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A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Tuesday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)


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Hallelujah! Praise thou, O my soul, the exalted Creator, who adorned the earth, which He gave to all men, with fruit-trees and herbs of every kind, on the third day of the creation. A mild congenial verdure decked the surface of the earth, which had but just emerged from the waters; valleys wrapped themselves in herbs and plants of thousand-fold colors, and of lovely fragrance; and thus was created the first Spring, which now returns in due season to the joy and delight ot all living creatures, according to the laws which Thou, benign Father, hast prescribed for nature. Millions of powers developed themselves on that day of Creation, as soon as Thy mighty call, “Let there be,” resounded. Millions of powers now proclaim Thine Omnipotence, so that every feeling heart joyfully and deeply moved, calleth unto Thee, “this is my God, and I will exalt Him.”[1] cf. Exodus 15:2 and Psalms 118:28.  In the book of nature every one can reverentially read Thy paternal love; on the heights as well as in the depths, in the storm as well as in the calm, moves and waves the spirit of Thy love. Let, therefore, everything which hath breath in its nostrils, praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Amen.





1cf. Exodus 15:2 and Psalms 118:28.

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