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Almighty God! great and glorious were Thy works and miraculous Thy power wherewith Thou didst break the tyranny of Egypt and make our ancestors free; yet greater and more glorious was the help which Thou didst bestow upon them, when the mighty hosts of the pursuing enemy caused them again to tremble and despair on the shore of the Red Sea, where Thou didst deliver them from a twofold danger, that they could triumphantly exclaim: “The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation; He is my God, and I will prepare Him a habitation; my fathers’ God, and I will exalt Him”[1] Exodus 15:2. Do Thou, my God! preserve within us the memory of these Thy glorious works, that we may never despair when dangers encompass, us;—fill us with the consoling conviction, that Thou, with Thine outsretched arm, wilt lead us also through all the perils of the stormy ocean of this life,—that Thou wilt ever struggle for us, as long as we trust in Thy grace and loving-kindness. | |
Grant us, O God! strength and perseverance in our progress towards the promised land of light and truth; fill us with humility and forbearance in prosperity, and with confidence and resignation in adversity;—be Thou unto us a pillar of cloud in the days of happiness, that we may not become proud and overbearing and go astray, and a pillar of fire in the dark nights of misfortune, that we may never stumble or fall on our ways of life. | |
Accept, Benign Father! our joyful thanks which on this festive day we offer up unto Thee for Thine infinite grace and goodness, wherewith Thou hast again removed from us reproach and ignominy, freed us from oppression and persecution, and caused us again to enjoy the blessings of a beloved home, where we may again live unto Thee and our holy religion, unmolested and unharmed.—Oh! implant in our hearts unshaken obedience to Thy holy Law, that we may ever listen to the doctrines of virtue and righteousness written therein; preserve within us faithful reveration for Thy sacred precepts, that we may ever well appreciate and worthily use our freedom, for the honor and glory of Thy holy name, and the name of Israel, for the welfare of all men, for our own benefit here on earth, and our salvation in life eternal. Amen. |
“[Prayer] for the Last Days of Passover” is one of thirty prayers appearing in Rabbi Moritz Mayer’s collection of tehinot, Hours of Devotion (1866), of uncertain provenance and which he may have written. –Aharon Varady

1 | Exodus 15:2. |

“[Prayer] for the Last Days of Passover, by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1866)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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