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Here you say some of these blessings to those you davvened with and to your own day. | |
El Shaddai bless you, Make you fruitful, give you the increase, that will become a source of harmony for people. | |
From El, your parents’ God, help for you! From Shaddai, all the blessings; Sky blessings from above, Blessings from the deepest strata below, Blessings of fertility and nurture. | |
May G-d fulfill the blessing to Abraham in you, and in your loved ones, along with you. Wherever, like Abraham, you once were a stranger there, in that place, may you be at home. | |
Blessings of your parents (Jacob), to add more force to those of their parents, (Isaac and Abraham), to cap the desires of the ancient hills, be they upon your head (Joseph), and surround the heads of your siblings. | |
God loves You. God blesses and increases you. God blesses your family and your land, your income and your holdings, right here on Earth, as God promised your parents. All peoples will bless you. You and your possessions, will all prosper. | |
May God remove all illness and pain, all tensions and pressures you have known… | |
The angel who redeemed me, from all that was corrupt, may that one bless these children. | |
May my name, that of Abraham and Isaac, be associated with theirs. | |
Be blessed in the city. Be blessed in the country. Blessed as you arrive, Blessed as you are leaving. | |
God decree for you blessing in what you have stored up for yourself from before, through your hands’ work now, right here on Earth. This be your gift from God. May God open for you, treasures of heavenly goodness, of earthly timeliness, to succeed in what you do. May you have good credit, and not need it. | |
God be with you and help you at all times. May you not ever have to feel shame or blame. | |
Go in joy, arrive in peace. Mountains and hills sing you on your way. Trees in the meadows applaud your trip. | |
Draw waters of Joy from the source of help. May you live to the day that God be so present, the way we hoped, Yah, to be present to us all along, a real help in our lives! How we will then celebrate God’s helpfulness! So you say to each other, L’chayim! To you, Shalom, to your home, Shalom. All of yours, Shalom! |
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z”l, included this list of peer blessings for after davvening in his Siddur Tehillat Hashem Yidaber Pi (2009).

“ברכות בשביל הקהל | Some blessings for those you davvened with, by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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