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Ivan G. Marcus (translation)

Dr. Ivan G. Marcus is the Frederick P. Rose Professor of Jewish History at Yale University.


מרת דולצא: אשת־חיל | Dulcea: A Woman of Valor, an elegy by Eleazar of Worms (ca. 1196)

Contributed on: 23 Jul 2022 by Aharon N. Varady (editing/transcription) | Ivan G. Marcus (translation) | Eleazar ben Yehudah ben Ḳalonymus of Worms |

This an an untitled piyyut by Eleazer of Worms, eulogizing his beloved wife Dulcea (Heb: דולצא, also, Dulcia and Dolce). The Hebrew text is derived from the transcription offered by Israel Kamelhar inRabbenu Eleazar mi-Germaiza, ha-Roqeah (Rzeazow, 1930), pp. 17-19. The translation and annotation come from Dr. Ivan G. Marcus from his article, “Mothers, Martyrs, and Moneymakers: Some Jewish Women in Medieval Europe” in Conservative Judaism, vol. 38(3), Spring 1986. . . .