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I Seek, a prayer by Rabbi Abraham Cronbach (1924)


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Eternal God, in mercy hear this prayer!
Not wealth, tho’ given by Thine all-bounteous hands,
Nor fame’s bright crown, nor learning’s laurel fair,
Nor eloquence that listening throngs commands;
Not ease, nor joy nor power nor high degree,
Is what I seek, Eternal One, of Thee.
But do Thou make me humble, chaste and mild;
With righteousness and truth endue this mind,
To serve Thee, Lord, not earth’s vain pleasures wild,
To scorn myself but live for human kind.
A friend unto the friendless let me be:
’Tis this, O Power Divine, I seek of Thee.

Titled, “I Seek,” this prayer from Rabbi Abraham Cronbach concludes his collection of prayer, Prayers of the Jewish Advance (1924), on page 128.




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