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the National Jewish Welfare Board

The National Jewish Welfare Board (JWB) was formed on April 9, 1917, three days after the United States declared war on Germany, in order to support Jewish soldiers in the U.S. military during World War I The impetus for creating the organization stemmed from Secretary of War, Newton Baker and Secretary of Navy, Josephus Daniels. The organization was also charged with recruiting and training rabbis for military service, as well as providing support materials to these newly commissioned chaplains. The JWB also maintained oversight of Jewish chapel facilities at military installations. In 1921, several organizations merged with the JWB to become a national association of Jewish community centers around the country in order to integrate social activities, education, and active recreation. These merged organizations included the YWHA, YMHA, and the National Council of Young Men's Hebrew and Kindred Association. In 1941, in a response to a mandate from President Franklin D. Roosevelt, six private organizations - the YMCA, YWCA, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the Traveler's Aid Association and the Salvation Army were challenged to handle the on-leave morale and recreational needs for members of the Armed Forces. The six organizations pooled their resources and the United Service Organizations, which quickly became known as the USO, was incorporated in New York on February 4, 1941. The organization is now the JWB Jewish Chaplains Council, part of JCC of North America. The Council sends prayer books, religious artifacts and supplies for Jewish holidays, including Passover Seder kits, Ḥanukkah candles, four species for Tabernacles, and more.


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📖 Prayer Book for Jewish Personnel in the Armed Forces of the United States (National Jewish Welfare Board 1958)

Contributed by the National Jewish Welfare Board | Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) |

A trans-denominational prayer book compiled for the use of United States personnel in the Armed Services. . . .

📖 Ministering to the Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States: Prayers for the Sick, Military Funeral Service, and Memorial Service (National Jewish Welfare Board 1942)

Contributed by David de Sola Pool | Aryeh Lev | the National Jewish Welfare Board | Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) |

A pamphlet for for United States military chaplains prepared by Chaplain Aryeh Lev under the direction of Rabbi David de Sola Pool for the Jewish Welfare Board during World War II. compiled for the use of United States personnel in the Armed Services. . . .

Prayer [for Military Personnel] in Temptation (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)

Contributed by David de Sola Pool | Eugene Kohn | Solomon B. Freehof | the National Jewish Welfare Board | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This “Prayer in Temptation” can be found in the Abridged Prayer Book for the Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States (Jewish Welfare Board 1941), p. 120. As far as we know, this prayer is unique to this prayerbook, although the text recalls the waking prayer “Elohai Neshama.” . . .

Prayer [of Military Personnel] for Home (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)

Contributed by David de Sola Pool | Eugene Kohn | Solomon B. Freehof | the National Jewish Welfare Board | Aharon N. Varady (transcription) |

This “Prayer for Home” can be found in the Abridged Prayer Book for the Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States (Jewish Welfare Board 1941), p. 119. . . .

📖 Prayer Book [for] New Year and Day of Atonement, Abridged for Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)

Contributed by David de Sola Pool | the National Jewish Welfare Board | Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) |

An abridged maḥzor prepared for use of Jewish military personnel serving in the armed forces of the United States in advance of World War II, and printed by the Jewish Publication Society. . . .

📖 Abridged Prayer Book for Jews in the Armed Forces of the United States (National Jewish Welfare Board 1941)

Contributed by Eugene Kohn | David de Sola Pool | Solomon B. Freehof | the National Jewish Welfare Board | Aharon N. Varady (digital imaging and document preparation) |

An abridged siddur prepared for use of Jewish military personnel serving in the armed forces of the United States in advance of World War II, and printed by the Jewish Publication Society. . . .

📖 Abridged Prayer Book for Jews in the Army and Navy of the United States (National Jewish Welfare Board 1917)

Contributed by the National Jewish Welfare Board |

The first bilingual and interdenominational prayerbook prepared for soldiers and sailors in the United States Army & Navy in World War I. . . .