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🆕 Bricks Without Straw, a prayer-poem by Trisha Arlin

Bricks Without Straw
This year
Pharaoh has declared
That we must make our bricks
Without straw!

That we must be happy
Without truth

That we must be poor
Without healthcare

That we must be gendered
Without a say

That we must be Black
Without equity

That we must be women
Without choices

That we must be old
Without help

That we must live
Without housing

That we must be prepared
Without science

That we must make war
Without conscience

That we must breathe
Without air

That we must be refugees
Without asylum

That we must be content
Without democracy

That we must obey
Without question.

Moses said to Pharaoh,
Let my people go.[1] A phrase repeated six times in Exodus, Parashat Va’era. Find, Exodus 7:16, Exodus 7:26, Exodus 8:16, Exodus 9:1, Exodus 9:13, Exodus 10:3 
And this year, what do you say?
Say it now!

“Bricks Without Straw” is a prayer-poem written by Trisha Arlin, first shared in the From the Depths: Pesach 5785/2025 (Bayit) via their website, on 17 March 2025.



1A phrase repeated six times in Exodus, Parashat Va’era. Find, Exodus 7:16, Exodus 7:26, Exodus 8:16, Exodus 9:1, Exodus 9:13, Exodus 10:3

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