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Evening prayer. | |
Another day hath passed, O most merciful and gracious God; and night, which Thou, in Thy great goodness hast ordained to bring refreshing sleep to the children of earth, is at hand. | |
Almighty and ever blessed God, O shield me and all the inhabitants of this house from the terrors of the night. | |
O, grant that gentle and refreshing sleep descend on mine eyelids, and that I may awake in the morning with health and strength renewed, to go through the duties of the day. | |
O preserve me from evil dreams, and grant that happy and peaceful visions may flit around my pillow. | |
Guard my sleeping thoughts from impurity and guilt, O Eternal, that when I wake in the morning, my first thoughts may be on Thee our Father, and Thy unnumbered mercies. | |
Let Thy glorious works, Thy never-ceasing goodness be ever present to my thoughts when I lie down at night, and when I rise up in the morning.[1] A couple of lines are added here in version 1 of this prayer | |
Almighty Father! I have sinned during the past day, but mine eyes are blind,[2] A line is added here in version 1 of this prayer and my sins are hid from me; but they are known to Thee, O King of justice, and Thou wilt not forget them. | |
O have mercy on me, and pardon the sins I have committed in the hours that are past, and give me strength, O most merciful Father, to guard against them on the morrow. | |
I know that I have sinned, Almighty Father— sinned if not in actual evil, in doing but little good. If I have done anything that is acceptable in Thy presence, O my God, let it weigh against my sins.[3] This section missing in version 1 | |
Father! have mercy upon me, and in hours of darkness be Thou my guardian and shield! | |
O pour Thy blessing on me, and grant that happy and innocent visions, may flit around my pillow;[4] This line missing in version 1. and grant, O Eternal, that on the morrow I may wake early to pray, and with renewed health and spirits rise to do my duties upon Earth. | |
O hear me, Almighty Father, hear me, and through Thy infinite mercy grant my prayer! Blessed be Thy great name for evermore! |
“Evening Prayer (Another day hath passed)” [version 2] by Grace Aguilar was published posthumously by her mother Sarah Aguilar in the UK edition of Sacred Communings (1853), pp. 95-97. Another version of the prayer (“Evening Prayer (Another day hath passed) [version 1]“) with some lines missing and others added, appears in the US edition on pages pp. 221-222.


“Evening Prayer (Another day hath passed) [version 2], by Grace Aguilar (ca. 1830s)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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