Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev (1740–1809), also known as the holy Berdichever, and the Kedushas Levi, was a Hasidic master and Jewish leader. He was the rabbi of Ryczywół, Żelechów, Pinsk and Berdychiv, for which he is best known. He was one of the main disciples of the Maggid of Mezritch, and of his disciple Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg, whom he succeeded as rabbi of Ryczywół. Levi Yitzchok was known as the "defense attorney" for the Jewish people ("Sneiguron Shel Yisroel"), because he would intercede on their behalf before God. Known for his compassion for every Jew, he was one of the most beloved leaders of Eastern European Jewry. He is considered by some to be the founder of Hasidism in central Poland. And known for his fiery service of God.
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Contributed by Unknown Translator(s) | Levi Yitsḥaq Derbarmdiger Rosakov of Berditchev | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | ❧
The ḳaddish prayer of Rebbi Levi Yitsḥaq of Berditchev in Yiddish with Hebrew, and English translations. . . .
Contributed by Levi Yitsḥaq Derbarmdiger Rosakov of Berditchev | Aharon N. Varady (translation) | ❧
A profound song invoking divine presence. . . .