Joshua Calvo’s research and teaching interests include Arabic and Hebrew language and literature, modern and classical; Sephardic and Arab Jewish history and culture; Ladino and Judeo-Arabic; the experimental novel; literary translation; and creative writing. In 2019–20 he held a fellowship position at the Center for Arabic Study Abroad, American University of Cairo. He is the author of “The Ruins,” in Youssef Rakha’s sultanseal.com, a repository of essays, fiction, poetry, translations, reviews, and photography (2019, with additional essays forthcoming). Publications also include translations of Seliman Menahem Mani’s “The Valley of Demons” (1884) in Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 7, 1880-1918, forthcoming; four prose poems by Mahmoud Darwish for A Blade of Grass: New Palestinian Poetry (Smokestack Books, 2017). In addition to Hebrew and Arabic (near fluent), his languages include French, Spanish, Ladino, Ugaritic, Finnish (reading), and elementary Japanese, Quechua, and Hungarian.
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Contributed by Josh Calvo | ❧
This is a transcription and translation of the song הַאגְּדָה עוֹוָאִידְנָא (Agda Ŋowaidna) as presented on Twitter, 6 December 2021 by Josh Calvo (@joshuac220), writing “In Meknes, Morocco, on the day after Ḥanukkah (which is today, alas) the Jewish community would come together to a light a bonfire from the leftover wax and oil of the holiday, singing this song (in Arabic) while watching the blaze.” . . .