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Mosheh Ḥayyim ben Avraham Abba Bloch

Mosheh Ḥayyim ben Avraham Abba Bloch (1881-1973) was a rabbi and scholar affiliated with the Neturei Karta movement. Unfortunately, he is also remembered as a historical fabulist and forger of documents.


שְׁפוֹךְ אֲהָבָתֵךְ | Shfokh Ahavatekh (Pour Out Your Love), by Rabbi Ḥayyim Bloch (1948)

Contributed on: 29 Mar 2023 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | Mosheh Ḥayyim ben Avraham Abba Bloch |

A paraliturgical adaptation of the prayer/curse, “Shfokh Ḥamatekha,” this prayer, likely written during, or just after the Holocaust, recognizes those nations and righteous gentiles who fought and risked their lives to aid and rescue European Jewry. . . .