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Morning Prayer, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)


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All-gracious, All-merciful God! Thy paternal goodness has permitted me to awaken after a refreshing sleep, and has sent the gladdening rays of morning to revive me anew.

O Heavenly Father! how great is the mercy which Thou hast shown unto me. My first emotion is, therefore, to thank Thee, from the innermost depth of my heart, for Thy providential watchfulness over my life, and for having protected me whilst the darkness of night surrounded me.

How many of my fellow-creatures but yesternight ascended the couch in good health and hopes, and yet cannot leave it this day, from being bound to it by pains and suffering! how many may have yesternight sunk to sleep amidst riches and affluence, but who are brought to poverty this morning by sudden disaster. Alas! how many others are languishing, perhaps, in the dark gloom of a prison, into which no friendly ray of joy penetrates. And how large may be the number of those who fell asleep last night, never to awaken any more in this world.

How thankful ought I therefore to be, Heavenly Creator! for Thy goodness, wherewith Thou hast warded off every danger from me, hast preserved my health, and restored me to the arms of my relations and friends. Oh! let me ever cherish this feeling of gratitude within my heart, so that I may faithfully discharge my religious and domestic duties; that I may meet my fellow-creatures with loving-kindness, such as Thou hast shown unto me ; and that I may ever extol Thee, who causest the sleeper to awake, and who wilt cause those that sleep the sleep of death to awake to eternal life. Amen.





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