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Miriam Klimova

Miriam Klimova is student-rabbi of Shirat Ha-Yam congregation in Haifa. She grew up in Lviv, studied Judaism in Poland and moved to Israel in 2018. She is currently a rabbinic student at Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem.

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תְּפִלָּה לִשְׁלוֹם הַמְּדִינָה | Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel [during the war begun on Shemini Atseret 5784], by Rabbi Mira Regev (HaTenuah HaReformit 2023)

Contributed by Miriam Klimova | Efrat Rotem (translation) | Levi Weiman-Kelman (translation) | Mira Regev |

This prayer for the welfare of the State of Israel, by Rabbi Mira Regev, was disseminated by HaTenuah HaReformit (The Israel Movement for Reform and progressive Judaism). English translation by Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman and Rabbi Efrat Rotem. . . .

Молитва про захист наших сердець від ненависті | תפילה לשמירה על ליבנו משנאה (בזמן המלחמה) | Prayer to Protect Our Hearts from Hatred in Wartime, by Miriam Klimova (2022)

Contributed by Miriam Klimova | Aharon N. Varady (translation) |

Miriam Klimova’s prayer “Молитва про захист наших сердець від ненависті” תפילה לשמירה על ליבנו משנאה (בזמן המלחמה) (Prayer to Protect Our Hearts from Hatred in Wartime), in the context of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, was first shared in Hebrew and Ukrainian via her Facebook page. . . .

לזכרם של ההרוגים במלחמה באדמות אוקראינה | Молитва в пам’ять про загиблих у війні на землях України | Yizkor for those killed in the war in Ukraine, by Rabbi Miriam Klimova (2022)

Contributed by Miriam Klimova | Aharon N. Varady (translation) |

A prayer for a Yizkor service on Yom Kippur during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. . . .

תפילה לאוקראינה | Молитва за Україну | Prayer for Ukraine, by Rabbi Miriam Klimova (2022)

Contributed by Rabbi Lior Nevo (translation) | Miriam Klimova | Aharon N. Varady (translation) |

A prayer for Ukraine by Rabbi Miriam Klimova in Hebrew and Ukrainian first shared via her Facebook page on 24 February 2022. . . .