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Gone are now the quiet hours of evening; vanished again is a day in the stream of time; and the sombre night again falls on the earth, enveloping all things in dark shadows. Consciousness of Thy benevolence and paternal love is now renewed in every reflecting mind. With the loving hand of a father hast thou all-kind Creator conducted me throughout this day, in which I have participated of Thy goodness, although I might in many ways have desecrated the sanctuary Thou hast planted within me, and which dignifies mankind. Forgiving and pardoning art Thou, O God, to Thy devoted servants, a forgiving and indulgent father wilt Thou be to me also at all times. Yea, O heavenly Parent, I trust in Thy mercy and grace, in the hope that Thou wilt endow me with energy to improve my walk in life, and courage to resist the allurements of sin. O, may the evening of every day bear testimony that I have not failed to profit by Thy manifold bounties as seed for eternity, so that I may lay my head on my pillow in tranquility and confidence, and awake again to renewed joy in Thy blessing. | |
To Thy hand, “O Keeper of Israel who neither sleepeth nor slumbereth,”[1] cf. Psalms 121:4. do I commit my spirit; mayest Thou strengthen it anew, so that it may always act according to Thy will, and be received by Thee with grace when its mortal covering shall be summoned to eternal sleep. Amen. |

1 | cf. Psalms 121:4. |

“Night Prayer, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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