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Angie Irma Cohon

Angie Irma Cohon (née Reinhart, 1890-1991) was a Jewish author, poet, translator, and educator. Born to parents J.F. and Amelia (Marks) Reinhart in 1890, Cohon lived in Portland, Oregon until moving to Ohio at 19 to attend Hebrew Union College. She transferred to the University of Cincinnati, earning a bachelors degree in 1912. On June 12 of the same year she graduated, Cohon married Rabbi Samuel S. Cohon. In Chicago, they ran Temple Mizpah, with A. Irma Cohon organizing the sisterhood (Women of Mizpah) and the synagogue's religious school. A prayer pamphlet she prepared, A Brief Jewish Ritual, was published by Women of Mizpah in 1921. Cohon is best known for her contributions to the field of Jewish music in the English language. The National Council on Jewish Women published Introduction to Jewish Music in Eight Illustrated Lectures, with a second edition coming out in 1923. This work became a basis for the Council's study of music for nearly 30 years. She collaborated with Abraham Zevi Idelsohn on Harvest Festivals, A Children’s Succoth Celebration (1925).


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לְכָה דוֹדִי | Princess Sabbath, three stanzas of l’Khah Dodi by Shlomo al-Qabets (English adaptation by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2022 by Angie Irma Cohon | Shlomo haLevi Al-Qabets | Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) |

These three stanzas of the piyyut l’Khah Dodi by Shlomo haLevi al-Qabets were adapted into English by Angie Irma Cohon and published in her תפלת ישראל (Tefilat Yisrael) A Brief Jewish Ritual (Women of Miẓpah 1921), p.16. . . .

The Pilgrim March, a hymn for Sukkot by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2022 by Angie Irma Cohon | Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) |

“The Pilgrim March” by Angie Irma Cohon is a hymn for Sukkot published in her תפלת ישראל (Tefilat Yisrael) A Brief Jewish Ritual (Women of Miẓpah 1921), p. 22. . . .

Hymn for Shaḇuoth (Father, See Thy Children) — from a Confirmation hymn by Felix Adler (1868) adapted by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2022 by Angie Irma Cohon | Felix Adler | Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) |

“Hymn for Shaḇuoth (Father, See Thy Children)” is based on “Confirmation (Father, see thy suppliant children)” an original hymn by Felix Adler published in Hymns, for Divine Service in the Temple Emanu-El (1871), hymn 34, p. 68. The last four lines of the hymn have been amended and replaced with “Till our lives shall bud and blossom…” by Angie Irma Cohon, for use on Shavuot. This version was published in her תפלת ישראל (Tefilat Yisrael) A Brief Jewish Ritual (Women of Miẓpah 1921), p. 19. . . .

Day of God, Leopold Stein’s “O Tag des Herrn!” (1840) adapted from Frederick Lucian Hosmer’s translation (1904) as a hymn for Yom Kippur by Angie Irma Cohon (1921)

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2022 by Angie Irma Cohon | Frederick Lucian Hosmer | Leopold Stein | Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) |

Angie Irma Cohon’s “Day of God” is a hymn for Yom Kippur, an abbreviated adaptation of “O Tag des Herrn!,” a paraliturgical Kol Nidrei by Leopold Stein, translated from German to English by Frederick Lucian Hosmer. Cohon’s abridged rendering is published in תפלת ישראל (Tefilat Yisrael) A Brief Jewish Ritual (Women of Miẓpah 1921), p. 20. . . .

📖 תפלת ישראל | Tefilat Yisrael: A Brief Jewish Ritual (Women of Miẓpah 1921)

Contributed on: 24 Jun 2022 by Angie Irma Cohon | Women of Miẓpah | Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) |

A small work of Jewish prayer intended for Jewish women published by the sisterhood of Temple Miẓpah in Chicago. . . .

שַׁבָּת הַמַּלְכָּה | The Shabbat Queen, by Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik (1903)

Contributed on: 03 Feb 2017 by Israel Meir Lask (translation) | Angie Irma Cohon | Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik | Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) |

This translation of Ḥayyim Naḥman Bialik’s “Shabbat ha-Malkah” by Israel Meir Lask can be found on pages 280-281 in the Sabbath Prayer Book (Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, 1945) where it appears as “Greeting to Queen Sabbath.” The poem is based on the shabbat song, “Shalom Alekhem” and first published in the poetry collection, Hazamir, in 1903. I have made a faithful transcription of the Hebrew and its English translation as it appears in the Sabbath Prayer Book. The first stanza of Lask’s translation was adapted from an earlier translation made by Angie Irma Cohon and published in 1920 in Song and Praise for Sabbath Eve (1920), p. 87. (Cohon’s translation of Bialik’s second stanza of “Shabbat ha-Malkah” does not appear to have been adapted by Lask.) . . .