th c.) rhyming translation by Alice Lucas (1894)
- אַהֲבָה תְּלַבְלֵב כְּמוֹ־פֶֽרַח | Ahava T’lavlev K’mo Peraḥ (Love blossoms like a flower) — a yotser for Tu b’Av by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אֶהְיֶה בְּעֵדֶן | Ehyeh b’Aden :: A piyyut containing the 42 Letter Name, in Sefer Ma’avar Yaḇoq (1626)
- אוֹדֶה אֵל שַדַּי | Odeh El Shaddai, a pizmon for Shabbat Shirah
- אוֹדֶה לָאֵל | Odeh la-El Levav Ḥoqer B’ran Yaḥad Kokhvei Boqer, a morning piyyut by Rabbi Shamayah Ḳosson (ca. 16th c.)
- אוֹדֶה לָאֵל | Odeh la-El, a morning piyyut by Rabbi Shamayah Ḳosson (ca. 16th c.)
- אוֹדְךָ כִּי אָנַֽפְתָּ בִּי | Odekha Ki Anafta Bi, a Yotser (Hymn) for Ḥanukkah by Yosef bar Shlomo of Carcassone (ca. 11th cent.)
- אוֹחִילָה לָאֵל | Oḥilah la’El, a reshut and a personal prayer offered by the shaliaḥ tsibbur, Yosef Goldman
- אוֹי לַלֵב שֶׁאֵינָה שְׁבוּרָה | Woe to the Heart that is not Broken, a ḳinah by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen (2019)
- אוֹי מֶה הָיָה לָנוּ | Oy Meh Haya Lanu (Oy What Has Happened to Us), by Barukh ben Shmuel of Mainz (ca. 12th c.)
- אוֹי נָא לָֽנוּ כִּי חָטָֽאנוּ | Oy Na Lanu Ki Ḥatanu (Woe alas unto us, for we have sinned), a ḳinah possibly by Elazar ben Killir (ca. 7th c.)
- אוֹמֶץ גְּבוּרוֹתֶיךָ | Omets G’vuratekha, a piyyut by Eleazar ben Qalir for the second night of Pesaḥ in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- אונו קאַפּרידאָ | חַד גַּדְיָא | Unu Kaprido — an Esperanto translation of Ḥad Gadya by Erin Piateski (2010)
- אוֹרָה הִיא | Orah Hee (She is light), a piyyut by Rabbi Jill Hammer (2008)
- אז בהלוך ירמיהו | Az Bahalokh Yirmiyahu: Then As Jeremiah Went, by Elazar ben Killir circa 7th century CE (translated by Gabriel Seed)
- אָז רוֹב נִסִּים | Az Rov Nissim, a piyyut by Yanai for the first night of Pesaḥ in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- אַזְכִּֽירָה יָמִים עִם יָמִים | Azkira Yamim Im Yamim, a piyyut for the First Shabbat of Admonition by Rabbi Yannai (ca. early 6th c.)
- אֶזְכְּרָה מָצוֹק | Ezkerah Matsōk (“I remember the distress”), a seliḥah for the Fast of Tevet attributed to Joseph ben Samuel Bonfils (11th c.)
- אִזֵל מֹשֶׁה | Izel Mosheh (Arise, Moses) — a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ
- אֲזַלַת בְּכִיתָא | Azalat Bekhita, a lamentation on the death of Mosheh (SYAP 41, ca. 7th c.)
- אֲזַלַת יוֹכֶֽבֶד | Azalat Yokheved, a lamentation on the death of Mosheh (SYAP 42a, ca. 7th c.)
- אֲזַמֵּר בִּשְׁבָחִין | Azamer biShvaḥin, a piyyut for Friday evening by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)
- אֶחָד | One, a song by Harry Nilsson (1967)
- אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Eḥad Mi Yode’a :: Who Knows One?, a counting song in Hebrew and Yiddish (Prague Haggadah, 1526)
- אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Unum (est &) quis scit? | Eḥad Mi Yode’a, a Latin translation of the counting song by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Якумин кӣ медонад | Yakumin Ki Medonad :: a Bukhori (Judeo-Tajik) Translation of Eḥad Mi Yodea by Rabbi Shimon ben Eliyahu Hakham (1904)
- אחות קטנה במאה ה -21 | A 21st century “Aḥot Ḳetanah” (Little Sister), by Rabbi Dr. Raysh Weiss
- אַחֵֽינוּ | Aḥeinu (Our siblings)
- אחרי הסערה | Prayer in the Aftermath of the Hurricane, by Rabbi Samuel Barth (2012)
- אחרי הצונמי | Prayer in the Wake of a Tsunami, by Rabbi Shai Held (2004)
- אחת סבום | 𐩱𐩢𐩩𐩽 𐩪𐩨𐩥𐩣𐩽 | חַד גַּדְיָא (ʔaħat sabawam) — a Sabaic translation of Ḥad Gadya, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אָי חֲנֻכָּה | Oy Ḥanukkah, a zemer for Ḥanukkah by Mordkhe Rivesman (1912)
- איידי! סיליבראמוס | Айде! Селебрамос | Ayde! Selebramos — a Ladino adaptation of Mordkhe Rivesman’s “Oy Khanike” by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אײן אנשפראכע געגען עין הרע | An Incantation against the Ayin haRa (1896)
- אַיֵּךְ | Ayekh (Where are you?), by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1904)
- אֵיךְ תְּנַחֲמוּנִי הֶבֶל | Eikh T’naḥamuni Hevel, a ḳinah by Elazar ben Killir ca. 7th c. (trans. Jonah Rank)
- אֵיכָה יָשְׁבָה בָּדָד | Eikhah Yashvah Badad (O How She Sat Alone), a qinah by Nurit Hirschfeld-Skupinsky
- אִילּוּ פּוּמֵּי נִימֵי | Ilu Pume Nima (If Our Mouths Were Thread) — an introductory a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ by Meir ben Isaac Nehorai of Orléans (ca. 11th c.)
- אֵין אַדִּיר כַּיְיָ (מִפִּי אֵל) | Ayn Adir kAdonai (Mipi El) :: There is none like YHVH
- אֵין אַדִּיר כַּיְיָ (מִפִּי אֵל) | Ayn Adir kAdonai | לָא קָאדִּר סַוָא אַלְלָה (There is none like Allah), minhag Cairo variation with a Judeo-Arabic translation
- אֵין כֵּאלֹהֵֽינוּ | A Polyglot Version of Ein kEloheinu
- אֵין כֵּאלֹהֵֽינוּ | Neniu Estas (נעניו עסטאַס) — an Esperanto translation of “Ein k’Eloheinu” by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אֵין כֵּאלֹהֵֽינוּ | Non È Come lo Ded Nostro (נוֹן אֵי קוֹמְי לוֹדֵּיד נוֹשְׁטְרוֹ) — a Renaissance Judeo-Italian translation of Ein Keloheinu (1483)
- אָכֵן ה׳ | Akhen Hashem, a baqashah of Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira (ca. 1920s)
- אֵל אָדוֹן (אשכנז) | El Adōn, a piyyut attributed to the Yordei Merkavah (alphabetic acrostic translation by Rabbi Sam Seicol)
- אֵל אָדוֹן (אשכנז) | El Adōn, a piyyut attributed to the Yordei Merkavah (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- אֵל אָדוֹן (מנהג הספרדים) | El Adōn, a piyyut attributed to the Yordei Merkavah (translation by Sara-Kinneret Lapidot)
- אֵל אָדוֹן | 上帝,主 | El Adon (Shàngdì, zhǔ) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- אֵל בָּרוּךְ | El Barukh :: A piyyut containing the 42 Letter Name, recorded by Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz
- אֵל בָּרוּךְ | El Barukh, an alphabetic acrostic piyyut together with the lyrics to Aleph Bass by Darshan
- אֵל לִבִּי פְּתַח | El Libbi Păthaḥ — a Prayer of Yemenite Jewish Children Before Study, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אֵל מָלֵא לְאַסְטְרוֹנָאוּטִים וְגָּשׁוֹשִׁיתוֹת | El Malé for Astronauts and Probes, by Aryeh Baruch
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים | El Malé Raḥamim – Interfaith Memorial Service for the Homeless, by Rabbi Victor Reinstein (2014)
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים | El Malé Raḥamim (Prayer for the Departed), interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים | El Malé Raḥamim (Prayer for the Departed), translated and sung by Effron Esseiva
- אל מלא רחמים | El Malé Raḥamim for Activists, Journalists, Doctors, Teachers, and Aid Workers in Palestine — by Avi Garelick
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים | El Malé Raḥamim for the victims of the Chmielnicki massacre (1648-1649), composed in memory of Yəḥiel Mikhel ben Eliezer, the Martyr of Nemyriv (ca. late 17th c.)
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים | El Malé Raḥamim for Victims of the Shoah (the Netherlands, ca. late 1940s)
- אל מלא רחמים לזכר הנרצחים | El Malé Raḥamim Prayer for the Victims of Terrorism in the Land of Israel
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים לְיוֹם־הַזִּכָּרוֹן־הַטְּרַנְסְגֶ׳נְדֵּרִי | El Malé Raḥamim for Transgender Day of Remembrance, by Nathaniel Jacobs
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים לְנִשְׁמוֹת תּוֹשָׁבֵי מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל מֶהַיִשּׁוּבֵי עוֹטֵף עַזָּה | El Malé Raḥamim for the residents of the State of Israel from the communities on the Gaza Border, by Cantor Amnon Seelig
- אֵל מָלֵא רַחֲמִים תְפִילָה לַנִּסְפִּים בַּשּׁוֹאָה | El Malé Raḥamim Prayer for the Victims of the Shoah, by Rabbi Yehoyada Amir
- אֵל מִסְתַּתֵּר | El Mistater :: The God who is hidden, by Avraham Maimin (circa 1550)
- אֵל מִסְתַּתֵּר | El Mistater (The God who is Hidden), by Avraham Maimin (ca. 1550, translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)
- אֵל קוֹל דְּמָמָה | El Qol D’mama — a piyyut for the end of Tishah b’Av by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אל רם חסין יה | El Ram Ḥasin Yah, a piyyut for Sukkot by Shlomo haPaytan (egal adaptation by Noam Sienna, 2012)
- אֵל שְׁמֹר הַמֶּֽלֶךְ | God Save the King (Hebrew translation with an additional stanza by Hyman Hurwitz 1831)
- אֵל שְׁמֹר הַמַּלְכָּה | God Save the Queen, an adaptation of Hyman Hurwitz’s Hebrew translation of “God Save the King” for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Celebration (1887)
- אֵלֶּה אֶזְכְּרָה | These I Remember, a seliḥah before the anniversary of October 7th by Ze’ev Kainan
- אֵלֶּה אֶזְכְּרָה, נוּסַח פִּיטְסְבּוּרְג | Eileh Ezkarah for Pittsburgh, by Rabbi Jonathan Perlman with Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum & Rabbi Martin Cohen (2019)
- אֱלָהָא עָלַם | Elaha Alam (Ageless God) — a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ by Meir ben Isaac Nehorai of Orléans (ca. 11th c.)
- אֱלָהָא תַּקִּיפָא רַבָּא וְגִבָּרָא | Elaha Taqifa (Mighty God) — a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ by Yequtiel ben Yosef
- אֱלֹהַי נְצוֹר | Elohai Netsor, a paraliturgical adaptation by Rabbi David Einhorn (1858)
- אֱלֹהַי נְשָׁמָה (נוסח אנגליה) | Elohai Neshamah, the complete daily vidui as found in the Ets Ḥayyim of Jacob Jehudah Ḥazzan on London (1287)
- אֱלֹהַי נְשָׁמָה | Elohai Neshamah, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- אֱלֹהַי נְשָׁמָה | Elohai Neshamah, a rhyming translation by Alice Lucas (1898)
- אלהי נשמה | Elohai Neshamah, adapted by Yael Schweid & Rabbi Ofer Sabath Beit-Halachmi (2009)
- אֱלֹהַי נְשָׁמָה שֶׁנָּתַתָּ בִּי | Neshamah Shenatata Bi (the breath you have given me), interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אֱלֹהִים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל | Elohim b’Yisrael :: A piyyut containing the 42 Letter Name, recorded in Sefer haPeliah
- אֱלֹהִים בְּעָלֽוּנוּ | Elohim B’alunu — a seliḥah on the York massacre of 1190 by Joseph ben Asher of Chartres (trans. Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- אלהים חיי הטבע | Elohim the Life of Nature, by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- אֱלֹהִים יִסְעָדֵנוּ | Elohim Yisadenu, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (trans. Rabbi David Aaron de Sola, 1857)
- אֵלִי כְּבוֹדִי: זמר לסעודה השלישית | Eli Kevodi (My God, My Glory), a hymn for the third sabbath meal by Asher Hillel Burstein
- אֱלִי צִיּוֹן וְעָרֶיהָ | Eli Tsiyon v’Areha (Mourn Zion and her cities), a ḳinah for Tishah b’Av
- אֱלִי צִיּוֹן וְעָרֶיהָ | Eli Tsiyon v’Arehah — Coronavirus, by Daniel Olson & Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg (2020)
- אֱלִי, רְפָאֵנִי וְאֵרָפֵא | Eli Refa’eni v’Erafé, the personal physician’s prayer of Rabbi Dr. Yehudah haLevi (ca. early 12th c.)
- אֵלֶֽיךָ אֶקְרָא יָהּ | Elekha Eqra Yah, a piyyut by Rabbi Shlomoh Zrihen (20th c.)
- אֵלִימֶֽלֶךְ גְּלָה | Elimelekh G’la — a Byzantine-Era Piyyuṭ Retelling the Book of Ruth
- אַלְלַי לִי | Alelai Li (Woe is me!), by Elazar ben Killir (ca. 7th c.)
- אָמוֹן יוֹם זֶה | Amon Yom Zeh, an introduction to the Azharot of ibn Gabirol by David ben Elazar ibn Paquda (ca. 12th c.)
- אֱמוּנֵי שְׁלוּמֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל | Emunei Shlumei Yisrael — a seliḥah witnessing the Blois incident of 1171 by Hillel ben Yaaqov of Bonn
- אֱמוּנִים עִרְכוּ שֶֽׁבַח | Emunim ʿIrkhu Shevaḥ — a Poetic Addition to Rabban Gamliel’s List
- אמעריקע | America (My Country, ‘Tis of Thee), a patriotic hymn by Samuel Francis Smith (1832) with Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1950)
- אַמעריקע די פּרעכטיקע | America the Beautiful, a patriotic hymn by Katharine Lee Bates (1895) with Yiddish translation by Berl Lapin (1950)
- אָמַר אוֹיֵב | Amar Oyev (The Enemy Said) — a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ
- אֲמַר קִירִיס לְמֹשֶׁה | Amar Kiris l-Mosheh, a lamentation on the death of Mosheh (SYAP 40, ca. 7th c.)
- אִמְרוֹת הָאֵל טְהוֹרוֹת | Imrot ha-El Ṭ’horot — a meorah piyyut for days on which the Decalogue is recited, by Yehuda ben Shmuel haLevi
- אֱמֶת וְיַצִּיב | 真实且确定 | Emet v’Yatsiv (Zhēnshí qiě quèdìng) and Al haRishonim (Duìyú dì yī gè) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- אָנָא אֵלֵךְ מֵרוּחֶךָ | Ana Élékh Méruḥekha, a piyyut by Yisrael Najara (ca. 16th c.)
- אֲנָא אַתְקֵינִית | Ana Atqenit (I am the one), a piyyut in Aramaic for introducing the first commandment as read in the Targum
- אָנָּא בְּכֹחַ | Ana b’Khoaḥ, a 42 letter name piyyut with a singing translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אָנָּא בְּכֹחַ | Ana b’Khoaḥ, with Spanish translation by Rabbi Isaac ben Shem Tov Cavallero (1552)
- אנא ה׳ מלך מלא רחמים | Memorial Prayer for Sacred Life Lost, by Netanel Zellis-Paley
- אֲסַדֵּר לִסְעוּדָתָא | Asader liS’udata, a piyyut for Shabbat morning by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)
- אסו ית ארסינואי | Two healing prayers for Arsinoë’s recovery (Amulets 80.AM.55.1 & 80.AM.55.2, J. Paul Getty Museum)
- אַעֲדִיף כׇּל־שְׁמוֹנָה | A’adif Kol Shmona — Qerovot and Qedushtah for Ḥanukkah, by El’azar biRabbi Qallir
- אַף אֹרַח מִשְׁפָּטֶיךָ | Af Oraḥ Mishpatekha — an ofan for Shabbat Ḥazon by Rabbi Elazar ben R’ Yehudah of Worms
- אֶפְתַּח פִּי לְךָ אָדוֹן | Eftaḥ Pi L’kha Adōn, a seliḥah for Kristallnacht by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אַצִיתוּ לִי אִילָנַיָּא | Atsitu Li Ilinaya | The Argument of the Trees — a debate-poem for Purim in Aramaic from the Targum Sheni
- אַקְדָמוּת מִילִין | Aḳdamut Milin, a preface to the Targum for the Shavuot Torah Reading, attributed to Meir ben Isaac Nehorai of Orléans (ca. 11th c.)
- אַקְדָּמוּת מִלִּין (לַפּוּרִים) | Aqdamut for Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- אַקְדָמּוּת מִלִּין | The Aḳdamut, a piyyut for introducing the Decalogue by Meir ben Yitsḥaq Nehorai of Orléans (acrostic translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- אַרְבָּעָה בָּנִים | The Four Children — an alternative take by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אַרְעָא רַקְדָא | Ar’a Raqda (And the Earth Danced), a piyyut in Aramaic for introducing the Decalogue as read in the Targum
- אֵשׁ תּוּקַד בְּקִרְבִּי | Aish Tuqad b’Qirbi: A Fire Shall Burn Within Me, by Avraham ibn Ezra
- אשׂא למרחוק | Essa Lameraḥoq by Aharon ben Yosef of Constantinople (13th c.)
- אֲשׁוֹרֵר שִׁירָה | Ashorer Shirah, a piyyut in honor of the Torah by Ḥakham Raphael Baruch Toledano (ca. 20th c.)
- אָשִׁיר לָאֵל אֲשֶׁר שָׁבַת | Ashir la-El Asher Shavat, a piyyut by Rabbi Mosheh ha-Levi (ca. 19th c.)
- אָשַׁמְנוּ | Ashamnu for Gaza by B. Hallel
- אֲשֶׁר בִּגְלַל אָבוֹת בָּנִים גִּדֵּל | Asher Biglal Avot Banim Gidel — an archaic piyyut on Mosheh’s Death for Simḥat Torah
- אֲשֶׁר בָּרָא יֵין עָסִיס | Asher Bara Yayin ‘Asis — a Poetic Extension of the Blessing over Wine for the Passover Seder (ca. 9th c.)
- אֲשֶׁר הֵנִיא | Asher Heni, a piyyut recited after the reading of Megillat Esther and its concluding blessing
- אשר יצר | Asher Yatsar prayer for recognizing the Divine Image in all our bodies, by Rabbi Emily Aviva Kapor
- אֲשֶׁר יָצַר | Asher Yatsar, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- אֲשֶׁר יָצַר | Asher Yatsar, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אַשְׁרֵי | Ashrei (Psalms 145), arranged by Aharon N. Varady
- אַשְׁרֵי | Ashrei, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ | Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha :: Sitting in your home is happiness (Psalms 145), translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ | Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha (Psalms 145), an Alphabetical English Translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אַשְׁרֵי יוֹשְׁבֵי בֵיתֶךָ | Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha (Psalms 145), an Alphabetical English translation by Rabbi Sam Seicol
- אֵשֶׁת חַיִל | Éshet Ḥayil (Proverbs 31:10-31) For an Accomplished Woman, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אֵשֶׁת חַיִל | Eshet Ḥayil (Proverbs 31:10-31), German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)
- אֵשֶׁת חַיִל | Eshet Ḥayil, amended by Alex and Peri Sinclair
- אֶת כּוֹס יְשׁוּעוֹת | Et Kos Yeshu`ot, a Havdalah song by Elyaqim
- אֶת־אֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ הוֹצֵֽאתָ | Et Avotenu Hotseta — a yotser for Pesaḥ Sheni, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- אתה גאלת | Atah Ga’alta (You Redeemed Our Ancestors), a Poetic Rendition of the Blessing of Redemption in the Pesaḥ Seder (ca. 9th c.)
- אַתָּה ה׳, מָגֵן בַּעֲדִי | Attah Adonai Magen Ba’adi, a piyyut by R’ Fradji Shawat (late 16th c.)
- אַתָּה הָאֵל עוֹשֵׂה פְלָאוֹת | Atah ha-El Oseh Fela’ot, a seliḥah for Taanit Esther by Shimon bar Isaac (ca. 10th c.)
- אַתָּה־הוּא וְאָז יָשִׁיר (מקוצר) | Atah Hu and a condensed Az Yashir, adapted and translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- אתי בשלם | ࠀࠕࠉ࠰ࠁࠔࠋࠌ | Itti Bishlam (Come in Peace), a Samaritan Aramaic Poem for the Festival Season by Marqeh ben Amram (ca. 4th c.)
- אָתִֽיתִי לְחַנְּנָךְ | Atiti l-Ḥan’nakh, the magen piyyut for the second day of Rosh haShanah by Shimon bar Isaac (ca. 10th c.)
- בָּאנוּ חֹשֶׁךְ לְגָרֵשׁ | Banu Ḥoshekh l’Garesh (We come to chase the dark away), by Sara Levi-Tanai (1960)
- בָּאנוּ חׇשֵׁךְ לְקַדֵּשׁ | Banu Ḥoshekh l’Ḳadesh (We come to sanctify the dark), by rabbis David Seidenberg and Jill Hammer
- בְּאַרְבָּעָה בְּחֹדֶשׁ אִיָּר | On the 4th of Iyyar — the fourth psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- בּױגעזאנג | Baugesang (Building Song): an alphabetical Yiddish adaptation of the piyyut Adir Hu (1769)
- בּוֹרֵא עַד אָנָּה | Borei Ad Anah (“Creator! How long”), a ḳinah after the Spanish Expulsion (ca. 16th c.)
- בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הָאֲדָמָה | Blessing Over Vegetables, a rhyming translation and explanation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- בּוֹרֵא פְּרִי הָאֵץ | Blessing Over Fruit, a rhyming translation and explanation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- בְּחֹדֶשׁ אִיָּר בִּשְׁנַיִם | On the 2nd of Iyyar — the second psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- בַּחֹֽדֶשׁ הָֽרְבִיעִי | baḤodesh haRevi’i (In the fourth month), a ḳinah for the 17th of Tamuz attributed to Solomon ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.)
- בַּחֹדֶשׁ זִיו | Ba-Ḥodesh Ziv — a zulat for Pesaḥ Sheni, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ביעור חמץ | Kavvanah for Returning Our Ḥametz to the Earth by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- בְּכִסְלֵו – מאבן בֹחן | On Kislev, from the poem “Even Boḥan” by Rabbi Ḳalonymus b. Ḳalonymus ben Meir (1322)
- בִּמְתֵי מִסְפָּר | BiM’tei Mispar, a seliḥah for Taanit Esther by Meshullam ben Ḳalonymus (11th c.)
- בְּנדּיגֿ טוּ שַנט…קִי פִֿיש מִי פְינַה | Blessed are you…who made me a woman, a variation of the morning blessing for Jewish women in Judeo-Provençal (ca. 14-15th c.)
- בְּנֵי הֵיכָלָא | Bnei Heikhala, a piyyut for Shabbat afternoon by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)
- בִּסְעוּדָה הַזּוֹ | At this meal! – a piyyut for the Passover seder translated by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- בַּעָל חוֹבֵנוּ | Ba’al Ḥoveinu, a piyut for Seliḥot on the advent of the Shmitah year by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- בקרב כולם | in the midst of it all, a short prayer by Rabbi Menachem Creditor (2020)
- בַּר־יוֹחַאי | Bar Yoḥai, a pizmon by Shimon ibn Lavi (ca. 16th c.)
- בָּרוּךְ אֵל עֶלְיוֹן | Barukh El Elyon, a piyyut by Barukh bar Shmuel of Mayence (ca. 12th c.)
- ברוך ה׳ לעולם | Barukh Hashem l’Olam :: Bless Yah Always, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- בָּרוּךְ שֶׁאָמַר | Barukh she’Amar, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- בָּרוּךְ שֶׁאָמַר | Barukh She’amar, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- ברוכה הבאה | Blessed be the newcomer! — a ceremony for the naming of a baby daughter by Joshua Gutoff (ca. 1989)
- בְּרַח דּוֹדִי | A B’raḥ Dodi for Pesaḥ Sheni, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- בּרידער | “Brothers” – Y.L. Peretz’s Sardonic Rejoinder to Friedrich Schiller’s Paean to Universal Enlightenment, An die Freude (Ode to Joy)
- ברייתא דרבי ישמעאל | The Baraita of Rebbi Yishma’el: thirteen principles of halakhic exegesis (translated by Rabbi Ben-Zion Bokser)
- בְּרִיךְ שְׁמֵהּ דְּמָרֵא עָלְמָא | B’rikh Shmeih d’Marei Alma (Bendito sea Tu nombre, Senyor del Mundo), Ladino translation from the siddur El Nuevo Avodat haShanah (1904)
- בְּרִיךְ שְׁמֵהּ דְּמָרֵא עָלְמָא | B’rikh Shmeih d’Marei Alma | Wenn man die Gesetzrolle aus der heiligen Lade nimmt (paraliturgical adaptation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro, 1829)
- ברית שמות | Baby Naming Covenant by Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman and Benjamin Kamm
- ברכה לאדונינו הקיסר ירה | Prayer for the Holy Roman Emperor and Empress, Leopold Ⅰ and Margaret (1658/1666)
- ברכה לילדים | Blessing for Children [at the Onset of the School Year] (Siddur Tefilat ha-Adam, Israeli Reform Movement 2020)
- בְּרָכָה לְכׇּל־הַקָּהָל הַקָּדוֹשׁ הַזֶּה | Mi sheBerakh for this Holy Congregation
- בְּרָכָה לְכׇּל־הַקְּהִלּוֹת | Mi sheBerakh for All the Holy Congregations
- ברכה למדרש החכמה | Prayer for the University [of Oxford] (22 June 1931)
- ברכה למורים | Blessing for Teachers (Siddur Tefilat ha-Adam, Israeli Reform Movement 2020)
- ברכה לסבוב הסביבון | A Blessing for Dreidel Spinning, by Lieba B. Deutsch
- ברכה לעם עולם | Blessing for the Eternal People, by Yaacov Maoz (5781/2020)
- ברכה לפני קריאת תהלים | Blessing before the Recitation of Psalms (nusaḥ Erets Yisrael)
- ברכה לקהל | Blessing of the Congregation, translation by Rabbi David de Sola Pool
- ברכה לקסר ומלך | Prière pour Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale | Prayer for the Emperor and King, Napoleon Ⅰ (ca. 1810)
- ברכה לשלום החיילים | Prayer for the Well-being of IDF Soldiers, by Yaacov Maoz (2014)
- בָּרְכוּ | Barkhu, translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman & Shaul Vardi
- ברכו בלי מנין או אם לבד (אשכנז) | Barkhu replacement for when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan (Nusaḥ Ashkenaz), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ברכות בשביל הקהל | Some blessings for those you davvened with, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- ברכות השחר | Birkhot haShaḥar (Morning Blessings), paraliturgical reflections by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- ברכות השחר | Morning blessings, by Rabbi Tamar Duvdevani
- ברכות התורה | Blessing for Torah Study, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- בִּרְכוֹת הַתּוֹרָה | Birkhot haTorah, paraliturgical reflections by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- ברכות ותפילות לרגל עדות העטרה של החמה | Blessings and a Prayer for Witnessing a Solar Eclipse by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- ברכות לנרות חנוכה | Die Segenssprüche beim Anzünden der Ḥanukkah-Lichter (German trans. by Chajm Guski)
- ברכות לנרות חנוכה | the Blessings over Kindling the Light of Ḥanukkah
- ברכות על קריאת התורה | Blessing over the Torah Reading, at Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia
- בְּרָכוֹת שֶׁנִּתָּנִי | Blessings at your Dawn of Wakefulness: Berakhot sheNatani (blessings that were given to me) — translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- בְּרָכוֹת שֶׁעֲשָׁנִי | Blessings at your Dawn of Wakefulness: Berakhot she’Asani (blessings that made me) — translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- ברכות־הנפטרין על פי האמונה הבוקוניסטית | the Last Rites of Bokonon, by Kurt Vonnegut (1963, Hebrew translation by Amatsyah Porat 1978)
- בָּרֲכִי נַפְשִׁי | Preise ihn, meine Seele! | Barkhi Nafshi, a piyyut by Yehudah haLevi in abridged translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1835)
- בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahaḇat Olam (for Shaḥarit), translated by William Wotton (1718)
- בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahava Rabbah, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahavah Rabbah, by Michal Talya
- בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahavat Olam, for Maariv/Arvit translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahavat Olam, for Maariv/Arvit, translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman & Shaul Vardi
- בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | Ahavat Olam, for Shaḥarit, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- בִּרְכָּת אַהֲבַה | 满怀爱意 | Ahavah Rabah (Mǎnhuái ài yì) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- בִּרְכָּת גָּאַל יִשְׂרָאֵל | Emet v’Emunah, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- בִּרְכָּת גָּאַל יִשְׂרָאֵל | Emet v’Yatsiv, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- בִּרְכַּת גּוֹמֵל חֲסָדִים טוֹבִים לְעַמּוֹ יִשְׂרָאֵל | Birkat Gomel Ḥasadim Tovim l’Amo Yisrael (translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- בִּרְכַּת הָאִילָנוֹת | The Blessing of Flowering Fruit Trees in the Spring Season in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- בִּרְכָּת הָבָּיִת | Birkat haBayit (Blessing for the Home)
- ברכת הבנים | Sabbath Blessing, a prayer-poem for children before their parent’s blessing by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- ברכת הורים לבר או בת מצווה | Parents’ blessing for a Bar or Bat Mitsvah by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen
- בִּרְכָּת הַזָּן אֶת הַכֹּל | Grace After Meals (for Children), a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- ברכת הילדים | An ungendered Birkat Yeladim, by Yonah Bromberg Gaber
- ברכת המזון | Ḥaveri Nevarekh: Blessing the Spirit of All-which-Lives after Eating and Feeling Satiated, a Birkon by Aharon Varady (2016)
- ברכת המזון | Thanks for the Food, an interpretive translation of the Birkat Hamazon by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- בִּרְכַּת הַמָּזוֹן בִּקְצָרָה | Birkat HaMazon Biqtsarah :: Abbreviated Blessing after the Meal
- ברכת המזון השלם עם טעמי מקרא | Full Birkat haMazon with Ta’amei haMiqra (cantillation), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (Nusaḥ Ashkenaz)
- ברכת המזון לחול ולשבת | Birkat haMazon for Weekdays and on Shabbat from the Cairo Genizah fragment Or.1080 15.4
- ברכת המזון לחנוכה | Poetic Birkat haMazon for Ḥanukkah, reconstructed from multiple Cairo Geniza manuscripts by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ברכת המזון ליום הכפורים | Poetic Birkat haMazon for the break-fast meal after Yom Kippur, as found in British Library MS Or. 9772 D
- ברכת המזון לסעודה מפסקת לפני יום הכפורים | Birkat haMazon for the Pre-Fast Meal for Yom Kippur, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ברכת המזון לסעודה מפסקת ערב תשעה בעב | Birkat haMazon for the Seudah Mafseqet (Pre-Fast Meal) of Tishah b’Av, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ברכת המזון לסעודת ההבראה במוצאי תשעה באב | Birkat Hamazon additions for the Break Fast Meal after Tishah b’Av
- ברכת המזון לסעודת טו באב | Birkat Hamazon additions for the Feast of Tu b’Av
- ברכת המזון לסעודת סוף הצום לסיגד | Birkat haMazon for the break-fast meal of Sigd (29 Marḥeshvan)
- ברכת המזון לפורים | Poetic Birkat haMazon for Purim, according to the Cairo Geniza fragment T-S H6.37 vocalized and translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ברכת המזון לפסח | A poetic Birkat haMazon for Pesaḥ, from the Cairo Geniza (CUL T-S H11.88 1v)
- ברכת המזון לראש השנה לבהמה | Birkat haMazon Supplement for Rosh haShanah la-Behemah, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ברכת המזון לשבועות | Birkat haMazon for Shavuot, according to the Cairo Geniza fragment T-S H6.37 vocalized and translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ברכת המזון לשבת א׳ דנחמתא (נחמו) | Birkat haMazon additions for Shabbat Naḥamu
- בִּרְכָּת הַמַּפִּיל | Birkat haMapil, rhymed translation by Alice Lucas (1898)
- בִּרְכָּת הַמַּפִּיל | Blessing at Bed Time (for children), a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- בִּרְכַּת הַקֶּשֶׁת | the Blessing upon observing a Rainbow (with art by Ilene Winn-Lederer)
- ברכת השנים | On December 4th (or 5th) and the Birkat Hashanim
- ברכת יוצר האדם | Mi sheberakh for the egg donor, gestational surrogate, physicians, and parents of children celebrating their Bnei Mitsvah, by Rabbi Esteban Gottfried (2022)
- ברכת יוצר האדם לכבוד יום זכויות האדם ולכל יום | A Blessing for International Human Rights Day (and every day), by Rabbi Oded Mazor (2012)
- ברכת יוצר יצירים | A Blessing for Creating, by Rabbi Adina Allen (Jewish Studio Project)
- בִּרְכַּת נְטִילַת יָדָֽיִם | Blessing on preparing one’s hands for wakefulness and other holy activities (translation by Aharon Varady)
- בִּרְכַּת עָם (תֶחֱזַקְנָה) | The People’s Blessing (a/k/a Teḥezaqnah), by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1894)
- ברכת קיבוץ גלויות | Blessing for Kibuts Galuyot (Ingathering of exiles), for weekday Amidah by Rabbi Noa Mazor
- ברכת תפלין | Ευχη Δια Τα “Τεφιλιν„ (Φυλακτηρια) :: The Blessings for Wrapping and Crowning Oneself with Tefillin, Greek translation by Yosef Naḥmuli (1885)
- בִּשְּׁבִיל דֵמוֹקרָטִיָה וְצֶדֶק | For democracy and justice: additions to the Amidah to add from now through US election day (and afterward), by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid)
- בִּשְׁלֹשָׁה בְּחֹדֶשׁ אִיָּר | On the 3rd of Iyyar — the third psalm of the “Additional Psalms” from the Cairo Geniza, MS RNL Antonin 798
- בַּשָּׁנָה הַבָּאָה | baShanah haBa’ah (Next Year), an elegy by Ehud Manor for his brother killed during the War of Attrition (1968)
- בָּתֵּי תּוֹסֶפֶת לְ”אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ“ לְמִלְחֶמֶת ”חַרְבוֹת בַּרְזֶל“ | Additional Stanzas of ‘Avinu Malkeinu’ for the Ḥarvot Barzel War, by Dr. Yael Levine
- גאָט בענטש אַמעריקע | God Bless America, for Armistice Day by Irving Berlin (1918/1938) with Yiddish translation
- גאָט פון אַבְרָהָם | Tkhine before Havdalah and Bakashe for the End of Shabbat (Got fin Avrum)
- גבריאל מימינהון | “Gavriel is on the right,” an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the amulet bowl SD12 (ca. mid-first millennium C.E.)
- גַּדְיָא חֲדָא | חַד גַּדְיָא (Gaḏyå Ḥăḏa) — a version of Ḥad Gadya for Grammarians and Other Insufferable Pedants, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- גַּמָּדֵי לָיִל | Gnomes of the Night, a poem by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (ca. 1894)
- דאנקסגיו אלע די בּוּנע | Tanksgiv All the Boona, an al hanissim prayer of thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- דָּג לְמִרְיָם | Items for the Second Seder Plate: Miriam’s Fish, recorded by Rav Sherira Gaon in 10th-century Iraq
- דיא װײבּער װאס האבּין אײן שׁװערין מזל צו קינדר זאלין דיא תחנה זאגין | Women who Have Bad Luck with Children Should Recite this Tkhine (1910)
- דיא חנוכה ליכט | Ḥanukkah⸗Lichter | Ḥanukkah Lights, a poem by Morris Rosenfeld (1897)
- דיא ערשטע טבילה | Die erste Twile | The First Bath of Ablution, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)
- דיזי שיני נייאי תפילה | Dize sheyne naye tfile (This Beautiful New Prayer), by the typesetter Gele bat Moshe v’Freyde (1710)
- דַּיֵּנוּ | Daiyenu, in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- דָּם זְכַרְיָה מְבַכֶּה | The blood of Zekhariah cries out, a qinah by Aryeh Baruch
- דער נײער קאָלאסוס | The New Collosus, a paean to the Shekhinah/”Mother of Exiles” by Emma Lazarus (1883, Yiddish translation by Rachel Kirsch Holtman 1938)
- דְּרוֹר יִקְרָא | D’ror Yiqra, a piyyut by Dunash ben Labrat haLevi (ca. 10th c.)
- הָא לַחְמָא עַנְיָא | Ieste el pan de la afrisiyon | Ha laḥ’ma anya (This is the Bread of Oppression): the opening of Magid in a Ladino translation
- הַאגְּדָה עוֹוָאִידְנָא | هاگدة عوّدنا | Agda ŋowaidna (Such is our custom), a Moroccan Jewish song for the conclusion of Ḥanukkah
- האותיות של האבג״ד בעברית | A Periodic Table of the Hebrew Aleph Bet Emphasizing Phonetic Grouping, Symbolic Association, and Diversity of Letter Form
- הָאִינְטֶרְנַצְיוֹנָל | the Internationale, by Eugène Pottier (1871); Hebrew translation by Avraham Shlonsky (1921)
- הָאֵל בְּתַעֲצֻמוֹת עֻזֶּךָ | ha-El b’Taatsumōt Uzekha, in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- הָאֵל בְּתַעֲצֻמוֹת עֻזֶּךָ | 上帝,拥有绝对的力量 | Ha-El b’taatsumot Uzekha (Shàngdì, yǒngyǒu juéduì de lìliàng) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- הארבה כוסות ואת הארבה חופשות | The Four Cups of Wine and the Four Freedoms, by Dr. Aurora Mendelsohn and President Franklin R. Roosevelt
- הֲבִינֵנוּ | Havinenu, a short form of the Amidah by Mar Shmuel bar Abba, adapted by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi from a paraphrasing by Rev. Joseph F. Stern
- הברכה שמח תשמח | Blessing for Joy: A Poetic Rendering of Sheva Brakhah no. 6 (Same’aḥ T’samaḥ), by Daniel Kieval
- הַגָּדַת “וַיְבִאֵנוּ אֶל הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה” | “And Hashem Brought Us to This Place,” a Magid supplement for Those Living in Erets Yisrael
- הוֹ קְבַרְנִיט! קְבַרְנִיטִי! | O Captain! My Captain!, an elegy for President Abraham Lincoln by Walt Whitman (1865), Hebrew translation by Shimon Halkin (1952)
- הוד מלכות | Preghiera e Benedizione al Sovrano Napoleone Ⅰ | Prayer and Blessing for Napoleon Ⅰ on his birthday, in the Synagogue of the Jews of Livorno (15 August 1808)
- הודאה לפני התרגיל | Prayer of Gratitude Before Exercise, by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz
- הַוִּדּוּי הַמַּשְׁלִים | HaVidui haMashlim (Complementary Confession), by Rabbi Binyamin Holtzman
- הוֹשִׁיעָה נָא לשנת תשפ״ה | Hosha-na for Rebuilding, Sukkot 5785 — by Shoshana Michael Zucker
- הושע נא | Hosha-na [after the war begun on Shemini Atseret 5784], by Rabbi Annie Lewis (10 October 2023)
- הושע־נא לימי הקרונה | Hosha-na in the days of Corona for Sukkot 5782, by Rabbi Gustavo Surazski (2021)
- הושענא להושענא רבא תשפ״א | Save Us! A Hosha-na Prayer, by Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier for Hoshana Rabba 2020
- הוֹשַֽׁעְנָא ליום הבחירות | Hosha-na for Election Day, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- הושענא לתיקון ולנחמה | Hoshana for Healing and Consolation, by Rabbi Dr. Dalia Marx
- הושׁענות | Hoshanot by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, translation by Gabbai Seth Fishman
- הוֹשַֽׁעְנוֹת לַפּוּרִים | Hosha’not for Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- הֵיאַךְ יַרְגִּיל הָאָדָם עַצְמוֹ בְּמִדַּת הַחָכְמָה | How a person should conduct themself with Wisdom — chapter three from Tomer Devorah by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero (ca. 16th c.)
- הַיּוֹם תְּאַמְּצֵנוּ | haYom T’amtseinu, a piyyut for the end of musaf on Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur
- היסטוריולה של סממית וסידרוס | Historiola of Smamit and Sideros, a reconstruction based on Amulet 15 & Amulet Bowl 12a
- הַכֹּל יוֹדוּךָ | 众人感谢 | Ha-Kol Yodukha (Zhòngrén gǎnxiè) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- הַכְנִיסִינִי תַּחַת כְּנָפֵךְ | Take Me Under Your Wing, by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1905)
- הכרזה לימי הודיה (פורים וחנוכה) | Hakhrazah li-Ymei ha-Hodayah — Announcement for Days of Miraculous Thanksgiving (Purim and Ḥanukkah)
- הכרזת יום הבחירות | Declaration for Israeli Election Day, by Rabbi Oded Mazor
- הכרזת פסח לפי נוסח איטלייני | the Announcement of Pesaḥ on Shabbat haGadol according to the Italian rite
- הַכָּרָת רִבּוֹנוּת הָאָרֶץ | Indigenous Land Acknowledgement for Toronto, by Aurora Mendelsohn (2020)
- הַכָּרָת רִבּוֹנוּת הָאָרֶץ | Indigenous Land Acknowledgment for Cincinnati, Ohio, by Aharon Varady (Havayah community, 2021)
- הַל״ב מִצְוֺת הַתְלוּיוֹת בַּלֵּב | Thirty-two Mitsvot One Can Do With Consciousness Alone, by Reb Ahrele Roth (trans. Rabbbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Hillel Goelman)
- הֲלֹא אֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֶת הָאָרֶץ אֲנִי מָלֵא | Do not I fill heaven and earth? (Liqutei Tefilot I:7 part 1) by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv (ca. 1820s), translated by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- הַמַּבְדִּיל בֵּין קֹדֶשׁ לְחֹל | Hamavdil Bein Ḳodesh l’Ḥol (abridged), a piyyut attributed to Yitsḥak ben Yehudah Ibn Ghayyāth HaLevi (ca. 11th c.)
- הַמַּבְדִּיל בֵּין קֹדֶשׁ לְחֹל | Hamavdil Ben Ḳodesh l’Ḥol, a piyyut attributed to Yitsḥaq ben Yehudah ibn Ghayyat (rhymed translation by Alice Lucas, 1898)
- הַמַּבְדִּיל בֵּין קֹדֶשׁ לְחֹל | Hamavdil Ben Ḳodesh l’Ḥol, a piyyut attributed to Yitsḥaq ben Yehudah ibn Ghayyat (German translation by Franz Rosenzweig 1921)
- הַמוֹצִיא לֶֽחֶם מִן הָאֲרֶץ | Blessing on Breaking Bread, a rhyming translation and explanation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- המלך הקדוש | From Uman to the Olam: Clapping upon the Coronation of the Holy Majesty during the Days of Awe (neohasid·org)
- המן ממזר איל מאלו | Haman Mamzer el Malo (Haman the Evil Bastard) — a Haketía (Western Judeo-Spanish) song for Purim
- הַמַּפִּיל | A Parent’s Prayer for the Safe Sleep of their Newborn Child by Aurora Mendelsohn
- הַנָּאוָה בַּבָּנוֹת | Hana’avah Babanōt, a song by Amitai Ne’eman (1955)
- הִנֵּה שָׁם אֶמְצָאֶךָּ | Where We Can Find Yah, a prayer-poem by Eugene Kohn (1945) inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali (Song Offerings, 1912)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | A Prayer for the Kaiser, Nikolai Ⅱ Alexanderovich (1889)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | A Prayer for the Welfare of the Government of Franklin D. Roosevelt during WWII (from A Naye Shas Tkhine Rav Pninim, ca. 1942)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Gebed voor het Koninklijk Huis | Prayer for the Royal Family of Queen Juliana and the city council of Amsterdam (ca. 1950)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Gebet für den Regenten | Prayer for the Regent (Friedrich Wilhelm Ⅲ, King of Prussia), by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1833)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Oração Pelos Governantes, translated by Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1939)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for King George Ⅲ (1766)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Government of the United States of America, presented by Gershom Seixas on Thanksgiving Day 1789
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Government on Thanksgiving Day, offered by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1945)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Prosperity of his Royal Majesty, delivered by Rabbi Jacob Jehudah Leon Templo to King Charles Ⅱ (1675)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family and Armed Forces of King Charles Ⅲ (2022)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family and Armed Forces of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ (2014)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family of King Edward Ⅶ (1904)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family of King George Ⅲ (1810)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family of King George Ⅴ (1931)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family of King George Ⅵ (1942)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ (1962)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer for the Royal Family of Queen Victoria (1864)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | Prayer in honour of the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth 2016)
- הַנּוֹתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה | The Prayer for the Safety of Kings, Princes and Commonwealths, presented by Menasseh ben Israel to Oliver Cromwell (1655)
- הספר ששמשו בו הכשדים | Theurgy of the Kasdim, an astral-magic treatise on the seven angels of the week
- העמידה לימות החל עם טעמי המקרא | Weekday Amidah and Ḳaddish with Ta’amei haMiqra (cantillation), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (Nusaḥ Ashkenaz)
- הֵצִיץ וָמֵת | He Gazed and Died, a poem on the death of the sage Shimon ben Azzai by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1916)
- הקול קטן של אליהו הנביא | A reflection on despair and suicide awareness to be read upon opening the door for Elijah at the Passover seder
- הַקָּפוֹת לַפּוּרִים | Haqafot for Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- הקפות קינה לשביעי באוקטובר | Haqafōt of Lamentation for the seventh of October, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- הרחמן הוא ישבור עול כיבוש | Prayer to the Compassionate One for the Peace of Two States for Two Peoples (for Inclusion in the Birkat Hamazon) by Ira Tick (2014)
- הָרַחֲמָן עַל שְׁנַת הַשְׁמִיטָה | A Haraḥaman for the Shmitah Year in the Birkat haMazon, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- הֲרֵינִי מְקַבֵּל עָלַי | A kavvanah to love your fellow as yourself, before prayer (ca. 1572)
- הרקיע השביעי | The Seventh Heavenly Dome, a description and hymn of divine praise from Sefer ha-Razim
- הַשְׁכִּיבֵנוּ | Hashkivenu, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- הַשְׁכִּיבֵנוּ | Hashkivenu, rhymed translation by Alice Lucas (1898)
- הַשְׁכִּיבֵנוּ | Shield the Children: A Prayer for Refugees, a paraliturgical translation of Hashkivenu by Rabba Kaya Stern-Kaufman
- השמע ועשרת הדיברות | the Shema prefaced by the Decalogue, as found in the Nash Papyrus (ca. 2nd c. BCE)
- הַתִּקְוָה | Hatiḳvah (the Hope), by Naphtali Herz Imber (1878)
- הַתִּקּוּן הַכְּלָלִי שֶׁל רֶבִּי נַחְמָן | The Tiqqun haKlali (General Remedy) of Rebbe Naḥman of Bratslav
- התרת נדרים | Hatarat Nedarim: The Release of Vows, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- וְאָהִימָה מִיָּמִים יָמִימָה | v’Ahimah Miyamim Yamimah: I Will Wail for All Time (translated by Hillary and Daniel Chorny)
- וַאחְדְ אזְדִיוַא | وحد الجديوة | חַד גַּדְיָא (Waaḥₔd ₔZdiwa) — a Judeo-Moroccan Arabic (Darija) adaptation of Ḥad Gadya
- ואחד ג’די | أغنية لعيد الفصح اليهودي | חַד גַּדְיָא (Waaḥid Jady) — an Arabic translation of Ḥad Gadya (Syrian Damascus variation)
- ואחד גׄדי | חַד גַּדְיָא (Waaḥid Jady) — a Judeo-Arabic translation of Ḥad Gadya (Baghdadi variation)
- וּבְמַקְהֲלוֹת | uvMaqhalōt, in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- וּבְמַקְהֲלוֹת רִבְבוֹת | 你的子民 | Uvmaqhalot Riv’vot (Nǐ de zi mín) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- וִדּוּי | Vidui (confession), translated by Naomi Socher-Lerner
- ודוי | Vidui meditation, by Danny Cohen
- וִדּוּי בַּיָּמִים מֵחֲמִשִּׁים שָׁנָה וְאֵלֶךְ | Vidui for those fifty years old and over, by Rabbi Mosheh Halperin (1611)
- ודוי חיובית | Positive Vidui, by Rabbi Avi Weiss
- וְהָיָה אִם שָׁמֹעַ | V’haya Im Shamo’a (And If You Listen): a prayer in a time of planetary danger by Rabbi Arthur Waskow
- וַיְבָרֶךְ דָּוִיד | Vayivarekh David (And David blessed, 1 Chronicles 29:10-13), translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- וידוי הגדול | Vidui HaGadol: The Great Confession, an Al Ḥeyt litany by Michal Talya
- וּנְתַנֶּה תֹּֽקֶף | u-N’taneh Toḳef in Hebrew, with translations in English, Yiddish, and Ladino
- זאָג ניט קײן מאָל | Partisaner Lid (the Partisan Song), by Hirsh Glik (Vilna Ghetto, 1943)
- זֶה הֶעָפָר הָיָה פַּעַם הָאִישׁ | This Dust was Once the Man, an elegy for President Abraham Lincoln by Walt Whitman (1871), Hebrew translation by Shimon Halkin (1952)
- זֶה יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן [א׳] | Zeh Yom Rishon [a], a song for Yom T’ruah by Ḥakham Zeraḥ ben Nathan of Troki (early 17th c.)
- זֶה יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן [ב׳] | Zeh Yom Rishon [b], a song for Yom T’ruah by Ḥakham Zeraḥ ben Nathan of Troki (early 17th c.)
- זָכוֹר אֵת אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה לְךָ חָמָאס | Remember That Which Hamas Did, an adaptation on the liturgical reminder to obliterate Amaleq by Aryeh Barukh (2024)
- זֶמֶר לְט״וּ בְּאָב | Zemer for Tu b’Av, by Avraham ben Ḥalfon (ca. 12th c.)
- חֲבִיבִי יָהּ חֲבִיבִי | Ḥavivi Yah Ḥavivi, by Asher Mizrahi (ca. early 20th c.)
- חג הכנסה לברית | Ḥag hakhnassah labrit (On Entering the Covenant), by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen
- חַד גַּדְיָא | 𐌰𐌹𐌽 𐌲𐌰𐌹𐍄𐌴𐌹𐌽 | Ain Gaitein (ען גּעטיִן) — a Gothic translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | 𐎀𐎈𐎄𐎟𐎂𐎄𐎊𐎟 | אַחַּﬞדֻ גָדִיֻ (ʾAḥḥadu Gādiyu) — a Ugaritic translation of Ḥad Gadya, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | A Little Goat, according to the nusaḥ of the Hobbits of the Shire (CenozoicSynapsid 2019)
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Ān Tiċċen (אָן טִקֵﬞן) — an Old English translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Ḥad Gadya in Aramaic and Yiddish (Prague Haggadah, ca. 1526)
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Hād-ĕi Gădìyă (הַ֨דֵ֬י גַ֬דִ֖יַ֬א) — a Tărgŭn Bìyènlìyén Dì translation of Ḥad Gadya derived from an alternate timeline by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Jb Wꜥ | Ib wa (יב וע) — a Middle Egyptian translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Kizzum Ištēn — an Akkadian translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Mēre Hobritsos (מֵײרֶע הוֹבְּרִיטְסוֹס) — a Judeo-Valyrian translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Un Cabri: La Légende de l’Agneau, a French translation of Ḥad Gadya by Dom Pedro Ⅱ, emperor of Brazil (1891)
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Un Kabritu (אוע קַאברִיטו) — a Papiamentu translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Un Kavritiko (און קאבﬞריטיקו) — a Judezmo (Ladino) translation of Ḥad Gadya
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Unum hœdulum — a Latin translation of Ḥad Gadya by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Ένα κατσίκι | Éna katsíki (אֵנַה קַצִיקִי) — a Yevanic translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Бир Улакъ | Bir Ulaq (בִּיר אוּלָק) — a Qrımçah tılyı (Krymchak) translation of Ḥad Gadya by Rabbi Nisim haLevy Tsahtsir (1904)
- חַד גַּדְיָא | Йаке бузғола | Yake Buzghola (יַכֵּי בּוּזְגָאלַה) — a Judeo-Tajik translation of Ḥad Gadya by Rabbi Shimon ben Eliyahu Hakham (1904)
- חַד גַּדְיָא | ერთი თიკანი | Erti tiḳani (ארתי תיקהני) — a Čveneburuli translation of Ḥad Gadya by Tamari Lomtadze & Reuven Enoch
- חַד גַּדְיָא | አሐዱ፡ማሕስእ፡ጠሊ (ʾÄḥädu Maḥsəʾ Ṭäli) — a Gəʽəz translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | ᛂᛁᚿᚿ᛫ᚴᛁᚧᛚᛁᚶᚱ᛬ | Einn Kiðlingr (עַין֘ קידֿלינגר) — an Old Norse translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | ⵢⴰⵏ ⵉⴽⵔⵓ | Yan ikru (יַאן יִכְּרוּ) — a Judeo-Berber translation of Ḥad Gadya
- חַד גַּדְיָא | | Min Yacincë (מִן יַקִינְקֶי) — a Judeo-Quenya translation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד גַּדְיָא | | וַא תַרְגְחָמְאֶא | wa’ targhHom’e’ (One little targ) — a tlhIngan Hol adaptation of Ḥad Gadya by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- חַד מָה יוּדָא | אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Ḥad Mah Yuda :: Who Knows One?, a counting-song in Aramaic translation
- חַד עוֹבַדְיָה | Ḥad Ovadya (One Worker), a Yiddish Socialist adaptation of Ḥad Gadya (1900/1919)
- חֲנִינָא בֶּן דּוֹסָא | Ḥanina ben Dosa, a song by Asher Hillel Burstein
- חצות | Tikkun Ḥatsot: Getting Right at Midnight — An Introduction to the Midnight Rite by Shmuel Gonzales
- חצי קדיש | Ḥatsi Ḳaddish — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- חׇנֵּנוּ יָהּ חׇנֵּנוּ | Ḥonenu Yah Ḥonenu (Forgive Us Yah in the Merit of Moshe Rabbenu), by the Ben Ish Ḥai (ca. 19th c.)
- ט״ו באב | The Fruit of Tu b’Av: explanation and ritual for the 15th of Av by R’ Jill Hammer
- ט״ו באב | Tu b’Av: sources for study and celebration on the 15th of Av
- ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | Rebirthing the Tree(s) of Life: Four Teachings for the Four Worlds of Tu BiShvat/Yah BiShvat by Arthur Waskow
- יִגְדַּל (אשכנז) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (German translation by Chajm Guski)
- יִגְדַּל (אשכנז) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (rhyming translation by Alice Lucas, 1898)
- יִגְדַּל (אשכנז) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (rhyming translation by Ben Zion Bokser, 1957)
- יִגְדַּל (אשכנז) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (rhyming translation by Jacob Waley, before 1873)
- יִגְדַּל (אשכנז) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (trans. Israel Zangwill, 1904)
- יִגְדַּל (אשכנז) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (translation by Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan)
- יִגְדַּל (אשכנז) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (translation by Tsvi Hirsch Filipowski, 1862)
- יִגְדַּל (מנהג הספרדים) | Yigdal, by Daniel ben Yehudah (rhyming translation by Rabbi David de Sola Pool, 1937)
- יִגְדַּל מֻתְקָן | Yigdal (adapted), by Havurat Shalom (2014/2022)
- יְדִיד נֶפֶשׁ | Yedid Nefesh, a piyyut transmitted by Elazar ben Moshe Azikri (ca. 16th c.) Arabic translation by Hillel Farḥi (1913)
- יְדִיד נֶפֶשׁ | Yedid Nefesh, a piyyut transmitted by Elazar ben Moshe Azikri (ca. 16th c.) interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- יְדִיד נֶפֶשׁ | Yedid Nefesh, a piyyut transmitted by Elazar ben Moshe Azikri (ca. 16th c.) translated by Rabbi Sam Seicol
- יְדִיד נֶפֶשׁ | Yedid Nefesh, a piyyut transmitted by Elazar ben Moshe Azikri (ca. 16th c.) translated by Sara Lapidot
- יְדִיד נֶפֶשׁ | Yedid Nefesh, a piyyut transmitted by Elazar ben Moshe Azikri (ca. 16th c.) translation by Nina Salaman (1897)
- יְדִיד נֶפֶשׁ | Yedid Nefesh, a piyyut transmitted by Elazar ben Moshe Azikri (ca. 16th c.) translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman & Shaul Vardi
- יְדִידִי שִׂים סְבָרָא | Yedidi Sim Severa, performed in honor of the Ḥatan Bereshit before the reading of Bereshit Bara (the first aliya)
- יָהּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת | Yah Ekhsof No’am Shabbat, a Shabbes hymn by Reb Aharon of Karlin (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- יָהּ אֶכְסוֹף נוֹעַם שַׁבָּת | Yah Ekhsof No’am Shabbat, a zemer for Shabbat by Reb Aharon of Karlin (trans. by Rabbi Morrison David Bial)
- יָהּ הַצֵּל יוֹנָה | Yah Hatsel Yonah (Shelter, God, the Dove), complete poetic translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- יָהּ עֶזְרָתִי מִן שְׁמַיָּא | Yah Ezrati Min Shemayya, a piyyut by Ḥayyim Shaul Abboud (ca. 20th c.)
- יָהּ רִבּוֹן | Yah Ribōn, a piyyut by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (16th c.) rhyming translation by Israel Abrahams (1914)
- יָהּ רִבּוֹן | Yah Ribōn, a piyyut by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (16th c.) translated by Paltiel Birnbaum (1949)
- יָהּ רִבּוֹן | Yah Ribōn, a piyyut by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (16th c.) translated by Rabbi Israel Brodie (1962)
- יָהּ רִבּוֹן | Yah Ribōn, a piyyut by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (16th c.) translation by Rabbi David Aaron de Sola (1857)
- יָהּ רִבּוֹן | Yah Ribōn, a piyyut by Rabbi Yisrael Najara (16th c.) translation by Sara-Kinneret Lapidot
- יָהּ, אָנָה אֶמְצָאֶךָּ | Yah, Where shall I find you?, a piyyut by Yehudah haLevi (ca. early 12th c.)
- יהי כבוד | Yehi Kh’vod, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- יהי רצון | An alternative closing meditation at the end of the Amidah on the restoration of the Temple, by Dr. Sam Fleischacker
- יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְּפָּנֶיךָ | Prayer for an End to Injustice on Earth, by Anonymous
- יוֹם הַבִּכּוּרִים | Yom ha-Bikkurim, the bikkur piyyut for the first day of Shavˁuot in the Old French and Romaniote Rites
- יוֹם זֶה לְיִשְׁרַאֵל | Yom Zeh l’Yisrael, a piyyut by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (abridged rhymed translation by Alice Lucas, 1898)
- יוֹם זֶה לְיִשְׁרַאֵל | Yom Zeh l’Yisrael, a piyyut by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Nina Salaman, 1914)
- יוֹם זֶה לְיִשְׁרַאֵל | Yom Zeh l’Yisrael, a piyyut by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi David Aaron de Sola, 1857)
- יוֹם זֶה לְיִשְׁרַאֵל | Yom Zeh l’Yisrael, a Shabbat hymn attributed to Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- יוֹם זֶה לְכׇל דוֹרוֹת | Yom Zeh l’Khol Dorot, a piyyut for Pesaḥ Sheni by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- יוֹם פּוּרִים | Yom Purim, a parody of Yom Shabbaton by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- יוֹם שַׁבָּת קוֹדֶשׁ הוּא | Yom Shabbat Ḳodesh Hu, a table song for Shabbat (trans. Bracha Jaffe)
- יוֹם שַׁבָּתוֹן | Yom Shabbaton, a Shabbat song by Yehudah haLevi (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- יוֹצֵר אוֹר | Yotser Or, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- יוֹצֵר אוֹר | Yotser Or, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- יחץ (מנהג גרבא) | Liturgical Additions for Yaḥats, in the practice of the Jewish community of Djerba
- יְיָ בּוֹקֶר אֶעֱרוֹךְ לְךָ | Hashem Boqer E’erokh Lakh (Hear my voice at dawn), a reshut by an unknown paytan (trans. Rabbi David Aaron de Sola, 1857)
- יַֽיִן טוֹב | Yayin Tov Ratov (Good Fresh Wine) — a love-song piyyut for Shavu’ot in nusaḥ Algiers
- יְצִיב פִּתְגָם לַפּוּרִים | Yetsiv Pitgam for Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- יָצַר הָאֵל | Yatsar ha’El, a Shabbat song by Ya’aqov ha-Qara’i
- יש חיים | Yesh Ḥayyim (There is Life), a healing song by Baruch Jean Thaler
- יִשְׂרָאֵל אִם־לֹא בְּשִׂמְחָה | Yisrael Im Lo b-Simḥah — an ahavah for Pesaḥ Sheni, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- יִשְׁתַּבַּח שִׁמְךָ | Yishtabaḥ Shimkha, in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- יִשְׁתַּבַּח שִׁמְךָ | Yishtabaḥ Shimkha, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- יִשְׁתַּבַּח שִׁמְךָ | 我们的王,你的名 | Yishtabaḥ Shimkha (Wǒmen de wáng, nǐ de míng) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- כָּאנְדְרִי נְדְרִיהוּם | אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Kaanₔdri Nₔdrihom — a Judeo-Moroccan Arabic (Darija) adaptation of Eḥad Mi Yodeaȝ
- כְּגַוְנָא | k’Gavna (Just As) from the Zohar parashat Terumah §163-166, a paraliturgical interpretive translation by Rabbi Rachel Barenblat
- כְּהַיּוֹם הַזֶּה בִּירוּשָׁלַיִם | k’Hayom HaZeh Birushalayim (This day in Jerusalem), a wedding prayer from the Seder Rav Amram Gaon (ca. 9th c.)
- כוונה בהדלקת נר חנוכּה | Kavvanah for the Mitsvah of Kindling the Ḥanukkah Lights by Rebbe Tsvi Elimelekh Spira of Dinov (trans. Moreh Yehudis Fishman)
- כוונה להפרשת חלה לשבת | Kavvanah for the separation of ḥalah before Shabbat, by Rabbi Oded Mazor
- כוונה ליום הבחירות | Kavvanah for Israeli Election Day, by Rabbi Noa Mazor
- כוונה לסדר פסח | A Kavvanah for Human Rights for the Passover Seder, from T’ruah (2011)
- כוונה לפני הדלקת נרות שבת – כוונת הלב לישימון | A Wilderness Kavvanah before lighting Shabbat candles, by Rabbi Gila Caine
- כוונה לקראת ישיבת הבורד | Kavvanah before the Meeting of the Board of a Philanthropic Organization, by Limor Rubin
- כַּוָּנָה וּבְרָכָה עַל רְאִיַּת נְחִיל רֶמֶשׂ גָּדוֹל עַד־מְאוֹד | Kavvanah and Blessing for Observing a Massive Swarm of Creeping Things, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- כַּוָּנָה לְהַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת חֲנֻכָּה | Kavvanah for Ḥanukkiah Lighting by Bonna Devora Haberman, z”l (Mistabra Institute for Jewish Textual Activism, 2002)
- כַּוָּנָה לִפְנֵי וִדּוּי | A meditation prior to the confessional, by Reena Kling (Havurat Shalom 2014/2022)
- כַּוָּנָה לִפְנֵי עֲבוֹדָה בְּאַדְמַת הַקֹּדֶשׁ | Kavvanah before working with the holy soil of Erets Yisrael, by Rabbi Shalom Ḥayyim Sharabi (ca. 1911)
- כַּוָּנוֹתִי בְּשִׁיר הָאַהֲבָה | Kavvanah for Shir ha-Ahavah (Song of Love), by Mendel Roth
- כּוֹס לְמִרְיָם | Items for the Second Seder Plate: Miriam’s Cup of Water
- כִּי אֶשְׁמְרָה שַׁבָּת | Ki Eshmera Shabbat, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (rhyming translation by Israel Abrahams, 1914)
- כִּי אֶשְׁמְרָה שַׁבָּת | Ki Eshmerah Shabbat, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (trans. Rabbi David Aaron de Sola, 1857)
- כִּי בוֹ יִשְׁתֶּה צַדִּיק תָּמִים | Ki Vo Yishteh Tsaddiq Tamim, a parody of Yom Zeh Mekhubad by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- כִּי בְּשִׁבְעָה עָשָׂר בְּתַמּוּז | Ki b’Shivah Asar b’Tamuz, a seliḥah for the 17th of Tamuz
- כִּי הִנֵּה כַּחֹֽמֶר | Ki Hineh Kaḥomer, rhymed translation by Alice Lucas (1898)
- כִּי־בַיּוֹם הַזֶּה | Ki vaYom haZeh, a Ḳaraite song for Yom Kippur
- כִּי־לְךָ תֻּקְרָא כׇּל־בְּרָכָה | Ki Lᵊkha Tuqra Kol Bᵊrakhah, a macaronic poem for Yom Meturgeman by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- כֹּל נְדָרִים | Kol N’darim, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- כָּל־בְּרוּאֵי | Kol B’ru-ei, a piyyut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.)
- כָּל־בְּרוּאֵי | Kol B’ru-ei, a piyyut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (trans. Rabbi David Aaron de Sola, 1857)
- כַּעֲבוֹר סוּפָה | After the Storm, a prayer to “choose life” in the face of climate disruption by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- כַּפָּרוֹת | Kaparōt (using money dedicated for charity), the ritual for the expiation of offenses before Yom Kippur
- כְּרֵשׁוֹת | Items for the Second Seder Plate: Leeks
- כשיוצא אדם בלילה | When a person goes out at night: an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the Seder Rav Amram Gaon (ca. 9th c.)
- כתובה לחג השבועות | Ketubah for Shavuot, by Yisrael Najara (ca. 16th c.)
- כׇּל נִדְרֵי | Alternative Kol Nidre from Synagogen-Gemeinde Hannover (1937)
- כׇּל־מְקַדֵּשׁ פּוּרִים | Kol Meqadesh Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- כׇּל־שִׁׄנְאַנֵּי שַֽׁחַק | Kol Shin’anei Shaḥaq — a rahit piyyut for the second day of Rosh haShanah by Shimon bar Isaac (ca. 10th c.)
- לֹֽא־יַשְׁאִ֤ירוּ | Lo Yash’iru — an ofan for Pesaḥ Sheni, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- לה מרסֵיֶיז | La Marseillaise, by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle (1792); Hebrew translation by Efrayim Dror (ca. 1940)
- לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶׁל חֲנֻכָּה | Blessing for Ḥanukkah, a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- לְהַדְלִיק נֵר שֶׁל־שַׁבָּת | Blessing the Sabbath Candles, a rhyming translation and explanation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- לזכרם של ההרוגים במלחמה באדמות אוקראינה | Молитва в пам’ять про загиблих у війні на землях України | Yizkor for those killed in the war in Ukraine, by Rabbi Miriam Klimova (2022)
- לַיְּהוּדִים אֲשֶׁר בְּשׁוּשָׁן | LaYhudim Asher biShushan — a shiv’ata cycle for musaf Shabbat Purim Meshulash, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- לֵיל שִׁיכּוֹרִים | Leil Shikkorim, a maarava from the Aravit for Erev Purim, as found in Maḥzor Vitry
- ליקוטי תפילות א:לז | Prayer for a Gilgul Nefesh (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:37), by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)
- ליקוטי תפילות א:קטז | Prayer for Peace in Disagreement (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:116), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)
- ליקוטי תפילות א:קלט | Prayer for Truth in Light of Opposition (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:139), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)
- ליקוטי תפילות א:קמא | Prayer for Peace from Disputation (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:141), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)
- ליקוטי תפילות א:קמה | Prayer for Sukkot (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:145), by Reb Nosson Sternhartz of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)
- ליקוטי תפילות ב:יא | Prayer for the ability to pray alone with the vegetation of the field (Liqutei Tefillot Ⅱ:11a), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)
- ליקוטי תפילות ב:נג | Prayer of Peace from War, for Rainfall, and for Excellence in Torah Study (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅱ:53), by Reb Noson of Nemyriv adapted from the teachings of Rebbe Naḥman (ca. 1820s)
- לכה דודי (נוסח אחר) | A different version of Lekhah Dodi found in R’ Moshe ibn Makhir’s Seder haYom (1599)
- לְכָה דוֹדִי | Lekhah Dodi, the piyyut for Ḳabbalat Shabbat by Shlomo haLevi Al-Qabets (translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman & Shaul Vardi)
- לְכָה דוֹדִי | Princess Sabbath, three stanzas of l’Khah Dodi by Shlomo al-Qabets (English adaptation by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)
- לְמַלְמֵל וּלְהַמהֵם | The non-cognitive experience of ambient mumbling in communal Jewish prayer by R’ Elie Kaunfer
- למנצח שיר | Lamnatse’aḥ Shir (Cantique), a piyyut to the tune of ‘Le Marseillaise’ by Moïse Ensheim with a paraliturgical French translation by Isaïah Berr Bing (Metz, 21 October 1792)
- לְמַעַן יֵחָלְצוּן יְדִידֶיךָ הושִׁיעָה יְמִינְךָ וַעֲנֵנוּ | So That Your People May Be Rescued, Deliver Through Your Right Hand, and Answer Us — by Dr. Yael Levine (2024)
- לְמַעַנְךָ וְלֹא לָנוּ | l’Maankha v’lo lanu (For your sake, not for ours), a piyyut by an unknown paytan (trans. Rabbi David Aaron de Sola, 1857)
- לקטנים ברצועת עזה | [Prayer] for the Children in Gaza, by Avital Raff
- לְשׁוֹנִי כּוֹנַנְתָּ | Leshoni Konanta (My tongue you have fashioned), a reshut attributed to Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.) translated by Sara Lapidot
- לִשְׁמֹר הַשָּׁנָה שֶׁל שְׁמִטָּה | Candlelighting for Rosh haShanah, Shabbat, and Yom Tov during the Shmitah Year, by Rabbi Arthur Waskow
- מַא כְׄבַּר הַדִׄה | Ma Khəbar Hādhih, a Yemenite Judeo-Arabic Elaboration on the Four Questions
- מִדְבָּר קװעסט | Midbar Quest, a tabletop fantasy adventury roleplaying activity by Aharon Varady
- מה אלו | “Who are these?” — the Origin of the Angels of Healing: Sanoi, Sansanoi, and Semanglof, as told in the Alphabet of ben Sira (ca. late first millennium)
- מַה יְּדִידוּת מְנוּחָתֵךְ | Mah Yedidut M’nuḥatekh, attributed to Menaḥem ibn Saruq (ca. 10th c.)
- מַה נָּאווּ עֲלֵי | Mah Navu Alei, a piyyut by Rabbi Shimon bar Nissim (ca. 20th c.)
- מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָּה | Ma Nishtana, a Spanish-Portuguese Qina for Ŋereḇ Tishŋa b’Aḇ
- מַה־טֹּבוּ | Mah Tovu, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- מַה־טֹּבֽוּ | Mah Tovu, translated from Rabbi David Einhorn’s Olat Tamid (1858) by Joshua Giorgio-Rubin (2020)
- מַה־טֹּבוּ | Mah Tovu: Prayer upon Entering the Synagogue (Romanian trans. Avraham Shlomo Gold, ca. 1903)
- מַה־טֹּבוּ | Priêre en entrant dans le Temple, a paraliturgical Mah Tovu by Rabbi Arnaud Aron & Jonas Ennery (1848)
- מודה אני | Modah/Modeh Ani, by Moshe ibn Makhir (translation by Andrew Shaw)
- מודה אני | Modeh Ani by Moshe ibn Makhir (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- מוֹדה אֲנִי | Returning the body to the soul: an adaptation of Modeh Ani by Moshe ibn Makhir
- מודים דרבנן בלי מנין או אם לבד (אשכנז) | Modim d’Rabbanan Replacement for when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan (Nusaḥ Ashkenaz), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- מוריד הטל | Morid Hatal — to the One who settles the dew, post-October 7 — by Rabbi David Mevorach Seidenberg (neohasid·org 2024)
- מזמור לתודה לכבוד משה איש האלהים | A Thanksgiving in Commemoration of Moses Maimonides, an octocentennial prayer by Ḥakham Shem Tov Gaguine (Bevis Marks Synagogue, 27 May 1935)
- מִזְמוֹר שִׁיר לְיוֹם הַנִיצָּחוֹן | A Song for Victory Day, a psalm anticipating Death’s end by Aryeh Baruch
- מחזור קדושתאות ליום המתורגמן (ח׳ בטבת) | Qedushtaot Cycle for Yom Meturgeman (Translator’s Day) on 8 Tevet
- מִי כָמֽוֹךָ וְאֵין כָּמֽוֹךָ | Mi Khamokha v’Ein Kamokha, a retelling of Megillat Esther in a piyyut for Shabbat Zakhor by Yehudah ben Shmuel haLevi (ca. 11th c.)
- מִי כָמֹֽכָה לְשַׁבָּת שֶׁל חֲנֻכָּה | Mi Khamokhah l’Shabbat shel Ḥanukkah (a Mi Khamokha piyyut for the Shabbat of Ḥanukkah) — by Israel Najara
- מי שבירך לתלמידים החוזרים מחופשת הקיץ | A Mi sheBerakh prayer for students returning to school after their summer break, by Rabbi Esteban Gottfried
- מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ | Mi sheBerakh for United States Military War Veterans, by Hinda Tzivia Eisen
- מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ | Mi sheBerakh for Victims of Slavery, by Rabbi Joshua Boettiger (2009)
- מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ אֶת כֹּל הַחוֹלִים וְהַחוֹלוֹת | Mi Sheberakh for the Ill During the COVID Pandemic
- מי שברך לאסונות טבע | Mi sheBerakh for Natural Disasters, by Isaac Gantwerk-Mayer
- מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ לְבָּרְוָחָה הַנַּפְשִׁית | Mi sheBerakh for Mental Health Wellness (the Blue Dove Foundation, 2021)
- מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ לְהַתָּרַת עֲגוּנוֹת וּמְסֹרְבוֹת גֵּט | Mi sheBerakh for the Release of Agunot and Women Denied a Writ of Divorce, by Dr. Yael Levine (2006)
- מי שברך לחולים במגפה | Mi sheBerakh for those ill from the COVID-19 Coronavirus, by Nurit Novis (2020)
- מי שברך לחיילי צה״ל | Mi sheBerakh for the Welfare of Israel Defense Forces Soldiers, by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (1956)
- מי שברך לחיילי צה״ל | Mi sheBerakh for the Welfare of Israel Defense Forces Soldiers, by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (1956); amended by Dr. Alex Sinclair (2012)
- מי שברך לילדים והוריהם בשלהי שנה ובפתיחה | Mi sheBeraj para los niños y sus padres en el inicio de un nuevo año escolar | Mi sheBerakh for Children and their Parents at the Commencement of the School Year, by Rabbi Hagit Sabag Yisrael (Masorti Movement in Israel)
- מי שברך למיני פשעי שנאה | Mi sheBerakh for Hate Crimes and Bigotry, by Isaac Gantwerk-Mayer (2017)
- מִי שֶׁבֵּרָךְ לִמְקַבְּלֵי שֵׁם אֱמֶת אַחַר אִשּׁוּר מְגַדְּרִי | Mi sheBerakh for those receiving a true name after gender confirmation, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- מי שברך לסיום קריאת התורה | Mi sheBerakh for Completion of Reading the Entire Torah, by Cantor Ethan Levin Goldberg
- מי שברך לעגונות | Mi sheBerakh to Support Agunot and Call Get Refusers to Account, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- מִי שֶׁבֵּרַךְ לְפִדְיוֹן שְׁבוּיִם | Mi sheBerakh for the redemption of those in captivity (or whose whereabouts are unknown)
- מי שברך לשבויים | Mi sheBerakh for the Captives, after Kristallnacht (Hamburg, November 1938)
- מי שברך לשלום החולים במגפת נגיף הקורונה | Mi sheBerakh for the Welfare of those Ill from the Coronavirus Epidemic (Schechter Rabbinical Seminary 2020)
- מי שברך לשלום המדינה | Mi sheBerakh for the Peace of the State of Israel, by the Masorti Movement in Israel
- מי שברך לשמירת הדמוקרטיה | Mi sheBerakh for Preserving Democracy, by Rabbi Oded Mazor
- מי שברך לתלמידים היוצאים לחופשת הקיץ | A Mi sheBerakh prayer for students leaving school for their summer break, by Rabbi Esteban Gottfried
- מי שברך לתקופת יום הולדת | Mi sheBerakh on behalf of one celebrating a birthday, by Rabbi Dr. Mordecai Kaplan (1945)
- מי שברך על כל המחרפים נפשם לעצור את המגפה | Mi sheBerakh for the Medical Workers & Researchers on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic (2020)
- מי שברך על קבלת שם עברי | Mi sheBerakh on Receiving a Hebrew Name as an Adult
- מִי שֶׁעָנָה לָאִמָּהוֹת | Mi she-Anah la-Imahot (He who answered the foremothers), by Dr. Yael Levine (2017)
- מִי שֶׁעָנָה…הוּא יַעֲנֵֽנוּ | Mi She’anah… Hu Ya’anenu — A Seliḥah for Yom Kippur (egal adaptation by Lisa Exler and Rabbi Julia Andelman, 2004)
- מִי שֶׁעָנָה…הוּא יַעֲנֵנוּ | Mi she’Anah…Hu Ya’anenu :: A Star Trek Seliḥah, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- מִי שֶׁשָּׁכְנָה… הִיא תִּשְׁכֹּן עִמָּנוּ | Mē She’shakhna… Hē Tishkon Imanu – a plea for the Divine Presence to dwell with us in the name of biblical women by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- מײן אַמעריקא (אונזער נײע הימנע) | My America (Our New Hymn) by Morris Rosenfeld (1917)
- מימיני מיכאל | “Mikhael is on my right,” an apotropaic invocation of angelic protection in the Bedtime Shema from the Maḥzor Vitry (ca. 11th c.)
- מִימִינִי מִיכָאֵל | “Mikhael is on my right,” the angelic invocation for divine protection from the Ḳriyat Shema al haMitah
- מַן־כְּוָתָךְ | Man K’vatakh (Who is Like You) — a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ
- מָעוֹז צוּר | Maoz Tsur (Rock of Ages), singing translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- מָעוֹז צוּר | Maoz Tsur (Stronghold Rock who Rescues Me), complete poetic translation by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- מָעוֹז צוּר | Maoz Tsur (trans. by Frederick de Sola Mendes 1914)
- מָעוֹז צוּר | Maoz Tsur for Yom ha-Atsma’ut, a complete poetic translation with an added stanza for the State of Israel’s Independence Day by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- מָעוֹז צוּר | Maoz Tsur in a rhyming English translation (1893)
- מָעוֹז צוּר | Maoz Tsur, attributed to Mordecai ben Yitsḥak haLevi (adapted by R’ Joseph H. Hertz, trans. by Solomon Solis-Cohen)
- מָעוֹז צוּר | Schirm und Schutz in Sturm und Graus, a German translation of Maoz Tsur by Leopold Stein (1906)
- מָעוֹז צָרוֹת | Ma’oz Tsarot (A Fortress of Troubles), a qinah for Tishah b’Av by Aryeh Baruch
- מענטשן־פרעסער | Mentshn-Fresser (“People Devourer”), a Pandemic Ballad by Shlomo Shmulevitsh (1916)
- מַעֲרִיב עֲרָבִים | Ma’ariv Aravim, translated from Rabbi David Einhorn’s Olat Tamid (1858) by Joshua Giorgio-Rubin (2020)
- מַעֲרִיב עֲרָבִים | Ma’ariv Aravim, translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman & Shaul Vardi
- מַעֲרִיב עֲרָבִים | Maariv Aravim, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- מַעֲרִיב עֲרָבִים | Who Brings the Evenings, translated by Shim’on Menachem
- מעשה מיץ | Maaseh Metz, a qinah after a crowd panic and deadly crush in the synagogue over Shavuot in Metz (1714)
- מִרְיָם הַנְּבִיאָה | Miryam haNevi’ah, by rabbis Leila Gal Berner & Arthur Waskow (ca. 1994)
- מִרְיָם קִבְּלָה תּוֹרָה מִסִּינַי | Miriam received the Torah from Sinai, by Rabbah Rinat Safania
- מרת דולצא: אשת־חיל | Dulcea: A Woman of Valor, an elegy by Eleazar of Worms (ca. 1196)
- מתי לא לבקש סליחה | When not to seek forgiveness, by Josh Rosenberg
- נחמו נחמו עמי | Naḥamu, Naḥamu Ami (Comfort, comfort, my people), a piyyut for Tishah b’Aḇ
- ניסיון באראקון | the Baraqon Operation, as found in Sefer Maftéaḥ Shlomo (Hermann Gollancz 1914, ca. 1700)
- נְעִילָה לַפּוּרִים | Ne’ilah for Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- נִשְׁמַת כָּל חַי (מנהג הספרדים) | Nishmat Kol Ḥai, arranged by Aharon Varady
- נִשְׁמַת כָּל חַי | Nishmat Kol Ḥai, in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- נִשְׁמַת כָּל חַי | Nishmat Kol Ḥai, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- נִשְׁמַת כָּל חַי | 每个生物的灵魂 | Nishmat Kol Ḥai (Měi gè shēngwù de línghún) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- סדר אושפיזין / אושפיזתא | Seder Ushpizin and Ushpizata: Inviting the Avot and Imahot into your Sukkah by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- סֶדֶר אוּשְׁפִּיזִין וְאוּשְׁפִּיזַן לְחַג הַסּוּכוֹת | Service of Welcoming Ushpizin and Ushpizan to the Sukkah on the Festival of Sukkoth, by Hayyim Obadyah
- סדר חצוצרות לראש חודש | Seder Ḥatsotsrot l’Rosh Ḥodesh (the Rite of Trumpets for the New Moon)
- סדר לאבד פסלי עבודה זרה | Service for Destroying Idolatrous Statues, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (2020)
- סֵדֶר לְיוֹם הַשׁוֹאָה | Seder for Yom haSho’ah, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- סדר ספירת הין | Order of the Counting of the Hin (in a parallel universe), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- סדר ספירת הנסך | Order of the Counting of the Nesekh (in a parallel universe), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- סֵדֶר סְפִירַת הָעֹמֶר | Seder Sefirat ha-Omer :: the Order of Counting the Omer between Pesaḥ and Shavuot
- סֵדֶר קִדּוּשׁ לְבָנָה ☽ Ḳiddush Levanah: Sanctification of the Moon (Rabbi David Seidenberg, neohasid·org)
- סֵדֶר תַּשְׁלִיךְ | Seder Tashlikh, as translated by Yehoshua Heshil Miro (1833)
- סִילְקָא דְּרָב הוּנָא | Items for the Second Seder Plate: Beets, after the rabbinic teaching of Rav Huna (ca. 3rd c.)
- סְלִיחָה לְחֹדֶשׁ אֱלוּל בְּצֵל הַמִּלְחָמָה בְּעַזָּה | Seliḥah for Elul in the shadow of the war on Gaza, by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen (2024)
- סליחה לימים הנוראים | Seliḥah for the Days of Awe, by Rabbi Ben-Tsiyon Meir Ḥai Uziel
- סליחה מר׳ יצחק אבן גיאת | Seliḥah by Yitsḥaq ben Yehudah Ibn Ghayyat (ca. 11th century) translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- סליחות לצום גדליה | Seliḥot for Tsom Gedalyah, translated by David Asher
- סֶֽרַח בַּת־אָשֵׁר | Seraḥ bat Asher, a Havdalah Song by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- סתיו הנחל יסודי | A Kavvanah for Teaching Children, by Eli Steier
- עַד אָנָה בִּכְיָּה בְצִיּוֹן | Ad Ana Bikhya b’Tsiyon (How Long Will Crying Be In Zion), a qinah for Tishah b’Av (ca. 7th c.)
- עד דלא ידע | Sources and Meditation Instructions for Not-knowing on Purim, by Rabbi Daniel Raphael Silverstein (Applied Jewish Spirituality 2021)
- עוּרִי עוּרִי – שִׁירַת מִרְיָם וּדְבוֹרָה | Uri Uri – Song of Miriam and Devorah, a piyyut for Shabbat Shirah by the Diwan Ashira Project
- עוֹשֶׂה מַעֲשֶׂה בְרֵאשִׁית | Blessing on Seeing Lightning, a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- עֶזְרַת אֲבוֹתֵינוּ | 我们祖先的助手 | Ezrat Avoteinu (Wǒmen zǔxiān de zhùshǒu) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- עַל אַהֲבָתְךָ אֶשְׁתֶּה גְבִיעִי | Al Ahavatekha Eshteh Gəvi’i, a piyyut of Yehudah haLevi (German translation by Franz Rosenzweig 1921)
- עַל אַהֲבָתְךָ אֶשְׁתֶּה גְבִיעִי | Al Ahavatekha Eshteh Gəvi’i, a piyyut of Yehudah haLevi (partial translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman)
- על אלה אנו בוכים | Al eleh anu bokhim (For these we weep), a lamentation for humanity’s destruction of habitat and species, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- על אלה אני בוכיה | Ḳinah for the Chmielnicki Massacres of 1648–1649, by Yaaqov Ḳoppel ben Tsvi Margoliyot (1658)
- על הכל יתגדל ויתקדש | An Alternative Mourner’s Ḳaddish, from a prayer offered during the removal of the Torah from the Arōn (Seder Rav Amram Gaon)
- על הניסים ביום העצמאות | Al haNissim on Yom ha-Atsma’ut, by Rabbi Yehoyada Amir
- על הניסים ליום העצמאות | Al haNissim for Yom ha-Atsma’ut, by Amos Ḥakham (2012)
- על הניסים ליום העצמאות | Al Hanissim for Yom ha-Atsma’ut: Theological & Liturgical Reflections, by Yehonatan Chipman (2003)
- על הניסים ליום העצמאות | Al haNissim for Yom ha-Atsma’ut, by Dr. Avi Shmidman and Rabbi Ben-Tzion Spitz (2009)
- על הניסים ליום העצמאות | Al haNissim on the State of Israel’s Independence Day, by Josh Weinberg
- על הניסים ליום ירושלים | Al haNissim for Yom Yerushalayim, by Dr. Avi Shmidman and Rav Yitzchak Etshalom (2022)
- עַל הַנִּסִּים בִּימֵי הוֹדָיָה לְאֻמִּיִּים | Al haNissim prayer on Civic Days of Patriotic Gratitude, by Aharon Varady
- על השואה ועל התפלתה | Prayer in the Shoah, an essay and a prayer by Rabbi Dr. David Weiss Halivni (2000)
- על חטא | For the Sin of Destroying God’s Creation by Rabbi Danny Nevins, adapted by Rabbi David Seidenberg (2007)
- על חטא | For the Sin of Torture: A Communal Confession by Rabbi Ed Feld
- עַל חֵטְא | Interpretive Al Ḥeyt for Yom Kippur, by Rabbi Emily Aviva Kapor-Mater
- עַל מִקְרָא מְגִלָּה | Blessing before Megillat Esther on Purim, a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- עַל נְטִילַת יָדָֽיִם | Blessing on Washing the Hands, a rhyming translation and explanation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- עַל נְטִילַת לוּלָב | Blessing Over the Lulav, a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- עַל־הַנִּסִּים לְיוֹם הָעַצְמָאוּת | Al haNissim for Yom ha-Atsma’ut, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- עַל־מֹשֶׁה אֶרְגָּז וְאָהִים | Al Mosheh Ergaz v-Ahim — a pizmon on Mosheh’s death for Simḥat Torah, by R. Shmuel ha-Dayan of Aram Ṣoba (ca. 12th c.)
- עלי לשבח | Alai l’Shabe’aḥ (It is incumbent upon me), a prayer of praise from the Ma’aseh Merkavah
- עלינו | An Alternative Opening for Aleinu, by Leon Gunther
- עלינו | An Alternative Opening for Aleinu, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- עָלֵינוּ לְשַׁבֵּחַ (מנהג הספרדים) | Aleinu, translated by Rabbi David de Sola Pool (1937)
- עָלֵינוּ לְשַׁבֵּחַ | Aleinu, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- עָלֵינוּ לְשַׁבֵּחַ | Aleinu, as adapted with translation by Dr. Jakob Petuchowski (1966)
- עָלֵינוּ לְשַׁבֵּחַ | Aleinu, interpretive translation by Joshua Gutoff
- עָלֵינוּ לְשַׁבֵּחַ | Aleinu, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- עָלֵֽינוּ לְשַׁבֵּֽחַ | Aleinu, translation by Richard Collis (2019)
- עָלֵֽינוּ לְשַׁבֵּֽחַ | An Alternative Aleinu, by Aliza Arzt (Ḥavurat Shalom 1987, revised 2019)
- עִם שָׁמֶשׁ | At Sunrise, a poem by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1903)
- עמידה | An Amidah for associating blessings with memory by Rabbi Dr. Oren Steinitz
- עמידה | Another version of the Weekday Amidah, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- עמידה | Weekday Affirmations Based on the Amidah, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (2009)
- עמידה לשבת מנחה | Amidah for Shabbat Minḥah, translation with an alternative “atah eḥad” prayer by Dr. Jakob Petuchowski (1966)
- עמידה לשחרית שבת (אשכנז) | Amidah for Shabbat Morning — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- עמידה לשחרית שבת | The Amidah for Shabbat (Morning), by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- עמידה קצרה לליל שבת | Short Amidah for Leil Shabbat, by Rabbi Oded Mazor
- עֲנֵנוּ | Aneinu, Answer us: a seliḥah in advance of the Shmitah year by Emmy Cohen
- עֲנֵֽנוּ | Egalitarian Aneinu, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- עֲקֵדַת יִצְחָק (אשכנז) | The invocation of Aqédat Yitsḥaq (the Binding of Isaac, Genesis 22:1-19) in the morning (nusaḥ Ashkenaz)
- עֲקֵדַת יִצְחָק (מנהג הספרדים) | The invocation of Aqédat Yitsḥaq (the Binding of Isaac, Genesis 22:1-19) in the morning (minhag haSefaradim)
- עשרת ימי תשובה | My Ten Days of Repentance Writing Exercise, by David Wolkin
- עֵת שַׁעֲרֵי אַרְמוֹן – תפילה לאסתר המלכה | ‘Et Sha’are Armon – Prayer of Queen Esther, a piyyut for Purim by the Diwan Ashira Project
- עֵת שַׁעֲרֵי רָצוֹן | Eit Shaarei Ratson, a piyyut by Rabbi Yehuda ben Shmuel ibn Abbas (ca. 12th c.)
- פַאטֵי אוֹנוֹרֵי אַלְבֵּיל פּוּרִים | Fate Onore al Bel Purim — a Judeo-Livornese Purim song
- פזמון בשעת המגפה ח״ו | Pizmon for a time of plague (God forbid!), by Rabbi Moses Mendels (ca. early 17th c.)
- פיוט למוזיקאי קודם שיופיע | A Performing Musician’s Piyut, by Alan Jay Sufrin
- פיוט למילה | Piyyut for a Milah (circumcision) by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen
- פִּלְחֵי תָפּוּ״ז | Items for the Second Seder Plate: Orange segments, after the teaching of Dr. Susannah Heschel
- פסוקים לשנת תשע”ט | Biblical Phrases for 5779, by Daniel Matt
- פעלד־מעסטען | Feldmesten | Measuring of the Graves, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)
- פְּרִי עֵץ הַדַּעַת עַל צַלַּחַת סֵדֶר ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge on the Tu biShvat Seder Plate, by Rabbi Dr. Dalia Marx
- פַּרְשְׁיָתָא דְּפִתְחָא לְמִנְחָה | Passages for Opening Minḥah, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- פָּתַח אֵלִיָּֽהוּ | Pataḥ Eliyahu (Tiqqunei Zohar 17a), translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- פתח לנו שער בעת נעילת שער | Open for us a gate at the closing of a gate, by Rabbi Dr. Dalia Marx (2005)
- צוּר מִשֶּׁלּוֹ אָכַֽלְנוּ | Tsur Mishelo Akhalnu, a paraliturgical Birkat haMazon (rhymed translation by Alice Lucas, 1898)
- צוּר מִשֶּׁלּוֹ אָכַֽלְנוּ | Tsur Mishelo Akhalnu, a paraliturgical Birkat haMazon (translation by Nina Salaman 1914)
- צוּר מִשֶּׁלּוֹ אָכַֽלְנוּ | Tsur Mishelo Akhalnu, a paraliturgical Birkat haMazon (translation by Sara-Kinneret Lapidot)
- צָמְאָה נַפְשִׁי | Tsam’ah Nafshi, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- צָמְאָה נַפְשִׁי | Tsam’ah Nafshi, a piyyut by Avraham ibn Ezra (trans. Avi Shmidman & Tzvi Novick)
- צָעֲקָה יוֹכֶבֶד | Tsa’aqah Yokheved, a piyyut attributed to Shmuel Shlomo (before 1050 CE)
- צער בעלי־חיים | Tsaar Baalei Ḥayyim [It is forbidden to cause] suffering to a living creature, a song in Yiddish
- צַפְרִירִים | Tsafririm (Morning Spirits), a poem by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1900)
- קְבֵלְתָּא דְּלִבָּאִי | Qevelta de-Liba’i (My Heart’s Lament), by Asher Hillel Burstein
- קדוש לסעודה מפסקת לפני יום הכפורים | Ḳiddush for the Seudah Mafseket before Yom Kippur, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- קִדּוּשׁ שֶׁל שִׁחְרוּר עַל שַׁבָּת ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | Ḳiddush of Liberation for when Shabbat coincides with Tu biShvat, by Mark X. Jacobs (1993)
- קדיש | Ḳaddish, an abridged paraliturgical reading by Rabbi Daniel Brenner
- קדיש דרבנן (נוסח ארץ ישראל) | Ḳaddish d’Rabanan variant from the Cairo Geniza (nusaḥ Erets Yisrael, ca. 11th c.)
- קדיש דרבנן | Das Lernkaddisch, a translation of the Ḳaddish d’Rabanan in German by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)
- קדיש דרבנן | Ḳaddish d’Rabanan (of Our Teachers), a translation by Everett Fox after Franz Rosenzweig
- קדיש יתום | Mourner’s Ḳaddish — a creative translation by Rabbi David Zaslow
- קדיש יתום | Mourner’s Ḳaddish for a Minyan of Ten People (including Jews and non-Jews), by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- קדיש יתום | Mourner’s Ḳaddish, an interpretive rhyming translation by Alan Wagman
- קדיש יתום | Mourner’s Ḳaddish, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- קדיש יתום | Mourner’s Ḳaddish, a translation by Everett Fox after Franz Rosenzweig
- קדיש יתום בזמן מלחמה | Mourner’s Ḳaddish in Times of War and Violence, by Arthur Waskow
- קדיש יתום בלי מנין או אם לבד (אשכנז) | Abbreviated, Personal Mourner’s Ḳaddish for when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan (Nusaḥ Ashkenaz), by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- קדיש יתום ליחיד | Mourner’s Ḳaddish for an Individual Without a Minyan (Sefer Ḥasidim, ca. 12-13th c.)
- קדיש שלם | Ḳaddish Shalem — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- קדיש שלם | Ḳaddish Shalem (extended), according to the nusaḥ of the Cochin Jews
- קדיש שלם | Ḳaddish Shalem, translated by Rabbi Dr. Jakob Petuchowski (1966)
- קֹהֶלֶת לֹא צָדַק | Qohelet Lo Tsadaq (“Ḳohelet Wasn’t Right”) — a prayer by Rabbi Oded Mazor (24 November 2023)
- קְי ווֹלְירַה קְי אְינטְינדְירַה | אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Che volera, che entendera — a Judeo-Sienese translation of Eḥad Mi Yodea
- קידוש לבנה | Kidesch⸗Lewone | The Moon-Prayer, a prayer-poem by Morris Rosenfeld (before 1898)
- קידוש לראש חודש, לפי מסכת סופרים | A Sanctification of the New Month, reconstructed from Masekhet Soferim by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- קיו סציאַס אונו? | אֶחָד מִי יוֹדֵעַ | Kiu Scias Unu? — an Esperanto translation of Eḥad Mi Yodéa by Erin Piateski (2010)
- קִילוּס לְפּוּרִים לִלְמְגִלָּה | Qillus l’Purim lil’Megillah — an enconium for Purim, for Megillat Esther
- קִינָה לְאֶרֶץ אֲהוּבָה | Qinah l’Erets Ahuvah (Lamentation for a Beloved Land), by Liora Eilon
- קִינָה לְחֻרְבַּן גַּן עֵדֶן | Qinah leḤurban Gan Aden, an eco-lament by Richard Kaplan (2003)
- קִינָה עַל חֻרְבָּן הָאַחֲרוֹן | Lamentation on the Holocaust, by Shimon Zuker (1980)
- קינה על מאורעות חרבות ברזל | Qinah al Me’or’ot Ḥarvot Barzel, by Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon (World Mizrachi Movement)
- קִינָת בְּאֵרִי | Qinat Be’eri (a Lamentation for Be’eri), by Yagel Haroush
- קְלִפּוֹת לֶפֶת | Items for the Second Seder Plate: Turnip peels, after the Holocaust remembrance of Pearl Benisch
- קמע לשמירה מפני לילית | Apotropaic ward for the protection of pregnant women and infants against Lilith & her minions (CUL MS General 194, Montgomery 1913 Amulet No. 42)
- קמע לשמירת המגפה | Amulet for Protection from the Plague, attributed to Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum (ca. 19th c.)
- קָפֶה בֵּית מַכְּסְוֶיל | Items for the Second Seder Plate: Maxwell House coffee
- קרובות למוסף שבת שקלים | Ḳerovot for Musaf Shabbat Sheqalim
- קרובות לראש שנה לאילנות | Ḳerovot for Tu biShvat, by Yehudah ben R’ Hillel haLevi (ca. 11th c.)
- קרובות לתענית אסתר | Ḳerovot for Taanit Esther by Yosef ibn Abitur (ca. 10th c.) with other seliḥot arranged by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- קרובות לתשעה באב | Ḳerovot for Tishah b’Av, by Elazar ben Kilir (ca. 7th c.)
- רָאשֵׁי עָם עֵת הִתְאַסֵּף | When the chiefs of the people meet, a muwassaha poem by Yehudah haLevi (ca. early 12th c.)
- רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים אַתָּה צִוִּיתָֽנוּ לְהַקְרִיב | Ribon ha-Olamim atah tsivitanu l’haqriv — let the offering of our lips substitute for animal sacrifice
- רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים לֹא עַל־צִדְקוֹתֵֽינוּ | Ribon ha-Olamim, not in the merit of our righteousness — a variation from the Seder Tefilot of Maimonides, MS Constantinople 1509
- רִבּוֹן הָעוֹלָמִים לֹא עַל־צִדְקוֹתֵֽינוּ | Ribon HaOlamim, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- רבון כל העולמים | Master of the Cosmos, a teḥinah for entering Shabbat by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (circa 16th c.)
- רִבּוֹן כׇּל הָעוֹלָמִים | Ribon kol ha-Olamim, a prayer for the government of the United States of America by Rabbi Max Lilienthal (1846)
- רִבּוֹנוֹ שֶׁל עוֹלָם | Untitled Prayer, by Isaac Bashevis Singer (ca. 1952)
- רַחֲמָנָא | Raḥamana di N’shaya — an Aramaic seliḥoth piyyut for biblical women by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- ריבונו של עולם הריני מוחל | Prayer of Forgiveness from the Bedtime Shema, by Rabbi Yitsḥak Luria z”l (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- רָנּוּ שָׁמַֽיִם | Ronnu shamayim, a piyyut celebrating the Decalogue by Elyaqim
- רְפָא צִירִי | Refa Tsiri, a piyyut for healing by Rabbi Refael Antebi Tabbush (ca. late 19th c.)
- שַׁאֲלִי שְׂרוּפָה בָּאֵשׁ | Sha’ali Serufah ba-Esh (Question, Burnt in the Fire), a Ḳinah for Tishah b’Av, translated by Gershom Scholem
- שָּׁבוּעַ שֶׁל אַחְוָה לְאֻמִּית | National Brotherhood Week (in Israel), an adaptation of Tom Lehrer’s song by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- שבחי המשפחה לבת המצווה | A Prayer in Honor of a Bat mitsvah from her Family, by Dr. Chaim Hames-Ezra
- שבע ברכות | Sheva Brakhot, the seven blessings following the Birkat Mazon at a wedding meal
- שבע ברכות | The Seven Blessings over a Wedding (interpretive translation by Aharon Varady)
- שבע ברכות לנפשות קשורות | Seven Blessings For Interlinking Souls, by Rabbi Dr. Raysh Weiss and Rabbi Jonah Rank
- שַׁבָּת הַמַּלְכָּה | The Shabbat Queen, by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1903)
- שַׁבָּת וַחֲנֻכָּה נִגְּשׁוּ וַיְרִיבוּן (מִי כָמוֹךָ) | Shabbat and Ḥanukkah Met and Fought, a piyyut by Shlomoh ben Eliyahu Sharvit HaZahav (ca. 15th c.)
- שֶׁהֶחֱיָֽנוּ | Sheheḥiyanu, a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- שֶׁהַכֹּל נִהְיָה בִּדְבָרוֹ | Blessing on Partaking [all other] Food, a rhyming translation and explanation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- שִׁוִּיתִי | Shiviti by Mashiaḥ Asgari (ca. late 19th – early 20th c. Herat, Afghanistan)
- שִׁוִּיתִי | Shiviti: perceiving the world as an expression of divine Oneness
- שׁוֹכֵן עַד | Shokhen Âd, in its Latin translation by Johann Stephan Rittangel (1644)
- שׁוֹכֵן עַד | 祂永存 | Shokhen Ad (Tā yǒngcún) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- שׁוֹמְרוֹן קוֹל תִּתֵּן (אשכנז) | Shomron Qol Titein, a qinah for Tishah b’Av by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.)
- שַׁוְעַת נָשִׁים: תפילה לשלומן של נשים קורבנות אלימות | Shav’at Nashim, a prayer for the safety of women who are victims of violence (Masorti Movement in Israel)
- שַׁחַר אֲבַקֶּשְׁךָ | Shaḥar Avaqeshkha (At dawn I seek you), a reshut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.) translated by Nina Salaman (1901)
- שַׁחַר אֲבַקֶּשְׁךָ | Shaḥar Avaqeshkha (At dawn I seek you), a reshut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.) translated by Rabbi David Aaron de Sola (1857)
- שַׁחַר אֲבַקֶּשְׁךָ | Shaḥar Avaqeshkha (At dawn I seek you), a reshut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.) translated by Sara Lapidot
- שים שלום למוסף טל | Sim Shalom for the “Tal” Musaf Amidah of Pesaḥ (extended)
- שיר האמונה | Song of Faith, by Rabbi Avraham Yitsḥaq haKohen Ḳooḳ (ca. 1919)
- שִׁיר הַגְאוּלָה (החיינו אל) | Shir ha-Ge’ulah (Song of Redemption), by an anonymous author (1940)
- שיר הכבוד (אַנְעִים זְמִירוֹת) | Shir haKavod (An’im Zemirot), part eight of the Shir haYiḥud (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- שיר הכבוד (אַנְעִים זְמִירוֹת) | Shir haKavod (An’im Zemirot), part eight of the Shir haYiḥud (translation by Israel Wolf Slotki)
- שִׁיר הַמַּעֲלוֹת לַיּוֹלֶדֶת בַּפּוּרִים | Shir ha-Maˤalot for a Woman Giving Birth on Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)
- שיר חדש אשיר | Shir Ḥadash Ashir (“Song Anew”) — a traditional piyyuṭ before the Song of the Sea
- שיר מזמור לפורים | Shir Mizmor l’Purim, an anti-Prohibition drinking song for Purim by Rabbi Sabato Morais (1889)
- שיר של מרים הנביאה | The Song of Miriam, a petiḥah by Rabbi Ruth H. Sohn (1981)
- שִׁירַת הַדֶּרֶךְ הָרְחָבָה | Song of the Open Road, by Walt Whitman (1856), Hebrew translation by Shimon Halkin (1952)
- שירת הים | Shirat haYam, recitation for a day with a circumcision according to Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- שֶׁכֹּחוֹ וּגְבוּרָתוֹ מָלֵא עוֹלָם | Blessing on Hearing Thunder, a rhyming translation by Jessie Ethel Sampter (1919)
- שָׁלוֹם לְךָ (לְבֶן) דּוֹדִי | Shalom Lekh (l’Ven) Dodi, by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.)
- שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם (שְׁלָמָא אֵילוֹכוּן) | Shalom Aleikhem (Shlama Elokhun), Aramaic translation by Yaacov Maoz
- שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם | Shalom Aleikhem, the piyyut for Friday evenings in German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)
- שמחת ברית | Simḥat Brit, by David Zvi Kalman (2018)
- שמחת בת (זבד הבת) | Simḥat Bat: Zeved HaBat (The Gift of a Daughter), a Ceremony Guide to the Naming of a Jewish Girl by Dovi Seldowitz (2021)
- שמחת בת | Simḥat Bat by Yoni and Hannah Kapnik Ashar
- שמחת בת | Simḥat Bat of Amalya Shaḥar Exler-Kaunfer, by Rabbi Elie Kaunfer and Lisa Exler
- שמחת בת | Simḥat Bat, by Dr. Devora Steinmetz and Rabbi David Silber (1987)
- שְׁמַע | A Paraliturgical Reflection of the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9), by Julia Mossbridge
- שמע | Ḳabbalistic Commentary on the Shema from Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz’s Siddur Shaar haShamayim
- שְׁמַע | Shema, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- שְׁמַע | Shema, an interpretive translation by Rabbi Arthur Waskow (2003)
- שְׁמַע | The Shema, interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל | 以色列啊,请听 | Shema Yisrael (Yǐsèliè a, qǐng tīng) — Chinese translation by Richard Collis (2022)
- שִׁמְרוּ שַׁבְּתוֹתַי | Shimru Shabtotai, a pizmon by Salomone Rossi (ca. late 16th, early 17th c.)
- שנוי השם | Shinui ha-Shem, the healing ritual via name-change as reconstructed from “Sefer Toldot Adam v-Ḥava” by Rabbeinu Yeruḥam
- שְׁנֵי זֵיתִים | Shnei Zeitim (Two Olive Branches) — a meorah piyyut for Shabbat Ḥanukkah, by Shlomo ibn Gabirol
- שַׁעֲרֵי אוֹרָה שַׁעֲרֵי בְּרָכָה | Gates of Light Gates of Blessing, a mesostic piyyut
- שְׁפוֹךְ אֲהָבָתֵךְ | Shfokh Ahavatekh (Pour Out Your Love), by Rabbi Ḥayyim Bloch (1948)
- שריך לינקאלען | Memorial Prayer for Abraham Lincoln, by Isaac Goldstein haLevi (1865)
- שֵׁשׁ אִמָּהוֹת | Shesh Imahot (Six Matriarchs) — Sarah, Rivqah, Raḥel, Leah, Bilhah, and Zilpah, as found in rabbinic sources
- תִּגְדַּל | Tigdal, by Rabbi Oded Mazor
- תהלים ב׳ | Psalms 2, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ו׳ | Psalms 6, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים ח׳ | Psalms 8, a mizmor of David (translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer)
- תהלים ח׳ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 8 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים ט״ו | Psalms 15, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים י״ב בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 12 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים כ״ב בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 22 by David in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים כ״ג | Psalms 23, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ג | Psalms 23, translation by Shim’on Menachem, melody by Shir Yaakov
- תהלים כ״ד | Psalms 24, the Psalm for Sunday (translation by Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים כ״ה | Psalms 25, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ו | Psalms 26, by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ז | Psalms 27, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים כ״ט | Psalms 29, a mizmor by David translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi
- תהלים כ״ט | Psalms 29, an interpretive translation by Avi Dolgin
- תהלים כ״ט | Psalms 29, translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים ל׳ | Psalms 30 by David (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תְּהִלִּים ל״ו | Psalms 36 by David (trans. Aharon Varady after JPS 1917)
- תהלים מ״ז | (Psalms 47) Dieser Psalm wird siebenmal vor dem Schofer blasen wiederholt (translation by Yehoshua Heshil Miro, 1829)
- תהלים מ״ח | Psalms 48, the psalm for Monday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים ס׳ | Psalms 60 for the Fast of the Tenth of Tevet, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תְּהִלִּים ס״ה | Psalms 65, a mizmor by David (trans. Aharon Varady after JPS 1917)
- תהלים ע״ט | Psalms 79, a new translation for 17 Tamuz by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ע״ט | Psalms 79, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים פ״א | Psalms 81, the psalm for Thursday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים פ״ב | Psalms 82, the Psalm for Tuesday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים פ״ה | Psalms 85 for Yom Simḥat Kohen — with translations into Marathi, Arabic, and English
- תהלים צ״ב | Psalms 92, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ב | Psalms 92, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים צ״ג | Psalms 93, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ג | Psalms 93, the psalm for Friday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים צ״ד | Psalms 94, the psalm for Wednesday (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים צ״ה | Psalms 95, translated by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ו | Psalms 96, translated by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ז | Psalms 97, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ח | Psalms 98, abridged translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים צ״ט | Psalms 99, translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Efrat Rotem
- תהלים ק׳ | Psalms 100, interpretive translation and adaptation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan)
- תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, a hymn of creation (translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תהלים ק״ד | Psalms 104, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ק״ז | Psalms 107, arranged by Aharon Varady
- תהלים ק״כ | Psalms 120 for the Fast of Gedalyah, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ק״נ | Psalms 150, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים ק״נ | Psalms 150, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים ק״נ בלשון לאדינו | Psalms 150 in Ladino (Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit, ca. 1852/3)
- תהלים קט״ו | Psalms 115, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קט״ז | Psalms 116, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ב | Psalms 112 (Ashrei Ish)
- תהלים קי״ג | Psalms 113, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ד | Psalms 114, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ז | Psalms 117, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קי״ט | Psalms 118, translated and cantillated for Hallel by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קכ״ו | Psalms 126 (Shir Hama’alot), a poetic translation by Shim’on Menachem
- תהלים קכ״ו | Psalms 126 (Shir haMaalot), a German translation by Franz Rosenzweig (1921)
- תהלים קל״ו | Psalms 136, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קל״ז | Psalms 137 (Al Naharot Bavel :: By the Rivers of Babylon), translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קל״ט | Psalms 139, a mizmor by David with verses attributed to Adam haRishon for the Winter Solstice
- תהלים קמ״ב | Psalms 142, a maskil with translations in English and Arabic
- תהלים קמ״ה | Psalms 145 by David, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ו | Psalms 146, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קמ״ז | Psalms 147, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קמ״ח | Psalms 148, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תהלים קמ״ח | Psalms 148: Hallelu-YAH! (translation by Rabbi Arthur Waskow)
- תהלים קמ״ט | Psalms 149, translated by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תהלים קמ״ט | Psalms 149, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תודה | Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Safe Return of Sir Moses Montefiore from Romania (Ḳ.Ḳ. Shaar haShamayim, 1867)
- תוספת בית למעוז צור לְמִלְחֶמֶת ”חַרְבוֹת בַּרְזֶל“ | Supplemental stanza to Maoz Tsur for the Ḥarvot Barzel War by Dana Pearl
- תוספת לסליחות לזיכרון המוסרים נפשם בחרבות ברזל | Supplement to the Seliḥot following “Aseh l’Maan Shemekha” in remembrance of the fallen in the Ḥarvot Barzel War, by Dr. Yael Levine
- תְּחִינָה װען עס ברעכט אױס אַ מַגֵפָה | A Tkhine When an Epidemic Breaks Out (1916)
- תחינה לחזק ידינו במצוות ”כיבוד אב ואם“ ביחס לאמנו, האדמה | A prayer for strengthening our commitment to the commandment of “Honoring our Parents” in relation to Mother Earth, by Rabbi Gila Caine
- תחינה ליובל מלחמת ששת הימים | A prayer on the 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, by Rabbi Ofer Sabath Beit Halachmi (2017)
- תחינה לימי נגיף הקורונה | Supplication for the Days of the Coronavirus (Masorti Movement in Israel 2020)
- תְּחִינָה לִשָּׁבוּעוֺת נאָך ליכט צינדן | Tkhine upon Candlelighting at the Onset of Shavuot
- תחינה פאר א אִשָּׁה פאר דעד חוּפָּה פון איר זון ארער איר טאָכטער | Tkhine for a mother to say before the wedding of her daughter (19th c.)
- תְחִינָה פון דיא מִצְוה הַדְלָקַת הַנֵר | Prayer for the Mitsvah of Kindling the Shabbat Lights, by Sarah bat Tovim from the Tkhine of Three Gates (ca. early 18th c.)
- תְחִינָה פון דיא מִצְוֺת חַלָה | Prayer for the Mitsvot of Preparing Ḥallah, by Sarah bat Tovim from the Tkhine of Three Gates (ca. early 18th c.)
- תחינה פון ראש חודש בענטשן | Prayer for Blessing the New Moon on the Shabbat Mevorkhim, by Sarah bat Tovim from the Tkhine of Three Gates (ca. early 18th c.)
- תחינה של עובד קמעונאי | Prayer of a Retail Worker
- תחנה אױף קינדער האבין (פאר א אִשָׁה װאָס האָט ניט קײַן קינדער) | Tkhine for Having Children for a Woman who Has No Children (ca. 1840)
- תחנה אײדער אפרויא גײט אין טבילת מצוה | Tkhine for when a Woman Goes to Immerse in the Mikve (1910)
- תחנה אמהות | Prayer for the Blowing of the Shofar, from the Tkhine of the Matriarchs by Seril Rappaport (ca. 18th century)
- תחנה אמהות | Prayer for the Torah Reading on Rosh Hashanah (Genesis 21:1–34), from the Tkhine of the Matriarchs by Seril Rappaport (ca. 18th century)
- תחנה אמהות | Prayer for Yizkor, from the Tkhine of the Matriarchs by Seril Rappaport (ca. 18th century)
- תחנה אמהות מן ראש חדש תשרי | Prayer for the New Moon of Tishrei, from the Tkhine of the Matriarchs by Seril Rappaport (ca. 18th century)
- תחנה אמהות מן ראש חודש אלול | Prayer for the New Moon of Elul, from the Tkhine of the Matriarchs by Seril Rappaport (ca. 18th c.)
- תְּחִנָה זאָגט מען װען מען בּײַסט אָפּ דעם פִּטוּם פוּן דעם אֶתְרוֹג | Tkhine for when biting the pitom from the etrog (Siddur Ḳorban Minḥah, 1861)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ אַדָר | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Adar ב and Adar on regular non-leap years (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ אַדָר רִאשׁוֹן | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Adar א on Leap Years (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ אֶלוּל | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Elul (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ טֵבֵת | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Tevet (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ כִּסְלֵו | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Kislev (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ שְׁבָט | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Shvat (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֺדֶשׁ אִיָּר | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Iyyar (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֺדֶשׁ מְנַחֵם אָב | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Menaḥem Av (1877 and 1910)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מִבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֺדֶשׁ מַרְחֶשְׁוָן | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Marḥeshvan (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֺדֶשׁ נִיסָן | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֺדֶשׁ סִיוָן | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Sivan (1877)
- תְּחִנָה לְשַׁבָּת מְבָרְכִים רֹאשׁ חוֺדֶשׁ תַּמּוּז | Tkhine for Shabbat Mevorkhim Rosh Ḥodesh Tamuz (1877)
- תְּחִנָּה מִגְדַּל הַשֵּׁן | Tkhine for a Baby’s First Tooth
- תחנה פאר אײן אִשָׁה װאָס דארף האָבּין אײַן קינד | Tkhine for a Woman who is about to Have a Child (1910)
- תחנה פאר אמוטער װאס פירט אקינד אין חדר | Tkhine for a Mother Leading their Child to Religious School (1910)
- תחנה פאר די ליכט מאכין אום ערב יום כפור | Tkhine for Candlemaking on Erev Yom Kippur, by Sarah bat Tovim (ca. early 18th c.)
- תחנה פֿאַר צוריקקערן זיך נאָך דורות צו המקום | A Tkhine for Returning to a Place After Generations, by Maia Brown
- תחנה פון אײן שװאנגער אשה זאל ניט מפיל זיין | Tkhine for a Pregnant Woman that She Not Miscarry (1910)
- תחנה פון ליכט בענטשין | Tkhine for Lighting Candles [for Shabbes]
- תְּחִנָה פון רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ בענטשן | Tkhine for the Rosh Ḥodesh Blessing, by an unknown author
- תחנה פיר אין כלה פאר דער חופה | Prayer for a Bride before her Wedding (19th c.)
- תְּחִנָה קַבָּלַת עוֺל מַלְכוּת שָׁמַיִם | Tkhine [for Women] Receiving the Yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven (1916)
- תחנה שערי דמעות | Tkhine of the Gate of Tears
- תחנון | Taḥanun, translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
- תחנון לימים קשים | Taḥanun [Plea for Mercy] on Hard Days by Noa Mazor (trans. by Jonah Rank)
- תַּֽמּוּ חֲלוֹמוֹתֵֽינוּ | Tamu Ḥalomotenu, a seliḥah for Yitsḥaq Rabin by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תָּנוּן שְׁבָחֵיהּ | Tanun Shvaḥeih (Tell the Praise) — a piyyut for the Seder Meturgeman of the 7th Day of Pesaḥ
- תעודת גירות בישראל (קדם־גיל־מצות) | Certificate of Conversion for a Minor, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- תעודת גירות בישראל | Certificate of Conversion for an Adult, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- תעודת זהות מאושרת בישראל (קדם־גיל־מצות) | Certificate of Affirmation of Jewish Identity for a Minor, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- תעודת זהות מאושרת בישראל | Certificate of Affirmation of Jewish Identity for an Adult, by Rabbi Jonah Rank
- תפילה (ישראלית) לפני הכניסה לקלפי (למאמין וללא מאמין) | Prayer before entering the voting booth in Israel (for believers and non-believers)
- תפילה בין השריפות (קצרה) | Abridged Prayer Between the Fires for Lev and Lag ba-Omer (neohasid·org)
- תפילה בין השריפות | Prayer between the Fires (between the 32nd and 42nd days of the Omer, neohasid·org)
- תפילה בכניסה לכנסת | Prayer for Entering the Knesset, by Dr. Chaim Hames-Ezra (2013)
- תפילה בתגובה למגפה | A Prayer in Response to the Coronavirus, by Rav Shmuly Yanklowitz (Valley Beit Midrash 2020)
- תפילה בתגובה למגפה | Prayer in response to the Coronavirus Outbreak in Italy (Assemblea Dei Rabbini D’Italia 2020)
- תפילה הנשיא | Yehi Ratson for the first twelve days of the month of Nisan, by Rabbi Yosef Yaakov Sabatka of Dubno (ca. late 17th c.)
- תפילה ל-11 בספטמבר | Memorial Prayer for those whose lives were lost on 11 September 2001, by Rabbi Gilah Langner (2011)
- תפילה לאוקראינה | Молитва за Україну | Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Miriam Klimova (2022)
- תפילה לארצות הברית לאחר הטבח בפּיטסבּורג | Prayer for the United States after the Pittsburgh Massacre, by Rabbi Stephen Belsky (2018)
- תפילה לבאסטאן | Prayer for Boston after the bombing, by Rabbi Stephen Belsky (2013)
- תפילה לבוחר טרם הבחירות | A Prayer for Voters Before the Israeli Election, by Rabbi Esteban Gottfried
- תפילה לה׳ בעד חיי׳ המלך אדוננו ובעד טובת | Prayer for Alexandru Ioan Ⅰ Cuza, Domnitor of Romania, by Rabbi Meir Leibush (1862)
- תפילה להפך – מאבן בֹחן | Prayer for Transformation, from the poem “Even Boḥan” by Rabbi Ḳalonymus b. Ḳalonymus ben Meir (1322)
- תפילה להצבעה | A Prayer for Voting with a Pledge to Help Repair the World, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- תפילה להצבעה | A Prayer on Voting, by Rabbi Lev Meirowitz Nelson (T’ruah 2016)
- תפילה להצלתם של הבחורים החטופים | Prayer for the rescue of the kidnapped youths, by Rabbi Shlomo Mosheh Amar (16 June 2014)
- תפילה להתחדש | A Prayer for Renewal, by Hillel Zeitlin
- תפילה לזכר הנערים | Prayer in the memory of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaer, and Naftali Fraenkel — by Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum (Masorti Movement in Israel, 4 July 2014)
- תפילה לזמן מלחמה | Prayer for Israel in Time of War, by Rabbi Dr. Reuven Kimelman
- תפילה לחודש כסלו עד סוף חנוכה | Prayer for the month of Kislev through the end of Ḥanukkah (from Isaiah 60), by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman
- תפילה לחיילי צהל ולשבויים חרבות ברזל | Prayers for the welfare of the IDF soldiers and the captives of the Ḥarvot Barzel War, by Ze’ev Kainan (16 October 2023)
- תפילה ליום הבחירות מאת הרבה | A Prayer for Municipal Election Day [in the State of Israel], by Rabbi Noa Mazor
- תפילה ליום הודו על חנוכּה | Prayer for when Thanksgiving Day falls during Ḥanukkah, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- תפילה לילדי עזה | A Prayer for Gaza’s Children, by Bradley Burston (2008)
- תפילה לישראל | A Prayer for Israel, by Rabbi Lawrence A. Hoffman (2013)
- תפילה לישראל ופלסטין | Prayer for Israel and Palestine, by IfNotNow-Chicago (2017)
- תפילה למדינת ישראל | Prayer for the State of Israel, by Rabbi Arik Ascherman (2008)
- תפילה למדינת ישראל | Prayer for the State of Israel, by Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Cohen (2002)
- תפילה למחסן/ת | Prayer for those Administering Vaccinations (Masorti Movement in Israel 2020)
- תפילה למי שצריך לאכול בימי צום | Prayer for those who need to eat on fast days (A Mitzvah to Eat, 2022)
- תפילה למעמד המשותף | أغنية الحياة والسلام | Prayer of Mothers for Life and Peace, by Sheikha Ibtisam Maḥameed & Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum
- תפילה למען ילדי העולם | Prayer for the Children of the World, by Rabbi Nava Hefetz
- תפילה למען עם ישראל והחטופים בעת הדלקת נרות חנוכה | Prayer for the People of Israel and the Captives while Kindling the Ḥanukkah Lights, by Rabbi Yuval Cherlow (Tzohar & Atid Le’Otef, 2024)
- תפילה למען תושבי/ות אל־עראקיב | A Thanksgiving Day Prayer for the Residents of Al-Araqeeb (قرية العراقيب), by Rabbi Arik Ascherman (2010)
- תפילה למצביעי המדינה | Prayer for the Electorate, by David Zvi Kalman (2016)
- תפילה למתחסן/ת | Prayer for those Receiving Vaccinations (Masorti Movement in Israel 2020)
- תפילה לנוכח המלחמה שפרצה בבוקר שמיני עצרת, תשפ”ד | Prayer in response to the war that broke out on the morning of Shemini Atseret 5784, by Rabbi Gil Nativ (Masorti Movement 2023)
- תפילה לנספים בשטפונות | Prayer for Flash Flood Victims, by the Masorti Movement in Israel (2018)
- תפילה לנשים קורבנות אלימות במשפחה | Prayer for Women Suffering from Domestic Violence — by Dr. Yael Levine (2017)
- תפילה לעגונות | Prayer for the Liberation of Agunot, by Shelley Frier List (2005)
- תפילה לעגונות ומסורבות הגט | Prayer for Agunot refused a Get, by Rabbi Alona Lisitsa
- תפילה לעולם החי | Prayer for the Living Earth, by Rabbi Katy Z. Allen
- תפילה לעזרת היהודים תושבי גרמניה | Prayer for German Jewry under Nazi oppression before and after Kristallnacht (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire 1938)
- תפילה לעת שרפה – וחמת האש תשכך | Prayer for the Wildfires to Subside (Masorti Foundation, trans. by R’ Jonah Rank)
- תפילה לפני הבדלה לחרבות ברזל | Prayer before Havdalah for the War of Iron Swords, by Dr. Yael Levine
- תפילה לפני חלוקת תרופות | Prayer before the dispensation of medication, by Dafna Meir, z”l
- תפילה לפני קידושין | Prayer before Kiddushin for Couples, by Sarah Groner
- תפילה לפני שחיטה | Prayer before Kosher Slaughter, by Eliyah ben Shlomo Avraham haKohen (Sefer Shevet Musar, 1712)
- תפילה לראש חודש טבת ותקופת החורף על חנוכּה | Prayer for the new moon of Tevet on Ḥanukkah occurring on the winter solstice, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- תפילה לשוב לעבודה | A Prayer for (finally) getting back to work, by Chaya Kaplan-Lester
- תפילה לשינוי השם והסימון המגדרי | Gebet für die Änderung des Vornamens und Geschlechtseintrags | Prayer for the Change of Name and Gender Marker, by Rabbi Lior Bar-Ami
- תפילה לשלום | صلاه لاجل السلام | A prayer for Peace (רוח גלילית Spirit of Galilee, 29 April 2024)
- תפילה לשלום אזרחי סוריה וחלבּ (ארם-צובה, אר”ץ) | Prayer for the Well-being of the Citizens of Syria and Residents of Aleppo (Masorti Movement in Israel, 2017)
- תפילה לשלום באירופה | Prayer for Peace in Europe during the Italian War of Independence (ca. 19th c.)
- תפילה לשלום המדינה בזמן מלחמה | Prayer for the Welfare of Israel in Wartime, by Rabbi Ron Aigen (2014)
- תפילה לשלום המלכות | Prayer for the Welfare of George Washington, George Clinton, and the Thirteen States of America by Hendla Jochanan van Oettingen (1784)
- תפילה לשלום העיר תל אביב־יפו | Prayer for the Welfare of Tel Aviv-Yafo, by Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman (1959), amended by Rabbi Esteban Gottfried (2009)
- תפילה לשלום העם האוקראינה | Prayer for the Welfare of Ukraine and the Ukrainian People (Masorti Movement in Israel 2022)
- תפילה לשלום העם הכורדי | Prayer for the Welfare of the Kurdish People (Masorti Movement in Israel, 2019)
- תפילה לשלום העם הסורי | Prayer for the Peace of the Syrian People, by Rabbi Yuval Cherlow (2013)
- תפילה לשלום התפוצה היהודית | A Prayer for the Welfare of Diaspora Jewry, by Rabbi Amitai Fraiman (2018)
- תפילה לשלום ופיוס לישראלים ולפלסטינים ולכל העם | A Prayer for Peace and Reconciliation for Israelis, Palestinians, and all People by Rabbi Samuel Feinsmith (2014)
- תפילה לשלום ירושלים | Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, by Rabbi Eliyahu Yosef She’ar Yashuv Cohen
- תפילה לשלום מדינת ישראל | Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, by Rabbi Yitsḥak haLevi Hertzog (1948)
- תפילה לשלום צוות אח״י אילת | Prayers for the Welfare of the Navy Personnel of the “INS Eilat,” by rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau & Arnold Resnicoff (1993)
- תפילה לשלומם ולחזרתם של הנעדרים והשבויים בין אחינו ואחיותינו | Prayer for the Welfare and the Return of Israel’s Captured and Missing from Among our Sisters and Brothers (Masorti Movement in Israel 2023)
- תפילה לתורם דם | The Blood Donor’s Prayer, by Elli Fischer
- תפילה לתשעה באב | Prayer for the Wellbeing of the State of Israel on Tishah b’Av 5783, by Rabbi David Bigman
- תפילה מאת הרב עדין שטײנזלץ | A Prayer [in Response to Terror] by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz
- תפילה מונגשת לזמן מלחמה | A Prayer for Israel in Wartime, in simplified Hebrew (Masorti Movement in Israel 2023)
- תפילה נוכח הרעה מדרום | Mi sheBerakh in the face of the Missiles Falling On Israel (Masorti Movement in Israel 2023)
- תפילה נוכח הרעה מדרום | Prayer in the face of the worsening situation in southern Israel (Masorti Movement in Israel 2019)
- תפילה עבור המלך | Prayer for the Monarch at the Coronation of King Charles Ⅲ, by Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth 2023)
- תפילה על האיחוי והרעות | A Prayer for Brotherhood, Unity, and Friendship on Israeli Election Day (2020)
- תפילה על מת בהמה או חיה מחמד | Prayer on the Death of a Beloved Animal, by Aharon Varady (1994)
- תפילה עם שובם של חללי המלחמה | Prayer for the Return of Slain Hostages (Masorti Movement in Israel, 2025)
- תפילה פרטי ליושבי הסגר | Private Prayer for Those Dwelling in Quarantine, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (2020)
- תפילה פרטית לשם הצבעה | Private Prayer for Voting, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (2020)
- תפילה קודם התפילה מרבי אלימלך מליזשענסק | Rabbi Elimelekh of Lizhensk’s prayer to be able to pray (interpretive translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi)
- תפילה קודם לימוד הקבלה | Prayer Before Studying Ḳabbalah, by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translated by Aharon Varady)
- תפילה קודם קריאת פרשת אחרי מות | Prayer to be Recited Before the Reading of Parashat Aḥarei Mōt, by Rabbi Steven Greenberg
- תפילה קודם תפילה בציבור בימי קורונה | Prayer Preceding Communal Prayer During the Coronavirus Pandemic, by Rabbi Binyamin Holtzman (2020)
- תפילות לשמיני עצרת שנת תשפ״א, בזמן מגפת הקורונה | Prayers for Shemini Atseret 5781 during the Coronavirus Pandemic, by Amit Gvaryahu & Yedidah Koren
- תפילת ”על הנסים“ חדשה ליום י״ז בתמוז | Al Hanissim for 17 Tamuz, by Rav Ḥanan Schlesinger
- תפילת אל מלא רחמים לנרצחי התקפות החמאס והנופלים בקרבות | El Malé Raḥamim prayer for the victims of the HAMA”S attacks and those fallen in battle afterward (IDF 2024)
- תפילת בת המצווה | Prayer of the Bat mitsvah after she finishes reading from the Torah, by Chaim Hames-Ezra
- תפילת גשם בזכות האמהות | Prayer for Rain in the Merit of the Matriarchs by Rabbi Jill Hammer
- תפילת גשם כולל אמהות | Tefillat Geshem including the matriarchs with stanzas in a backwards acrostic, an adaptation by Eliran Sobel
- תפילת דרך משולשת | A Kavvanah for Crossroads: Triple Prayer for the Road, by Yakov Green
- תפילת הבוחר בבחירות תשפ״ג
- תפילת הדרך | Tefilat haDerekh (Traveler’s Prayer), by Rabbi Michal Ratner Ken-tor
- תפילת הדרך | Tefilat haDerekh (Traveler’s Prayer), by Rabbi Tamar Duvdevani
- תפילת הדרך | Tefilat haDerekh, a traveler’s prayer for safety and peace (trans. Rabbi David Seidenberg, neohasid·org)
- תפילת הדרך | The Traveler’s Prayer (with a Supplement for Airplane Travel)
- תפילת הדרך באניית הכוכבים | Prayer for Going on a Starship Voyage, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תפילת הודיה לגשם | Thanksgiving Prayer for Rainfall in Lands Where It is Needed, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תפילת הודיה לחברה למניעת אכזריות לילדים | Prayer of Thanksgiving for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (1954)
- תפילת הודיה לשלג | Thanksgiving Prayer for Snowfall in Lands Where It is Needed, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תְּפִילַת הוֹלְכִים לְאוּנִיבֶרְסִיטָה | Prayer for Those Leaving Home for University, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תפילת היוצר | A Worker’s Prayer, by Rabbi Stephen Belsky
- תפילת המדינה | Prayer for the State [of Israel], by S.Y. Agnon (1948)
- תפילת המורה לפני פתיחת שנת הלימודים | Oración de los maestros antes del inicio del año escolar | Prayer of the teacher before commencement of the school year (Masorti Movement in Israel)
- תְּפִילַּת הַנּוֹטֵעַ | Prayer for a Tree Planting in Israel, by Rav Ben-Tsiyon Meir Ḥai Uziel (before 1942)
- תְּפִילַּת הַנּוֹטֵעַ | Prayer for a Tree Planting in Israel, by Zeev Kainan (Masorti Movement in Israel, 2018)
- תְּפִילַּת הַנּוֹטֵעַ | Prayer for a Virtual Tree Planting in Israel, by Rabbi Eliyahu Yosef She’ar Yashuv Cohen (2012)
- תפילת העמידה ביום חול | My Weekday Amidah, by Effron Esseiva
- תפילת העמידה ביום חול | the Weekday Amidah, a paraliturgical reflection by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman
- תפילת העמידה ביום חול | Weekday Amidah, by Rabbi Dahlia Shaham
- תפילת השעה | Prayer of the Moment [after the Neve Yaakov synagogue shooting], by Rabbi Avi Novis-Deutsch (Knesset haRabanim l’Yisrael 2023)
- תְּפִילַּת ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | The Prayer for Tu biShvat from the Seder Pri Ets Hadar, adapted by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- תפילת יחיד | Tefillat yaḥid: a prayer for when praying by oneself, by David Zvi Kalman
- תפילת לשלום החיילים | Prayer on Behalf of the Jewish Soldier Going into Battle by Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo (2014)
- תפילת נחם לשלם בירושלם | Tefilat Naḥem for the Peace of Jerusalem on Tishah b’Av, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תפילת נחם על תשעה באב | Tefilat Naḥem on Tishah b’Av, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (free translation by Gabbai Seth Fishman)
- תפלה בבתי כנסיות דק״ק פירטה שנת תרע״ד | A Prayer for the Synagogues of the Holy Jewish Community of Fürth [Germany, at the onset of war] – 5674 [1914]
- תפלה בלחש | A Whispered Prayer (for protection from noxious air and people), by Tsvi Hirsch Robinson (1909)
- תְּפִלָּה בְּעַד הַמֶּמְשָׁלָה | Prayer for the Government, by Rabbi Dr. Louis Ginzberg (1927)
- תְּפִלָּה בְּעַד מֶמְשֶׁלֶת שָׁלוֹם | Prayer for a Government of Peace, by Zackary Sholem Berger (2019)
- תפלה בעד שלום המדינה | Prayer for the Government of William Howard Taft, by Avraham Hyman Charlap (1912)
- תפלה בעד שלום המדינה | Prayer for the Welfare of the Government and Country of the United States of America, by Avraham Hyman Charlap (1912)
- תְּפִלָּה בְּעַד שְׁלוֹם הַמַּמְלָכָה | Modlitwa za Rzeczpospolitą | Prayer for the Second Polish Republic, by Mojżesz Schorr (1936)
- תְּפִלָּה יְהוּדִית לְיוֹם הַנַּכְּבָּה | A Jewish Prayer for Nakba Day (يوم النكبة), by Sarah M.
- תְּפִלָה לְאִשָׁה לְאָמְרָהּ לִפְנֵי שֶׁמְגַלַּחַת אֶת שַׁעֲרוֹת רֹאשָׁהּ | Prayer for a woman to say before her hair is shorn
- תפלה לבני ישראל בעד הצלחת יושבי ארצנו בּמלחמתם עם השׂפּנים | Prayer for the success of the United States in its war with Spain, by Rabbi Joshua Seigel (1898)
- תפלה להסרת מסכה | A Prayer for Removing the Mask, by Rabbi Dr. Dalia Marx and Rabbi Inbar Bluzer Shalem (2021)
- תְּפִלָּה לְהַצָּלָה מִפִּגּוּעֵי טֶרוֹר | Prayer for Rescue from Terror Attacks | Bön om skydd från terrorhot, by R’ Hillel Ḥayyim Lavery-Yisraëli (2014)
- תפלה להצלחת ועד השלום בװאשינגטון | Prayer for the Success of the Disarmament Conference at Washington, by Rabbi Joseph H. Hertz (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, 12 November 1921)
- תְּפִלָּה לְהֲשָׁבַת אַחֵינוּ וְאַחְיוֹתֵינוּ אֲשֶׁר בַּשֶּׁבִי | Prayer for the Return of Our Brothers and Sisters from Captivity (Masorti Movement in Israel & Knesset haRabanim b’Yisrael, January 2025)
- תְּפִלָּה לַהֲשָׁבַת הַחֲטוּפִים | Prayer for the Return of the Captives, by Rabbi David Lau (Office of the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel 2024)
- תְּפִלָה לְחַג הָעֲבוֹדָה | Prayer for Labor Day, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תְּפִלָּה לְחֵיְילוֹת אַרְצוֹת הַבְּרִית | Prayer for the Safety of the United States Armed Forces (2014)
- תפלה לכל תענית צבור ועל כל צרה (שלא תבא על הציבור!) | Amidah for Any Communal Fast and On Account of Troubles (Nusaḥ Italki)
- תְּפִלָּה לִמְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל | Prayer for the State of Israel [after the October 7th massacre], by Rabbi Moshe Smolkin (2023)
- תפלה למספד על המלך גארג | Prayer for the Memorial Service of King George Ⅵ (Office of the Chief Rabbi of the UK & the Commonwealth, 15 February 1952)
- תְּפִלָּה לְמַעַן אַרְצוֹת הַבְּרִית בְּעֵת נִסָּיוֹן | A Prayer for the United States at a Time of Trial, by Rabbi Joe Schwartz (2019)
- תְּפִלָּה לְמַעַן תֵּבֵל וּמְלוֹאָהּ | Prayer for the Preservation of the Environment, by Richard Shavei-Tzion
- תפלה למשה | Prayer of Gratitude at the Consecration of the Montefiore Synagogue at Ramsgate, by Sir Moses Montefiore (1833)
- תְּפִלָּה לַמִּתְחַסְּנִים | A Prayer for the one to be Vaccinated, by Rabbi Esteban Gottfried (2020)
- תְּפִלָּה לַעֲצֵי הַיַּעַר עַל ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | Prayer for the Trees of the Forest on Tu biShvat, by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer
- תְּפִלָּה לָעֵצִים עַל ט״וּ בִּשְׁבָט | Prayer for the Trees of Erets Yisrael on Tu Bishvat, by Rabbis for Human Rights in Israel (2011)
- תְּפִלָּה לְפִדְיוֹן שְׁבוּיִם | Prayer for the Redemption of Israelis Taken Captive [during the war begun on Shemini Atseret 5784], by Rabbi Ofer Sabath Beit Halachmi (2023)
- תְּפִלָּה לִפְנֵי יְצִיאָה לַקְרָב | Prayer Before Setting Off to Battle, by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (IDF, 1963)
- תְּפִלָּה לִפְנֵי מַסַּע רִפּוּי | A Prayer Before Seeking Healing in a Psychedelic Journey, by Rabbi Zac Kamenetz
- תפלה לרבוי גשמים | Prayer in the event of excessive rain (Mantua, Italy 1729)
- תפלה לרופא | A Physician’s Prayer, by Markus Herz (1783)
- תְּפִלָּה לְשׂוֹרְדֵי הַשּׁוֹאָה | Mi sheBerakh for Survivors of the Holocaust, by Rabbi Avi Baumol (2021)
- תְּפִלָּה לְשִׁחְרוּר הַחֲטוּפִים | Prayer for the Release of the Hostages, by Rabbi Noa Mazor
- תְּפִלָה לְשָׁלוֹם | Prayer for Peace, by Samuel Avital (March 1984)
- תְּפִלָּה לִשְׁלוֹם הַמְּדִינָה | Prayer for the Peace of the State of Israel [during the war begun on Shemini Atseret 5784], by Rabbi Ofer Sabath Beit Halachmi (2023)
- תְּפִלָּה לִשְׁלוֹם הַמְּדִינָה | Prayer for the Peace of the State of Israel, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org 2018)
- תְּפִלָּה לִשְׁלוֹם הַמְּדִינָה | Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel [during the war begun on Shemini Atseret 5784], by Rabbi Mira Regev (HaTenuah HaReformit 2023)
- תפלה לשלום המלכות | Prière pour l’empereur | Prayer for the Well-being of Louis Napoleon Ⅲ, Emperor of France (1869)
- תְּפִלָּה לִשְׁלוֹם הַמֶּמְשָׁלָה | Prayer for the Wellbeing of the Government of the USSR, by Rabbi Solomon Shleifer (Choral Synagogue, Moscow 1956)
- תפלה לשליח ציבור | Hineni: The Prayer of the Shaliaḥ Tsibur, interpretive translation by Rabbi Oren Steinitz
- תפלה נוראה מרבי ישׁמעאל כהן הגדול | The Awesome Prayer of Rebbi Yishmael, the Kohen Gadol (Sefer Shem Tov Qatan 1706)
- תְּפִלָּה עַל בְּנוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל שֶׁנִּרְצְחוּ בִידֵי בְּנֵי זוּגָן | A Prayer Concerning Jewish Women who have been Murdered by their Partners, by Dr. Yael Levine (2001)
- תפלה על המגפה שתעצר | Prayer for Cessation of the Disease Now Raging, by Rabbi Dr. Moses Gaster (1892)
- תְּפִלָּה עַל הָעַרְבוּת בְּעַד כׇּל יוֹשְׁבֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל | Prayer on Erev Shabbat for the Sake of All Residents of Israel, by Rebbitsen Hadassah Froman & Rabbah Tamar Elad-Appelbaum (2023)
- תפלה על פרי אדמה | A Prayer for the Earth, by Rabbi David Seidenberg (neohasid·org)
- תפלת אחר הקמת המצבה, מנהג ק״ק פרעסבורג יצ״ו | Prayer after the Unveiling of a Tombstone, according to the custom of the Jewish community of Pressburg
- תפלת גשם | Tefilat Geshem (Prayer for Rain), adapted by Rabbi Emily Aviva Kapor-Mater (2013)
- תְּפִלַּת גֶּשֶׁם | Tefilat Geshem, according to the Maḥzor Aram Ṣoba (1560)
- תְּפִלַּת הַדֶּרֶךְ לְטַיָּס | Traveler’s Prayer of a Fighter Pilot, by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (IDF, 1963)
- תְּפִלַּת הַדֶּרֶךְ לְצֶוֶת הַצּוֹלְלוֹת | Traveler’s Prayer for a Submarine Crew, by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (IDF, 1963)
- תְּפִלַּת הַדֶּרֶךְ לְצַנְחָן | Traveler’s Prayer of a Paratrooper, by Rabbi Shlomo Goren (IDF, 1963)
- תְּפִלַּת הַדֶּרֶךְ לְרוֹכְבִים | A Traveler’s Prayer for Bicycle Riders, by Rabbis Rachel and Ofer Sabath Beit-Halachmi
- תפלת הים | Prayer for a Seaship Voyage, or During a Storm at Sea (1837)
- תפלת ישירים קריאי העדה אנשי שם סנהדרין | Prière des Membres du Sanhédrin | Prayer for Convening the Grand Sanhedrin in Paris on 1 Adar 5567 (9 February 1807)
- תפלת מי שברך לעת מלחמה מרחשוון תשפ״ד | Mi sheBerakh prayer for Israel at a time of War (Marḥeshvan 5784), by the Masorti Movement in Israel (2023)
- תְּפִלַּת מַשְׁבִּית מִלְחָמוֹת וְהַדֶּבֶר מִן הַבְּהֵמוֹת | Prayer for the cessation of war and pestilence afflicting domesticated animals (ca. 1800)
- תרומה הבדילנו | T’rumah Hivdilanu (A Gift Distinguished Us) — A Poetic Ḳiddush for the Pesaḥ Seder, according to two of its nusḥaot (ca. 9th c.)
- תְשׁוּאוֹת מִקְהִלַת הָעִבְרִים בְּרוֹמָא | Universitatis Hebreorum urbis Gratiarum actio | Plaudit for Pope Benedict ⅩⅣ, by the Jewish Community of Rome (1751)
- תשלום לברכו ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for Barkhu for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לחצי קדיש בין תחנון לאשרי ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Ḥatsi Ḳaddish between Taḥanun and Ashrei for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לחצי קדיש לפני ברכו ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Ḥatsi Qaddish before Barkhu for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לקדושה דיוצר אור ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Qədushah d-Yotser Or for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לקדושה דסידרא ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Qədushah d-Sidra for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לקדושה שכ מנחה ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Qədushah of Minḥah for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לקדושה של שחרית ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Qədushah of Shaḥarit for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לקדיש יהא שמיה אחרי שחרית ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Qaddish Y’hei Shmeih after Shaḥarit for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלום לקדיש שלם אחרי שחרית ליחיד (סדר רב עמרם) | Replacement for the Qaddish Shalem after Shaḥarit for an individual praying alone or without a minyan, from Seder Rav ȝAmram
- תשלומי חצי קדיש לפני שחרית ברכו ליחיד (אשכנז) | Replacement for the Ḥatsi Ḳaddish before the Barkhu of Shaḥarit when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan, from Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- תשלומי מנחה חצי קדיש ליחיד (אשכנז) | Replacement for the Ḥatsi Ḳaddish of Minḥah when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan, from Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- תשלומי מנחה קדושה ליחיד (אשכנז) | Replacement for the Qedushah of Minḥah when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan, from Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- תשלומי ערבית ברכו ליחיד (אשכנז) | Replacement for the Barkhu of Arvit when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan, from Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- תשלומי קדיש יתום כשאין מניין | Replacement for the Orphans’ Ḳaddish when praying alone or when there is no minyan (1900)
- תשלומי קדיש שלם שחרית ליחיד (אשכנז) | Replacement for the Ḳaddish Shalem of Shaḥarit when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan, from Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- תשלומי שחרית ברכו ליחיד (אשכנז) | Replacement for the Barkhu of Shaḥarit when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan, from Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- תשלומי שחרית קדושה ליחיד (אשכנז) | Replacement for the Qedushah of Shaḥarit when Praying Alone or Without a Minyan, from Seder Avodat Yisrael (1868)
- תַּשְׁלִיךְ | Tashlikh (Spanish translation by Shmuel Gonzales)
- תַשְׁפִּיעַ עָלַי חָכְמָה בִּינָה וָדַעַת מֵאִתְּךָ | Pour upon me your wisdom, understanding, and knowledge (Liqutei Tefilot Ⅰ:58 part 1) by Reb Noson Sternhartz of Nemyriv (ca. 1820s) and “A Student’s Prayer” as adapted by Rabbi Morrison David Bial (1962)
- تعالوا نضيئ شمعات السلام | בואו נאיר נרות שלום | Let us Light Candles for Peace, by Sheikha Ibtisam Maḥameed and Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum
- صلاة يهودية لشهر رمضان | תְּפִלָּה יְהוּדִית לְחֹדֶשׁ הֲרַמַדַאן | A Jewish Prayer for the Month of Ramadan, by Rabbi Ḥanan Schlesinger
- पुरीमचे किर्तन | Purim Kirtan, a traditional song of the Bene Israel of India
- 📄 A Letter of Passover Instruction, from the Judean Garrison of Elephantine/Yeb (TAD A4.1)
- 💬 What I Believe | Wie ich die Welt sehe (How I see the World), an essay by Albert Einstein (in English and German, 1930/1934)
- 💬 התפילות של מרדכי ואסתר | the Prayers of Mordekhai and Esther, from Divrei haYamim l’Yeraḥmiel (ca. 11-12th c.)
- 📄 וּתְקוֹל | U-tqol of Djerba — a Midrashic Addition to the Haggadah relating the story of Avraham & Nimrod’s Furnace in Judeo-Tunisian Arabic

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