Rabbi Dr. Edward Benjamin Morris Browne (1845-1929) was born in Hungary and received his early Hebrew and rabbinical training in Europe. He emigrated to the United States in the 1860s. He obtained a medical degree from the University of Cincinnati and taught at the Medical College of Evansville. He also held several rabbinical posts in the Midwest and South - Milwaukee, Evansville, Peoria, Montgomery (Alabama) and Atlanta. During this time, he was associated with Rabbi Isaac M. Wise until they had a disagreement and subsequent falling out in 1878. During the 1870s, Browne began to build a national reputation as an orator and lectured widely on Jewish topics, mainly to non-Jewish audiences. He began his involvement with Republican Party politics, both nationally and in New York, where he moved in the 1880s. In 1885, he was a pallbearer at the funeral of President Grant. In New York City, Browne was rabbi of Congregation Gates of Hope where in addition to his speaking engagements, he was also active in legal and civic work. Starting in the 1890s, Browne moved several times, living mainly in the Midwest and South. He served congregations in Toledo (Ohio), Chicago and Columbus (Georgia). In addition to his medical and rabbinical degrees, Browne also held a law degree from the University of Wisconsin. He became known as "Alphabet" Browne because of the preponderance of letters after his name. Browne led a controversial and visible public life and was involved in numerous activities including the unsuccessful attempt to establish a Jewish chaplaincy at the turn of the century.
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Contributed on: 14 Jan 2024 by Edward Benjamin Morris Browne | the Congressional Record of the United States of America | ❧
The Opening Prayer given in the U.S. House of Representatives on 13 December 1917. . . .
Contributed on: 11 Mar 2024 by Edward Benjamin Morris Browne | Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) | ❧
A prayerbook prepared by Rabbi Edward B.M. Browne according to the Reform movement custom of Temple Gates of Hope (now Prospect Park Synagogue) in 1885. . . .
Contributed on: 14 Jun 2024 by Edward Benjamin Morris Browne | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | ❧
A civic prayer for opening the Wisconsin State Senate session by Rabbi Edward B.M. Browne in 1871 (repurposed for the US Senate 27 May 1884) . . .