Reverend Isaac Touro (1738–1783), born in Amsterdam, was an unordained rabbinic authority and community leader in colonial America. In 1758 he left the Netherlands for Jamaica. In 1760, he arrived in Newport, Rhode Island, to serve as ḥazzan and spiritual leader of Jeshuath Israel, a Portuguese Sephardic congregation. Soon after his arrival, the congregation built the Touro Synagogue (the oldest synagogue in the United States). When the American Revolution broke out, Touro was a Loyalist, and when the British captured Newport in 1776, he remained in the city with his wife Reyna and their children, while many of his Whig congregants fled. In 1779, he moved with the British to New York, but he had no means of supporting himself there, and was dependent on British charity, so in 1782 he moved to Kingston, Jamaica, where he died in 1783.
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Contributed by Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Isaac Touro | ❧
“A PRAYER composed and delivered by the Reverend Isaac Touro, in the Jewish Synagogue, in Newport, Rhode Island, on Thursday the 28th Day of November, 1765, being the Day appointed, by his Honour the Governor’s Proclamation, for a general Thanksgiving in this Colony. Translated from the Hebrew.” . . .