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An Alternate Yom Kippur Vidui, by Ron Lee Meyers (2022)

An alternate Vidui for Yom Kipur, including an alphabetical list of the things we’ve done wrong in the past year, and also an alphabetical list of the things we can do right in the new year. This vidui is supplemented with the song “Ani v’Ata” (Arik Einstein 1971), the song of optimism and commitment to improve the world.

Source (Hebrew)Translation (English)
אֲנִי וְאַתָּה נְשַׁנֶּה אֶת הָעוֹלָם
אֲנִי וְאַתָּה אָז יָבוֹאוּ כְּבָר כֻּלָּם
אָמְרוּ אֶת זֶה קֹדֶם לְפָנַי
לֹא מְשַׁנֶּה
אֲנִי וְאַתָּה נְשַׁנֶּה אֶת הָעוֹלָם
You and I will change the world
You and I by then all will follow
Others have said it before me
But it doesn’t matter
You and I we’ll change the world
אֲנִי וְאַתָּה נְנַסֶּה מֵהַתְחָלָה
יִהְיֶה לָנוּ רַע, אֵין דָּבָר זֶה לֹא נוֹרָא
אָמְרוּ אֶת זֶה קֹדֶם לְפָנַי
זֶה לֹא מְשַׁנֶּה
אֲנִי וְאַתָּה נְשַׁנֶּה אֶת הָעוֹלָם
You and I will try from the beginning
It will be tough for us, no matter, it’s not too bad
Others have said it before me
But it doesn’t matter
You and I we’ll change the world


Contribute a translationSource (English)
where we have gone wrong in the past year
we Acquiesce
we Avoid problems that require our Attention
we are Addicted to unhealthy foods, substances and habits
we Believe what we wish to be true
we are Busy all the time
we Complain
we are Complicit
we are Conventional
we Capitulate and Concede
we are Committed to our Comfort
we Dismiss
we are Distracted
we go wrong through Extremism
we Fail to Face the Facts
we are Generally Good – but not as good as we could be.
we have gone wrong by Ghosting[1] Engaging in online correspondence and then disappearing by failing to respond.  
and by Holding on to our pain so that we cannot forgive
we are Insincere
we Ignore the needs of others
we Justify our offenses (“I was Just trying to help!”)
we fail to Keep others’ confidences
we Lack purpose, kavana, in our prayers and in our actions
we are Lazy – in our actions and in our imagination of what is possible
we are Lax in our commitments
we Look the other way
we Make Mountains out of Molehills
we are Needlessly Negative
we Obfuscate
we are Overwhelmed
we Procrastinate
we “Protest too much”
we Quit
we Rationalize
we Revert to habitual patterns
we are Self-centered
we do Too little Too late
we Underestimate others’ talents
we Underestimate our own ability to make an impact
we Underestimate the dangers around us
we Undermine the norms and institutions we rely on
we have gone wrong by Virtue signaling
we Waste time, Waste resources, Waste our energies on matters that don’t deserve our attention
we are Weak-Willed
we Withdraw
we allow our efforts, and our hope, to Wane
we are Xenophobic
we hear people say “Yadda-Yadda-Yadda” rather than listening carefully to their words and meaning
we Zoom-Z call when we could meet in person.
what we will do better in the coming year
we will Admit our faults
we will Accentuate our commonalities and not our differences
we will be Brave
we will Bear the Burdens of Bold action
we will do better through Civility
and Curiosity
and by Committing to the actions that we Conceive
we will Deliver on our promises
we will Examine our own behavior critically
we will Follow up and Follow through
we will do better by Focusing our attention, and Filtering out noise and distraction
we will do better through Generosity in material goods and Generosity of spirit
we will Go the extra mile; we will Go the extra inch
we will do better through Humility
we will Invest in our Ideals
we will do better through Inspiration and Ingenuity
through Joy, Kindness, Laughter and Love
we will do better by Listening
we will make the world better through Music, beauty and art
through Nurturing
by pursuing, and creating, Opportunity
we will do better through Pluralism
and Pragmatism
and by Praising others
and by being Punctual
we will Put down our Phones
we will ask Questions – and listen earnestly to the responses
we will be Reliable
we will Remember that when we withhold forgiveness, we hurt others and ourselves
we will Step up, Speak up, and Speak out
we will Sustain the efforts that we commit to
we will do better through Self-awareness
and through Sustainable development[2] As through the United Nations’ 17 goals 
by Teaching the next generation to choose hope over defeat and despair
by Understanding others’ perspectives
by Volunteering
and through Visionary leadership
by Walking a mile in someone else’s shoes
and through Xeriscaping[3] Landscaping using plants that require very little water. (Thanks to Ben Orlove for this one!)  
we will do better by saying Yes
and by stepping out of our Zone of comfort
and we will daZZle ourselves, and one another, with all that we truly can do.



1Engaging in online correspondence and then disappearing by failing to respond.
2As through the United Nations’ 17 goals.
3Landscaping using plants that require very little water. (Thanks to Ben Orlove for this one!)

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