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Devorah Brous

Devorah Brous (@Dev.Brous, she|her) is an urban homesteader and herbalist, ritual facilitator, and earth/soul-care consultant, "root down to rise up." She holds two Masters degrees in conflict resolution and development studies. A community organizer with systems-impacted and underinvested communities for 25 years (indigenous, houseless, and formerly incarcerated people), she is the former founding Executive Director of two mission-driven environmental nonprofits, BUSTAN, and Netiya. Her practice, FromSoil2Soul, is dedicated to tending people in time-tested earth-based traditions as well as emergent wellness exercises. Rooted in mystical Judaism and earth-based Torah, her nature-based healing practice is also grounded in soil science and the wise-woman tradition of folk herbalism woven together with poetry and prayer.


A Blessing for the Bees, a New Year’s prayer for 5785 by Devorah Brous (FromSoil2Soul)

Contributed on: 19 Sep 2024 by Devorah Brous |

This prayer by Devorah Brous (fromsoil2soul), “A blessing for the bees (5785),” was first shared by the author on Shoreshshuk. . . .