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אֲזַמֵּר בִּשְׁבָחִין | Azamer biShvaḥin, a piyyut for Friday evening by Rabbi Yitsḥaq Luria (translation by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi)


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Source (Aramaic)Translation (English)
אֲזַמֵּר בִּשְׁבָחִין,
לְמֵיעַל גּוֹ פִתְחִין,
דְּבַחֲקַל תַּפּוּחִין,
דְּאִנּוּן קַדִּישִׁין׃
O sing – give praise!
Enter the gates
of the orchard paradisial and holy.
נְזַמִּין לָהּ הַשְׁתָּא,
בִּפְתורָא חַדְתָּא,
וּבִמְנַרְתָּא טַבְתָּא,
דְּנָהֳרָא עַל רֵישִׁין׃
Now bid her to enter —
Life–loaf and light,
with aureoles garlanded, we’re ready.
יְמִינָא וּשמָאלָא,
וּבֵנַיְהוּ כַלָּה,
בְּקִשּׁוּטִין אָזְלָא,
וּמָאנִין וּלְבוּשִׁין׃
You fair bride surrounded
on right and on left
wrapped regally bejewelled and sharing.
יְחַבֵּק לָהּ בַּעְלָהּ,
וּבִיסוֹדָא דִילָהּ,
דְּעָבֵיד נַיְחָא לָהּ
יְהֵא כַּתִּישׁ כַּתִּישִׁין׃
Yon husband embraced one,
fundamentally held,
ecstatically blissfully crushed.
Surrendered are pains,
Silent the screams,
Joy aspects replacing the painful.
צְוָחִין אַף עַקְתִין,
בְּטֵלִין וּשְׁבִיתִין,
בְּרַם אַנְפִּין חַדְתִּין,
וְרוּחִין עִם נַפְשִׁין׃
New radiance, new joy,
are given this day,
souls once more are added to spirits.
חֲדוּ סַגֵּי יֵיתֵי,
וְעַל חֲדָא תַּרְתֵּי,
נְהוֹרָא לָהּ יִמְטֵי,
וּבִרְכָאָן דִּנְפִישִׁין׃
Heights of delight are scaled,
one-ing and two-ing;
light reaches Her fully and blessing.
קְרִיבוּ שׁוּשְׁבִינִין,
עֲבִידוּ תִּקּוּנִין,
לְאַפָּשָׁא זִינִין,
וְנוּנִין עִם רַחֲשִׁין׃
Come close, entertain Her;
serve dainties and fish snacks,
deck festive the board of our banquet.
לְמֶעֱבַד נִשְׁמָתִין,
וְרוּחִין חַדְתִּין,
בְּתַרְתֵּין וּבִתְלָתִין,
וּבִתְלָתָא שִׁבְשִׁין׃
Let soul be the essence,
each spirit renewed,
two-ing and three-ing in clusters.
וְעִטּוּרִין שַׁבְעִין לָהּ, 
וּמַלְכָּא דִּלְעֵלָּא,
דְּיִתְעַטַּר כְֹּלָא,
בְּקַדִּישׁ קַדִּישִׁין׃
Upon her crowns seventy,
and holy, most holy,
the King is wrapped in splendor, high glory.
רְשִׁימִין וּסְתִימִין,
בְּגוֹ כׇּל עָלְמִין,
בְּרַם עֲתִּיק יוֹמִין,
הֲלָא בַּטִּישׁ בַּטִּישִׁין׃
Resplendent, yet hidden
within all the worlds,
transcending all days yet indwelling.
יְהֵא רַעֲוָא קַמֵּיהּ,
דְּתִשְׁרֵיהּ עַל עַמֵיהּ, 
דְּיִתְעַנַּג לִשְׁמֵהּ,
בִּמְתִיקִין וְדוּבְשִׁין׃
I plead with Him
that He dwell with His folk,
honeymooning and joying sweetly.
אֲסַדֵּר לִדְרוֹמָא,
מְנַרְתָּא דִסְתִימָא.
וְשֻׁלְחָן עִם נַהֲמָא,
בִּצְפוֹנָא אַרְשִׁין׃
At south’s side my banquet,
by lights of arcane love,
the loaves crisp at north’s side abundant.
בְּחַמְרָא גּוֹ כַסָּא,
וּמְדָאנֵי אַסָּא,  
לְאָרוּס וַאֲרוּסָה,
לְהַתְּקָפָה חַלָּשִׁין׃
Betrothed and her lover,
each feeding the other,
sustain each with fragrance of myrtle.
נַעֲבֵיד לְהוֹן כִּתְרִין, 
בְּמִלִּין יַקִּירִין,  
בְּשַׁבְעִין עִטּוּרִין
דְּעַל גַּבֵּי חַמְשִׁין׃
New garlands of love talk:
How precious the Ḳiddush
of seventy words over fifty.
שְׁכִינְתָּא תִּתְעַטָּר,
בְּשִׁית נַהֲמֵי לִסְטָר,
בְּוָוִין תִּתְקַטָּר,
וְזִינִין דִּכְנִישִׁין׃
Shekhinah surrounded,
six loaves on each side,
entangled, yet all recollected.
שְׁבִיתִין וּשְׁבִיקִין,
מְסָאֳבִין דִּרְחִיקִין,
חֲבִילִין דִּמְעִיקִין,
וְכָל זִינֵי חֲבוּשִׁין׃
Shut off and forsaken,
the uglies are banished,
pains, hurts and wounds are no longer.
לְמִבְצַע עַל רִפְתָּא,
כְּזֵיתָא וּכְבֵיעָתָא,
תְּרֵין יוּדִין נַקְטָא,
סְתִימִין וּפְרִישִׁין׃
Let us then break bread
a morsel from each loaf.
Thus two Yuds the secret make clearer.
מְשַׁח זֵיתָא דַכְיָא,
דְטַחֲנִין רֵיחַיָּא,
וְנַגְדִּין נַחֲלַיָּא,
בְּגַוָּה בִּלְחִישִׁין׃
Mills grind the pure olives,
oil silently flows on,
in rivers interior and hidden.
הֲלָא נֵימָא רָזִין,
וּמִלִין דִּגְנִיזִין,
דְּלֵיתֵהוֹן מִתְחַזִין,
טְמִירִין וּכְבִישִׁין׃
Have secrets to share,
and words darkly hidden,
arcane, unseen by eyes mortal.
אִתְעַטָרַא כַּלָּה,
בְּרָזִין דִּלְעֵלָא,
בְּגוֹ הַאי הִלּוּלָא,
דְּעִירִין קַדִּישִׁין׃
I crown you bride holy,
with secrets supernal,
at this mating feast of the angels.

This paraliturgical translation by Reb Zalman of Yitsḥaq Luria’s “Atqinu Seudata” for Friday evening can be found in print as published in his All Breathing Life: At the Interface Between Poetry and Prayer: translations and compositions of Jewish sacred literature (ed. Michael Kagan, 2011: Gaon Books), pp. 66-68. The signature acrostic presented in the original text is interrupted by a stanza added by Reb Zalman. If you have any more information about the addition of this stanza, please leave a comment or contact us.


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