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An Evening Meditation, by Annie Josephine Levi (1900)


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To err is human, to forgive divine. (Alexander Pope.[1] From Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism, Part Ⅱ (1711). )
I thank Thee, Almighty Father,
for having protected me through this day
and granted me health
to enjoy the many pleasures
which Thou continually bestowest upon me.
I am grateful to Thee
for withholding me from falling into temptation,
and pray that Thy Fatherly care will guide me
in whatever position I may be placed in the future.
if trouble should enter my household,
as it must at some time or another,
teach me to bear it bravely,
and do my part towards alleviating
the misery of those who must share the burden with me.
Forgive the sins
I may have committed
during the past hours,
and let me seek my rest
with a feeling of kindliness
towards all Thy creatures.
Be Thou near me and my dear ones through this night,
and grant that we may all meet on the morrow
refreshed by sleep and prepared
to follow our several pursuits.

This untitled “Evening Meditation” was written by Annie Josephine Levi and published in her anthology of teḥinot in English, Meditations of the Heart (1900), pp. 108-109.





1From Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Criticism, Part Ⅱ (1711).



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