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Hallelujah! Praise God in due meekness, praise Him, —declare His high exalted fame and glory. Myriads of heavenly bodies, suns, moons, and stars were created by His Omnipotence on the fourth day of creation, that in their lofty magnificence reverentially obey His law, and never trespass over the limits assigned to them. All of these bodies, —the sun with his ocean of rays, the moon and the stars with their bright lustres, proclaim Thy glory, and call, “who among the mighty is like unto Thee, O Lord, who so glorified in holiness!”[1] cf. Exodus 15:11. By those luminaries of heaven Thou, O all-wise Creator, didst divide the seasons of the year, didst fix the boundaries of day and night; therefore, shall my soul be uplifted to Thee in thankfulness, and sing praises unto Thy great name. When the beams of the sun break forth through the grey dawn, and spread light, warmth, life, and joy unto all, who then can resist thanking Thee from the innermost depths of the heart? When the moon with her lovely brightness softly lights up the dark night, accompanied by a choir of stars, what feeling heart of mortal is not then penetrated with emotions of gratefulness? who does not exclaim with amazement, “what is man that Thou, the Creator of so many worlds, rememberest him?”[2] Psalms 8:4. But Thou art also kind and merciful, O Father, towards all Thy creatures; wherefore, I also will ever comfort myself with the words of the inspired psalmist, “my help cometh from the Lord, who created the heavens and the earth.”[3] Psalms 121:2. Amen. |

“A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Wednesday, by Marcus Heinrich Bresslau (1852)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication 1.0 Universal license.
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