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Samuel Freund

Samuel Freund (born 24 September 1868 in Gleiwitz; died 28 June 1939 in Hannover) was the senior rabbi of Hannover and the Landrabbiner for the German state of Lower Saxony.


כׇּל נִדְרֵי | Alternative Kol Nidre from Synagogen-Gemeinde Hannover (1937)

Contributed on: 03 Oct 2022 by Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (transcription & naqdanut) | Isaac Gantwerk Mayer (translation) | Samuel Freund |

This is the Kol Nidrei as offered by the Hannover Synagogue on Yom Kippur in 1937 according to the text provided in a poster, “Agende für Kol-nidre und Seelenfeier in der Synaogen-Gemeinde Hannover” (10 September 1937). Thank you to David Selis for providing digital images of the poster. . . .