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Joel Goldstein (translation)

Joel Goldstein is a Jewish educator at Chicagoland Jewish High School where he teaches classes on Jewish law, Talmud, Jewish texts, Halakha and Musar practices, as well as Hebrew. He studied at the Conservative Yeshiva Kollel and at Yeshivat Hadar. There, he served as Gabbai for coordinating leyning and davening. He received a BA in Physics from the University of California - Berkeley and an MA is Physics from the University of Washington. He has worked as a test and integration engineer and a systems and software engineer.

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אֱלִי צִיּוֹן וְעָרֶיהָ | Eli Tsiyon v’Areha (Mourn Zion and her cities), a ḳinah for Tishah b’Av

Contributed by Joel Goldstein (translation) | Unknown Author(s) |

One of the most well-known of the kinot (liturgical poems for mourning), Eli Tsiyon v’Areha is an alphabetical acrostic describing the destruction of Jerusalem. It is recited towards the conclusion of ḳinot, due to the hopeful note in the comparison of Zion to a woman about to give birth, thought by many to be a messianic reference. The author of the work is unknown. . . .