📖 סידור מסורתי | Siddur Masorti (Izzun Books 2019)
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❧A bilingual Hebrew-English egalitarian and Sefaradi weekday siddur. . . .
Alternative Supplicatory Blessings for the Weekday Amidah by Rav Yehuda Lev Ashlag
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❧This translation of Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag’s Supplicatory blessings for the Amida was originally published by Adam Zagoria-Moffet at his website. Rav Ashlag’s blessings were transcribed and published from an undated manuscript transcribed by Ohr HaSulam: Mercaz Moreshet Bal HaSulam, here. . . .
יָהּ עֶזְרָתִי מִן שְׁמַיָּא | Yah Ezrati Min Shemayya, a piyyut by Ḥayyim Shaul Abboud (ca. 20th c.)
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❧A 20th century piyyut by Ḥayyim Shaul Aboud. . . .
אֵלֶֽיךָ אֶקְרָא יָהּ | Elekha Eqra Yah, a piyyut by Rabbi Shlomoh Zrihen (20th c.)
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❧A popular 20th century piyyut. . . .
אֲדוֹן הַכֹּל | Adon haKol, a piyyut by Rabbi Shalom Shabazi (ca. 17th c.)
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❧The piyyut, “Adon haKol” by Rabbi Shalom Shabazi . . .
אָנָא אֵלֵךְ מֵרוּחֶךָ | Ana Élékh Méruḥekha, a piyyut by Yisrael Najara (ca. 16th c.)
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❧A piyyut of divine-closeness by Yisrael Najara. . . .
אוֹדֶה לָאֵל | Odeh la-El, a morning piyyut by Rabbi Shamayah Ḳosson (ca. 16th c.)
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❧“Odeh La-Él” sings to the waking soul, calling on it to return to the service of the Divine. . . .
כָּל־בְּרוּאֵי | Kol B’ru-ei, a piyyut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol (ca. 11th c.)
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❧A piyyut by Shlomo ibn Gabirol included in the arrangement of Baqashot before the morning service in the liturgical custom of Sefaradim. . . .