David Stromberg is a writer, translator, and literary scholar based in Jerusalem. His nonfiction has appeared in The American Scholar, Literary Matters, and Speculative Nonfiction, and his fiction in The Woven Tale Press, Atticus Review, and the UK's Ambit. His most recent book is A Short Inquiry into the End of the World (2021) and Old Truths and New Clichés: Essays by Isaac Bashevis Singer from Princeton University Press (2022).
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Contributed by David Stromberg (translation) | Isaac Bashevis Singer | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | ❧
This untitled prayer written by Isaac Bashevis Singer on the back of a receipt (dated 1 March 1952) was discovered by David Stromberg in 2014 in the archives at the Harry Ransom Center in Austin, Texas, and published online by Tablet (1, 2) with permission of the Susan Schulman Literary Agency. . . .