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ברכת המזון לסעודת טו באב | Birkat Hamazon additions for the Feast of Tu b’Av

Note: “The CAUSE” is used to translate the Divine Name YHVH, based on the philosophical idea of God as the Prime Mover and on the interpretation of the Name as a causative form of the copula – “causes to be.”


Source (Hebrew)Translation (English)
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה
יהוה אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ
מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם
הַזָּן אֶת־הָעוֹלָם כֻּלּוֹ
Blessed are You,
CAUSE our God,
Sovereign of Eternity,
Who feeds the whole world
in Their goodness,
in grace
and kindness
and compassion.
גִּ֯ילָה וְאָשִׁיר שִׁירָה
אַחַר מְזוֹנִי אֲפָאֵר בְּתִפְאָרָה
בְּזׇכְרִי רִקּוּדֵי בְּנוֹת מַה־נּוֹרָא
וְדִיצַת בְּנֵי מְקֻדֶּֽשֶׁת מֵעֲשָׂרָה
I will cheer
a cheer and sing a song,
after I eat I will glorify in praise
as I remember the dances of Awesome One’s daughters
and the glee of the sons sanctified from ten.
בַּחֲמִשָּׁה־עָשָׂר בְּאָב
בָּ֯תֵּי־כְרָמֵֽינוּ שׁוּב נִנְחֹל
בְּסׇלְחָךְ לָֽנוּ אֲשָׁמֵֽנוּ לִמְחֹל
שַׂבְּעֵֽנוּ וּפְתִיחַת־יָדְךָ עָלֵֽינוּ תָּחוֹל
בְּלֶכְתֵּֽנוּ לַכְּרָמִים לָצֵאת בְּמָחוֹל
On 15 Aḇ
we will return to inherit our vineyard-houses
in Your forgiveness of us, our sins to pardon.
Sate us and grace the opening Your hand upon us
As we go to the vineyards to go out in dance.
אָ֣ז תִּשְׂמַ֤ח בְּתוּלָה֙ בְּמָח֔וֹל
וּבַחֻרִ֥ים וּזְקֵנִ֖ים יַחְדָּ֑ו
וְהָפַכְתִּ֨י אֶבְלָ֤ם לְשָׂשׂוֹן֙
וְנִ֣חַמְתִּ֔ים וְשִׂמַּחְתִּ֖ים מִיגוֹנָֽם׃ (ירמיהו לא:יג)
As written:
Thus the virgin will rejoice in dance,
and the youths and elders together,
and I will turn their mourning to joy
and comfort them and make them rejoice from their sorrow. (Jeremiah 31:13)
פּוֹתֵ֥חַ אֶת־יָדֶ֑ךָ
וּמַשְׂבִּ֖יעַ לְכׇל־חַ֣י רָצֽוֹן׃ (תהלים קמה:טז)
And said:
Opening Your hand,
You sate all life as desired. (Psalms 145:16)
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יהוה
הַזָּן אֶת־הַכֹּל׃
Blessed are You, CAUSE,
who feeds all.
נוֹדֶה לְךָ יהוה אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ
עַל־שֶׁהִנְחַלְתָּ לַאֲבוֹתֵֽינוּ
אֶֽרֶץ חֶמְדָּה טוֹבָה וּרְחָבָה
בְּרִית וְתוֹרָה
חַיִּים וּמָזוֹן
We thank You, CAUSE our God,
for You made our ancestors inherit
a pleasant, good, and wide land,
covenant and Teaching,
life and food.
רִ֯נּוּנִים וְאֶעֱלֹס עִלּוּסִים
בְּהַזְכִּירִי דִבְרֵי בְנוֹתַי לְבָנַי הַמִּתְנוֹסֲסִים
בָּחוּר שָׂא־נָא עֵינֶֽיךָ וְעָלֵֽינוּ תָּשִׂים
בְּנוֹי אַל־תִּסְתַּכֵּל כִּי־אִם בְּמַעֲשִׂים
I will cheer
shouts and rejoice rejoicings
as I remember My daughters’ words to My high-flying sons
“Youth, lift up your eyes, please, and upon us set them,
Do not look for appearance, but rather for deeds.”
בַּחֲמִשָּׁה־עָשָׂר בְּאָב
יִ֯עוּץ דִּבְרֵיהֶן עוֹד נַסְבִּיר
כִּי בָאָדָם מַעֲשִׂים יִיצְרוּ גְּבִיר
אֲבָל בְּאַדְמָתֵֽינוּ נוֹיָהּ לֹא תַעֲבִיר
יֹֽפִי אַדְמַת דָּת וּבְרִית תַּגְבִּיר
On 15 Aḇ
the insight of their words we will again explain,
for human deeds make a hero
but in our land, do not pass off its appearance
enhance the beauty of the ground of law and covenant.
שֶׁ֣קֶר הַ֭חֵן וְהֶ֣בֶל הַיֹּ֑פִי
אִשָּׁ֥ה יִרְאַת־י֝הו֗ה הִ֣יא תִתְהַלָּֽל׃ (משלי לא:ל)
As written:
False is grace, and wasted breath is beauty;
a CAUSE-reverent woman is to be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)
וְאָכַלְתָּ֖ וְשָׂבָ֑עְתָּ
וּבֵֽרַכְתָּ֙ אֶת־יהו֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ
עַל־הָאָ֥רֶץ הַטֹּבָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נָֽתַן־לָֽךְ׃ (דברים ח:י)
And said:
And You will eat and be sated
and bless the CAUSE your God
for the good land They gave you (Deuteronomy 8:10)
בָּרוּך אַתָּה יהוה
עַל־הָאָֽרֶץ וְעַל־הַמָּזוֹן׃
Blessed are You, CAUSE,
for the land and for the food.
רַחֵם יהוה אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ
עַל־יִשְׂרָאֵל עַמֶּֽךָ
וְעַל־יְרוּשָׁלַֽיִם עִירֶֽךָ
וְעַל־צִיּוֹן מִשְׁכַּן כְּבוֹדֶֽךָ
וְעַל־מַלְכוּת בֵּית־דָּוִד מְשִׁיחֶֽךָ
וְעַל־הַבַּֽיִת הַגָּדוֹל וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ שֶׁנִּקְרָא שִׁמְךָ עָלָיו
Have mercy on us, CAUSE our God,
for Israel Your people,
and Jerusalem Your city,
and Zion Your glory’s dwelling,
and the rule of the house of David your anointed,
and for the Great and Holy House upon which Your name is called.
אֲ֯הָבִים וְאֶעֱרֹג בְּרֹן
בְּהַעֲלוֹתִי עַל־לִבִּי מְקוֹם הָאָרוֹן
עֲטֶֽרֶת רֹאשֵֽׁנוּ שֵׁרְתוּ בוֹ בְּנֵי אַהֲרֹן
כׇּל־עוֹד עָמַד חָגֲגוּ בְנוֹתַי בִּכְלֵי חִוָּרוֹן
I will cheer
Loves, and yearn with shouts
As I bring my heart up to the place of the Ark,
The crown of our heads, where the children of Aaron served,
As long as it stood, my daughters encircled with tools of pallor
בַּחֲמִשָּׁה־עָשָׂר בְּאָב
לִֽ֯ינָה עוֹד בֵּין־שָׁדֵֽינוּ
כְּמוֹ לַֽנּוּ בַּכְּפָרִים וּבְכַרְמֵי מְגָדֵֽינוּ
חַדֵּשׁ דְּבִירֵֽנוּ וּבֵית כְּבוֹדֵֽינוּ
עֲטֶֽרֶת הֵיכָלֵֽנוּ בָּנָה מֶֽלֶךְ שְׁלוֹמֵֽנוּ
On 15 Aḇ
lodge again between our breasts,
as they lodged in the villages and vineyards of our bounty.
Renew our sanctum and the House of our glory,
The crown of our palace, built by the king of our peace.
צְאֶ֧נָה ׀ וּֽרְאֶ֛ינָה
בְּנ֥וֹת צִיּ֖וֹן בַּמֶּ֣לֶךְ שְׁלֹמֹ֑ה
בָּעֲטָרָ֗ה שֶׁעִטְּרָה־לּ֤וֹ אִמּוֹ֙
בְּי֣וֹם חֲתֻנָּת֔וֹ וּבְי֖וֹם שִׂמְחַ֥ת לִבּֽוֹ׃ (שיר השירים ג:יא)
As written:
Go out and see,
daughters of Zion, the king Solomon
in the crown with which his mother crowned him
on his wedding day, on his heart’s rejoicing day. (Song of Songs 3:11)
בּוֹנֵ֣ה יְרוּשָׁלַ֣͏ִם יהו֑ה
נִדְחֵ֖י יִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל יְכַנֵּֽס׃ (תהלים קמז:ב)
And said:
Rebuilder of Jerusalem is the CAUSE,
who will ingather the exiles of Israel. (Psalms 147:2)
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יהוה
בּוֹנֶה בְּרַחֲמָיו יְרוּשָׁלָֽיִם׃
Blessed are You, CAUSE,
who in Their mercy rebuilds Jerusalem.
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה
יהוה אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ
מֶֽלֶךְ הָעוֹלָם
קְדוֹשׁ יַעֲקֹב
הַמֶּֽלֶךְ הַטּוֹב וְהַמֵּטִיב
אֲשֶׁר בְּכׇל־יוֹם וְיוֹם
הוּא הֵטִיב
יֵיטִיב לָֽנוּ
הוּא גְּמָלָֽנוּ
יִגְמְלֵֽנוּ לָעַד
Blessed are You,
CAUSE our God,
Sovereign of Eternity,
our Parent,
our Sovereign,
our Awesomeness,
our Holiness,
Jacob’s Holiness,
the Sovereign who is good and does good,
who each and every day
did good,
does good,
and will do good to us,
and will recompense forever
and kindness
and compassion
and all good.




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