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תפילה למען עם ישראל והחטופים בעת הדלקת נרות חנוכה | Prayer for the People of Israel and the Captives while Kindling the Ḥanukkah Lights, by Rabbi Yuval Cherlow (Tzohar & Atid Le’Otef, 2024)


Source (Hebrew)Translation (English)
אבינו שבשמים
לאור נרות החנוכה
שמאירים בבתי עם ישראל,
ומעלים על נס את השגחתך בעולם,
ואת עוז רוחם וגבורתם של החשמונאים,
ומזכירים את הישועה ואת הניצחון
שהתרחשו בימים אלה
Our Father in Heaven,
Amidst the light of the Ḥanukkah candles
that will illuminate homes of the people Yisrael[1] Alternately, “the nation Israel”. The original translation offered here for batei am Yisrael was “Jewish homes.” 
and reveal the miracle of your presence in our world,
and recall the strength and heroic spirit of the Ḥashmonaim,
and the salvation of the victory
that occurred in those days.
באנו לבקש ולהתחנן לפניך
לכל אלא שעדיין נמעאיס
We come and plead before you
that you will similarly bring light
to all those who remain trapped
in darkness:
לכל החטופים הנמצאים במנהרות החושך
ומייחלים לישועה ולשיבה הביתה.
לכל משפחותיהם וכל דורשי שלומם וטובתם,
שצללים ממלאים את עולמם.
To all the captives imprisoned in tunnels of darkness
and are desperately seeking salvation and return to their homes.
To all their families and those who wish for their safety and welfare,
while dark shadows continue to fill their worlds.
לכל העקורים מביתם
שליבם וביתם חשוך.
To all those who have been forced out of their homes,
while their hearts and homes remain dark.
לכל המשפחות השכולות
שחשך עליהם עולמם.
To all the bereaved families
whose lives have been permanently darkened.
ולכל נפגעי הנפש והגוף.
And all those who have been injured in body and spirit.
אמא מלא עולמך אור
ויתקיים בנו
”אוֹר חָדָשׁ עַל צִיּוֹן תָּאִיר
וְנִזְכֶּה כֻלָּנוּ מְהֵרָה לְאוֹרוֹ“
Hashem, please fill your world with light!
And fulfill for us that which is written:
“A new light will shine upon Zion,
and we will all quickly merit its light.”[2] From the morning Yotser Or liturgy in the blessings before the Shema’. 

This Ḥanukkah prayer for the well-being of the captives taken during the massacres of HAMA”S and its allies on 7 October 2023, and for all in Israel affected by the ensuing war, was prepared by Rabbi Yuval Cherlow for Tzohar and Atid l’Otef. The prayer and its English translation were disseminated by social media and news services before Ḥanukkah on 25 December 2024.


Ḥanukkah 2024 prayer (Tzohar, Atid L’Otef)



1Alternately, “the nation Israel”. The original translation offered here for batei am Yisrael was “Jewish homes.”
2From the morning Yotser Or liturgy in the blessings before the Shema’.

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