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Lilian Helen Montagu

The Hon. Lilian Helen "Lily" Montagu, CBE (22 December 1873 – 22 January 1963) was the first woman to play a major role in Progressive Judaism. Until the age of 15, she was educated at Doreck College, and privately educated thereafter. In 1893 she founded with Emily Marion Harris the West Central Jewish Girls Club (which subsequently merged into the Jewish Girls' Brigade). She was active in social improvement, particularly in respect to unemployment, sweat shops and bad housing. In 1901 and 1902, Montagu laid the groundwork for the establishment of the Jewish Religious Union in London. In February 1902 she arranged the first meeting of the Jewish Religious Union for the Advancement of Liberal Judaism at her sister Henrietta Franklin's house. The Union set up the first synagogue in Liberal Judaism in the UK and helped found the World Union for Progressive Judaism. Montagu was a founding member with her sister of the Jewish League for Woman Suffrage. She sat on the executive committee and led the meetings in prayer. Following the retirement of Leo Baeck, Montagu served for a brief stint (1955–1959) in her 80s as president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, before handing the reins over to Solomon Freehof.

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Prayer for Peace Celebration, by Lilian Helen Montagu

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This undated “Prayer for Peace Celebration” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), p. 356. . . .

Prayer for the New Year, by Lilian Helen Montagu

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This undated “Prayer for the New Year” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 350. . . .

Prayer for the World Union of Progressive Judaism Conference, by Lilian Helen Montagu

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This undated prayer offered at one of the World Union of Progressive Judaism Conferences by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), p. 355. . . .

A Prayer for the United Nations, by Lilian Helen Montagu

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This undated “Prayer for the United Nations” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 357-358. . . .

Atonement Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This undated “Atonement Prayer” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), p. 352. . . .

Prayer for a Synagogue Consecration, by Lilian Helen Montagu

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This “Synagogue Consecration Prayer ” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) was included by Rabbi Morrison David Bial in his anthology, An Offering of Prayer (1962), p. 50. Although the context is not provided by Rabbi Bial, we would like to imagine that the consecration was for the establishment of the West Central Liberal Jewish Synagogue in 1928 (destroyed by Nazi German bombardment of London in 1941). . . .

Service for the Blessing of a Baby, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1962)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This undated “Service for the Blessing of a Baby” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 339-341. Based on the name of the baby for whom the service was performed, we feel confident in dating this service to June 1962. . . .

Prayer on the Anniversary of Brighton & Hove Liberal Synagogue, by Lilian Helen Montagu (27 May 1956)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This “Brighton 21st Anniversary” prayer (27 May 1956) by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 353-354. Brighton & Hove Liberal (now, Progressive) Synagogue, also known as Adat Shalom Verei’ut (Congregation of Peace and Friendship), is a Liberal synagogue in Hove, Sussex, England. It was established in 1935. . . .

[Children’s] Prayer for Ḥanukkah, by Lilian Helen Montagu (5 December 1942)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This “Prayer for Chanukah” (5 December 1942) by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), p. 352-353. . . .

[Children’s] Prayer for a Youth Service during World War Ⅱ, by Lilian Helen Montagu (11 April 1942)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This “Special Prayer” for a Youth Service (11 April 1942) by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), p. 351. April 11th that year would have corresponded to the 24th of Nissan, i.e., a day following Passover 5702. . . .

[Children’s] Prayer for Shabbat Teshuvah, by Lilian Helen Montagu (27 September 1941)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This “Prayer for Service” on Shabbat Teshuvah (27 September 1941) by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 350-351. . . .

Prayer for a Service of Intercession [for European Jewry during the Holocaust], by Lilian Helen Montagu (ca. 1940)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This undated “Special prayer for Service of Intercession” by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) from the archives of the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London, was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 356-357. From the contents, it reads as if it was composed in response to the terrifying news of the tortuous treatment of European Jews during the Holocaust. In 1940, other “intercession” services were offered with comparative prayers; for example, this one by the chief rabbi J.H. Hertz included in the Prayer Book for H.M. Forces. . . .

On the Good of Prayer, an essay by Lilian Helen Montagu (March 1939)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

An essay on the praxis of prayer as contained in “Club Letter №3” (March 1939) written by the Hon. Lily H. Montagu (1873-1963) and found in the Private Collection of Hannah Feldman, London. The essay was published in, Lily Montagu: Sermons, Addresses, Letters, and Prayers (ed. Ellen M. Umansky, 1985), pp. 51-54. . . .

📖 A Selection of Prayers, Psalms, and Other Scriptural Passages, and Hymns for Use at the Services of the Jewish Religious Union, London (1903)

Contributed by Claude Montefiore | Simeon Singer (translation) | Morris David Joseph | Lilian Helen Montagu | the Jewish Religious Union of London |

A Selection of Prayers, Psalms, and Other Scriptural Passages, and Hymns… (Jewish Religious Union 1903) is the expanded second, revised provisional edition of the nascent Jewish Religious Union of London, the pioneering Liberal (Reform movement) congregation in the United Kingdom. . . .

Prayer on Behalf of the Religious Diversity of Humanity, by the Jewish Religious Union of London (1902)

Contributed by Claude Montefiore | Morris David Joseph | Lilian Helen Montagu | the Jewish Religious Union of London | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This prayer for a pluralism respecting religious and philosophical differences, first appears in A Selection of Prayers, Psalms, and Other Scriptural Passages, and Hymns for Use at the Services of the Jewish Religious Union (1902), where it is №7 on page 6. (In the revised 1903 edition of the prayerbook, it is №20 on page 20.) . . .

Prayer on Behalf of the Whole House of Israel, by the Jewish Religious Union of London (1902)

Contributed by Claude Montefiore | Morris David Joseph | Lilian Helen Montagu | the Jewish Religious Union of London | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This prayer for the wellbeing of the Jewish people first appears in A Selection of Prayers, Psalms, and Other Scriptural Passages, and Hymns for Use at the Services of the Jewish Religious Union (1902), where it is №6 on page 6. (In the revised 1903 edition of the prayerbook, it is №19 on page 19.) . . .

Prayer for Communal Prayer, by the Jewish Religious Union of London (1902)

Contributed by Claude Montefiore | Morris David Joseph | Lilian Helen Montagu | the Jewish Religious Union of London | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This prayer for communal prayer first appears in A Selection of Prayers, Psalms, and Other Scriptural Passages, and Hymns for Use at the Services of the Jewish Religious Union (1902), where it is №5 on page 6. . . .

📖 A Selection of Prayers, Psalms, and Other Scriptural Passages, and Hymns for Use at the Services of the Jewish Religious Union, London (1902)

Contributed by Claude Montefiore | Simeon Singer (translation) | Morris David Joseph | Lilian Helen Montagu | the Jewish Religious Union of London |

A Selection of Prayers, Psalms, and Other Scriptural Passages, and Hymns for Use at the Services of the Jewish Religious Union, London (1902) is the original “provisional” edition of the nascent Jewish Religious Union of London, the pioneering Liberal (Reform movement) congregation in the United Kingdom. . . .

Friday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Friday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 15-16. . . .

Thursday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Thursday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 14-15. . . .

Wednesday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Wednesday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 13-14. . . .

Tuesday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Tuesday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 12-13. . . .

Monday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Monday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11. . . .

Sunday’s Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Sunday’s Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 10-11. . . .

Sabbath prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Sabbath Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 19-20. . . .

Meditation on the Sabbath, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Meditation on the Sabbath” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 18-19. . . .

A Prayer for the Sabbath Eve, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“A Prayer for the Sabbath Eve” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 17. . . .

Night Prayer [after Work], by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Night Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 9-10. . . .

Morning Prayer [before Work], by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Morning Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 7-8. . . .

Prayer of Thanksgiving, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Prayer of Thanksgiving” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 6-7. This prayer reads to me as possibly intended to be used as a prayer of transition, before the tradition of the bat mitsvah was universally adopted, at a time when a young woman might be old enough to begin contemplating their future, their marriage prospects, and their general “usefulness” — especially in regards to their future work — the overarching theme of this collection of prayers. This affirmation in particular stands out to me as radically important for Lilian Montagu and other young suffragettes to express in 1895: “Lord, whether in the future I marry or whether I remain single, I shall be able to lead a useful, happy life” and “Lord, I thank Thee for my womanhood!” . . .

Meditation on Work, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Meditation on Work” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 5-6. . . .

[Prayer] on Becoming Engaged, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“On Becoming Engaged” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 30-31. . . .

Prayer when in Trouble, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Prayer when in Trouble” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 28-29. . . .

Prayer on Losing Some One Near and Dear, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Prayer for a Dear Relation or Friend Who is Ill” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 26-27. . . .

Prayer for a Dear Relation or Friend Who is Ill, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Prayer for a Dear Relation or Friend Who is Ill” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 26-27. . . .

[Prayer] on Recovering from Sickness, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“On Recovering from Sickness” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 26. . . .

[Prayer] in Sickness, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“In Sickness” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 25. . . .

A Prayer for Girls entering Domestic Service, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“A Prayer for Girls entering Domestic Service” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), page 24. . . .

[Prayer] on Ending Apprenticeship and Beginning Paid Work, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“On Ending Apprenticeship and Beginning Paid Work” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 22-23. . . .

[Prayer] on Leaving School and Beginning Apprenticeship, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“On Leaving School and Beginning Apprenticeship” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 21-22. . . .

Birthday Prayer, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Birthday Prayer” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 29-30. . . .

[Prayer] for the Persecuted, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“[Prayer] for the Persecuted” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 31-32. . . .

Prayer for those who are unavoidably prevented from keeping the Sabbath, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Lilian Helen Montagu | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

“Prayer for those who are unavoidably prevented from keeping the Sabbath” was written by Lilian Helen Montagu and published in Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895), pp. 20-21. . . .

📖 Prayers for Jewish Working Girls, by Lilian Helen Montagu (1895)

Contributed by Aharon N. Varady (transcription) | Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) | Lilian Helen Montagu |

Prayers for Jewish Working Girls (1895) is a collection of prayers in vernacular English by Lilian Helen Montagu (1873-1963). The prayerbook was dedicated to the members of the West Central Girls’ Club, founded in 1893 by Lilian and co-led by her and her sister Marian Montagu. . . .