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Source (Spanish) | Translation (English) |
Hombre mortal! considera que vas a ponerte ante la presencia del Eterno, Omnipotente, y Omnisciénte Sér, que te criò, te formò, te sustenta, y govierna, de cuya Providencia depende toda esta gran Machina del Universo; Considera que es Infinito, y que en toda parte assiste, y que te mira, y te ve. Considera que si le Adoras como deves, y es tu obligacion, te salvas; y sino te condenas. Si usas la Devocion, le agradas; y sino le ofendes. Considera que es lo mas esencial de la Religion, y del Divino Servicio, la Adoracion; y esse, y no otro, es el exercisio defta Sagrada Casa; Si lo hazes como deves, santificas su Sagrado Nombre; quando no, lo escandalisas. Mira que te pierdes, con lo que devias ganarte, y te precipitas con lo mismo que te devias salvar. Ofrecele pues tu Corazon, vistete de una verdadera Devocion; dedicate enteramente a su Servicio; desnudate de toda humana Consideracion; y pidele te conceda lo que te conviene, y confia en su Divina Providencia, que si tu no le faltares a ella, jamas te faltarà ella, a ti. |
Mortal Man! Consider that thou art going to present thyself before the Eternal, Omnipotent and Omniscient Being, who hath created and formed thee, that supports and governs thee; on whose Providence all this grand System of the Universe depends: Consider that he is infinite, and is every where present, and that he beholds and observes thee: Consider that if thou adorest him as thou oughtest, and as is thy Duty, thou obtainest Salvation; if not, thou bringest Condemnation on thyself. If thou behavest devoutly, thou pleasest him; if not, thou offendest him. Consider that Adoration, is a most essential Part of Religion, and of the divine Service.—-That, and no other is the Exercise of this sacred House; which if thou performest according to thy Duty, thou sanctifiest his Holy Name; if not thou profaned it. Observe that thou effectest thy Ruin, with that by which thou oughtest to make thy Gain, and destroyest thyself with the same act whereby thou oughtest to obtain Salvation. Offer him then thine Heart, clothe thyself with a true Devotion; dedicate thyself entirely to his Service; divest thyself of every Worldly Consideration; and intreat him to grant thee, that which is convenient for thee, and confide in his divine Providence for if thou art not wanting thereto, That, will never fail thee. |
Ḥakham Ishak Nieto’s “Exhortation” was first printed as an introduction to seliḥot in Orden de las Oraciones de Ros-ashanah y Kipur (1740), his maḥzor in Spanish translation for Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur. Twenty-six year’s later, Isaac Pinto set it as a petiḥah in English translation in his Prayers for Shabath, Rosh-Hashanah, and Kippur (1766), the first siddur published in the Americas and the first prayerbook published in English translation.

“Exhortacion | Exhortation of Ḥakham Ishak Nieto (1740)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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