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Abraham Shlomo Gold (translation)

fost grad. Rabin, Predicator şi Profesor de la Seminarul rabinic din Alsatia-Lorena, diplomă de capacitate de la Academia de Teolog. isr. din Viena, fost profesor la "Gimnaziul Evreesc“ din Capitală, fost director al şcoalei "Luca Moise“ din Ploeşti şi al ziarelor "Fraternitatea", Apărătorul" şi "Vocea Stonului“.

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מַה־טֹּבוּ | Mah Tovu: Prayer upon Entering the Synagogue (Romanian trans. Avraham Shlomo Gold, ca. 1903)

Contributed on: 09 Jul 2017 by Abraham Shlomo Gold (translation) | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

To the best of my ability, this is a faithful transcription of the prayer upon entering the synagogue from סדר תפילות לכל השנה Ordinea Rugăciunilor pentru toate zilele anului (nusaḥ Sefaradi, minhag Romania) translated into Romanian by Rabbi Abraham Shlomo Gold (Institutul de editura Ralian si Ignat Samitca, Craiova, 1903). A video of this siddur can be seen on youtube here. We would like to know more about Rabbi Gold; if you have any information, please contact us. . . .