עמידה לשבת מנחה | Amidah for Shabbat Minḥah, translation with an alternative “atah eḥad” prayer by Dr. Jakob Petuchowski (1966)
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❧This is the scholar Dr. Jakob Petuchowski’s translation of the Amidah for Shabbat Minḥah from his Shabbat Minḥah prayer-pamphlet (1966), p.5r-13r. . . .
עָלֵינוּ לְשַׁבֵּחַ | Aleinu, as adapted with translation by Dr. Jakob Petuchowski (1966)
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❧The Aleinu prayer with an English translation of Dr. Jakob Petuchowski. The end of “She’hu noteh shamayim” and the beginning of “Al Ken” contain a revisionist (or “redemptive”) paraliturgical translation. . . .
📖 תפלת מנחה לשבת | Shabbat Minḥah Prayers, a prayer-pamphlet by Dr. Jakob J. Petuchowski (1966)
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❧This prayer-leaflet was primarily intended for a group of Hebrew Union College students who met every sabbath afternoon for extra-curricular (noncredit) Torah study with Rabbi Dr. Jakob Petuchowki in the mid-1960s. Their service was conducted entirely in Hebrew and in the traditional nusaḥ with some minor but interesting Liberal innovations. Petuchowki writes, “We have omitted only the various repetitions as well as the prayer for the restoration of the sacrificial service. (But we have retained the place of Zion as the symbol of the messianic hope.) In the ‘Alenu prayer, we have preferred a positive formulation of the “Election of Israel” to the traditional negative one.” . . .
קדיש שלם | Ḳaddish Shalem, translated by Rabbi Dr. Jakob Petuchowski (1966)
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❧The Aramaic text of the Ḳaddish Shalem, with an English translation by Dr. Jakob Petuckowski. . . .