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Aharon N. Varady (transcription)

Aharon Varady (M.A.J.Ed./JTSA Davidson) is a volunteer transcriber for the Open Siddur Project. If you find any mistakes in his transcriptions, please let him know. Shgiyot mi yavin; Ministarot naqeni שְׁגִיאוֹת מִי־יָבִין; מִנִּסְתָּרוֹת נַקֵּנִי "Who can know all one's flaws? From hidden errors, correct me" (Psalms 19:13). If you'd like to directly support his work, please consider donating via his Patreon account. (Varady also translates prayers and contributes his own original work besides serving as the primary shammes of the Open Siddur Project and its website, opensiddur.org.)

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Rosh Ḥodesh Adar (אַדָר) Alef & Bet | Addenda | Additional Fast Days | Additional Morning Prayers | Additional Preparatory Prayers | After the Aliyot | Minḥah | Aleinu | During the Aliyot | Weekday Amidah | Aqédat Yitsḥaq | 🇺🇸 Arbor Day (last Friday of April) | 🌐 Armistice Day (November 11th) | 🌐 Armistice Day Readings | Art & Craft | Arvit l'Shabbat | Asarah b'Tevet | Asher Yatsar | Ashrei | 🇦🇹 Austria | Rosh Ḥodesh Av (אָב) | Sefer b'Midbar (Numbers) | Morning Baqashot | Barekh | Barkhu | Barukh she’Amar | 🇫🇷 Fête Nationale Française (14 July) | Bedtime Shema | Before the Aliyot | Berakhot she'Asani | Berakhot sheNatani | Sefer Bereshit (Genesis) | Birkat Ahavah | Birkat Ahavah for Ma'ariv/Arvit | Birkat Ga'al Yisrael for Shaḥarit | Blessings After Eating | Birkat Kohanim | Birkhot haTorah | Birkonim (בענטשערס Bentshers) | Bnei (Bar/Bat) Mitsvah & Other Birthday Prayers | Blessings Before Eating | Tehilim Book 5 (Psalms 107–150) | Tehilim Book 4 (Psalms 90–106) | Tehilim Book 1 (Psalms 1–41) | Tehilim Book 3 (Psalms 73–89) | Tehilim Book 2 (Psalms 42–72) | Brit Milah & Simḥat Bat | 🇺🇸 National Brotherhood Week | Cantillation Systems | Slavery & Captivity | Child care | Conflicts over Sovereignty and Dispossession | Congregation & Community | 🇺🇸 Constitution & Citizenship Day Readings | Contemplation | Coronations & Inaugurations | Davvening | 🌐 Day of Democracy (September 15th) | Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy) | Dreaming | Drought & Wildfire | the Dry Season (Spring & Summer) | Dying | Earth, our Collective Home & Life-Support System | 🌐 Earth Day (22 April) | Earthquakes & Tsunamis | Elections & Voting | Elohai Neshamah | Rosh Ḥodesh Elul (אֶלוּל) | Entering Sacred Spaces | Epidemics & Pandemics | Erev Shabbat | Esther | 🇪🇺 European Union | Maariv Aravim | Exegetical Rules | Extracanonical Megillot | Preparing one's face | Fasting | 🇺🇸 Flag Day (June 14) | Rosh haShanah la-Behemah | Rosh haShanah la-Ilanot (Tu biShvat) | Rosh haShanah la-Melakhim | 🇺🇸 Four Chaplains Day (February 3rd) | 🇫🇷 France | Friday | Memorial, Funeral, and Cemetery Prayer Guides | Birkat Ga'al Yisrael for Ma'ariv/Arvit | Pogroms & Genocide | 🇩🇪 Germany | Government & Country | Ḥag haBanot (Eid el Benat) Readings | Hallel | Preparing one's hands | Ḥanukkah | Ḥanukkah Readings | Hashkivenu | Hateful Intolerance, Prejudice, and Bigotry | Hekhalot Writings | Solitude | Holocaust & Genocide Memorial Day Readings | 🌐 Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27th) | Homes & Community Centers | Hoshana Rabba | 🌐 Human Rights Day (December 10th) | 🇭🇺 Hungary | Hymn-Books & Religious poetry | Immersion (Purification) | Imminent Communal Danger & Distress | 🇺🇸 Inauguration Day (January 20th) | Incantations, Adjurations, & Amulets | Incense and other Offerings | 🇺🇸 Independence Day (July 4th) | 🇺🇸 Independence Day Readings | Interment | 🌐 International Women's Day (March 8th) | 🌐 International Workers' Day (May 1st) | 🇮🇹 Italy | Rosh Ḥodesh Iyyar (אִיָּר) | 🌐 Gregorian New Year's Day (January 1st) | 🇺🇸 Juneteenth (Emancipation Day) Readings | Ḳaddish | Kaparōt | Ḳiddush Levanah | Rosh Ḥodesh Kislev (כִּסְלֵו) | Comprehensive (Kol Bo) Siddurim | Kosher Slaughter | Kristallnacht (9-10 November, 16 Marḥeshvan) | 🇺🇸 Labor Day (1st Monday of September) | Learning, Study, and School | 🇺🇸 Abraham Lincoln's Birthday (February 12th) | Magid | Man-made Disasters | Rosh Ḥodesh Marḥeshvan (מַרְחֶשְׁוָן) | Marriage | Mass Shootings & Gun Violence | 🇮🇱 Medinat Yisra'el (the State of Israel) | 🇺🇸 Memorial Day (last Monday of May) | 🇺🇸 Memorial (Decoration) Day Readings | Meteorological and Astronomical Observations | Midrash Aggadah | Midrash Halakhah | Military Personnel & Veterans | Mishlei (Proverbs) | Mixed Dancing | 🇺🇸 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Readings | 🇺🇸 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3rd Monday of January) | Modern Miscellany | Monday | Morning siddurim | 🇺🇸 Mother's Day (2nd Sunday of May) | Motsei Shabbat | Mourning | Mussar (Ethical Teachings) | 🇳🇱 the Netherlands | Prayers for the Sun's Renewal | Nirtsah | Rosh Ḥodesh Nisan (נִיסָן) | Nittel Nacht Readings | Old Age | Opening Prayers for Legislative Bodies | Parashat Aḥarei Mōt | Parashat Balaq | Parashat b'Midbar | Parashat Bereshit | Parashat b'ha-Alotekha | Parashat b'Har | Parashat b'Ḥuqotai | Parashat Bo | Parashat b'Shalaḥ | Parashat Devarim | Parashat Emor | Parashat Éqev | Parashat Ha'Azinu | Parashat Ḥayyei Sarah | Parashat Ḥuqat | Parashat Ki Tissa | Parashat Lekh Lekha | Parashat Mas'ei | Parashat Matōt | Parashat Metsora | Parashat Miqéts | Parashat Mishpatim | Parashat Naso | Parashat Noaḥ | Parashat Ph'qudei | Parashat Pinḥas | Parashat Qedoshim | Parashat Qoraḥ | Parashat Sh'mini | Parashat Shemot | Parashat Shlaḥ | Parashat Tazria | Parashat Terumah | Parashat Toldōt | Parashat Tsav | Parashat T'tsavveh | Parashat Va'era | Parashat va'Etḥanan | Parashat Vayaqhel | Parashat Vayeḥi | Parashat Vayera | Parashat Vayeshev | Parashat Vayetsei | Parashat Vayigash | Parashat Vayiqra | Parashat Vayishlaḥ | Parashat v'Zōt haBrakhah | Parashat Yitro | Haggadot for the Seder Leil Pesaḥ | Pedagogical Essays on Jewish Prayer | Personal & Paraliturgical collections of prayers | 7th Day of Pesaḥ | Pesaḥ Readings | Pesaḥ Yamei Ḥag | Phonaesthetics | π Day Readings | Planting | 🇵🇱 Poland | 🇵🇹 Portugal | Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth | Psalm of the Day | Psalms 150 | Psuqei d'Zimrah/Zemirot l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov | Pulpit & Ceremonial collections of prayers | Purim | Purim Qatan | Purim Readings | Purim Sheni Readings | Ḳabbalat Shabbat | Qedushah | Qorbanot | Reading Schedules | Self-Reflection | 🇺🇸 Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust | Repenting, Resetting, and Reconciliation | Roleplaying | 🇷🇴 Romania | Rosh haShanah (l’Maaseh Bereshit) | Rosh haShanah la-Behemah Readings | Maḥzorim for Rosh haShanah | Rosh Ḥodesh | Rosh Ḥodesh Readings | 🇷🇺 Russia | Samaritan Prayerbooks | Saturday | Second Temple Period | Seder al-Tawḥid | Seder Seliḥot and Tefilot l'Taaniyot | Sefirat ha-Omer | Sefirat haOmer Readings | Attaining consciousness | Se'udah haShlishit | Se'udat Leil Shabbat | Se'udat Yom Shabbat | Shabbat Məvorkhim | Minḥah l'Shabbat | Musaf l'Shabbat | Shabbat Readings | Shaḥarit l'Shabbat ul'Yom Tov | Shabbat Siddurim | Social Justice, Peace, and Liberty | Shavuot | Shavuot Readings | the Shema | Shemini Atseret (and Simḥat Torah) | Shemini Atseret & Simḥat Torah Readings | Sefer Shemot (Exodus) | Rosh Ḥodesh Shəvat (שְׁבָט) | Shirat ha-Yam | Shiv'ah Asar b'Tamuz | Shiv'ah b'Adar | Rosh Ḥodesh Sivan (סִיוָן) | Khaf Sivan | Dangerous Storms & Floods | Torah Study | Sukkot | Sukkot Readings | Sunday | Ta'anit Esther | 🤦︎ Taḥanun (Nefilat Apayim) | Taking a life | Rosh Ḥodesh Tammuz (תַּמּוּז) | Tefillin | Tehilim (Psalms) | Terror | Rosh Ḥodesh Tevet (טֵבֵת) | 🇺🇸 Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November) | the Zohar | Theurgy | Thursday | Tishah b'Av | Tishah b'Av Readings | Rosh Ḥodesh Tishrei (תִּשְׁרֵי) | Liturgical traditions | 🌐 Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20th) | 🌐 Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31st) | Travel | Tsom Gedalyah | Tsom Gedalyah Readings | Seder Leil Rosh haShanah la-Ilanot (Tu biShvat) | Tuesday | 🇺🇦 Ukraine | 🇬🇧 United Kingdom | 🇺🇳 United Nations | 🌐 United Nations Day (October 24th) | 🇺🇸 United States of America | Sefer Vayiqra (Leviticus) | 🇺🇸 Veterans Day (11 November) | Visual Meditation | War | 🇺🇸 George Washington's Birthday (3rd Monday of February) | Engagements & Weddings | Wednesday | Weekday siddurim | Well-being, health, and caregiving | the Wet Season (Fall & Winter) | the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (21 December) | Labor, Fulfillment, and Parnasah | Labor & Workers' Day Readings | Yishtabaḥ Shimkha | 🇮🇱 Yom ha-Atsma'ut (5 Iyyar) | 🇮🇱 Yom ha-Ém (30 Shəvat) | Maḥzorim for Yom haKippurim | 🇮🇱 Yom haNətiōt (Planting Day) | Yom haḲeshet (27 Iyyar) Readings | 🇮🇱 Yom haShoah (27 Nisan) | 🇮🇱 Yom haZikaron | Yom Kippur | Yom Kippur Qatan | Yom Kippur Readings | Yom Niqanor Readings | Yonah | Yotser Or

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אין אדיר Ayn Adir | ארבה מנים arba minim | ברכת הבנים blessing of the children | הכל יודוך hakol yodukha | חצי קדיש ḥatsi ḳaddish | יקום פורקן yequm purqan | מקווה miqveh | עבודה זרה avodah zarah | עזרת אבותנו ezrat avotenu | על אהבתך Al Ahavatekha | על הראשונים al harishonim | שוכן עד shokhen ad | 36th Congress | 41st Congress | 42nd Congress | 50th Congress | 56th Congress | 62nd Congress | 71st Congress | 74th Congress | 77th Congress | 78th Congress | 79th Congress | 80th Congress | 82nd Congress | 83rd Congress | 84th Congress | 85th Congress | 86th Congress | 87th Congress | 88th Congress | 89th Congress | 90th Congress | 91st Congress | 92nd Congress | 93rd Congress | 94th Congress | 95th Congress | 96th Congress | 97th Congress | 98th Congress | 99th Congress | 100 blessings a day | 100th Congress | 101st Congress | 102nd Congress | 118th Congress | 1846-1860 Cholera Pandemic | 1863–1875 cholera pandemic | 1881–1896 cholera pandemic | 1918-1920 influenza pandemic | 1933 Banking Act | 1933 in Germany | 1933 Long Beach earthquake | 1983 Beirut barracks bombings | 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict | 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak | 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak | 2020 coronavirus outbreak in Israel | 2020 coronavirus pandemic | 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine | 2023-2024 Israel–Hamas war | 2023 East Jerusalem synagogue shooting | 2023 Gaza–Israel clashes | 2023 Israeli judicial reform protests | 2024 Iran–Israel conflict | 42 letter divine name | 5779 | AABB rhyming scheme | AABBCC rhyming scheme | AABCCB rhyming scheme | ABAB rhyming scheme | ABABCC rhyming scheme | ABBCDDC rhyming scheme | ABCB rhyming scheme | abduction | אברא כדברא abra k'davra | Abraham Joshua Heschel | Abraham Lincoln | academic articles | acrostic | Acrostic signature | phonetic alphabetic acrostic translation | אדם קדמון Adam Ḳadmon | Adamah Farm | אדיר במלוכה Adir Bimlukhah | אדיר הוא Adir Hu | אדון הסליחות Adon haSeliḥot | אדון עולם Adon Olam | affirmations | אגדלך Agadelkha | ageing | אחרי מות Aḥarei Mōt | Aharon | אהבה רבה ahavah rabbah | Ahavat Hashem | אהבת עולם ahavat olam | אחדות aḥdut (togetherness) | air | air travel | עקדת יצחק Akeidat Yitsḥaq | al hanḥilot | Al haShminit | על כן נקוה al ken n'qaveh | על נהרות בבל Al naharot Bavel | Alabama | Alabama Claims | עלינו Aleinu | Aleph-Bet | Alexandru Ioan Cuza | Alive | all inhabitants | Alphabetic Acrostic | alphabetic mesostic | alternate rhyming scheme | עם ישראל Am Yisrael | Slaveholders' Rebellion (1861-1865) | American Education Week | American Jewry of the United States | American Reform Movement | American War of Independence | Americanism | עמידה amidah | Amits Koaḥ | Amoraic prayers | amulet bowls | קמעות qame'ot (amulets) | אנא בכח Ana b'Khoaḥ | אנה אמצאך ana emtsaeka | political and religious anarchism | Angelic Nature | Angelic Protection | Angelification | angelology | Angels | Angels as advocates | Angels of Healing | Anglo-Jewish | Anglo Jewry | animal protection | animal welfare | animals | animation | animistic spirits | annual Torah reading cycle | anti-authoritarian | anti-communist | anti-corruption | anti-Enlightenment | anti-fascist | anti-fascist action | anti-feminist | anti-Nazi | anti-predatory | anti-racist | anti-war | Antiquity | anxiety | apotropaic prayers of protection | apotropaic rituals of protection | appreciation | אקדמות Aqdamut | Aquarius | Arabic translation | Aramaic | Aramaic translation | Areinfirenish | Aries | ascent | Aseret Yemei Tshuvah | Asher | אשר יצר Asher Yatsar | Ashkenaz | Ashmodai | אשרי Ashrei | Asiatic Cholera | Asiyah | assassination | Assassination of Abraham Lincoln | Assassination of Fuad Shukr | Assassination of Ismail Haniyeh | Assassination of James A. Garfield | Assassination of John F. Kennedy | Assassination of Mohammed Deif | Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy | Assassination of Saleh al-Arouri | Astrological | athletics | atonement | Austrian Empire | Austrian Jewry | authority vs. integrity | Avraham Avinu | ayin hara | אז רוב נסים Az rov nisim | אז ישיר Az Yashir | Azael | Azazel | ba'alei ḥayyim | baby daughters | baking ḥallah | balance | בלק Balaq | Baltimore | במדבר Bamidbar | באנו חשך לגרש banu ḥoshekh l'garesh | בקשות Baqashot | Bar Ilan University | Bar Kochba Rebellion | Baraqon | Barkhi Nafshi | ברוך שאמר barukh she'amar | baseball | Batavian Republic | Bathroom etiquette | Bathroom Prayer | Battle of Baltimore | Battle of Gettysburg | Battle of Kápolna | Battlestar Galactica | Before Sleep | בהמות behemot | being human | Bendigamos | Benediction | Bengal | Bengali vernacular prayer | Benjamin Harrison | Betsalel | בחקתי b’Ḥuqotai | bigotry | Bilhah | Binginot | Binyamin | Biographical | ביקור חולים biḳur ḥolim | ברכת גאל ישראל birkat ga'al yisrael | ברכת הבית birkat habayit | ברכת הגומל birkat hagomel | ברכת המפיל birkat hamapil | ברכת המזון birkat hamazon | birthday prayers | bitul neshama | blessings | blessings following the shema | blessings prior to the shema | בני אדם bnei adam | Body as Cosmos | Body as Earth | Body as Society | Body as Temple | Bohemia | Bohemian Jewry | Boston | ברכות brakhot | Brandenburg-Prussia | Bratislava | breaking down | breastfeeding | Breslov | ברית brit | brit milah | British Commonwealth | British East India Company | British Empire | British Jewry | British Monarchy | Btselem Elohim | burial | burial service | Cairo Geniza | Calculation | Calends | California State Legislature | camels | Camp David Accords | Canada | candle lighting | candles | cantillated liturgy | Cantillated readings in English | capital punishment | capitalism | Capricorn | captive animals | captives | Care | Catholic and Apostolic Church | cemetery prayers | censored prayers under Christendom | census | centos | challenge | Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte | chastity | Chess | Chester A. Arthur | Chicago | child mortality | childbirth | childhood illness | childlessness | children | Children of Avraham | children's education | children's prayers | Chinese translation | Chmielnicki massacres of 1648–1649 | Cholera | Christian Hebraism | chronic pain | chronograms | Cincinnati | circle drawing | circumcision | civic prayers | civil declarations and charters | civil rights | Classical Antiquity | Classical Reform | Closing Prayers | cold iron | Cold War (1947–1953) | Cold War (1953–1962) | Cold War (1962–1979) | Cold War (1985–1991) | Colonialism | colonization | colophon | Colorado | combating anti-Jewish oppression | combating antisemitism | command-compliance pattern | commencement | Commonwealth of Virginia | communal shame | Community | community organizing | Compassion | Concentration camps | conception | Confederate States of America | confirmation | conflicting messages | Congregation Adath Jeshurun | Conservative | Conservative Jewry | Conservative Judaism | Constitution of the United States | Constitutional Monarchy | contrarianism | Coronation | coronavirus | corporal punishment | corruption | cosmic religion | cosmological | counting | counting songs | covenant code | COVID-19 coronavirus | creatures of the night | Crimea | Crimean War | crossovers | Crown | Crowning | Cuban War of Independence | curses | D-Day | dairy foods | דיינו Daiyenu | danger | Daniel | Darkness | the daughters of Tselofḥad | David's conflict with Shaul haMelekh | Dawn | days of awe | Decalogue | declarations | Decoration Day | dedications and consecrations | Defter | democracy | Democratic National Convention 1900 | Democratic National Convention 1984 | Democratic National Convention 1988 | Democratic National Convention 1992 | Democratic National Convention 1996 | Democratic National Convention 2000 | Democratic National Convention 2004 | Democratic National Convention 2008 | Democratic National Convention 2012 | Democratic National Conventions | democratic process | demonstrations | depression | Derekh Hashem | derivative work | desperate pleas | determinism | deuterocanonical works | דברים Devarim | devotional interpretation | diacritical marks | diaspora | difference disagreement and deviance | diplomacy | disabled bodies | disagreement | Dissolution of the Soviet Union | Distress | Divine Feminine | divine light | divine mercy | Divine name acrostic | doctrinal | doikayt | domesticated animals | dominion | dragons | dreaming | dreams | Droit du seigneur | drought conditions | Dusk | Dutch Jewry | dveykut | Dwight D. Eisenhower | early Judaism | Early Middle Ages | Early Reconstructionist | Early Religious Zionist | earth | earth pledges | Eastern Sefaradim | eating animals | Ecclesiasticus | eco-conscious | eco-feminism | ecoḥasid | economic distress | ecumenical prayers | Education & Sharing Day USA | egalitarian | egel hazahav | Egypt | Egypt–Israel peace treaty | Egypt–Israel relations | Egyptian Jewry | אחד מי יודע eḥad mi yode'a | אל אדון el adon | אל ברוך El Barukh | אל מלא רחמים El Malé Raḥamim | אל שמר El Shemor | elegies | elegy | אליהו הנביא Eliyahu haNavi | אלהי נשמה Elohai neshamah | אלהי נצור Elohai Netsor | אלול elul | Elysium | Emancipation | Emergency Banking Act of 1933 | אמת ואמונה Emet v'Emunah | אמת ויציב emet v'yatsiv | אמֹר Emor | Emperor Friedrick III | engagement | England | English Jewry | English piyyutim | English poetry | English Romanticism | English Translation | English vernacular prayer | the Enlightenment | entering | entering magical territory | epical narrative as ward | Epidemic | epizootic contagion | עקב Éqev | ארץ ישראל Erets Yisrael | erev yom kippur | eros | אשת חיל eshet ḥayil | Essays on Prayer as Praxis | Ethical Humanism | etiquette | Eulogy | euphoria | Even Boḥan | evening | evening spirits | עין הרע predatory gaze (ill will/evil eye) | excretion | exhortation | exile | expiation | fake news | false piety | family prayers | farming | Fascism in North America | fast-forward | fasting | פעלד־מעסטען feldmesten | Felix Libertate | fellowship | fertility | Festival of Napoleon the Great (15 August) | Fifth Day of Creation | fire | first experiences | First French Empire | First Order of Fustat | first person | First Temple Period | firzogerin | flags banners and escutcheons | flash floods | Floods | flying | food | Forces Françaises Libres | Forty-eighters | four worlds | Fourth Day of Creation | הקפה ד׳ fourth haḳafah | Franklin Delano Roosevelt | Franz Joseph I of Austria | free translation | Freedom | French Empire | French Jewry | French translation | French vernacular prayer | Friday | friends | fundamental principles of rabbinic judaism | Gashmiut and Ruchniut | Gaza | gematria | Gemini | gender expression | gender identity | gender roles | Geneva Summit (1955) | Geneva Summit (1985) | geonic period | Geonic prayers | George H.W. Bush | George Washington | German Empire | German Jewry | German orientalism | German Reform Movement | German romanticism | German-speaking Jewry | German translation | German vernacular prayer | גשם geshem | גלגול נפשות gilgul nefashot | giving voice to the voiceless | Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) | global warming | Gold Reserve Act | golden calf | Grand Sanhedrin | Gratitude | Great Boston Fire of 1872 | Great Britain | Great Chicago Fire of 1871 | Great Depression in the United States | Great French Revolution | Greek speaking Jewry | Greek translation | Greek vernacular prayer | Grief | Guerrilla warfare | חבּ״ד ḤaBaD Lubavitch | חבקוק Ḥabaquq | חד גדיא Ḥad Gadya | האל בתעצימות ha-El b'taatsumōt | Hafatarot | חג הבנות Ḥag HaBanot | ההיכלות ויורדי המרכבה haHeikhalot v'Yordei haMerkavah | hair | hair-cutting | halakhot | חלה challah ḥallah | Halle | הללו־יה hallelu-yah | Haman | המבדיל בין קדש לחל Hamavdil Bein Ḳodesh l'Ḥol | חנוך Ḥanokh (Enoch) | הנותן תשועה haNotén Teshuah | Hapoel Hatsair | Har Sinai | חרוזים ḥaruzim | harvest loss | השכיבנו hashkivenu | חסידי אשכנז Ḥasidei Ashkenaz | חסידי ברצלב Ḥasidei Bratslav (Breslov) | Ḥasidic | חסידות Ḥasidut | חתימות ḥatimot (concluding prayers) | הבדלות havdalot | היום תאמצנו Hayom T'amtsenu | ḥayot | הזכרת נשמות hazkarat neshamot | Ḥazon | Healing | health | hearing sounds | heartbreak | hebrew diacritics | Hebrew translation | heikhalot literature | Hekhalot | Henry Wilson | hereness | hermeneutics | heroic women | חסד Ḥesed | חשבון הנפש Ḥeshbon HaNefesh | High Middle Ages | חלול ה׳ Ḥillul Hashem | Hindustan | hip hop | הסתכלות פנימית histaklut pnimit | historiola | history of pi | התבודדות hitbodedut | Holy Blossom Temple | Holy Roman Empire | Ḥonen HaDa'at | הושענות hoshanot | U.S. House of Representatives | human solidarity | Humanist | Humanist Judaism | humility | humor | Hungarian Jewry | Hungarian Revolution of 1848 | חקת Ḥuqat | hymns | hymns of creation | Hypnogogic State | iconoclastic | צה״ל IDF | illuminatus | imagination | Imahot as Advocates | immersion | Immigration Act of 1924 | improper use of the crown | in the merit of Amtalai bat Karnavu | in the merit of Beruriah | in the merit of martyrs | In the merit of Miriam | In the merit of Moshe Rabbeinu | in the merit of our ancestors | in the merit of Raḥel | in the merit of Yitsḥaq | in the merit of Yosef | inaugurations | incantation | inclusion and exclusion | Indian devotional poetry | Indian Rebellion of 1857 | Indie Minyanim | infants | Inner light | inner peace | עינוי Innui (self-affliction) | integrity | interdependence | interfaith prayer | interfaith tolerance | internal plumbing | internationalism | interpretive translation | interwar period | introducing Jewish prayer | introducing the Siddur | investiture | invisible sun | invitation | Invocation | Iranian support for Hamas | iron in folklore | irreligiosity | is it Sikh or Hassidic? | Isabella Freedman Retreat Center | אשי ישראל ishei yisrael | Israel | Israeli occupation of the Sinai Peninsula | Israeli–Palestinian conflict | Israelite-Samaritan | Italian Jewry | Italian translation | Izmir | James A. Garfield | James Knox Polk | ירושלם Jerusalem | Jewish Antiquities | Jewish burial | Jewish faeries | Jewish identity | Jewish liberation | Jewish pacifism | Jewish particularism | Jewish Radicalism | Jewish Renewal | Jewish Science movement | Jewish women | Jewish Women's Conference | Jewish Women's Prayers | Jews of Alexandria | Jews of India | JNF | John F. Kennedy | Joint warfare in South Vietnam | joy | Judeo-Arabic | Judeo-Provençal | judgement | Judith | Ḳ.Ḳ. Shearith Israel | קדיש ḳaddish | קדיש דרבנן Ḳaddish D'Rabanan | קדיש שלם Ḳaddish shalem | קדיש יתום Mourner's Ḳaddish | Kalendes | קלנדס Ḳalends | קמעות ḳame'ot | כפרות kaparot | כבוד kavod | כוונות kavvanot | Keter | kheyder | כי אשמרה שבת Ki Eshmerah Shabbat | kindling | King Charles Ⅱ | King Charles Ⅲ | King George Ⅱ | King George Ⅵ | King William Ⅳ | Kingdom of Hungary | Kingdom of Prussia | KKL | דע לפני מי אתה עומד Know Before Whom You Stand | Kohanim | Kohenet | כל ברואי kol beruei | kosher slaughter | Kurdish Jewry | labor | labor exploitation | Labor Zionism | Ladino Translation | Ladino vernacular prayer | Lajos Kossuth | lamentation | למנציח Lamnatse'aḥ | lamp lighting | Landing Day | lashon hara | Late Antiquity | Late Middle Ages | Latin translation | Le Marseillaise | League of Nations | Leah | leket psukim | לך דודי Lekha Dodi | לכה דודי Lekhah Dodi | Leopold I | let's review | לב נשבר lev nishbar | leviathan | Leviticus 19 | LGBTQIA+ | Liberal | Liberal Movement for Progressive Judaism in Britain | Liberal Zionist Prayers | liberation | liberation from mitsrayim | liberty | libi uv'sari | Life of David HaMelekh | Light | Likutei Tefilot | lip service | little league baseball | liturgy of the wandering stars | Livorno | למענך l'maankha | logos | London Conference of 1939 | loneliness | lonely man of faith | Lord's Prayer | Los Angeles | love | love-sickness | love your fellow as yourself | אהבת ישראל loving Yisrael | lovingkindness | Lunar Eclipse | Lurianic | lycanthropy | Lyndon B. Johnson | מעריב ערבים ma'ariv aravim | Maccabean Revolt | המקבים Maccabees | Mafteah Shlomo | מגן אבות magen avot | Magic | magical beings | magical recipes | Magyar translation | Magyar vernacular prayer | מה טבו mah tovu | Maimonides | מלכויות malkhuyot | Mandatory Palestine | Manna | מעוז צור Maoz Tsur | marriage | martyrdom | Masaru Emoto | masculinity | מסעי Masei | Maskil | Masoretic Text | Masorti Movement | Mathematics | מטות Matot | Maw of the Earth | Mazal Aqrav | Mazal Dagim | Mazal D'li | Mazal G'di | MAZAL QESHET | Mazal Shor | Mazal Taleh | Mazal Teomim | medical treatment | Medicine | מדינת ישראל Medinat Yisrael | Megillah Readings in English | Megillat Antiokhus | מגילת אסתר Megillat Esther | Megillat Yehudit | memento mori | Memorial prayers | memory | men | menorah as orrery | menschlekite | Mental Health | mesostic | Metatron | מצרע Metsora | Metz | מי שברך mi sheberakh | mid-first millennium CE | Midbar Paran | midbar quest | Midbar Sinai | Midbar Tsyn | middot | Midian | Mikhtam | Ḳ.Ḳ. Miḳveh Israel (Philadelphia) | military | Minḥah | minhag Corfu | Minhag Iraq | Minhag Poland | Miriam | Miriam's well | missing years | מזמור Mizmor | מודה אני Modeh Ani | modern hebrew poetry | מודים Modim | Moldavia | Molekh | Monday | Montefiore Synagogue | Montreal | Mordekhai | Morocco | mortality | Moses Montefiore | Moshe ben Maimon | Mosheh Rabbenu | משיח Moshiaḥ | mourning | moving out | Mrozy | Mughal Empire | Multinational Force in Lebanon | Musaf Rosh Hashanah | Musaf Yom Kippur | מוסר mussar | mysterious fish | mytho-historical chronicles | mythopoesis | mythopoetic | naḥshon ben aminadav | naming | naming ceremonies | Naming names | Naphtali | Napoleon Bonaparte | national anthems | National Origins Act | National Religious Zionist | Nature | נזיר Nazir | Needing Attribution | Needing citation references | Needing Decompilation | Needing Translation (into English) | Needing Translation (into Hebrew) | Needing Source Images | Needing Proofreading | Needing Transcription | Needing Vocalization | נעילה‎ neilah | neoḥasidic idealization | neo-lurianic | נר תמיד ner tamid | neshamah | Netherlandish Jewry | Netherlands | New Jersey | new moon | New York | New York City | New York State Assembly | New York State Senate | נגון niggun | night | נשמת כל חי Nishmat kol ḥai | nisuin | נח Noaḥ | non-dual theology | nonstandard geometry | North America | North American Jewry | Northampton | numinous beings | Nursing | Nusaḥ Anglia | Nusaḥ Ashkenaz | Nusaḥ Erets Yisrael | Nusaḥ Ha-Ari z"l | Nusaḥ Masorti | Nusaḥ Sefaradi | Nusaḥ TsaHaL | O Tag des Herrn | ocean | Ode to Joy | ohev amo | Ohio | Oholiav | עולם הבא Olam Haba | Oliver Cromwell | אומץ גבורתיך Omets G'vuratekha | Opening Prayers | origin stories | otiyot | ottom | Ottoman Empire | Ottoman Jewry | Oxford | אױ חנוכה Oy Khanike | Page of the United States House of Representatives | פחד paḥad (dread) | Pandemic | panentheism | Panic of 1873 | Panic of 1896 | parabiblical aggadah | paraliturgical adon olam | paraliturgical al ken n'qaveh | paraliturgical aleinu | paraliturgical amidah | paraliturgical az yashir | paraliturgical barkhu | paraliturgical birkat ahavah | paraliturgical birkat haḥodesh | paraliturgical birkat hamapil | paraliturgical birkat hamazon | paraliturgical birkhot haTorah | paraliturgical el melekh yoshev | paraliturgical elohai neshamah | paraliturgical elohai netsor | paraliturgical hanotein tshuah | paraliturgical hanoten teshuah | paraliturgical hashkivenu | paraliturgical havdalah | paraliturgical hazkarat neshamot | paraliturgical kol nidrei | paraliturgical lekha dodi | paraliturgical maariv aravim | paraliturgical magen avot | paraliturgical mah tovu | paraliturgical modeh ani | paraliturgical modim | paraliturgical prayer for the government | Paraliturgical Prayer for the New Month | paraliturgical priestly blessing | Paraliturgical Psalms 121 | paraliturgical Psalms 127 | paraliturgical Psalms 133 | paraliturgical Psalms 144 | paraliturgical Psalms 145 | paraliturgical Psalms 150 | paraliturgical Psalms 23 | Paraliturgical Psalms 24 | paraliturgical Psalms 38 | Paraliturgical Psalms 48 | Paraliturgical Psalms 81 | Paraliturgical Psalms 82 | Paraliturgical Psalms 92 | Paraliturgical Psalms 93 | Paraliturgical Psalms 94 | paraliturgical reflections | Paraliturgical removal of the Torah from the Ark | paraliturgical ribon haOlamim | paraliturgical ribono shel olam | paraliturgical seliḥot | paraliturgical shalom aleikhem | paraliturgical shema | paraliturgical shfokh hamatekha | paraliturgical tefilat geshem | paraliturgical tefilat tal | paraliturgical teḥinot | paraliturgical vidui | Paraliturgical yizkor | paraliturgical yotser ohr | פרשת השבוע Parashat haShavua | פרשות parashot | pare | parenting | Parents blessing children | Paris Commune | parnasah | parody | particularism and universalism | partisan resistance | Patriotic hymns | peace | Pedagogical songs | pedagogy | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania | performing mitsvot | personal prayer | pestilence | פסוקי דזמרה pesuqei dezimrah | petiḥah | Openers | Philadeelphia | Philadelphia | Philippine–American War | physical labor | Physical translation | 3.14159... | π day | פינחס Pinḥas | פיקוח נפש piqoaḥ nefesh | Pisces | the pitom of the etrog | פיוטים piyyutim | פזמונים pizmonim | planting trees | plumbing as metaphor | pluralism | Pogroms in Ukraine 1918-1924 | פוקח עברים Pokeaḥ Ivrim | Polish translation | Pope Benedict XIV | Portuguese Jewry | Portuguese translation | post-Holocaust liturgical adaptations | Post-prayer supplements | post-Temple animal slaughter | Post–World War II economic expansion | Poszony | Prague | שבח praise | Prayers adapted from teachings | Prayers after an attempted assassination | prayers after peace treaties | Prayers as poems | תפילות קודם התפילה Prayers before Praying | Prayers before Torah Study | prayers concerning children | prayers following pogroms | prayers for astronauts | Prayers on behalf of children | prayers for educators | prayers for entertainers | prayers for fund-raising | Prayers for leaders | prayers for mothers | prayers for municipalities | prayers on behalf of parents | Prayers for Planting | Prayers for Praying | Prayers for Precipitation | prayers for pregnant women | prayers for siblings | Prayers for the New Year | prayers for the road | prayers for the way | Prayers in the Babylonian Talmud | Prayers of Cylons | Prayers of Freemasons | Prayers of Guest Chaplains | prayers of health care workers | Prayers of Jewish Educators | Prayers of Jewish Farmers | Prayers of journalists | Prayers of Kobol | prayers of military chaplains | prayers of orphans | Prayers of Primary Caregivers | Prayers of Pumbedita | prayers of single parents | Prayers of the Ḥazzan | prayers on ships | pre-expulsion | pre-rabbinic judaism | predation | predatory gaze | pregnancy | Presidents Day | Pressburg | Priestly Blessing | Private Amidah | Private Prayer | Problematic prayers | professional intention | Prohibition in the United States | prophetic dreams | prophetic revelation | prophylactic | protection | Psalm of the Day | תהלים Psalms | Psalms 1 | Psalms 10 | Psalms 104 | Psalms 107 | Psalms 11 | Psalms 112 | Psalms 12 | Psalms 126 | Psalms 13 | Psalms 133 | Psalms 139 | Psalms 14 | Psalms 145 | Psalms 15 | Psalms 150 | Psalms 16 | Psalms 17 | Psalms 18 | psalms 19 | Psalms 2 | Psalms 20 | Psalms 21 | Psalms 22 | Psalms 23 | Psalms 3 | Psalms 36 | Psalms 4 | Psalms 5 | Psalms 51 | Psalms 53 | Psalms 6 | Psalms 65 | Psalms 7 | Psalms 8 | psalms 89 | Psalms 9 | Psalms 94 | Psalms in the Tiqqun haKlali of Rebbe Naḥman | Psychopomp | Public Amidah | public speaking | punning | Purim | purimspiel | Ḳ.Ḳ. Miḳveh Israel (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) | קדשים Qedoshim | קדושה Qedushah | קקל Ḳeren Ḳayemet l'Yisrael (ḲḲL) | ḳever mesten | קפיצת הדרך ḳfitsat haderekh | קינות Ḳinōt | קרח Qoraḥ | קריעת ים סוף qriyat yam suf | Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ | Queen Esther | Queen Victoria | Queens | Raḥel | rabbis manual | Rain | Rainbow Day | rainfall | Ralph Waldo Emerson | Ramsgate | rap | reconnaissance | reconstructed text | Reconstruction Amendments | Nusḥaot l'Yahadut Mitkhadeshet | Reconstructionist Jewry | redaction criticism | געולה ge'ulah (redemption) | redemptive almsgiving | redemptive translation | Reform Jewry | Reichstag Fire Decree | religious hypocrisy | religious school | Religious Zionism | religious Zionist prayers | Renewal | repatriation | repentance | Republican National Convention 1896 | Republican National Conventions | רשות reshut | resistance | resurrection | retirement | REUVEN | revisionist translation | Revolutionary War | Revolutions of 1848 | Revolutions of 1989 | rhyming translation | righteous gentiles | ritual power | ritual purity | Robert F. Kennedy | role models | Romanian Jewry | Romanian translation | Romanian vernacular prayer | romanticism | rosh ḥodesh | rosh hashanah l'behemah | Russian Empire | S.S. Kresge | Sabbath Queen | safe passage | salvation | Nusaḥ haSamerim | Samaritan | sanctuary | סנדלפון Sandalfon | Without a Minyan | sap | saraf | Sardonic poetry | satire | Saturday | סטרנורא Saturnalia | school | school of the ARI z"l | Scorpio | Second French Empire | Second Intifada | Second Polish Republic | Second Reich | seeing wonders | ספר הפליאה Sefer haPeliah | ספר הקנה Sefer haQanah | ספר יצירה Sefer Yetsirah | Seleucid Greek Occupation | self-care | self-discipline | self-reflection | self-sacrifice | סליחות səliḥot | U.S. Senate | Separation | Sepharadi | Sepharadi Diaspora | Sephardic Diaspora | שבע מצות בני נח Seven Noaḥide Commandments | sexual conduct | sexual predation | sexual violence | שבת shabbat | שבת ערבית shabbat arvit | שבת חזון Shabbat Ḥazon | שבת מבורכים shabbat mevorkhim | שבת נחמו Shabbat Naḥamu | פרשת בהר parashat Behar | פרשת בראשית parashat Bereshit | פרשת בהעלתך b'Ha'alotekha | פרשת בא Parashat Bo | פרשת בשלח parashat B'shalaḥ | פרשת האזינו parashat Haazinu | פרשת חיי שרה parashat Ḥayyei Sarah | פרשת כי תשא parashat Ki Tisa | פרשת לך לך parashat Lekh Lekha | פרשת מקץ parashat Miqets | פרשת משפטים parashat Mishpatim | פרשת נשא parashat Naso | פרשת נח Parashat Noaḥ | פרשת פיקודי parashat Piqudei | פרשת שמות parashat Shemot | פרשת שלח parashat Shlaḥ | פרשת תזריע parashat Tazria | פרשת תרומה parashat Terumah | פרשת תולדת parashat Toldot | פרשת צו parashat Tsav | פרשת תצוה parashat Ttsavveh | פרשת וארא parashat Va'era | פרשת ויקהל parashat Vayaqhel | פרשת ויחי parashat Vayeḥi | פרשת וירא parashat Vayera | פרשת וישב parashat Vayeshev | פרשת ויצא parashat Vayetsei | פרשת ויגש parashat Vayigash | פרשת וזאת הברכה parashat vZot haBrakhah | פרשת יתרו Parashat Yitro | shabbat preparation | שבת תשובה Shabbat Teshuvah | Shadow of the Earth | שחר אבקשך Shaḥar Avaqeshkha | שלום עליכם shalom aleikhem | shamanic praxis | Shami | Shamir שמיר | sheḥitah | שפע shefa | shehakol | שהחינו shehiyanu | Sheidim | shekhina | שכינה Shekhinah | shelo asani ishah | שמע shemaŋ | שמיני Sh'mini | Shevet Issachar | Shevet Yehudah | שדים sheydim | שפוך חמתך shfokh ḥamatekha | שיר Shir | שיר הכבוד shir hakavod | שיר היחוד Shir haYiḥud | שיר של יום Shir Shel Yom | שירת הים Shirat haYam | שויתי shiviti | שלימות shlemut (completion) | shlepping | שמירת הגוף shmirat haguf | שמיטה shmitah | shoḥtim | שופר shofar | Shomrim | Shushan | Siddur Kol Haneshama | Siddurim for Shabbat | Siege of Paris (1870–1871) | Simḥat Torah | Sinking of the RMS Lusitania | Six Day War | Sixth Day of Creation | slavery | sleep | social anxiety | social gospel | social justice | solidarity | solstice | Song of the Sea | songbooks | soporifics | sourcesheet | South America | South Carolina | Soviet Jewry | Soviet Union (USSR/CCCP) | space science | space travel | Spanish–American War | Spanish-Portuguese | Spanish Translation | speech acts | spiritual hunger and thirst | Spring | SS Dorchester | standing meditation | standing posture | stars | State of Georgia | State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations | statements of belief | statues of liberty | still small voice | Stoicism | stress | STS-26 | Suez Crisis | suicidal ideation | suicide | suicide prevention | Sukkot Shabbat Hol haMoed | Sunday | Sunrise | sunset | supplementary hypothesis | Suriname | Sussex Jewry | Swedenborgian | symplegades | synagogue consecration | Synagogues | Syria | taking dough | talmud torah | טעמים t'amim | Tannaitic | תרגום targum | תשלומים tashlumim | Taurus | teḥinot in English | teḥinot in French | teḥinot in Magyar | Teacher | technological hubris | תפילה tefilah | תפילת הדרך tefilat haderekh | תחזקנה Teḥezaqnah | תהלה tehillah | תחינות teḥinot | Teḥinot in German | Temple Israel (Boston) | Tennessee General Assembly | תשובה teshuvah | testament to divine reality | טבע Teva | Teva Learning Alliance | thankfulness | thanksgiving | thanksgivukkah | the Camp | the Chariot | the first month | the Furnace | the higher the fewer | the Holocaust | THE HUNTER | the invisible hand | the menorah | המשכן the Mishkan | המזבח the Mizbe'aḥ | the moon | the Netherlands | the Occupation | the Pit | the Plains of Moav | the Prince of Torah | הקהל the ḳahal | the Rainbow | the River Sambatyon | the second month | השואה the Shoah | the sixth month | the sun | התורה the Torah | The Worm | theophany | Third Day of Creation | Third Reich | שלשה עשר עקרים shlolshah asar iqarim (13 principles) | thirty-eight years later | Three-phase Israel–Hamas war ceasefire agreement | Three Weeks of Mourning | Thursday | תקונים tiqqunim | tithing | תחינות tkhines | to love the divine | Tobit | תוכחות tokheḥot | tolerance and intolerance | tolerance of difference | tombstones | Torah as intercessor | Torah scrolls as advocates | Transcendentalism | transgender prayer | transmigration of souls | travel by water | traveler | Trees | Trenton Six | Tribe of Dan | tribes | טראָפּ trōp | tropified texts | צער באלי חיים tsa'ar baalei ḥayyim | צמאה נפשי Tsamah Nafshi | Tsar Alexander II | Tsar Nicholas II | tsaraat | צדקה tsedaqah | צדק צדק תרדוף tsedeq tsedeq tirdof | צור משלו Tsur Mishelo | Tuesday | Twins | UJA-Jewish Federation | Ukrainian translation | Ulysses Grant | unicorn | United Kingdom | United States | United States bicentennial | United States centennial | United States Declaration of Independence | United States entry into World War Ⅰ | United States General Election 1984 | United States General Election 1988 | United States General Election 1992 | United States General Election 1996 | United States General Election 2000 | United States General Election 2004 | United States General Election 2008 | United States General Election 2012 | United States home front during World War Ⅰ | United States in the Korean War | Universal Peace | universalist | universalist prayers | Uriel | USS Akron | ובמקהלות uvMaqhalot | חיסון vaccination | ואתחנן va'Etḥanan | Vatican City | ויקרא Vayiqra | וישלח Vayishlaḥ | Versailles Peace Treaty | vexillology | via negativa | וידוי vidui | וידוים viduyim | vilde ḥayye | Vilna | vows | Wakefulness | waking | Walking with the Divine | Wallachia | War of 1812 | War of Attrition | wards against excessive pride | Washington Naval Conference | water | we are the music makers | weaning | wedding blessings | Wednesday | weekdays | welcome the stranger | West Central Girls' Club | Western Sepharadim | Wheel | where the wild things are | whimsy | מי או מה who or what | who we are | William Frederick Havemeyer | William Howard Taft | William McKinley | William Rothenstein | winter | Winter Solstice | Wisconsin Senate | wisdom | עדות witnessing | women | Women's History Month | Woodrow Wilson | work | work as worship | world government | World War Ⅰ | World War Ⅱ | worship as work | Wreath | wrestling | writing | xenophobia | יה אכסוף Yah Ekhsof | יה רבון Yah Ribon | יאָרצײַט‎ yahrẓeit | ימים נוראים yamim noraim | ידיד נפש Yedid Nefesh | Yehi Kavod | Yellow Fever Epidemic 1795-1803 | ימי השובבים Yemei haShovavim | Yemenite Aliyah | Yemenite Jewry | יצר הרע yetser hara | Yiddish songs | Yiddish translation | Yiddish vernacular prayer | Yiddishland | יגדל yigdal | ישתבח Yishtabaḥ | ישראל Yisrael | יצחק Yitsḥaq | יזכור yizkor | Y'mei Bein haMitsrim | Yom Ha'Avodah | Yom Kippur | Yom Vayosha | יום זה לישראל Yom Zeh l'Yisrael | Yosef cycle | יוצר אור yotser ohr | יובל Yovel Jubilee | זמירות zemirot | Zevulun | Zilpah | Zionist Arbor Day Prayers | Zionist Prayers | זמן תשובה Zman teshuvah | 8th century B.C.E. | 7th century B.C.E. | 6th century B.C.E. | 4th century B.C.E. | 2nd century B.C.E. | 1st century C.E. | 2nd century C.E. | 3rd century C.E. | 4th century C.E. | 5th century C.E. | 7th century C.E. | 10th century C.E. | 11th century C.E. | 12th century C.E. | 13th century C.E. | 14th century C.E. | 15th century C.E. | 16th century C.E. | 17th century C.E. | 18th century C.E. | 19th century C.E. | 20th century C.E. | 21st century C.E. | 31st century A.M. | 33rd century A.M. | 34th century A.M. | 35th century A.M. | 36th century A.M. | 37th century A.M. | 38th century A.M. | 39th century A.M. | 40th century A.M. | 41st century A.M. | 42nd century A.M. | 43rd century A.M. | 44th century A.M. | 47th century A.M. | 49th century A.M. | 50th century A.M. | 51st century A.M. | 52nd century A.M. | 53rd century A.M. | 54th century A.M. | 55th century A.M. | 56th century A.M. | 57th century A.M. | 58th century A.M.

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Chertoff | Abraham Chill | Julia Matilda Waley Cohen | Ayelet Cohen | Alfred Cohen | Edward Paul Cohn | Angie Irma Cohon | Members of the Faculty of Colgate-Rochester Divinity School | Richard Collis (translation) | comYakowenko (translation) | Consistoire central israélite de France | Mosheh ben Yaaqov Cordovero | Norman Corwin | Abraham Cronbach | Dom Pedro Ⅱ | Moshe Shmi'el Dascola | Meyer I. David | Arthur Davis | Abraham (Vita) de Cologna | Caroline de Litchfield Harby | Abraham de Sola | David de Aaron de Sola (translation) | David de Aaron de Sola | Frederick de Sola Mendes | David de Sola Pool | Miriam del Banco | Perle Derbaremdiger (Peretz) | Chana Deutsch (Magyar translation) | Efrayim Dror (translation) | Laura Duhan-Kaplan | Will Durant | Elḥanan Durlacher | Aaron Dym | Julius Eckman | Yechiel Eckstein | Noah Efron (translation) | David Einhorn | Albert Einstein | Judah David Eisenstein (translation) | Tamar Elad-Appelbaum | Elat Chayyim Center for Jewish Spirituality | Ematai | Jonas Ennery | Moïse Ensheim | Louis M. Epstein | Seymour L. Essrog | Shawn Eyer | Isaac Abraham Eüchel (Hebrew translation) | Moshe Faskowitz | Hyman B. 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Rosenberg | Seymour Rosenbloom | April Rosenblum | Morris Rosenfeld | Leopold Rosenstraus | Franz Rosenzweig (translation) | Simchah Roth | Aharon Roth | Hester Rothschild (translation) | Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle | Chaim Rozwaski | Charles M. Rubel | Jonathan Sacks | Rosa Emma Salaman | Nina Davis Salaman (translation) | Samuel Sale | Norman Salit | Gotthold Salomon | David Saltzman | Jessie Ethel Sampter | Akiva Sanders (translation) | Honi Sanders (translation) | Edward T. Sandrow | David Saperstein | Henry Sapoznik (translation/Yiddish) | Sarasohn & Son, Publishers (translation/Yiddish) | Jonathan Sarna (translation) | Zalman Schachter-Shalomi | Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (translation) | Solomon Schechter | Ronald Schechter (translation) | Friedrich Schiller | Solomon Schleifer | Fanny Schmiedl-Neuda | Arthur Schneier | Israel Schorr | Mojżesz Schorr | Samuel Schulman | Samuel Scolnic | Mel Scult | Kenneth Ian Segel | Rabbi Sam Seicol | David Seidenberg (translation) | David Seidenberg | Joshua Seigel | Gershom Mendes Seixas | Septuagint (translation/Greek) | the Shalom Center | Kalonymus Kalman Shapira | Max A. Shapiro | Solomon B. Shapiro | Morris M. Shapiro | Shalom Ḥayyim Sharabi | Morris Shmidman | Morris Silverman | Joseph Silverman | Abram Simon | Howard A. Simon | Simeon Singer (translation) | Isaac Bashevis Singer | Joseph David Sinẓheim | Robert Slosberg | Israel Wolf Slotki | Harold P. 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Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) | Aharon N. Varady | Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. | Henry Wadsworth-Longfellow | Stanley M. Wagner | Jacob Waley | Max B. Wall | Arthur Waskow | Julia Watts Belser (translation) | Hershel Waxman | Dudley Weinberg | Stuart Weinblatt | Martin Weiner | Susan Weingarten (translation) | Miriam Wertheimer (translation) | Walt Whitman | John Greenleaf Whittier | Leo Wiener (translation) | Wikisource Contributors (transcription) | John Paul Williams | Isaac Mayer Wise | Saul Israel Wisemon | Jeffrey Wohlberg | Immanuel Wohlwill | David J. Wolpe | William Wotton (translation) | Tzemaḥ Yoreh | Israel Zangwill (translation) | Hillel Zeitlin | Jospeh Ziegler (translation) | Yitzchok Zilberstein | Shoshana Michael Zucker (translation) | Simon Zuker | Estampado por Ǧ. Griffit (translation) | Ḳahal Ḳadosh Beth Elohim (Charleston, South Carolina) | Ḳaraite Jews of America | Jason of Cyrene

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[Prayer] on the Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as President of the United States, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (4 March 1933)

Contributed on: 21 Jun 2023 by Norman Michael Goldburg | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“On the Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as President of the United States” by Rabbi Norman Michael Goldburg, was offered before the California state legislature on 4 March 1933, and published in California Legislature 50th Session 1933: Prayers Offered at the Daily Sessions of the Assembly, p. 37. . . .

[Prayer] on the Eve of Inauguration, by Rabbi Norman M. Goldburg (3 March 1933)

Contributed on: 21 Jun 2023 by Norman Michael Goldburg | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“On the Eve of Inauguration” by Rabbi Norman Michael Goldburg, was offered before the California state legislature on 3 March 1933, and published in California Legislature 50th Session 1933: Prayers Offered at the Daily Sessions of the Assembly, p. 36. . . .

Prayer on the Centennial of the Inauguration of George Washington, by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef (1889)

Contributed on: 25 Dec 2017 by Yaakov Yosef | Judah David Eisenstein (translation) | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The proclamation and prayer of chief rabbi Yaakov Yosef, on the centennial of President George Washington’s Inauguration . . .

Prayer for the Government in honor of George Washington, First President of the United States of America by Ḳ.Ḳ. Beit Shalome (1789)

Contributed on: 19 Feb 2012 by Abe Katz (translation) | Ḳ.Ḳ. Beit Shalome | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

The following prayer for the government was composed by Congregation Beth Shalome in Richmond, Virginia in 1789. Please note the acrostic portion of the prayer in which the initial letters of the succeeding lines form the name: Washington. . . .