Source (German) | Translation (English, 2022) | Adaptation (English, 1852) |
Gebet an einem Fasttage. תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר |
Prayer on a fast day. תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר |
Prayer for a Fast-Day. |
Es erging das Wort des Ewigen der Heerschaaren an mich also: Sprich zu der Bevölkerung des Landes und zu den Priestern: Wenn ihr fastet und wehklagt — fastet ihr denn mir zum Nutzen? (Sacharia 7, 4-5.) |
The word of YHVH Tsevaot came to me: “Speak to the people of the land and to the priests: When you fast and mourn, are you fasting for my benefit?” (Zechariah 7:4-5) | |
Wir nähern uns dir, o ewiger Gott, mit traurigem, bangem Herzen; unser Leben ist durch düstere Wolken der Noth getrübt wegen der vielen Leiden, mit welchen du uns unsrer Sünden halber züchtigend heimgesucht. |
We approach you, O eternal God, with sad, anxious hearts; our lives are clouded with gloomy clouds of distress because of the many sufferings with which you chastise us for our sins. |
We approach Thee, O Eternal! with sorrowing spirits and hearts bowed down with grief, because of the dark clouds which overshadow our national life, in retribution of our grave iniquity. |
Erhöre uns an diesem Fasttage, der zur Reue und zur Reinigung der sündenbefleckten Seele festgeseßt worden ist. Laß ab von deinem Zorn, züchtige uns nicht mehr in deinem Grimme. (Psalms 6, 2) Nimm uns hilfreich wieder auf in deiner Gnade, denn wir sind sehr hart gestraft! Sei eingedenk deiner Knechte, Abrahams, Isaks und Jakobs, und kehre dich nicht an das harte ae störrische Gemüth deines Volkes. (4 B.M. 9, 27.) Verberge dein strahlendes Antliß nicht vor uns und entziehe dich unsern Gebeten nicht. Sei stets unserm Flehen nahe; tröste uns durch deine Huld und erhöre uns, sobald wir dich anrufen, so wie du uns durch deinen Propheten verheißen hast, in folgenden Worten: „Kaum rufen sie mich an — und schon erhöre ich sie; ihr Begehren is fast noch nicht ausgesprochen — und bereits geht es in Erfüllung“. (Jesaias 65, 24.) |
Hear us on this day of fasting, which has been set apart for repentance and the cleansing of the sin-stained soul. Let go of your anger, chastise us no more in your wrath. (Psalms 6:2) Helpfully receive us again in your mercy, for we are punished very severely! Remember your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and turn not aside from the hard and stubborn spirit of your people. (Numbers 9:27) Hide not your radiant countenance from us, nor withdraw yourself from our prayers. Be ever near to our supplications; comfort us with your lovingkindness, and hear us as soon as we call upon you, as you promised us through your prophet, in these words: “Scarcely do they call upon me, and already do I hear them; their desire is scarcely yet uttered, and already it is fulfilled.” (Isaiah 65:24) |
Hear us, O Lord! on this fast-day, appointed for repentance and purification of the sin-stained soul. Cease from Thy wrath, chasten us no more in Thy anger, but raise us up, Father! in Thy mercy, for already are we sorely punished. Remember thy servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and no more regard the stubborn, stiff-necked spirit of Thy people. Hide not Thy gracious countenance from us, and withold not thy compassionate ears from our supplications, but be near unto our plaint, to console us with Thy tender mercy, and to hearken when we call upon Thee, even as Thou hast promised through thy prophet, “Before they call I will answer, while yet they are speaking I will hear.” (Isaiah 65:24) |
Können wir auch nicht mehr Sühnopfer auf dem Altare deines Heiligthums dir darbringen, so sind doch dir die wohlgefälligsten Opfer: ein bußfertiges herz, ein reuevolles, Besserung gelobendes Gemüth, wie es heißt: „Die Opfer des Herrn sind reumüthige Herzen!“ |
Even if we cannot offer more sacrifices of atonement on the altar of your sanctuary, the most pleasing sacrifices to you are: a repentant heart, a contrite mind vowing to amend, as it is said, “The sacrifices of the Lord are repentant hearts!”[1] Cf. Psalms 51:19. |
Lord! we can no longer bring the peace offering to the altar of thy holiness, but we approach Thee on this day of sorrow with the sacrifice most grateful in Thy sight — the repentant heart and the atoning spirit turning unto Thee; as it is said, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.” (Psalms 51:19) |
Siehe denn in unser Herz, Herr, der du das Innere der Menschen prüfst, und nimm diese Opfergabe wohlgefällig auf und erhöre unser Flehen. |
Look then into our hearts, O Lord, who examines the inward parts of men, and receive this offering favorably, and hear our supplication. |
Look then into our hearts, O Thou, who searchest the inward parts of man; in Thy mercy, accept our atonement offering and hearken to our supplication. |
Wenn du, Gott der Wahrheit und des Rechtes, uns auch verworfen, wenn wir auch die Macht deines Zornes tief empfunden: so erbarme dich doch wieder unser, wie sich ein gütiger Vater seiner Kinder erbarmt. Laß uns zu dir wiederkehren, laß uns die Sterne deines Heils, deiner Milde — welche die düsteren Wolken unserer Trauernacht lange Zeit getrübt und undürstert — wieder leuchten in ihrem belebenden Glanze! Verwandle unsere Trauer in Freude, unsere Trauerlieder in Jubelgefänge, so wie du trostverkündend durch deinen Propheten uns verheißen: „so spricht der Ewige: Die Fasttage des vierten,[2] Der siebzehnte Tamus (שבעה עשר בתמוז). des fünften,[3] Der Neunte des Monats Ab (תשעה באב). des siebenten,[4] Der Gedalia-Fasttag (צום גדליה). und des zehnten Monats[5] Der 10. des Monats Tebeth (עשרה בטבת). sollen dem Hause Jehuda in Wonne, in Freude und in Festtage verwandelt werden: doch liebet die Wahrheit und den Frieden!“ (Sacharia 8, 19.) |
Even if you, God of truth and justice, have rejected us, even if we have deeply felt the power of your wrath, have mercy on us again, as a kind father has mercy on his children. Let us return to thee, let the stars of your salvation, of your mildness — which the gloomy clouds of our night of mourning have long clouded and darkened — shine again in their vivifying splendor! Turn our mourning into joy, our songs of sorrow into songs of rejoicing, as you promised us consolation through your prophet: “thus says the Eternal: The fast days of the fourth,[6] The seventeenth of Tamuz (שבעה עשר בתמוז). of the fifth,[7] The ninth of the month Av (תשעה באב). of the seventh,[8] The Fast of Gedaliah (צום גדליה). and of the tenth month[9] The 10th of the month Teveth (עשרה בטבת). shall be turned into delight, into joy, and into feast days for the house of Yehudah: but love the truth and peace!” (Zechariah 8:19) |
Even if Thou shouldst have cast us from Thee, O God of truth and justice! have compassion once more upon us, as a tender father hath pity on his children, for we have sorely felt the burning of Thy wrath. O cause us to return to Thee, that the star of Thy saving truth and mercy, too long obscured by the shadows of our night of mourning, may again shine forth with a reviving splendour. Change our mourning into joy — our lamentation into songs of rejoicing; even as thou hast consolingly revealed through Thy prophet, “The fast of the fourth month, the fast of the fifth, the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah, joy and gladness and cheerful feasts; therefore love truth and peace.” (Zechariah 8:19) Amen. |
“Gebet an einem Fasttage. תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר” was written by Meir Letteris and published in his anthology of teḥinot, תחנוני בת יהודה (Taḥnunei bat Yehudah) Andachtsbuch für israelitische Frauenzimmer…. In the 1846 printing, it appears on pp. 25-26.
The translation here by Miriam Wertheimer, “Prayer for a Fast-Day” is as published in Devotional Exercises for the Use of Jewish Women on Public and Domestic Occasions (1852), pp. 19-21.
An emended translation of this prayer was also made by Rabbi Morris Jacob Raphall in his anthology of teḥinot, רחמה Devotional Exercises for the Use of the Daughters of Israel (New York: Joachimssen, 1852), pp. 42-43.
This transcription was derived by correcting the output of Tesseract-OCR with its Fraktur script training data. The other translation presented here was derived by running this transcription through the translation tools of DeepL and Google and proofreading the output. –Aharon Varady

1 | Cf. Psalms 51:19. |
2 | Der siebzehnte Tamus (שבעה עשר בתמוז). |
3 | Der Neunte des Monats Ab (תשעה באב). |
4 | Der Gedalia-Fasttag (צום גדליה). |
5 | Der 10. des Monats Tebeth (עשרה בטבת). |
6 | The seventeenth of Tamuz (שבעה עשר בתמוז). |
7 | The ninth of the month Av (תשעה באב). |
8 | The Fast of Gedaliah (צום גדליה). |
9 | The 10th of the month Teveth (עשרה בטבת). |

“Gebet an einem Fasttage | Prayer on a Public Fast Day (תַּעֲנִית צִבּוּר), a teḥinah by Dr. Meïr Letteris (1846)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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