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Riboneh Shel Olam, Master of Worlds Who Evenings the Evening– You set the sacred times and seasons You who place the celestial bodies in their flowing journeys Like jewels of light, they sparkle and dance, an array of majesty, Making the skies come alive, A milky river flowing across the sky, Dazzling our souls and imbuing the world with ancient fear, wonder and amazement all at once. | |
I look up and out of myself Lifting my eyes above the hills where my help comes (Is this the place of my solace?) As the moon moves, blotting out the sun in her natural course, I am reminded that Your Light sometimes goes dark for me, Just as you turn Your face away from me at times. | |
But Your Light never leaves, is always there The Sun doesn’t move, she takes a back seat. But sometimes I feel Your Light is blocked by my fear, Your face covered by my lack of faith- I am blind to Your blessings. I only see the darkness as I dwell within my own selfishness. | |
Then… I remember how that prayer goes– So simple, like a wisp of wind carelessly touching my face that I pay no heed to: “By Your Light do we see light.” Will I allow my soul’s light to be eclipsed by the darkness I bring forth? “No.” I exclaim with renewed resolve. “The darkness WILL pass, Your face will reveal itself again, As sure as the night becomes the day As sure as the sun affixing itself to become Master of the Day once more, completing the circle of the sky. | |
Oh GOD, allow me to dispell the darkness in my life, Unfurl those warm, luminescent tendrils, Let them surround me. Let the sky be clear again Your Holy Light blazing forth with love and hope, Like Apollo’s chariot Burning, Blazing across the deep, deep sky. | |
Nature is my classroom, my Synagogue Sanctuary Teaching me the lessons of life, Gifting me with insight and connection, Your Holiness, touching my face, drying my tears, Allowing myself to reach out to You with my limited arms towards Your LIMITLESS EXPANSIVE LOVE — and forgiveness. | |
ברוך אתה ה׳ יוצר המאורות׃ |
Barukh atah Hashem — Blessed are You, Creator of Worlds Yotseir ha-M’orot — Master Artist who forms the heavenly lights. |
This “Blessing upon Observing a Solar Eclipse” was offered by Rabbi Colman Reabo on 8 April 2024, a day in which a total solar eclipse was witnessed across a wide swath of North America.

“A Blessing upon Observing a Solar Eclipse, by Rabbi Colman Reaboi (8 April 2024)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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