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Schema Jisrael | Shema Yisrael, a hymn by Rabbi Moritz Mayer (1867)


Source (German)Translation (English)
Schema Jisrael
Shema Yisrael
1. Hör’, Israel,
Gott, unser Gott, der Ewig-Eine!
Er offenbart im hehren Strahlenscheine
Dir seine Lehre rein und hell.
Sie war in Finsterniss Dein Licht,
Und Deine Seele wankte nicht —
O höre Israel!
1. O Israel hear!
The Lord, our God, the One above,
Reveals, in brilliant rays of heav’nly love,
To Thee His doctrine pure and clear.
It was in darkness e’er this light,
Did guard thy soul from fall by night,
O! hear, hear, Israel!
2. Einzig ist Er! —
Nur an den Einen sollst Du glauben;
Doch Ihn lass Dir von keinem Wahne rauben —
Und nahet der Versuchung Heer,
Halt’ fest an Gott, an Ihn allein!
Er wird Dein Schutz, Dein Retter sein —
O höre Israel!
2. The One is He!
To that sole God alone do cling,
Him let no doubt or error from thee wring;
And though temptation press on thee,
Cleave fast to Him, and never yield!
He will, protect thee, be thy shield
O! hear, hear, Israel!
3. In Ewigkeit
Währt seine Liebe! — Sein Erbarmen
Schlingt um das Weltall sich mit Vaterarmen,
Unwandelbar in alle Zeit!
So wahre fest auch sein Gebot!
“Gott, unser Gott, ist einzig Gott —
O höre, Israel!”
3. Eternal stands
His love! The world His boundless grace
Entwines, as with a father’s kind embrace,
And to all time His love expands.
Then firmly guard His law alone
The Lord, our God, the Lord is One!
O! hear, hear, Israel!

“Schema Jisrael (Shema Yisrael)” is a hymn written by Moritz Mayer (1821-1867) and posthumously published in Hymns, for Divine Service in the Temple Emanu-El (1871), hymn №33, pp. 66-67. It may have been published earlier in the author’s lifetime. From 1865-1867, Mayer would occassionally fill in for Rabbi Samuel Adler at Temple Emanu-El, as noted in the synagogues meeting minutes.[1] As noted by Anton Hieke in “Rabbi Maurice Mayer: German Revolutionary, Charleston Reformer, and Anti-Abolitionist,” Southern Jewish Life, 17 (2014), p. 48 and ftn. 8.  If you know of an earlier source for this hymn, please leave a comment or contact us.





1As noted by Anton Hieke in “Rabbi Maurice Mayer: German Revolutionary, Charleston Reformer, and Anti-Abolitionist,” Southern Jewish Life, 17 (2014), p. 48 and ftn. 8.

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