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A Blessing for the Bees, a New Year’s prayer for 5785 by Devorah Brous (FromSoil2Soul)


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Source of Life,
we bless the apples and the honey,
let’s also bless the bees for their sacred work
alchemizing flowers into food;
the bitter and the sweet.
ha-D’vash v’ha-Oqets
for the honey and for (the lesson of) the sting,
may we be among those who offer honey
when pained from life’s sting.
Remind us
that bees guard what they treasure –
and so do we.
As we protect what we love,
may we learn temperance.
Bless the lands
to overflow with blackberry and dandelion honeycomb
that nourishes the beloved and beleaguered alike.
Bless the bees
that labor their love
into herbal nectars
and cleansing pollens
to feed worlds,
coat throats,
and ease guts.
Bless us to safeguard
the wild meadow and food forest,
school garden and urban hive.
Remind us to revere the sacred pollinators
that are too often feared,
overworked, and undermined –
for we are interdependent.
May our prayers and protests yield honey
and the money needed to rebuild
home, hive, and heart
after this great collapse.
May wildflower honey touch lip and deed,
as it drips over apples and sticks
like a thick, golden salve
on the wounds of skin and soul.
Just as bees hum
while foraging nectars
and spreading pollen between apple flowers,
may we labor with love.
Bless our hands
to bring sweet abundance to fruition
for us all to spread.
Bless us to grow and learn
from the collaborative “hive mind,”
through cross-pollinating our best ideas.
Guide us far from exploiting labor
through industrious buzzing
until body and hive fail.
May we remember to savor
the sweet taste of a restorative Sabbath.
May we be gentle and patient
with ourselves
and each other
as we spoon honey generously in this New Year –
soothing the anguish
that we carry,
and that we cause.
Blessed are You,
Source of All There Is,
thank you for all that feeds the bees
so the bees can feed all of life.
Usher in a year of healing,
and protection
for all beings in 5785,

This prayer by Devorah Brous (fromsoil2soul), “A blessing for the bees (5785),” was first shared by the author on Shoreshshuk.




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