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נְעִילָה לַפּוּרִים | Ne’ilah for Purim, by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr (1855)


Source (Hebrew)Translation (English)
כשניטל החנוני את בית המשטה ואינו רוצה ליתן בהקפה
when the shopkeeper is taken away from the drinking-house, and doesn’t want to give another round
אַתָּה נוֹתֵן יָד לַשּׁוֹתִים וִימִינְךָ פְּשׁוּטָה לְקַבֵּל מָעוֹת וַתְּלַמְּדֵֽנוּ לְהִתְוַדּוֹת לְפָנֶֽיךָ עַל־כׇּל־הַכּוֹסוֹת אֲשֶׁר שָׁתִינוּ לְמַֽעַן נֶחְדַּל מֵעֹֽשֶׁק יָדֵֽינוּ, וּתְקַבְּלֵֽנוּ בְּכִיס שָׁלֵם לְפָנֶֽיךָ כְּאִישִׁים וּכְנִיחוֹחִים, לְמַֽעַן מַשְׁקוֹתֶֽיךָ אֲשֶׁר הֲכִינֽוֹתָ. אֵין קֵץ לְצִמְאוֹן גְּרוֹנֵֽנוּ, וְאֵין מִסְפָּר לְתַאֲוַת חִכֵּֽנוּ. וְאַתָּה יוֹדֵֽעַ שֶׁאַחֲרִיתֵֽנוּ שִׁכָּרוֹן וְקִיא צוֹאָה, לְפִיכָךְ הִרְבֵּֽיתָ מַֽיִם בְּכוֹסֵֽנוּ. מָה אָֽנוּ מֶה יֵינֵֽנוּ מָה דִּבְשֵֽׁנוּ מֶה שְׁתִיָּתֵֽנוּ מָה נֹאמַר לְפָנֶֽיךָ הֲלֹא כׇּל־הַשִּׁכּוֹרִים כְּאַֽיִן לְפָנֶֽיךָ וְלוֹט כְּלֹא הָיָה וְנָבָל כִּבְלִי מִדָּה וּבֵלְשַׁצַּר כִּבְלִי הַשְׂכֵּל כִּי רוֹב מִשְׁתֵּיהֶם תֹּֽהוּ וּמִסְפַּר גְּבִיעֵהֶֽם הֶֽבֶל לְפָנֶֽיךָ וּמוֹתַר הַכּוֹס מִן־הֶחָבִית אָֽיִן כִּי הַכֹּל הָֽבֶל׃
You reach your hand to drinkers, and your right hand extended to recieve coins, and you taught us to confess before you all the cups that we drank, that we may refrain from the work of our hands, that you may recieve us with full wallets before you like fire-offerings and sweet-savors, for the sake of your beverages that you have prepared. There is no end to the thirst of our throats, and no number for the craving of our palates, and you know that our end is drunkenness and filthy vomit; thus, you increased water in our cups. What are us, what is our wine, what is our mead,[1] Note: the Hebrew says dvash, “honey.” This might refer to sweet wine, wine with honey added, or some other fermented honey product. I’ve chosen to consistently translate it as “mead” to preserve the implications of “honey” and “alcoholic.”  what is our drinking, what can we say before you? Aren’t all inebriates as nothing before you, and Lot[2] Genesis 19:32–35  like one who had never been, and Nabal[3] I Samuel 25:36  like one without any qualities, and Belshazzar[4] Daniel 5:1-2  like one without knowledge, for most of their drinks are a mishmash, and the number of their goblets are wasted breath before you, and the difference between a cup and a barrel is naught for all is wasted breath.
אַתָּה הִבְדַּלְתָּ יַֽיִן מֵרוֹשׁ וַתִּשְׁפּוֹךְ לְתוֹכוֹ מַיִם לַעֲמוֹד לְפָנֶֽיךָ. כִּי מִי יֹֽאמַר לְךָ מַה־תִּפְעַל וְאִם־יִשָּׁחֵת מִי יַעֲצֹר בַּעֲדֶֽךָ? וַתִּֽתֶּן־לָֽנוּ בְּאַהֲבָה אֶת־יוֹם הַפּוּרִים הַזֶּה שְׁתִיָּה וּגְמִיאָה לְכׇל־שִׂפְתוֹתֵֽינוּ לְמַֽעַן נֶחְדַּל מִמַּעֲשֵׂה יָדֵֽינוּ וְנָשׁוּב אֵלֶֽיךָ בְּכׇל־רֶֽגַע לִשְׁתּוֹת יֵינֶֽךָ בְּפֶה שָׁלֵם. וְאַתָּה בְּרַחֲמֶֽיךָ הָרַבִּים רַחֵם עָלֵֽינוּ כִּי־לֹא תַּחְפֹּץ בְּצִמְאוֹן שִׁכּוֹרִים שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר — דִּרְשׁוּ הַיַּיִן בְּהִמָּצְאוֹ שְׁתּוּהוּ בִּהְיוֹתוֹ קָרוֹב׃ וְנֶאֱמַר — יַעֲזֹב שׁוֹתֶה דַּרְכּוֹ וְאִישׁ יִשְׂרָאֵל מַחְשְׁבֹתָיו וְיָשֹׁב אֶל־הַיַּיִן וִיחַמְמֵהוּ וְאֶל־הַדְּבַשׁ כִּי יַרְבֶּה לִשְׁתּוֹת: וְאַתָּה הַמּוֹזֵג אֶֽרֶךְ יָדַֽיִם וְרַב־שָׁקֶה וּמַרְבֶּה לִמְסֹךְ וְרוֹצֶה אַתָּה בִּשְׁתִיַּת אֲנָשִׁים וְאֵין אַתָּה חָפֵץ בְּשֵׁינָתָם שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר — אֱמֹר אֲלֵיהֶם חַי אָֽנִי אִם־אֶחְפֹּץ בְּשֵׁינָת הַשִׁכּוֹר כִּי אִם בְּשׁוּבוֹ מִבֵּיתוֹ וְשָׁתָה׃ וְנֶאֱמַר — שֽׁוּבוּ שֽׁוּבוּ מִבָּתֵיכֶם וְלֹא תִרְדָֽמוּ בֵּית יִשְׂרָאֵל: וְנֶאֱמַר — הֶחָפֹץ אֶחְפֹּץ תַּרְדֵמַת סוֹבֵא נְאֻם הַמּוֹזֵג הֲלֹא בְּשׁוּבוֹ מִקִיאוֹ וְשָׁתָה׃ וְנֶאֱמַר — כִּי לֹא אֶחְפֹּץ בְּשׂוֹנְאֵי מִמְסָךְ נְאֻם הַמּוֹזֵג וְהָשִֽׁיבוּ וּשְׁתוֹ׃ כִּי אַתָּה מְמַלֵּא מֶֽסֶךְ לְיִשְׂרָאֵל וּמוֹזֵג לְשִׁבְטֵי יְשֻׁרוּן בְּכׇל־יוֹם וְיוֹם וּמִבַּלְעָדֶֽיךָ אֵין לָֽנוּ מוֹזֵג וּמוֹכֵר מַשְׁקֶה בְּהַקָּפָה אֶֽלָּא אַתָּה׃
You separated wine from poison, and spilled water into it to stand before you. For who can tell you what to do, and if it is spoiled who can stop it for you? And you gave us in love this day of Purim, drinking and sipping for all our lips, that we may refrain from the works of our hands, and return to you in each moment to drink your wine fullmouthedly., And you in your great mercy, have mercy on us, for you do not desire the thirst of the inebriates, as it is said, “Seek wine where it can be found, drink it when it is near.” And it is said, “Let the drinker abandon his path, and the man of Israel his thoughts, and return to wine and be warmed, and to mead for it increases drinking.” And you are the Mixologist, long of hand, abounding in bartending, and great in pours, and you desire the drinking of man and do not desire his sleep, as it is said, “Say to them, as I live, if I desire the sleep of the inebriate! Rather, he should return from his house and drink.” And it is said, “Return, return from your houses, and do not slumber, house of Israel!” And it is said, “Would I desire, desire the slumber of the glutton? — declares the Mixologist — Wouldn’t he return from his vomit and drink?” And it is said, “For I do not desire the haters of pouring — declares the Mixologist — but return and drink.” For you fill the cocktails of Israel and mix for the tribes of Yeshurun each and every day, and beside you we have no mixologist or seller of a round of drinks but you.

This is the Ne’ilah for Purim (a parody of the last two paragraphs of the Ne’ilah confession) by Avraham Menaḥem Mendel Mohr from his Kol Bo l’Purim (1855) transcribed and translated from Aramaic into English by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer.





1Note: the Hebrew says dvash, “honey.” This might refer to sweet wine, wine with honey added, or some other fermented honey product. I’ve chosen to consistently translate it as “mead” to preserve the implications of “honey” and “alcoholic.”
2Genesis 19:32–35
3I Samuel 25:36
4Daniel 5:1-2



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