Henry Abraham Henry
Rabbi Henry Abraham Henry (1800-1879), born in London, was a traditional rabbi and Hebraist in the United Kingdom and United States. He was educated at the Jews' Free School, London, of which he was afterward principal until 1842. In this capacity he was the acknowledged bulwark of the London Jewry, especially in resisting the endeavors of the Society for the Conversion of the Jews. He was one of the founders of the Jews' Hospital and Orphan Asylum. In 1836 Henry compiled a volume of the daily prayers according to the German and Polish rites, and in 1840 published a Biblical Class Book for Jewish Youth and a Synopsis of Jewish History. While principal of the Free School, he officiated frequently in London synagogues, and in 1844 became rabbi to the Western Synagogue (St Albans Place) where he remained until 1849. He delivered his sermons in English a regular practice—a novel feature in those days. In 1849 he emigrated to the United States under engagement to the congregation at Louisville, Kentucky. He was, however, unavoidably delayed at Cincinnati, and accepted a position tendered to him there at the B'nai Jeshurun Synagogue. In 1851 Rabbi Henry came to Syracuse, New York where he served three years as rabbi. From Syracuse he removed to New York City, where he resided till 1857. That year he became the second rabbi of Sherith Israel. While in New York he also served the Henry Street congregation and superintended its religious school. He officiated later in the Clinton Street Synagogue. After some time he established a boarding-school for Jewish youth, which he maintained until his departure for California. He arrived there in 1857 and accepted the call of the Congregation Shearith Israel in San Francisco, which he served as rabbi till 1871. For a time during his residence in California he edited The Pacific Messenger.
Prayer for the Government, by Rabbi H.A. Henry (Ḳ.Ḳ. B’nai Jeshurun, Cincinnati, Ohio 1850)
Contributed by Henry Abraham Henry | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | ❧
An original prayer for the government of the United States, Ohio, and the city of Cincinnati by Rabbi H.A. Henry was published in an article, “Emendation of the Liturgy” in The Asmonean (21 June 1850), p. 6. . . .