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Aaron Wolf

Aaron Wolf is a math and computer science teacher in Cleveland, Ohio.


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📖 סידור עֹלת תמיד (אשכנז)‏ | Siddur Olas Tamid, derived by Aaron Wolf (2018) from Tefiloh Sefas Yisroel by Rallis Wiesenthal (2010)

Contributed on: 22 Mar 2018 by Aaron Wolf |

Siddur Olas Tamid is a Hebrew-only, nusaḥ Ashkenaz siddur compiled by Aaron Wolf and shared under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Based upon the Siddur Tefilos Sefos Yisroel compiled by R’ Rallis Wiesenthal, Siddur Olas Tamid was laid out and formatted in open-source XeLaTeX code shared from Aaron Wolf’s github account. . . .